Why is My Cat Panting?

Why is My Cat Panting?

There are a few potential causes of your cat's panting. You should take your cat to the veterinarian right away if they are panting excessively or if they are exhibiting additional symptoms like lethargy, vomiting, or diarrhoea. These could be indicators of a more serious problem. Additional causes of your cat's panting include:


-Your kitty is too hot


-Your cat is tense or agitated.

-Your cat has been playing about a lot.

cat has bronchitis or another respiratory disease.

If your cat is panting but otherwise seems healthy and at ease, there is generally nothing to be concerned about. Cats will occasionally pant in hot or thirsty conditions, as well as when they are anxious or stressed. If your cat is panting and you're worried, try giving them some water and watching to see if the panting stops. 

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