White Panties Stories

White Panties Stories


White Panties Stories
Stories from days past, you can find masterposts for series here about older stories, you can also post your favorite older stories here as well, be sure to credit the author.
Erica wrote:
Embarrassing School Physical...in Panties! by Erica

Anyone here remember their annual school physicals? To this day, I still cringe at the memory for various reasons. In my home country, we used to have at least one every year (two if you count the sports check up). Ours could be really embarrassing, because they were usually unannounced and we often had to take our medical in the same room as the boys.

It always started out the same way. First, we were ushered in two lines into the change room, where two nurses got us ready for our medicals; girls on the right side and boys on the left. This was where things started to get kinda weird. The boys only had to remove their shirts and singlets, but we had to strip all the way down to our panties. I'm not exactly sure why this was, but I clearly recall the nurse telling us to take off our vests along with everything else. Looking back, I think there must have been an unofficial policy to examine the girls more closely.

There was no partition in the room at that time, so the boys got to see us undressing on the other side of the room. After we'd taken everything off, we had to fold our clothes in a neat piles and leave them on the wall side bench. It's hard to describe how embarrassing it was, standing there in nothing but our undies, waiting for the doctor to call us into the clinic. All of my friends agreed it wasn't fair that the boys got to keep their most of their clothes on, while we had to mill about in our panty-pants.

When the Doctor was ready to see us, the boys sat down on the left side while the girls were told to line up and wait their turn. The "clinic" was at the far end of the change room, a brightly lit space with a table, some chairs and a set of scales. There was also a folding screen next to the doctor's chair, in case anyone needed a more "thorough" examination.

Like most of my friends, I was blushing to my hairline and trying to hide my underpants by crossing my hands in front. A couple of girls picked up their vests and tried to hold them around their waists, but the nurse told them to stop being silly, and made them wait with their undies on open display.

By now, you're probably wondering what kind of panties we were wearing. Back in those days, thongs and g-strings were banned by order of the school board, so most of us were wearing plain cotton full briefs. The majority wore pastel-colored knickers with elastic waistbands, while a few of the "cool" girls had floral prints with a little pink bow at the front. I was wearing white cotton pants, the kind that come all the way up to the belly button (yeah, if I'd known the medical was that day, I would've worn something different). One of my friends, Katrina, had on a pair of bright red nylon briefs that shimmered under the lights every time she moved. Naturally, she stood out amongst the crowd, and was the subject of schoolyard discussion for the next few days.

Over the next fifteen minutes or so, the Doctor called us up to his table one by one. When my turn came, I walked up to the scales in my snowy white panties, feeling every eye in the room on me. My tummy was fluttering with butterflies, and for a while I felt like I was watching myself from a different perspective (this used to happen to me a lot when I was young). Stepping up onto the scales, I held my arms up in the air while one nurse weighed me and the other took my measurements. My heart was literally pounding against my chest, because my entire body seemed to be completely on view, as if I was stark naked. I wasn't really, of course, but that was how it felt.

After the nurses had finished with me, the Doctor asked me my name, then checked it off on his medical form. I instinctively went to cross my hands in front again, but he told me to hold them by my side while he checked my breathing (it's odd how a stethoscope always feels cold, no matter how many bodies it touches).

He asked me numerous questions during the examination, mainly about my family and general health, instructing me to turn round while he examined my spine. I practically fainted on the spot, knowing that I'd be facing my entire class at that second. It's strange: I suspected that worse was yet to come, but seeing everybody staring at me in my fresh white knickers was embarrassing beyond all description.

For some reason, my examination went on much longer than anyone else's. Completing the preliminary physical, the Doctor got me to perform some flexibility exercises. I must have been blushing from heel to crown by that time, knowing that my panties had been viewed from every possible angle. When he instructed me to spread my feet as wide as possible and place my palms flat on the floor, my pristine white bottom went on display to the whole wide world. Treacherous giggles bubbled up from the girls' side of the room, even Katrina of the Red Pants was snickering to herself.

When he finally finished (after what felt like half a million years) the Doctor made another note in his report and sent me back to the girls' line. Walking across the room in my bare knickers, that strange, disembodied sensation swept over me again, twice as strong as before. My belly seemed to be melting with warm, liquid heat. It seemed so terribly unfair; none of my friends had spent so much time in their panties, parading about before half the grade.

I brushed shoulders with Katrina at the half-way mark; it was her turn with the Doctor, and she looked even more reluctant than I'd been ten minutes before. Her bottom jostled along in tight little circles, highlighted by her glimmering scarlet panty-pants. I wondered how long she'd be under the stethoscope, breathing a sigh of relief that my ordeal was over.

Well, not exactly. For some inexplicable reason, we weren't allowed to get get dressed again until the last girl had been examined. There were at seven more girls to go, meaning that the free show would continue for at least the next twenty minutes (if not more).
Mark4 wrote:
Physical, boy's view by Mark4

I had a similar experience in sixth grade. Girls in their underwear on one side and boys in their underwear on the other all waiting for the school nurses. The girls seemed to be so embarrassed to be seen almost completely undressed like that. Most wore cotton white panties but some had on some smaller and tighter nylon panties. You could tell that most of the girls were not very developed up top yet, even with their hands and arms crossed tightly over their chests. But at least three or four of the girls had begun to grow and even with their arms crossed on top, you could see some cleavage. For our part, all the guys had on full white briefs, except two of the guys who had on a red and a black low rise brief. We all had erections to one degree or the other, but the guy with the red briefs was pushing out his underpants out so far that he looked liked he had a tent pole in there.
I remember the cute curves of those pantie clad bottoms as the girls all stood in line. When we got to the nurses, you were poked and prodded all over. Both the boys and girls were shy about being touched all over like that. I know for me, the touch of the nurse's hand on my tummy just at the waistband of my underpants made my manhood stiffen considerably. To our dismay, shots came with the physical. The girls had the bottom of their panties pulled up exposing one cheek. The boys had to, quite unfairly, pull their briefs down to their knees and have their whole bottoms completely exposed. Even worse was if you were not quick enough in turning around, the girls go to see you saluting them.
Who had what was the talk of the class for weeks.
Adam wrote:
Re: Embarrassing School Physical...in Panties! by Adam

Very similar for me. We had to strip to underpants only. They were mainly white in those days. We had to wait in a group to be called to be examined. The exam seemed to last for ever. The worst bit was when the doctor took a look in our underpants. Luckily at this time there was no hernia exam!
Anonymous wrote:
Re: Embarrassing School Physical...in Panties! by Anonymous

hi that's embarrassing my medical I was nude infront of 2 women when the blind shot up on the window and all the girls saw my nude exam
No name wrote:
Embarresing by No name

During mine I was having tummy trouble and my mom wrote a note to the doctor. When it was my turn she did the exam and the looked at the note. She then realized I needed a full exam. She stuck her finger up my butt and I SCREAMED! Really loudly!! I was crying so much! Everyone was looking at me. Out of no where I had to go to the bathroom. I told the nurse and she said to wait a minuet. I couldn't wait. I peed all over her finger and she wound up putting me in plastic pants for the rest of the day.
Mark and Adam, I had a similar experience in the 5th grade. In some ways it was not as bad, in other ways it was much worse. I remember in 5th grade being taken to the nurse's office all of the students both boys and girls were to receive physical exams. I believe they did all the boys one day and all the girls another day. They took us in groups of three, so a smaller, non co-ed audience. They took us to the nurse's office. The female nurse then told us that we had to get undressed for this exam. All of us stripped down to our underwear with no problem. She knocked on the door a couple of minutes later and reminded us that we had to remove all our clothing including our underwear! I remember the three of us sitting on a small couch in the inner office trying nervously not to stare at one another. After what seemed like an eternity to me the doctor finally came into the office. He called us over to stand in front of him one by one. At this point my back was to my friends sitting on the couch which I was grateful for. The doctor did the basic ear, nose and throat exam. He asked us to breath deeply as he listened with a stethoscope. Nothing unusual up to this point other than standing completely naked in front of the male doctor, the female nurse and my two friends. This is when things started to get really weird! The doctor said that he wanted to raise our heart rate and check our heart again. There was a small step there in the office and he asked us to step up and down onto that stair for 30 seconds. Now I need to pause here for a moment and share with you that I have always been fat. So I'm sure that I was quite a sight to my two friends with everything jiggling! But this was not the end of the exam. The doctor then wanted to do a scrotum check to see if our testicles had descended properly. He felt around and found one immediately, then made a comment that he could only feel the one. I assured him that the other had also descended, as I had felt it myself previously in the scrotum. After a little more digging he again commented out loud, "oh yes there it is, but it is significantly smaller than the other one". Another comment he made out loud was that I shouldn't worry too much about my penis being so small, that it would grow out as I grew older and as I lost weight. Now my friends not only knew that I had breasts like a girl, a smaller than average penis but also that one of my testicles was smaller than the other! Thank you doctor! Needless to say this is/was one of those experiences that left a bit of a scar, even 50 years later.

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A board for stories about girls pantsing and stripping others or getting pantsed and stripped


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When I was just a sprout of about eight, I really started noticing my sister’s underwear was different than my own. This was in the 50s, when girls of about 12 or so started wearing ‘big girl’ underwear.
For one thing, hers had no flap in the front and felt like silk, althought they were really probably nylon or acetate. I was also fascinated with her petticoats, which were very full, very frilly and very ‘girlish’.
One day, when my sister wasn’t home, I snitched a pair of her panties. They were pink, with lace across the bum – they later called them rhumba panties. I felt them for a while and decided to feel what they felt like on, so stripping off my trousers and underpants, I put them on. They were too big, but not awfully so.
I admired myself in the mirror for a while and then fell on the bed, giggling to myself. I started bouncing up and down while laying face down! After a while, I got a real good feeling ‘down there’ – I believe I actually had an orgasm although of course there was no ejaculation, just a great feeling). In my childish mind, I attributed this feeling to the panties.
So I proceeded, for the next few years, to purloin my sister’s panties and those of my friends’ sisters whenever I could. I also progressed from wearing just the panties to ‘dressing up’ whenever I had the chance. I got rather bold, since I appeared to be getting away with it!
About the time I was 11, my mum and sister were going shopping and I was to be left alone for a few hours. When they had left, I immediately went up to the attic (where my collection was hidden) and – I remember this like it was yesterday – I put on a pair of blue lacy panties, a petticoat and a white dress that used to belong to my sister. I then went back downstairs to play in the living room for a while before attending to other matters.
My good fortune ran out that day – mum had forgotten her purse and just as I got to the bottom of the landing, the front door opened and in she walked with my sister. It’s hard to say which of us was the more surprised!
My sister gave me the strangest look but mum grabbed me by the neck and dragged me out onto the porch (I fought her all the way, to no avail). She proceeded to bend me over the porch rail and flipped up my skirts, showing my little panties. She gave the most exasperated sound and started to paddle my bum with her hand. After a few minutes, she told my sis to get her the strap. Now, I don’t know if any of you have been struck with a razor strap, but it ain’t fun!
She practically melted the material of those panties with that strap, with me screaming and carrying on. “I only have one girl in this house!” Mom was yelling. Meanwhile, I had gotten to the point where the spanking no longer hurt and weirdly started to feel good. I was getting quite excited by all this and it was probably on that day that I became a devout ‘spankophile’.
Thank God, there were few neighbours on our street and I didn’t know any of them, as they had no children! My sister, meanwhile, was giggling and started to laugh at me. Mom was so mad that she didn’t stop to think and had me stand by the wall while she proceed to flip up my sister’s skirts and show her panties (flowered ones) and started to spank her too, saying: “You think this is funny? I’ll show you its not funny!”
Wow! A real girl’s bum in panties right in front of me! OK, it was my sister, but it was a real bum in real panties! It was almost more than I could stand! Anyway my sister got real mad at me because she got a spanking and to make matters worse, she said she was going to tell all my mates at school that I was dressed up as a little girl, and wearing panties. I begged her not to and we made a deal – she wouldn’t tell but would get to spank me some time in the future!
After a year went by, I forgot all about it and continued to wear girl’s clothes whenever I was sure I wouldn’t get caught. I hid them out in the large storage shed at the back of the house. It had two storeys and was quite old so no-one but me went up to the second level!
Mom, I thought, had quite forgotten the whole cross-dressing incident after I apologised and told her I just wanted to see what it felt like to wear all those frilly clothes! I guess she just wanted to believe me.
One Friday afternoon, when I got home, I discovered I was alone. There was a note from mom saying she would be ‘quite late’ and so would Judith. my sister. I decided to go to the shed and play. I dressed and proceeded to do the things I would do, and was really lost in my own world when I heard a noise behind me – it was Judith.
“I th-thought you w-were gonna be l-late,”, I stammered! “Practice was called off,” she said with a smirk, “and now it’s time for you to honour your part of the deal. I’m going to spank you, just like momma.” “Please, no!” I begged. “I’ll do anything else you want but please don’t spank me!”
Well, begging didn’t help and she made me go back to the house with her, where she got the strap and proceeded to whale my bum until I was screaming like a banshee. I was making so much noise that neither of us heard the front door open.
It was our nearest neighbour, Mrs Smyth. She had heard me screeching and thinking I was alone, came to check. She was flabbergasted. Here was a red-faced boy of 12, wearing a dress and panties, being spanked by a much larger girl of 16 who happened to be his sister, wearing a dress that was far too small for her (it was last year’s and she had grown some) so that every time she bent forward her panties were showing.
“Stop that!” Mrs Smyth yelled. Sis, who until then hadn’t noticed her, jumped about a foot in the air and spun around at the same time, giving me a lovely view of her panties. However, I was in no shape to enjoy it at the time. I think she was intent on literally seeing if nylon would melt if enough friction was applied to it! I jumped up also and both of us said ‘Mrs Smyth!’ at the same time, as if this were a very astute observation!
I was trying my best to shrink into the carpet, wishing my clothing was a bit more masculine in appearance, and trying to pull up my very non-masculine panties at the same time!
“What in the name of the Lord is going on here?” Mrs Smyth asked, looking back and forth at us. Meanwhile, I had got my panties up but unfortunately was in an excited state and the dress got caught in the waistband of the panties, so it was quite noticeable!
“I am going to have to tell your mum about this!” she yelled. “Now, both of you go stand in different corn
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