What Makes A Vagina Tight

What Makes A Vagina Tight


What Makes A Vagina Tight

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Not exactly, but there are reasons it might *feel* that way.
It’s a logical conclusion: If it hurts when a partner tries to put their penis or a toy inside of you, or if they can’t get all the way inside, then it must be a problem of tightness, right? Ehhh, not exactly.
There are several reasons for why you might feel like you’re too tight for vaginal penetration, and it’s actually a pretty common problem that gynecologists hear about. But it’s a misconception that feeling a sensation of tightness means you actually have less elasticity down there—and thinking this may prevent you from finding a real (and, in many cases, easy!) solution.
The truth is, vaginas are ridiculously stretchy, says ob-gyn Susan Khalil, MD , director of sexual health for the Mount Sinai Health System. Think about it: Lots of people push babies out of that tiny hole, so it’s gotta give.
So if it’s not a problem of stretch, what’s the issue? Well, there are a variety of factors that might be at play. For instance, “Certain medical conditions can mimic the feeling of tightness,” Dr. Khalil says.
Here are a few common reasons why it may feel as if your vagina is too tight for sex, plus how to find relief.
During menopause, your body experiences a drop in estrogen, which can lead to dryness and the thinning of vaginal tissues, the Mayo Clinic explains. As a result, you may feel a sensation of tightness or irritation during sex. This is something you should bring up with your doctor, who can recommend an over-the-counter vaginal lubricant , or possibly a prescription estrogen cream or hormone replacement therapy.
For some people, menopause messes with more than just lubrication. Sometimes a postmenopausal vagina also atrophies a little bit, Dr. Khalil says, meaning it literally gets more narrow. “And if they don’t have intercourse at all, it can become very uncomfortable,” she says.
Her recommendation? Masturbation . This way, you’re in total control and can gradually help stretch your vagina and make penetration feel more comfortable for you. If a larger toy is uncomfortable at first, you can practice with a series of vaginal dilators that will help your vagina stretch slowly over time.
Birth control, too, can sometimes cause a bit of hormonal upheaval for some people and cause dryness (and, in turn, painful sex ). If you just switched your BC and noticed feeling dry or “tight,” or if you have this issue at a particular time during the month, talk to your doctor about it so they can help you determine whether your birth control might be to blame.
Pregnancy and childbirth also involve hormonal changes that can lead to vaginal dryness and issues with painful sex. This is especially the case if you are breastfeeding, according to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG).
Or, if you’re seriously convinced your vagina is tighter after childbirth, it may not be in your head. Though this isn’t super common, Dr. Khalil says that some women who tear during childbirth get stitched up too tightly—meaning that in this one case, their vagina truly is too tight for sex. “Sometimes sutures are done too tightly [and] they’ll need a surgical procedure to fix it,” Dr. Khalil notes.
The same thing can happen if you’ve had a surgery in your genital area (with or without a baby involved), Dr. Khalil notes. But once your doctor goes back in and loosens the stitch, you should be good to go.
There’s a laundry list of of reasons for why your vagina may be producing less natural lubrication than it usually does: Maybe you’re going through menopause, you’re breastfeeding, your vagina is naturally dry, or you’re on medication (yup, like birth control) that messes with your lubrication.
Regardless of the reason, though, not having enough lubrication can make sex feel more painful and might make you think your vagina seems tighter, Dr. Khalil says. “I’ll have patients come in and they’ll say it really hurts to have sex,” she says.
Luckily, the immediate solution is pretty easy most of the time: Use a lubricant . Tbh, lubricant makes sex feel better for most people, but it’s especially helpful for people who are dealing with vaginal dryness. Keep in mind, using lube doesn’t actually fix the underlying issue at hand (say, finding a birth control that vibes better with your body), so you should still *always* bring it up with your doc if dryness is a problem for you.
Some people have a condition called vaginismus, which is when the muscles inside their vagina contract involuntarily. The muscle contraction makes it painful anytime something is inserted into the vagina; sometimes even tampon insertion is too much, according to the Merck Manuals .
Most of the time, someone who has vaginismus has it from the very first time they attempt to have penetrative sex. But in other cases it can develop later in life. For some, the cause behind vaginismus may be psychological or a result of an emotional trauma, the Merck Manual says.
While it may take some time to treat vaginismus, working with a pelvic floor physical therapist or gradually using larger and larger vaginal dilators can help, Dr. Khalil says. Working with a mental health professional may also help some individuals.
Whether you feel “tight” or something else, know that you deserve to feel pain-free down below during sex and everything else in life. So be your own health advocate and speak up—to both your partner(s) and your gynecologist.
“Your annual exam is more than a Pap smear ,” Dr. Khalil says. “It’s also an opportunity to get to the bottom of any sexual health concerns.”

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Home » How To » 19 Tips How to Tighten Vagina Naturally and Keep It Tight at Home
If you are worried about your loose vagina, you should not skip this article and natural treatments as we mentioned above, loose vagina can be tightened in most cases and it can restore its elasticity within a few weeks or months. Now, indulge in the following section of Healthy Guide to know some of the common causes of a loose vagina and then discover some of the best natural treatments for tightening vaginal area quickly.
List Of Simple Yet Effective Ways On How To Tighten Vagina At Home:
In this article, we will show you some of the best tips on how to tighten vagina and keep it tight that you can make use at the comfort of your own home. Actually, all of these natural treatments are effective in restoring the firmness and elasticity of the vagina; therefore, you should not look down them, yet try to make use for good.
There are many reasons that can cause loose vagina in women and having less sex will not help you deal with that. The main reason for a loose vagina is caused by the natural stretching and tearing of the vaginal walls. Some common causes of a loose vagina are:
Read on 27 Easy Ways To Reduce Belly Fat After Pregnancy That Work For Every Woman to discover some of the natural treatments for belly fat reduction after pregnancy.
Luckily, there are some natural methods that can help keep your vagina tight at home. Now, discover some of the best ways on how to tighten vagina through diet and exercise and then consider applying these remedies at home for good.
This should be the first way on how to tighten vagina and keep it tight that we want to mention in this article and want all of my female readers to apply for good. Having a healthy diet can help in strengthening the pelvic floor of the vagina. It is recommended that you should include more estrogens-rich foods in your daily diet. Some great food options for you aresesame seeds, fenugreek, soybeans, pomegranates, carrots, wheat berries, yarns and apples. Addition to this, you also need to consume more wholegrain and organic lean animal protein.
If you want to know some of the natural treatments for bacterial vaginosis at home, read on How To Treat Bacterial Vaginosis Naturally At Home – 23 Best Tips
Maintaining good personal hygiene in the vaginal area is very important for keeping it clean and tight. When taking a bath, you can gently clean your vagina with the help of a soft cleanser such as herbal soaps without needing to worry about unwanted side effects. Just keep in mind that you should choose products designed for the loose vagina. Using herbal soap is not only effective in tightening the vagina, but it also good for eliminating vagina odor and enhancing the muscles’ elasticity in the vaginal area.
According to a study about vulva and vaginal care and cleaning [1] , the vagina can clean on its own without needing the help of any cleansers. So, if you use soap to clean your vaginal area, remember to wash it with warm water afterwards in order to avoid causing skin irritation. Besides, it is very important for you to maintain healthy vaginal hygieneduring your period.
Performing exercises can help in strengthening the vagina walls, as well as the pelvic muscles. However,remember to just perform simple exercises at home. Here are some simple exercises that you can consider performing at the comfort of your own home:
This exercise is effective in restoring the elasticity and the firmness of the vagina, making it one of the best ways on how to tighten vagina naturally that you should try out.
Exercise 2: Basic vagina- tightening exercise:
Another great way on how to tighten vagina and keep it tight is performing basic vagina- tightening exercise. Now, you just need to follow the instructions below if you want to tighten your vaginal area at the comfort of your own home:
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If you are looking for 100% certain way on how to tighten vagina and keep it tight, you should not skip squats.
Actually, this exercise helps in toning the buttocks and simultaneously enhancing the vaginal muscles, hence making these vaginal muscles firmer and tighter.
According to a research about Kegel exercise [2] , this exercise is well-known for its ability to squeeze the pelvic muscles. This exercise is like the way when you stop yourself from peeing during urination. Some positions you can choose from are sitting in a chair comfortably with legs straight forward, standing up while bending the knees or lying on the floor while bending the knees with a pillow behind. For the best results, you should perform this exercise for 10 seconds and then take a break about 10 seconds. Repeat the process several times in about 5 minutes, and 4 times per day.
Just note that you should pee before performing this exercise. Besides, you should just squeeze your pelvic muscles, not other body’s muscles. Plus, taking breaths gently are important when it comes to tightening vagina at home.
This exercise is designed for enhancing the pelvic floor muscles and preventingthe pelvic floor area from loosening. Also, this exercise can help in toning the muscles that support your pelvis. If you want to tighten your vaginal muscles by performing this exercise, you just need to take the following steps:
If you are unsure about how to tighten vagina and keep it tight, then you can try performing vaginal cones. Vaginal cones come with different weights and sizes. So, for the best results, it is advised to do this exercise for 15 minutes twice a day. Simply, slide a cone inside, from the lightest cone you can retain with ease. Then, gradually move on a heavier cone at the time when you feel the firmness in your pelvic muscles. Actually, this method needs so much effort, but actually offers you great results.
If you want to know how to tighten vagina naturally through exercise, you should not skip this exercise. Actually, itis widely popular and it can be performed at the comfort of your own home. In this exercise, you need to use your pelvic muscles in order to keep these balls in. After inserting the balls into your vagina, squeeze the internal muscles and legs together for keeping the balls in. The balls will push down a bit inside your vagina and make this area tighter. Over time, you will feel the tightness and firmness in your vagina.
List of 10 Best And Simple Pregnancy Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women will show you some of the best yoga poses for pregnant women during pregnancy, so check it out.
This sounds strange when it comes to learning how to tighten vagina naturally, but it actually does work. Wearing cotton underwear allows the air to easily flow. And, this can help prevent unhealthy bacteria causing the infection in the vaginal area. As a result, remember to wear light fabrics if you want to improve women’s health .
According to a study about vitamin E benefits [3] , vitamin E is known as one of the best vitamins thanks to its ability to treat many diseases such ashigh blood pressure and diabetes. Nonetheless, many women are not aware of the fact that this essential vitamin can work as a moisturizer to deal with vaginal dryness. Addition to this, if applied correctly, vitamin E also helps strengthen your vaginal walls. To use vitamin E for tightening the vaginal area, follow the instructions below:
Actually, vitamin E is worth mentioning in this list of great ways on how to tighten vagina naturally due to its multiple benefits for skincare.
When it comes to learning how to tighten vagina naturally, using herbal creams is a really amazing treatment for a loose vagina. After you clean your vaginal area, you can consider using herbal creams in order to keep the vaginal muscles elastic. You can consult your healthcare provider to find a product that is proper for your vaginal area. Besides, you can try using water, gel and lubricants for keeping this areamoving smoothly. Especially,using gel is a great solution for tightening vagina because it does not cause any hurt and also saves your time.
Another natural way on how to tighten vagina and keep it tight is that you should avoid using chemical sprays. Many women use chemical sprays to make their vagina smell good, but some of them have reported about unwanted side effects. Actually, these chemical sprays can clean out all of the natural bacteria that are responsible for keeping the vagina clean. Therefore, you should avoid using sprays or creams that contain potentially harmful chemicals, and use natural products instead.
If possible, you can make your own spray at home by mixing some essential oil such as lavender oil or rose oil with clean water. Then, pour this solution in a clean spray bottle. After taking a shower, use your own spray. Finally, pat the skin dry before getting dressed.
V-Tight gel is a natural cream that aids to tighten the pelvic floor muscles naturally. Actually, this gel contains natural ingredients that have been found to restore the elasticity of the vagina and simultaneously tighten vaginal muscles. The only thing you need to do is to apply the V-Tight gel into your vaginal walls. Gently massage for several minutes until you feel the tightness. You can feel secure to use this gel at home. Especially, this gel is more effective if combined with other treatments. However, V-tight gel may contain ingredients that can cause allergic reactions; therefore, it is advised to consult a healthcare provider before using it.
There are some other treatments for how to tighten vagina naturally in this article. So, you should keep reading this interesting article and then try to apply one or more of these remedies for good.
To tighten a loose vagina, many women often make use of natural ingredients. Actually, some natural ingredients contain powerful properties, making them a great solution for improving the health of vagina. They include:
When it comes to learning how to tighten vagina naturally, you should not skip out fruits, yet try to add more of the fresh fruits to your daily diet plan . Some fresh fruits such as pineapples and strawberries can help make the smell of the liquids coming from your vagina better. Moreover, consuming fresh fruits can help you have a healthy vagina.
We all know that organic proteins are good for muscles; therefore, consuming more organic protein is necessary for tightening vaginal muscles. Now, many people often consume fast foods to save time. They are rich in carbohydrates, but low in nutrients. Therefore, the next time, you should consume organic foods instead.
Another great way on how to tighten vagina that you should not look down, yet try to make use is aloe vera gel. Actually, aloe vera gel is known for its ability to tighten the vagina at home. Simply, you just need to take the get from a fresh aloe vera leaf. Then, you apply the gel to your vaginal innards several times a day. Actually, using the aloe vera gel frequently can help prevent the vaginal from prolapsing.
Black cohosh is known as another natural treatment for how to tighten vagina naturally that you should know and then try for good. Black cohosh contains a substance called phytoestrogens, which are very helpful in enhancing the elasticity of vaginal muscles. Simply, you just need to take the extract of the black cohosh plant and then rub it over your vaginal area daily.
Gooseberry can be used as a natural treatment for tightening vaginal walls. To use gooseberry, you just need to boil 10-12 gooseberries in water until you get a concoction. Then, you pour this concoction into a bottle before keeping it in a cool place. When using, you just need to apply this concoction over your vaginal area before taking a bath. Repeat this home remedy on a daily basis if you want to increase the firmness and elasticity of your vaginal muscles.
Consuming plenty of yogurts is also known for tightening the vaginal muscles. This is because yogurt consists of beneficial bacteria that are required for your healthy vagina. Moreover, consuming yogurt daily is also a great way to prevent infections in your vagina. Therefore, if you are looking for another great way on how to tighten vagina that you can make use with ease at home, you should not ignore yogurt.
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