Asstr Island

Asstr Island


Asstr Island

Please note: All characters in this story are fictitious, any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. The author does not necessarily condone or endorse any of the activities detailed in this story, some of which are dangerous or illegal.

Please keep in mind the difference between fantasy and reality.
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In 1960, the United States government negotiated a deal with the Mexican government to buy a small island off the coast of Baja California. The island was about twice the size of Manhattan and large enough to build a small community, which is what the U.S. set out to do, under the direction of Dr. Lana Watson. She was a medical doctor who had been a pioneer in the field of psychological disorders. Dr. Watson's proposal had been to build a small inmate holding facility on the island in order to conduct research. The U.S. government granted the request, under the condition that the project remain secret. They envisioned the island becoming a prison for dangerous inmates and political liabilities.

The secrecy was not a problem for Dr Watson. She had her own plans for the island.

The island itself was the perfect choice for such a facility. It was 150 miles from shore, far enough to remain undisturbed. It was located over a region with high geothermal activity, which provided an ideal renewable energy source. Combined with extremely fair weather, the inhabitants would be able to grow their own crops and food sources. Once the proper facilities were built, the island would be in effect self-sustaining with little need for outside intervention.

By 1963, the island was ready. A geothermal power plant had been contracted first, followed by the inmate facility. Following Dr Watson's plans, construction crews built a small community complete with streets, homes, hospitals and schools, as well as commercial and industrial buildings. All that remained was to find a group of colonists.

Dr Watson and her team carefully screened the applicants, finally settling on a group of 750 colonists. There were 350 men and 400 women, ranging in age from 22 to 34 years old. By the time they arrived on the island, they were well-aware of what they were instructed to do.

Dr Watson's plan was for the island to be a naturist colony. This was not odd, in and of itself, but she wanted to go one step further and have the island be free of any sexual taboo. Thus the colonists were encouraged to procreate, but they were told their children should be raised in a freely sexual environment. The terms pedophilia, incest, and molestation would not exist on the island because they would be normal, everyday occurrences.

It was Dr Watson's hypothesis that sexual trauma would not exist on the island either. She named the island Eden in hopes that she was right.

"Claire! Wake up sweetie, it's time to get ready for school!"

The seven year old girl sat up groggily at the sound of her mother' voice. She stumbled out of her bed, naked, and trudged toward the bathroom. She washed face and brushed her teeth, half awake. Her lightly tanned skin had some pillow and sheet marks but she knew they would eventually disappear. Claire didn't bother to brush her dark auburn hair which was straight and short, ending in a bob just below her ears, giving her the appearance of a quintessential tomboy: boyish yet unquestionably feminine. Finished with her morning routing, the young girl went downstairs.

"Well! Look who's awake," her father said, setting down his teacup. He was sitting at the kitchen table, reading the newspaper, as her mother bustled about the kitchen. They were both naked as well. Claire walked up to her father and gave him her customary morning kiss on the cheek. As she leaned in to kiss him, her hand propped herself up on his right thigh, brushing against his penis.

"Here's your oatmeal, honey," her mother said, kissing her forehead.

"Can I go watch cartoons while I eat, Mommy?" Claire asked.

"All right," her mother consented. "But only for fifteen minutes, or else you'll miss the bus to school."

Claire picked up her bowl of oatmeal and went into the living room. She didn't like sitting on the leather couch because it was usually too cold against her bare bum so the little girl parked herself on the floor. She picked up the remote and idly flipped through a few channels.

Channel 4 had the morning news. Both news anchors were naked as they did their morning broadcast.

Channel 7 had a movie that showed two adults having sex. Claire watched briefly for a few seconds as the man anally penetrated the woman before changing the channel.

Channel 8 was a cooking show. The young girl wrinkled her face at the man's pot belly and tiny penis.

Channel 9 was another movie, this one showing a woman and a little girl about Claire's age giving oral pleasure to a man. The woman was giving the little girl tips. "That's right," she said, "flick your tongue on the base of his penis. Feel it twitch in your mouth?" Her interest piqued, Claire watched a bit before and changing the channel again.

Channel 11 had the cartoon she wanted. Claire set down the remote control, remembering to eat her oatmeal as she watched. She laughed as the cat and mouse chased each other. Soon the episode was over and the commercials came on.

"Is your young girl growing up?" the man on TV asked. "Make sure she gets the training she needs with Young and Ready, the anal plug designed to help little girls get ready for that special day with daddy."

Suddenly, Claire remembered. She switched off the TV and grabbed her empty bowl. "Mommy!" she said, running into the kitchen. "I forgot to put my plug in!"

"Oh honey," her mother said, wiping her hands on a towel. "Why don't you run upstairs and get it, and I'll put it in for you." Claire dashed upstairs to fetch the kit. She returned seconds later, breathless.

"Let's see then..." her mother said, opening the kit. Inside were a series of six graduated anal plugs. The smallest was size two which was about as big as a tampon. The largest was size twelve. It measured almost seven inches and was almost as big as Claire's wrist in diameter. "What size are you at honey?"

"Size six, Mommy," Claire told her. Her mother selected the right one and began to apply the lubricant. Size six was still relatively small at only 3 inches in length but it was much thicker than her previous size.

"Honey, why don't you get up on this chair for me?" her mother asked. "That's right, just push your bottom out towards me a bit. That's perfect, sweetie."

Claire held her breath as she felt the cool tip of the butt plug slide against her puckered anal opening. Her mother began twirling it against her bottom, distributing the lube as she applied some gentle pressure. She felt her bottom yield reluctantly to the intruder.

"Good girl," her mother told her. "Just a few more inches... There you go, honey." Clutching the back of the kitchen chair, Claire inhaled slowly as her mother slipped the anal plug inside her small bum. She felt her muscular ring expand to accommodate the intruder and then close snugly around the bulbous head.

"Is my little girl growing up?" her father asked as he entered the kitchen. He affectionately patted Claire on the top of her head. "What size are you at now Claire? Size four?"

Claire made a face. "No, Daddy," she said rolling her eyes.

"Your daughter is wearing a size six plug now," her mother told him as she began clearing the table.

"Size six!" her father exclaimed. "I'm so proud of you honey."

Claire blushed with pride. "Maybe next week you can try size eight for a few hours," her mother added. "Don't you think so, Claire?" The young girl nodded eagerly.

"You're growing up so fast," her father marveled. "You'll be ready for anal sex with me in no time at all. Look!" he said pointing to his midsection. "I'm getting hard just thinking about it!"

He laughed and Claire burst into giggles, part embarrassment and part pride. "Oh, Daddy," she said. The seven year old girl petted her father's semi-hard erection for a moment before giving it a little kiss.

"All right, you two," her mother said. "Claire will be late for school and Daddy will be late for work if you don't get moving. There will be plenty of time for sex tonight."

Claire skipped out the door, wearing nothing but a backpack and a pair of sandals. She stopped skipping, however, and began walking when she felt the anal plug shift inside her. The young girl was walking a little stiffly from having the plug inside her rectum but she knew it was good for her. Her friend and next-door neighbor Amy was already waiting for her when she reached the bus stop.

"Hi Amy," she replied. Claire and Amy were in the same grade at school and they were best friends.

"Are you wearing your plug today?" Amy asked.

"I'm wearing size eight," Amy told her smugly.

"Are too!" Amy retorted. "Here, you can see for yourself..." Amy bent over and spread her cheeks with her hands. Claire leaned in to look at the bottom of the plug embedded with her friend's anus. Sure enough, it read "size 8".

"Well, I don't care anyway," Claire said, deflated.

"Mommy said that I might be able to have anal sex with Daddy before I turn eight years old even." Amy bragged. Before Claire could think of a reply, the school bus pulled up. She noticed how gingerly Amy was walking as she climbed onto the bus.

"She thinks she's so great," Claire thought to herself. "But I can tell she's having trouble walking."

"Hi girls," the bus driver said as they climbed on. He was an older man and he had a big pot belly like the chef from TV. His chest was hairy too. This morning, he had a large erection that he was stroking as the girls filed past him.

"Hello," Amy and Claire said politely. Claire felt sorry for the bus driver. It must be quite boring driving the bus because each morning he was masturbating when she got on the bus.

It was just a short drive to school, however, and the students were dropped off at school only a few minutes later. The two girls went to their classroom and put away their backpacks. Mr. Harrison soon arrived and called the 2nd grade class to order.

"Good morning, children," he said opening his lesson plans. "This morning we are going to be working on mathematics..."

Claire liked Mr. Harrison. He was tall and clean-shaven. Unlike the bus driver, his chest was muscular and he wasn't hairy. Even his pubic hair was clean cut, a short bed of curly dark hairs for his penis. He was usually soft during class but sometimes he would get an erection in the middle of his lesson. Claire remember once when she was standing close behind him when he turned suddenly. His penis had been erect and it slapped against her face, causing the entire class to laugh.

"Let's work on these problems together at the chalkboard, shall we?" Mr. Harrison suggested. He assigned them into two-person groups to work. Claire got assigned to Louie, a tow-headed boy with big ears that stuck straight out. She made a face. Louie usually never paid attention in class and often got in trouble for playing with his penis under his desk when he should have been listening.

Mathematics went by quickly, then spelling and grammar was next. Claire was less certain on this subject so she was often raising her hand and asking Mr. Harrison for help. He was always patient with her so she knew he didn't mind.

"Mr. Harrison," she said, raising her hand. "Can you help me with this sentence?"

"Of course, Claire," he said, getting up from his desk. He stood behind her chair as she bent over her desk. When Mr. Harrison leaned in close behind her, Claire felt his penis flop onto her shoulder. If she turned her neck, she could have kissed it but the seven year old girl resisted the urge. She always liked how clean Mr. Harrison's penis smelled, like fresh soap.

Once spelling and grammar was over with, it was time for Exploration Hour. This was a monthly class in which the students were taught lessons about their bodies. Usually it was things that Claire already knew but she liked Exploration Hour anyway. Previous lessons had included things like doing the reverse cowgirl or using vibrators. Vibrators! Claire had been experimenting with vibrators since she was four and she couldn't imagine someone not knowing how to use one.

"Class," Mr. Harrison addressed them. "The topic of this month's Exploration Hour is the prostate gland. Does everyone know what the prostate gland is?" Claire sighed. She had been massaging her father's prostate for a year now. She raised her hand.

"It's a little knob that's inside a man's butt," Claire said.

"That's right, Claire," Mr. Harrison nodded. "But please use the proper words."

"Oh," Claire said, remembering. "It's, um, a little knob that is inside a man's anus."

"Correct," Mr. Harrison said approvingly. "How do you find it?"

"Um," Claire said, searching for the right way to describe it. "You put your finger inside a man's anus like this," she gestured, "and then you wiggle your finger like this..."

"Good, Claire," Mr. Harrison told her. "Since you know so much about the prostate and since it's so hard to explain how to find it, perhaps you would be willing to come to the front of the class and demonstrate? On me?"

"Okay," Claire said, getting up from her seat. Mr. Harrison cleared off the large table at the front of the room and got on it. He laid down and spread his legs wide to give Claire access.

"Children," he said, "why don't you come up to the front of the room too? It's hard to see when you're sitting at your desks."

The students got up and crowded around the table. Claire took the bottle of lubricant that Mr. Harrison handed her and applied some to her middle finger. "You sometimes have to use a lot," she explained to the class. "You have to lift his balls, I mean scrotum, out of the way if he has a big one..."

So saying, Claire gently lifted Mr. Harrison's scrotum, feeling the weight of the heavy testicles inside. Then she extended her middle finger and slid it into her teacher's anal opening, pushing it in as far as she could. "Then you just have to feel for it," she told the class. "If you curl your finger up a little bit... Is this it, Mr. Harrison?"

"Yes, Claire," he replied. "Good job!"

"And then once you find it," Claire continued, "you can just kinda rub it and it feels really good for the man." As to corroborate her words, Mr. Harrison's penis, previously flaccid on his lower stomach, began to harden. She continued to massage her teacher's prostate until his penis was fully erect and sticking straight up.

"Thank you, Claire," Mr. Harrison said. "You've given me a very nice erection." Claire blushed at his praise. "You should be sure to tell your parents at the dinner table tonight, I'm sure they'll be very proud of you." She withdrew her finger as Mr. Harrison sat up.

"Class," he said, "I want you to pair up boy-girl, same pairings as this morning. Take your partner to the table and then girls, your job will be to find the prostate. Does everybody understand? Good."

"Mr. Harrison?" It was Shannon, madly waving her raised hand. "I didn't have a partner this morning. There aren't enough boys to go around."

"All right, Shannon," Mr. Harrison said. "You can be my partner."

As the students paired up, Claire walked by Amy and gestured in Shannon's direction. "Teacher's pet," she whispered scornfully. Amy nodded and glared at Shannon.

Claire found Louie waiting for her on the table, his legs spread and ready. Claire rolled her eyes when she saw he already had an erection. "Can't you ever pay attention in class instead of playing with yourself?" she asked him. She picked up the bottle of lubricant and squirted some onto her finger.

"I can't help it," Louise said sheepishly. Shaking her head, Claire leaned in close and aimed her glistening finger at the boy's puckered opening.

"You're clenching too tight," Claire complained.

Claire massaged his anal ring, trying to get him to relax. Finally her finger slipped inside his tight hole, making the boy gasp. "I'm inside," Claire told him, as if he didn't know already. "Geez, you're still clenching way too much..." The slippery lubricant did its work though and her finger slid deep into Louie's taut hole. Expertly, Claire located his prostate and began rubbing it.

"That feels nice," Louie said. "Can you touch my penis too?"

"No way," Claire shot back. "Mr. Harrison didn't say we have to do that."

"But Teresa and Jesse are doing it over there," Louise said pointing.

"Mr. Harrison!" Claire called out raising her hand. "Should we give our partners a handjob too?"

Mr. Harrison and Shannon were at the table at the front of the room. Shannon had a silly smile on her face as she worked his prostate, her face leaning in close so that it was only inches from his erection. "I don't think so, Claire," he called back. "Class," he said, raising his voice. "I want everyone to go wash their hands and get ready for lunch. Line up at the door when you're ready."

There was a temporary commotion as the students rushed off to the sinks to get ready for lunch. "Don't forget," Mr. Harrison shouted over the din. "If you want anything to play with, be sure to take them now because we're not coming back before lunch. Kickballs, jumping ropes, lubricant... Be sure to take it now while you can."

After lunch, Amy and Claire went outside to play with the rest of the students. Everyone was sure to use plenty of sunscreen to protect themselves from the harsh noontime sun. The girls shielded their eyes as they scanned the playground. There was a group of boys playing kickball in the far corner. A half-dozen naked 1st graders were skipping rope near the swings.

"There's Shannon," Amy commented. "She's giving Mr. Harrison a blowjob. She's such a teacher's pet."

"Where?" Claire asked. Amy pointed. Sure enough, she saw Shannon's blond pigtails waving as her head bobbed up and down Mr. Harrison's penis. Mr. Harrison himself was sitting on a blanket, scanning the playground to make sure everyone was behaving.

"I bet she doesn't make him shoot," Claire said disgustedly. "He doesn't even like her."

"Look, there's Rufus," Amy said pointing. Claire rolled her eyes. Amy had a crush on Rufus who was two years ahead of them. "Remember last week when he said he would like to play games with the three of us? We should go ask him if he wants to play now."

"I don't know," Claire said. "I don't really feel like it today."

"Yes," Claire replied. "But you can go ahead and play with him."

"Okay," Amy said. "Do you mind if I use your bottle of lubricant though? I forgot mine."

Claire handed her friend the bottle and watched as Amy hurried over to Rufus. She wandered aimlessly around the playground. She walked by several groups of students who had paired off and were now having sex during recess. On the front lawn, the teachers sat beneath the shady trees. Claire didn't want to join them for fear of being labeled a teacher's pet. She could see Shannon still working on Mr. Ha
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