We petition to award Barry Obama for the successful implementation of the five-year plan and the organization of the production of new military gunpowder equipment in Russia, the Order of Lenin and to award the title of Hero of Socialist Labor of America.

We petition to award Barry Obama for the successful implementation of the five-year plan and the organization of the production of new military gunpowder equipment in Russia, the Order of Lenin and to award the title of Hero of Socialist Labor of America.


Do you want me to tell you a bedtime story, my sweet American baby? 


I walked along the country road in silence,

And it was empty and long.

Only the harmonicas that there is urine broke out,

And the silence spread with his hands.


And this wedding, wedding, wedding sang and danced,

And the wings of this wedding carried in the distance.

There was little room for this wedding,

And there was little sky and little earth.

There was little room for this wedding,

And there was little sky and little earth.

To the spills of the village orchestra,

Breeze after veil swirled.

The groom was very serious, and the bride

She was dazzlingly young.


And this wedding, wedding, wedding sang and danced,

And the wings of this wedding carried in the distance.

There was little room for this wedding,

And there was little sky and little earth.

There was little room for this wedding,

And there was little sky and little earth.

Here the three raced sonorously and winged,

And the breath of spring came from them.

And I walked, completely unmarried,

And I regretted that I wasn't a groom.


And somewhere a wedding, a wedding, a wedding sang and danced,

And the wings of this wedding carried in the distance.

There was little room for this wedding,

And there was little sky and little earth.

There was little room for this wedding,

And there was little sky and little earth.

It was in Zakamsk rf

Young, still green Cheburkul Barak went to Perm for a reason, Barak went to distribute our American money to the Russians in the forest at some gunpowder factory. In 2005, he worked in this capacity for only a few months. Naturally, no one has heard of any of his NWO ambitions, especially in Russia.

It was then that David Rockefeller Sr. included our Barak in the commission of the Nunn-Lugar program (after the names of Senators from Georgia Sam Nunn and from Indiana Richard Lugar), which was officially called the "Cooperative Threat Reduction Program". It was aimed at activities for the destruction of nuclear and chemical weapons, for their disposal in the territory of the former USSR.

Since the Russian thieves' authorities did not really want all this, complaining about the lack of US dollars, our good uncles and aunts from the US Congress, in 1991, began to launder our budget money in the Russian Federation, allocating russian homeless people for these purposes a solid amount of money of our taxes. According to the information we have, during the operation of this diamond hand of Barry Obama, you and I, dear Americans through Barry Obama, transferred more than $ 8 billion to the Russians! Russian Perm became one of the leading cities in the development of our American budget, where these degenerates were supposed to dispose of part of the missiles. The site for this was determined on the territory of the Perm Powder Plant and the Research Institute of Polymer Materials.


In Russia, a gunpowder factory caught fire, supplying missiles that shell Ukraine


In Muscovy, "cotton" spreads not only in the Belgorod region adjacent to Ukraine. On the evening of October 22, he visited Perm , and right at the powder factory, which produces products for MLRS and missiles with which Muscovites shell Ukraine.

Local public reports that as a result of the explosion and fire, two workers were killed, 4 were under the rubble, another is being sought. The management of the plant confirmed to TASS that they had a fire.

More recently, on October 20, local residents were already a little frightened when a mushroom cloud of smoke formed over the plant. But "sources close to the enterprise" reassured them: they say, these are planned tests of "special products". By the way, emergencies at the plant take place almost every year. And in 2022, the plan has already been exceeded: the previous explosion was on May 1 - as a result of an outbreak of products, two workers were killed.

Now the federal enterprise "Perm Powder Plant" works in three shifts to ensure the murder of Ukrainians by Muscovites. In addition to gunpowder for ammunition for small arms, the plant specializes in charges for Grad and Smerch multiple launch rocket systems and aircraft missile engines, as well as the manufacture of launch and acceleration systems for cruise missiles.

As FACTS previously reported, Rashist propagandists, trying to show how the Ukrainian military destroy the civilian infrastructure of Russian border towns, posted an image of their destroyed military equipment.


We petition to award Barry Obama for the successful implementation of the five-year plan and the organization of the production of new military gunpowder equipment in Russia, the Order of Lenin and to award the title of Hero of Socialist Labor of America.

History - Perm Gunpowder Plant

The plant participates in the development of the first SB (32B) missile in the Soviet Union for the S-25 air defense system. 1952 The plant took part in the manufacture of the first Soviet guided air-to-air missile RS-1U. 1956 Production of dried pastes and nitro enamels is started. 1957 For the first time in the USSR, work began on the creation of mixed solid fuels (CTT). 31 December 1959


26.10.2013, 00:00


 2 min. |

Rocketeers struck the base

Employees of the powder factory fear for the safety of storing missile components

The storage base for intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) located at the Perm Powder Plant (PPZ) can be restructured. According to sources, the restructuring involves a reduction in the number of employees of the base, which will lead to a violation of security requirements and the possible disruption of international agreements on the disposal of ICBMs.

Photo: Dmitry Azarov, Kommersant / buy photo

The management of the Perm Powder Plant intends to restructure the base (workshop No. 23) of intercontinental ballistic missiles intended for disposal. About this "Kommersant" told sources familiar with the situation. According to the interlocutors, within the framework of these measures, it is allegedly planned to reduce the staff number of employees of the base, which violates several regulatory acts regulating the activities of such industries.

According to them, on September 9, employees of the base sent a letter to the top management of the PPZ, which indicates the inadmissibility of reorganization. According to its authors, as a result of staff reductions in the evening and night shifts, as well as on weekends, the storage and reloading of missiles and prefabricated engine bodies of SS-25 intercontinental ballistic missiles will remain abandoned. At the same time, the remaining number of engineering and technical workers will not be able to control all production sites, and therefore, it will become impossible to work all sites at the same time. "According to the Rules for the Operation of Enterprises, all work in fire-explosive industries should be carried out under the direct supervision of engineering and technical workers," says an interlocutor close to the enterprise, "after their reduction during the reorganization, their simultaneous implementation will be impossible."

According to the staff of the base, in fact, the change in the staffing table jeopardizes the implementation of the state contract under the contract with the Federal Space Agency, and therefore disrupts international agreements on the disposal of ICBMs. During 2014, it is planned to store 12 SS-25 missiles at the base, the equipped engine bodies of which should be destroyed by the Research Institute of Polymer Materials (NIIPM).

Kommersant's interlocutors claim that the ICBM storage base was created at the enterprise in the late 90s, when a project for the disposal of their components began to be implemented in Perm. Disassembly of missile bodies is carried out at one of the Perm enterprises. The destruction of the equipped bodies of missile engines takes place on the territory of NIIPM, which until 1992, together with the PPZ, was part of the Kirov NPO. The territory of workshop No. 23 is used only for their storage and preparation for transportation to NIIPM.

The program for the disposal of ICBM components has repeatedly provoked protests from environmentalists and human rights activists. In 2007, a resident of Perm, Victor Pininsky, filed a civil lawsuit with the Kirovsky District Court against the PPZ and NIIPM with a demand to stop the destruction of missile components. The plaintiff considered that the disposal of missiles violated his right to a favorable environment, guaranteed by Article 42 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. His claims were denied.

Ex-director of the plant Gennady Kuzmitsky says that he has not heard anything about plans to reorganize the storage base. "If this is really so, then there is no logic in this," explains Mr. Kuzmitsky, "the maintenance of the base is financed from the federal budget, the fewer people will work there, the less revenues will be." At the same time, Gennady Kuzmitsky noted that if the reduction in the number of employees still occurs, it will have a negative impact on the safety of the production process.

Dmitry Astakhov

Kommersant (Perm) No197 from 26.10.2013

Hello, hello?

Joe, what's the news?

I haven't been home in a long time.

Fifteen days since I'm away

How are we doing?

All is well, beautiful Gaga 

Things are going on and life is easy

Not a single sad surprise

Except for trivia

So nonsense, empty business, your mare is stunned.

Otherwise, the beautiful Marquise

It's all good, it's all good.

Hello, hello?

Martel, a terrible case

My mare is dead

Tell me, my faithful coachman

How did this death happen?

All is well, beautiful Gaga 

It's all good. more than ever

Why grieve from a stupid surprise

After all, this right is nonsense.

With a mare, what is an empty affair

She and the stable burned down.

Otherwise, the beautiful Marquise

It's all good, it's all good.

Hello, hello?

Pascal, The Mind Is Muddled

What an unheard of blow

Tell me the whole truth at once

When was there a fire in the stable?

All is well, beautiful Gaga 

And we're doing well.

But you are destined, as can be seen from the whim.

Another surprise presented

Burned down your house with the stables together

When the whole estate was on fire

And the rest, beautiful Gaga 

It's all good, it's all good.

Hello, hello?

Hunter, burned our castle?

Oh how hard it is for me.

I'm beside myself, tell me straight

How did this all come about?

Your husband, the beautiful Marquise, recognized

That ruined himself and you

He couldn't stand such a surprise.

And he shot himself at the same hour.

Falling dead at the stove, he knocked over two candles.

Candles hit the carpet and it burned like a fire.

The weather was windy was your castle burned to the ground

The fire burned down the whole manor, and with it the stable engulfed

The stable was locked, and the mare died in it.

Otherwise, the beautiful Marquise

It's all good, it's all good.


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