Water Belly Inflation Story

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A kinky hunk gets a surprise from the Ice cream man.
I'll be posting here stories I made. They are not real, but I think those subliminals will work like this I guess. Anyways enjoy.
Also sorry if I made any spelling error...
A naive, skinny girl named Mona eats too many snacks behind her partner, Liam's back. Once she gets caught, she has to face the consequences...
Unrealistic wei...
Do you like expanding stories? Here's a bunch of mini inflation stories!
I publish several times a week so come back later if you've finished the book. 💗
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emma, a normal, slim, smart girl starts looking for a job once she moved into a new city after finishing university. but when she gets the job a a cow café, everything c...
A popular cheerleader fitness obsessed girl is struggling To pay bills until she finds a fast and cheap way to get money until she finds an ad that looks innocent but ha...
TW can be disturbing
Alex gets home from work one day and his girlfriend is waiting for him with a BIG surprise!
Feederism one shots at their finest. Come and read as people are feed to their limits or pass them.
*I also roleplay. So if you want you can always hmu 😊*
She gets a taste of her own medicine! After bullying "overweight" people. She becomes one. ;) Sorry.

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Submitted by System on Fri, 09/17/2010 - 16:26
In Illinois, lived a peaceful family, who was like a normal family, as the neighbors explained to be. They lived in a big home that was fit for five people. They were the Jones family (not related to Indiana Jones, the famous archeologist). There was Mr. Jones, the father of the house; Mrs. Jones, the mother of the house; and their three children: Caroline (11), Edward (9), and Matilda (7). All the neighbors have said that they are the kindness people that any one could ever meet, and that the children are little angels. Though, looks can be deceiving when it comes to those children. They seem nice, but they are destructive and mischievous. When there parents and family members are not there in the house, they destroy anything that they touch. Now sometimes they do get caught, and when they do, their excuse is, “But it was an accident. It will never happen again.” The parents let them go and have them clean up the damage and sometimes put them in time out for a few minutes. Now when it comes to babysitters to watch these kids, these kids set a trap and make every babysitter leave in fear, pain, or worse. They are little devils. When the parents came back from trips, they always wonder why the babysitters always leave early. Some times they call the sitters, and always get hung up, and when they ask the kids, they say “We don’t know what happened.” So now comes to our story, where these kids will do the most horrible and despicable trap ever, but this time it will end “accidently” wrong.
On a bright, sunny day, the family was doing their normal everyday routine. The father was working in his office; the mother tending to the flowers in the garden; and the children playing and running around. Mother got done with her routine and checked to see how the kids were doing, and then she went to see how her husband was doing. She came into father’s office, all covered in sweat and dirt, and looked at her husband.
“Hey Hun, I was thinking that we should go do something tonight, just the two of us, leave the kids here with another babysitter, and just enjoy ourselves.”
Father looked up from his computer at Mother.
“Now Anna, we talked about this. Every single time we ask for a babysitter to come over, they always leave in a hurry and never will to talk to us to see what happened.”
“I know. But we can call up John’s girlfriend Liz to do it. The kids love their cousins friend, and you know they wouldn’t think about doing anything bad when Johns around. They love John.”
“I don’t know,” Father said with little hope in his voice.
“Please, please, please, please,” Mother said with those puppy eyes as she pleads to her husband.
Father looked at her and couldn’t resist telling her no, “OK. What do you have in mind?”
“I was thinking we can go see a ball game. You know the Sox are playing tonight.” Mother knows that Father couldn’t resist seeing a ball game, especially if it’s dealing with his favorite game.
“YAY,” Mother shouted with joy. She ran over to her husband, kissed him and ran downstairs to the phone. She dialed in Liz’s number. She waited for a few minutes and then there was an answer.
“Hello, Liz? This is Mrs. Jones. You know Johns aunt.”
“Hi. Listen, my husband and I were wondering if you can watch the kids tonight. We are going to a ball game.”
“Sure. Not a problem. I will be over there at six. Johns busy with that new movie, you know.”
“Of course, I will tell the kids and my husband. Thank you Liz.”
Mother hung up the phone and went to tell her husband. Told him the news, quickly got cleaned, and getting ready.
As the evening came upon, Mother and Father were ready to go to the game. Father was wearing his Sox t-shit, and baseball cap. Mother was wearing her Sox jersey, which was a black and white stripe shirt, a black belt and jeans. Mother was so excited for this. Father was a little happy, but worried. They got the kids together.
“OK. Liz will be coming over here to watch you three. We want you to be in bed before we come back. You know the routine,” Mother said.
“And DON’T do anything wrong to Liz. You behave for her,” Father said.
“Will John be with her?” the three kids said together with excitement.
“No he won’t. Remember he is working,” Mother said.
The kids hoped that John, their cousin, will come over, but since he isn’t their hope just ended.
“Hey it’s ok. Maybe John will come over some time,” Mother said trying to make the kids smile.
“Anna, we have to go or else we will miss the game,” Father said while rushing Mother out the door.
“OK. You three stay good. See you tonight.” Mother gave each one a kiss on the head.
“We will be good. We promise,” the kids said it together in a sweet tone.
Mother ran out the door, closing it behind her, got into the car with her husband, and drove off to the game.
When the parents were gone, Caroline changes her attitude from a happy smiley girl to a nasty brat.
“John won’t be here with Liz. We won’t be able to play video games with him if he is to busy working.”
Caroline went to the couch and sat down in a state of disappointment.
Edward and Matilda went over to her, and did the exact same thing as her. They all took one big huff and sat there with their hands on the sides of the head. Until Matilda thought of an idea and said, “Maybe we can play with Liz.”
Caroline looks at her with a stern face. “She doesn’t know how to play games like Left 4 Dead and other shooting games,” she said with annoying whiny tone.
Then Edward thought of something too. “Maybe we don’t have to do that, but maybe we can do other methods. Maybe like what we do with those other babysitters. Try to get rid of them in some way. We have always been good doing that. Caroline, you always come up with the plans, and Matilda and I follow it,” he said with a feeling like he had a light bulb turned on in his head.
Caroline looked at him in a puzzle way. “She is nice to us why do we have to get rid of her.”
“So! What do you want to do then? Scare her like we did with the first babysitter,” Edward said trying to come up with an idea for Caroline.
“Or how about let’s do what those kids do in Nanny McPhee again. We have been doing that plan a lot with the other babysitters,” said Matilda while joining in with Edward.
Caroline got so mad with them that she got looked them with fire in her eyes
“No! No! NO! We don’t want to scare her! AND we are not doing the McPhee plans over again since the last time we had to clean up the mess that Mother and Father found. No! What we need is maybe a little bit scary, but a lot of fun to us, and maybe her. We need something new.”
Caroline fell in a deep thought and took the TV remote to see if something on TV will help her think of something. She flipped through the channels, while Edward and Matilda are discussing ideas. As Caroline flipped through channels, she found the original version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. She and the other two love this movie. As they were watching it, the movie comes to the point were Violet is blowing up like a blueberry.
As the Caroline watches as Violet is inflating, the wheels in her head start to turn. She had an idea. She quickly shut off the TV and jumped up quickly from the couch. The other two were so engrossed with the TV that they got mad at her.
“Hey! Why did you turn it off?” Edward said angry.
“Because Edward, I have idea. I know what we will do,” Caroline said almost like she was the brains out of the three.
“You do?” Matilda said in a surprise tone.
“Well tell us before she comes. It’s almost her time. Mother said she will be here at 6,” Edward said impatiently.
“OK! My plan is this. We will blow up Liz like a balloon and we will play with her and throw her around and maybe pop her, if she is going to tell on us.”
Edward and Matilda looked at her with their mouths opened and stared at her with big eyes.
“So we are going to blow her up like what we saw Violet blow up as….as….a blueberry.” Matilda said with shock
“No! Not a blueberry you idiot! A BALLOON! Like a ball! We are going to turn her into a ball and play with her like that. Do I look like Wonka to you? Do you think I can pull out the three piece gum out of my pocket and say ‘Here Liz, have a piece,’” Caroline looked at her with those fire eyes.
“So how do we do it? We don’t have a helium tank here. We can’t go buy one because we are young. What will we use if we do blow her up like a balloon?” Edward said questioning Caroline’s idea.
Caroline was about to smack Edward on the head, until something caught her eye: the garden hose! Caroline stared and more wheels kept turning in her head. She looked at Edward with a sinister grin.
“We have a way to do it. Gather around it is time to act.”
So Caroline got the other two together and huddled up.
“OK. Here is the plan. We will have the garden hose in the basement. We will have a tight wire connecting to the knob outside. We then glue the wire to the front end of the hose, and glue the opening of the hose so she won’t be able to pull it out. We have toy cars scattered on the first step so she will trip. We will have another wire so when she falls it will trigger the hose to shoot out at her mouth. As she falls and the hose is in, she will try to pull it out, which that will trigger the wire that turns the knob and then water goes in and blows her up. We will have another wire to alarm us that the trap has been set and Liz will be nothing more than a helpless ball. We will let her go when I feel like she is full of water, and then we will play with her. If she tells, then Edward, you will poke her with a pin. Got it? Oh and one more thing we will have a tape recorder playing us fighting down in the basement. That will get her attention.”
Edward and Matilda were excited and ready.
“OK. Let’s blow up the babysitter.”
So they sprang into action collecting all the supplies and setting up the trap. While the three mischievous children are getting trap set, the parents are still on their way to the game. Mother and Father all excited and putting on their baseball fan attitudes.
“So do we have everything? Did you bring your ticket?” Father said driving.
“Let me check……we have this…..this…..this….and my ticket let me see if I…” Mother stopped and she was in a state of panic. She checked her purse, her pockets, and every where in the car. There was no sign of her ticket.
“CRAP! I forgot my ticket. We have to go back to the house,” Mother said
“OK. Well we better hurry the game will start in 2 hours.” Father said
“Oh we got time, just turn the car around and I will get my ticket and we will be on our way.”
So Father turned the car around and headed back to the house.
As time goes by, the kids were done and all set for the babysitter. Caroline checks to see if everything is ready. After checking every thing, she turns to two and says.
“OK. It is all set let’s go up stairs into my room and wait for her. Edward did you put the wire on tape player downstairs?”
“OK, when she comes right by the laundry room and the basement, the wire will spring the player and play the tape. OK lets head up stairs. Places! This is going to be great!”
They all ran up stairs, closed Caroline’s door and all sat anxiously and waiting for their prey.
Meanwhile, Father and Mother arrived at home.
“Wait for me I will be right back.” Mother opened up the door and raced inside to find the ticket. She opened up the front door.
“Hello. Carline! Edward! Matilda!” She said. “Must be upstairs sleeping,” she thought.
She quickly went into the kitchen, then the family room, and then the living room. She looked, and looked, and looked until she found it in between the seats of the couch.
“Got it,” Mother said while out of breath.
As she walked back to the door, she sprung the wire. The tape player was on and playing the tape. As she was almost to walk out, she heard the kids fighting and yelling in the basement. Mother turned around and headed towards the basement.
“Great just what I need,” she thought to herself.
She came to the basement and looked down, shouting, “What’s wrong?”
No reply, still the sound of fighting children.
“Caroline! Edward! Matilda! Stop fighting down there! Don’t make come down there!” Mother yelled getting mad.
“Great! I am coming down there and you three better stop or else you three are in big trouble.”
As Mother got to the first step, the toy cars rolled underneath her causing her to slip and fall. Down and down she fell, and then landed. She laid there for a bit in pain. Then she slowly raised her head up, and shook off the pain.
“WHO LEFT THEIR TOY CARS OU-”Mother began to say just before the hose shot out and into her mouth. She got up from the ground and stood there looking at the hose in her mouth. She pulled to get the hose out. There was no budge. She tried again. No budge. She pulled hard and even harder to get it out. Then she heard a sound. Her eyes drew to the hose that was slowly filling up with water. Her eyes followed the waters path in the hose as it kept moving closer and closer to the nozzle. She frantically tried to pull the hose out of her mouth but it was no use. The water reached the nozzle and began to go down her throat.
Her cheeks swelled up as if they were being pumped with air. As Mother kept taking in more and more water, she looked down at her belly which was beginning to bulge out. She tried to get the hose out, but the pressure of the water intake, it was hard for her to focus on the hose. She grabbed her belly as it expanded. As gallons upon gallons kept coming toward her, her body seemed to be like an expanding water balloon.
Her eyes widened as her thighs and ass began to fill up her jeans and her breasts began to grow, pulling the buttons on her jersey further and further apart. She cried out “MMMMMMM!! HELP! PWEASE MMMMMM!!! STOP IT!!!! Then she moaned in pain has her belt kept getting tighter and tighter, until…
The belt snapped off, sending giant ripples across her bloated inflated form.
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