Why is my cat panting?

Why is my cat panting?

Your cat may be panting for a few different causes. You should take your cat to the veterinarian right away if they are panting excessively or if it is followed by other symptoms like lethargy, vomiting, or diarrhoea. Your cat may be panting for a variety of other causes, such as:


-Your cat has become hot

-Your cat appears to be stressed or anxious


-Your cat has been playing and running around a lot.

-Asthma or bronchitis are among the respiratory ailments your cat has.

There is generally nothing to worry about if your cat is panting but otherwise seems to be in good health and comfort. When a cat is scared or stressed, or when they are overheated or thirsty, they may pant. Try giving your cat some water if you are worried about them panting and want to see if it stops. Take your cat to the veterinarian for a checkup if it doesn't happen or if they display any other odd symptoms.

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