What Is Considered A Big Penis

What Is Considered A Big Penis


What Is Considered A Big Penis
Men have a fascination with the length of their penis – admit it. Every man has questioned whether they had a small, big or average penis size during their life. But the problem is that people really didn’t know what “average” really means.
If you ask this question to most men, they’ll have no idea. But researches have done a comprehensive study on the matter to find out what average really means.
King’s College in London conducted a review of 17 studies that included a total of 15,000 men.
The study found that the average penis size when flaccid was:
But this is when a man is flaccid or “soft.”
When you get an erection, the figures are much different. Even the average penis girth is bigger when a man’s penis is erect. The data revealed the average penis measurements of:
There was a lot more information provided from the study, too. Those guys that brag “I’m 7 inches long” are either lying, or one of the very few men that can brag about their penis size and be telling the truth.
“I have a massive penis” is something every man and woman hears at least once in their lives. Men often feel the need to shout their penis size out to the world, and I’m sure a lot of them are boasting about a penis that’s smaller than what they proclaim.
I’m not the type of guy to go around proclaiming that I have a big dick.
But these weird occurrence(s) do leave a question unanswered: how big is a big penis?
Trust me, you don’t want to do a Google search looking for pictures to compare. You’ll be left feeling inadequate, as pictures pop up of guys with an 8-inch dick – or those freaks of nature that must be part horse.
I’m not even sure their partner enjoys the massive rod on their men when they rival a horse.
Big dick problems exist – I suppose.
And the one question I want to ask you is what defines a big dick? Some men proclaim to have a big dick, and in their mind, their 5-inch penis can rival Ron Jeremy. The next guy can say the same thing and pull out a 7-inch penis, which is damn impressive.
Obviously, our team at SizeGeneticsForSale.com has spent a lot of time trying to distinguish how big a big penis is, and the best I can do is give you the statistics; the cold hard facts on the average penis size.
George Costanza’s “I was in the pool” line made audiences die with laughter in the 90s. George was talking about his shrinkage when he got out of the pool. Television makes having a smaller member a good laugh.
But, no man will laugh when he’s told he has a small penis – when it’s meant seriously.
Since there is little men can do (extenders and pills help) to change their penis size, it hits hard when a guy finds out he is a little on the small side.
The British Journal of Urology International decided to put an end to the large penis debate. I’m sure some member of the research team was as tired as I am having people ask if they have a big dick.
So, instead of just nodding, the researchers did the smart thing: answered the question of “what is the average dick size.”
When working with averages, it’s easier to determine what dick is big and what dick is small.
And if you’re the type of guy to have his feelings hurt, stop reading.
If you’re a truth seeker like me, the proof is in the pudding, so to speak.
Girth, or the circumference of the penis , is an average of 4.59” when erect.
If you fall between the range of 5” to 5.25”, you’ll find that you’re average. You can stop having a bragging contest with every man you come across and realize you’re average. And there’s nothing wrong with average when you know how to work with your penis.
Keep in mind that penis size studies are all over the place.
The reason I chose this study is because it compiled the data from 17 academic papers that measured a man’s penis size. So, instead of a small sample size, this data comes from over 15,000 men.
If you’re asking how to measure your penis, go and make yourself a cup of coffee really quick because you’re going to need it. Luckily for you, I’ve already delved deep into this topic before, and you can read about it right here on this blog.
I can’t tell you how many people stop measuring half way down their penis rod. I often wonder if they just stop mid-thrust and think that’s all they have to offer.
I really dig deep in that article, and it even talks about the average penis size by race .
And if you can’t figure it out after that, there’s no hope for you. I’ve made it as simple as possible to learn how to measure your dick.
I even added how to measure your girth.
You can also view the breakdown of the in another article I wrote.
I get it, you want to know if you have a large penis and not a load of statistics. Every man wants to be special, and if you have a 6-inch penis, you’ll be happy to know you’re outside of the average range.
Penis size statistics are skewed. You put in a few men with micro penises, and the next thing you know a 5-inch penis is akin to Godzilla.
Huffington Post broke it down for us (thank you) so that we can better differentiate between penis size statistics:
Don’t think penis size stops here. There are a select few with a 12” penis, and some may even push 13”.
We feel like when you’re bigger than 90% of the population, you have a large penis.
I mean, you can line up 100 men, and 90 of them will walk away in shame when you drop your pants. That’s some bragging rights.
So, if you’re in the 7” range, tuck that bad boy in and walk away with pride.
Those genetic freaks pushing 8” or more, you’re akin to a lion – you’re the king of the jungle. I am sure your partner is sore after intercourse, and who can blame her? She would be lucky to find someone as massive as you.
Another study found that if you’re between 5.5” and 6.5” , you’re within the 65% of men range. Only 22.7% of men have a penis that’s 6.75” or larger, so if you’re in this range, you’re in the exclusive range if you ask me.
The numbers quickly drop over the 7” range, and by the time you reach 7”, you’re larger than 91 out of 100 men.
Again, the measurements change, but anything 7” or larger deserves bragging rights in all circumstances. One study suggests that 17% of men have a 7” penis, and the same study drops to 7.5% of men when considering a 7.25” penis. So, even on the low end, you’re a beast.
“He’s hung like a horse.” Every man dreams of women gushing over the size of his penis.
Maybe it’s a part of a man’s psychology to satisfy his woman, or maybe it has something to do with ego and competition.
But the one thing that we do know is that there is a perfect penis size .
What men don’t realize is that some women love the Zeus penis that fills them up, and other women find a massive penis utterly painful. Heck, it beats the poor micro penis for sure, but chances are, she wants to be able to walk out of the bed when she’s done having sex.
There’s also no shame in being average (for the most part).
Some like 5″ and some prefer 7,” while others say it’s all in the motion and feeling in the room.
So in this respect, it depends on your partner.
If you want your partner to talk about your penis as the one she’ll never forget, you’ll need to be 7” or larger.
This is when you reach legend status in her inner circle, and kudos to you.
Marie Claire polled women on this very subject, and it’s a little disappointing for most men.
The survey, conducted on 75 women using prosthetics of all shapes and sizes, found women prefer a penis that’s:
During a fling, women want an even bigger penis of 6.4” with a girth of 5”.
So, all those times your partner sat there and told you that you were the “perfect” size, it was all a lie. If she had her choice, she would choose a penis that’s a little thicker and longer than the average – if the average is under 6.5”, depending on the study.
If you have a smaller penis, I encourage you to browse through our site a little longer and read up on some of the latest techniques to help you get a bigger penis – without the need for surgery.
University of New Mexico and UCLA researchers did something really neat to determine the preferred penis size . What these brainiacs did was genius: they used 3D printed penises in a study to find the penis size women preferred.
What they did was create 33 different penises that vary in length and circumference.
And 75 women were tasked with selecting a penis for:
So, women want something a little different when in a one-night stand situation. That’s likely attributed to the “trying something new” feeling and wanting a man just a little bigger . Preference shows that women want different sizes at different times and for different reasons.
It’s kind of confusing, but most women are confusing.
An interesting tidbit from the study shows that:
See, some tearing occurs during intercourse, but when a man’s penis is too thick and long? Ouch.
If you’re hanging your head in shame thinking, “I knew she was lying. I don’t have a penis that big,” well, the good news is that the person’s character is a million times more important than their size.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t be an amazing guy that’s using male enhancement exercises to better himself in bed.
Why not have that awesome personality be met with a bedroom experience that puts 50 Shades of Grey to shame?
If you want some reassurance, here’s what a few women say:
So, you have a few things to work on:
A lot of women want their men to be thicker (longer helps hit the right spot, too). So, maybe you’re the perfect length, but a little thickness would put her to climax.
Wondering where everyone fits into the whole penis size spectrum? The review was able to provide us with the data needed to come to the following conclusions:
There are obviously some men with even bigger penises, but the study doesn’t mention men that have penises that are over 6.3”, so it’s safe to assume that these men are far and few between, or they just weren’t involved in the study.
An interesting note is that the group did not mention the average girth any further. This is the circumference of the penis, and they may not have mentioned this figure because a lot of factors can influence girth.
The study also tried to find any correlating factors that may be an indicator for a man having a bigger member. The only factor that seemed to have a viable impact was the height of a man. Taller men have a tendency to have a slightly bigger penis, but height only provided a slightly longer penis.
And the data doesn’t say how much influence height had on penis length.
What is interesting is that the data did eliminate many myths about indicators of penis size.
For example, the review showed no correlation between the following and penis length.
Everyone has heard the rumors that a man with a big shoe size has a big penis, but this doesn’t seem to factor into the size of a penis at all.
Weight may provide a thicker girth, but this wasn’t mentioned in the study. In terms of length, weight didn’t seem to factor into the equation at all. Many men that are heavier often note that they “think” they have a smaller penis, but this is often due to their stomach protruding over their penis.
Many porn stars recommend losing weight if you want your penis to look bigger.
Obviously, a man would a micro penis would have a dramatic impact on the study. There was no mention of whether any of the men in the review had a micro penis. A man with a micro penis will normally have the condition discovered shortly after birth.
These men will have an average penis length of 2.5” – far smaller than the average penis size.
Hormonal treatments or penis enlargement methods are often used to help these individuals finally grow into their penis. This is especially true with hormonal treatments, which have been shown to be very effective at helping a man with a micro penis increase their penis length.
No matter what end of the spectrum you fall into size wise, you don’t have to accept it.  With a professional penis extenders like SizeGenetics, you can safely and permanently add length to your unit. If you are looking to increase your size and confidence, you have a full money back guarantee waiting on you.


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It’s a simple law of nature – men always want to know how they measure up to one another. Sometimes it’s about how their favourite team is doing, or what kind of car they drive but it’s all just a big song and dance for the real question – what are you packing? Even though guys know it’s not always size that matters between the sheets, it’s a cultural norm that’s been drilled into us for so long there’s simply no escaping it. Every guy wants to have the biggest endowment in the room. One organization has brought together information from a variety of sources to develop a 1 to 5 scale for size and they’ve even pinpointed where most guys fall.
Of course, size 1 on this scale is the smallest with measurements up to 4 inches when fully erect. This includes guys who are simply small and also men who could be classified as having a micropenis. Micropenis is a serious condition not necessarily for physical reasons, but because of the psychological and emotional issues associated with having a penis that meets the criteria of less than 2 ¾ inches when erect. Although rare, the condition is somewhat treatable with hormone therapy and surgical options. It’s believed that around 5% of men fall into the Size 1 category.
Size 2 guys measure in at between 4 and 5 inches in length when erect. Experts believe around 20% of the population falls into this category making it fairly common. This is also a category where men can be helped with penis enlargement devices such as extenders and pumps. Since Size 2 guys have a little more to work with, they can make use of traction devices which help to boost length when used over time. Men in this size bracket are also likely to have concerns over their penis size, but not as much anxiety as those in the Size 1 bracket.
Most men – roughly 50% – will fall into size 3. Men in this bracket have a penis that measures 5 to just over 6 inches in length when erect. This is the average penis size in most countries, particularly the United States. For a long time, many men in America thought 7 inches was the national norm thanks to early – and flawed – reporting on human sexuality. As a result, even guys in this totally average size bracket are likely to consider penis enlargement and many engage it in successfully. While technically, no guy in this size needs penis enlargement, their efforts to help many to step into the next size up.
For guys who measure in at 6 ¼ up to 7.5 inches in length, penis size should no longer be a concern. Some of these men may still have feelings of inadequacy and consider penis enlargement but not many go through with it. Although enlargement methods can still work at this – or any – size, most guys want their penis to be a size that fits the rest of their body so it’s important to not go too big.
Anything over 7.5 inches is considered pretty big. Currently, the biggest penis in the world clocks in at 13.5 inches so that provides the top end for this bracket. While this represents only a small amount of the population – roughly 5% – most men are closer to the 7.5 or 8 inch end of the spectrum. For men with a penis this size, it can be either a blessing or a curse. In some cases, a larger penis means more trouble achieving or maintaining an erection and in other cases, the size itself can actually make men just as self-conscious as those at the other end of the spectrum – back in Size 1.
If you consider yourself to be in the lower range spectrum, there’s good news! There is something you can do about the size of your penis. Using a traction device like the Quick Extender Pro has been proven to increase your penis size and help get you into the above average or even larger range of penis sizes. A penis extender is based on using controlled traction too safely and permanently enlarge your penis to the size you want. You can find out more about the Quick Extender Pro penis extender by visiting the website here .

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Zachary Zane is a Brooklyn-based writer, speaker, and activist whose work focuses on lifestyle, sexuality, culture, and entertainment.

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And the best way to use it in the bedroom.
If you have a penis, we're willing to bet you've attempted to measure it at some point . You've also probably wondered how your penis size compares to other people's, because—unfortunately—we live in a society that assigns a ridiculous amount of importance to the size of a person's schlong. The truth is, it doesn't matter how big your penis is as long as you know how to use it. But the reality is, you're probably still a little curious about the size and girth of your dick. Today we're going to talk about the 7-inch penis . Is it big? Small? And how can you make the most of what you've got down there?
Yeah, actually it is—probably bigger than you think. Porn has distorted our sense of what’s large because those guys are packing eight, nine, and sometimes even ten inches. But the average erect penis is just 5.16 inches, according to a 2015 scientific review that looked at the flaccid and erect penises of over 15,500 men. In the review, 68% of men measured between 4.5 and 5.8 inches while erect. At 7-inches, you’re in the top ~2% of men.
The thing is, a lot of guys claim to
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