What Does Nsa Stand For In Texting

What Does Nsa Stand For In Texting


What Does Nsa Stand For In Texting

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Written by Naz Haider | Published : January 27, 2017 10:17 AM IST
Call me a noob, but I don't usually get modern chatting jargons. Years ago, it took me a while to decode ROFL and TIA (thanks in advance), and then later I had to break my head over lingo modern parents used. DD, DS, DH are all darling daughter, darling son and darling husband respectively, and there are loads like these! It wasn't surprising, therefore, when I learnt of a few abbreviations people use on chats and dating platforms now and was totally clueless about what those meant. If you do not want to feel like an ancient caveman, you need to be up to date about the language people speak nowadays, and that includes knowing the terms people use. So to help you not feel lost, here is a list of terms that you need to know before you start swiping on tinder .

Have you come across any terms that you would like to share? Please post it in the comments below.

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Are you wondering: “What does NSA mean?” If you are reading this, you’re probably concerned that the government might be spying on you and keeping tabs on your online activities. You might also be wondering about the pros and cons of NSA surveillance… are our online activities private ?
In this article, we'll take a good look at whether or not the government is spying on you and what you can do about it. So let's get right to it!
So first things first — What does NSA mean? Or rather, what does NSA stand for? Simply put, NSA is an acronym that stands for "National Security Agency" — a United States government agency whose sole purpose is to ensure the security of United States communications and data information systems.
The NSA was founded in 1952 when it was known as the "National Security Agency/Central Security Service." In 2005, its name changed from NSCS to NSA — though many still refer to it by its original acronym.
In 2013, Edward Snowden leaked classified documents that showed how much information the NSA collects about American citizens' phone calls, emails, texts, and social media activity without any warrant or probable cause. These leaks have led some people to believe that America has become an Orwellian society where “Big Brother” can watch you at all times through your electronic devices.
The NSA monitors the Internet and phone usage of millions of people. The agency collects metadata about who you call and when you call them, how long your calls are, where they're made from, and possibly what's said in these conversations. It also stores billions of text messages sent by cell phones every day… and it might be monitoring your email too.
The NSA gathers so much information that they're able to do things like tell what's on your TV screen from the other side of the world or track a person's location based on their phone use.
If the Snowden leaks are to be believed, it is said that NSA wants to know everything about you — who you are, where you live and work, who your friends are, etc. Even more troubling is that they have the technology to do it.
Of course, NSA operations are not all doom and gloom for the average law-abiding citizen. To be fair, there are pros and cons of government surveillance that are well worth considering.
Now that you've learned about the pros and cons of government surveillance, you might be wondering — what is an ordinary citizen to do to protect their privacy and block government tracking ? Well, as it turns out, quite a lot.
The most effective method is to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service, which encrypts your internet traffic and routes it through an intermediary server. This prevents your ISP or the government from monitoring your online activities. If they try to interrupt any of this encrypted data, all that will show up is a garbled mess of indecipherable data.
ClearVPN offers some of the best prices on VPN services in general, with packages starting at only $12.99 for one month of unlimited bandwidth usage. This means you can enjoy their high-level encryption to browse any site whenever you want without worry.
Getting started is easy and can be accomplished in a few simple steps:
The NSA is allowed to intercept, collect, and analyze electronic communications. The NSA also can monitor any computer in the world with access to certain international cables or wireless networks. This includes emails, text messages, phone calls (both cell phone and landline), Google Maps searches, Facebook posts — anything that can be monitored online is a possible target.
The NSA (National Security Agency) does not explicitly target individual Americans. However, suppose you are communicating with someone reasonably believed to be outside of the US and a suspected terrorist or spy. In t
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