My Dog Cums In Me

My Dog Cums In Me


My Dog Cums In Me


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Herausgeber : Amber FoxxFire Kategorie : Erotik Sprache : Englisch Veröffentlichungsjahr : 2017
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I just got home from work. I was tired and I just wanted to watch some movies. Hearing a scratching noise at the front door, I - of course - opened it. It was a large, dominant-looking German Shepherd. And he was hurt.Inviting him in was my first mistake. Even after tending to his wound, he wouldn’t leave. He wanted something from me.And he wasn’t about to leave until he got it.Excerpt:I invited him up on the sofa again and he nestled his muzzle on my lap. Together, we watched the show, but I noticed that after a while he started pressing his nose closer and closer to my quim. At first I thought he was just repositioning himself. But when I felt his cold nose press up under my skirt, I knew something was up."What are you doing boy?" I laughed nervously. Here I was alone in my house with a large, strange dog who absolutely refused to leave. I don't know why but that thought caused a shiver to race up my spine.Who was this strange dog? And why was he in my house? I wished I could've asked him, but there was no way to communicate that to him.I tried to push his muzzle away, but he was adamant and very persistent. I gasped when his long, hot tongue grazed my pussy lips. I had never let any man get so close to me. That was the first contact outside of myself that I had ever felt down there.
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My Great Dane Just raped me! Help! Goddamn that hurts! GEt off me fleabag! No joke

My Great Dane Just raped me! Help! Goddamn that hurts! GEt off me fleabag! No joke
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Ok ok, dont get to excited enemies. Here what happens: just got done with 2nd work out of day, start drinkin, go to bar for post workout meal(20ozstrip and all fixins) drink about 12 beers, come home, slam some more, let SirBoo out of the pin, go to shop, drink more. im there like 20minutes in come monster dog and jumps up on me with his face in mine like always. cept this time i stumble back over angle iron on floor im gonna weld in mornin and fall down sittin up with legs out in front. This big black mofo mounts me from behind, wraps legs around my neck and starts humpin me hard and i feel this big hard thing stickin me in the middle of my back. i start laughin and try to get up and this mofo marmaduke wanabe bites the fuck out of my neck and wont let go! so by this time i try to stand up(despite 500+lb squat) and fall to knees now and i feel this red rocket pokin right where my asshole is thank god I have jeans on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!meanwhile im screamin bloody fuckin murder and finally get to drunk feet and smack fuck out of this asshole, grab his collar and twist till his black face is blue and drag him to his fucking pin and kick him in his fat ass. Then I brought him 1gallon food and 3 cans pedigree and my steak bone. Gotta love him. He just needs to know the diff. Actually he just needs a bitch. Anyone here gotta female they wanna bring over? Please!!! I was gonna breed him and selll pups fukin forget it he is to much.

Ps..only a real man would admit to this so help yourselves.

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Yeah I remember the first time I had sex with a dog. Good times.


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OMG that is the funniest shit. I might make that whole thing my signature. The moral of the story is don't leave angle iron around to be tripped on. At least you wern't hurt.

was it biting your neck hard of playful


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the back of my shirt is still wet and my jeans in the wash. this fukin dog is the best of all time. dont get wrong idea. god, youd justhave to meet him. just dont trip! he cant help it, only 2years old and no females around except my pit and shes been fixed but he still likes to stick his nose up her cooch to her detest. maybe i could hire my queer neighbor to jack him off once a week or something. he justneeds his balls cut. now hes full grown and vet wants 350+ to do it fukin shit!! mofo rip off! oh well better than red rocket red rocket! this sob has permanet lip stick.


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Excerpt: Ok ok, dont get to excited enemies. Here what happens: just got done with 2nd work out of day, start drinkin, go to bar for post workout meal(20ozstrip and all fixins) drink about 12 beers, come home, slam some more, let SirBoo out of the pin, go to shop, drink more. im there like 20minutes in come monster dog and jumps up on me with his face in mine like always. cept this time i stumble back over angle iron on floor im gonna weld in mornin and fall down sittin up with legs out in front.

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Home » Featured » ‘My Uncle Made Dog Sleep With Me’ – 18-Year-Old Girl Shares Ordeal (VIDEO)
The lady identified as Angela Amewu, recounting her harrowing ordeal in the hands of her uncle revealed that her uncle had s.ex with her countless times.
Sharing her experience on Oyerepa FM, Angela stated that she moved from Kumasi where she was living to Lagos to stay with her Aunt and her husband after they promised to help further her education.
Angela narrated that, her aunt’s husband forcibly slept with her for a long while and at a point in time was forced to sleep with a dog in the same house.
According to the teenager, she got pregnant three times but her aunt’s husband made her abort all of them without any medical intervention.
She disclosed that the things she was going through in the house became unbearable for her so she dropped out of school and left the house and returned to Ghana where she resorted to the selling of water sachets to make ends meet.
Amewu, shockingly intimated that due to the countless numnber of times her aunt’s husband had intercourse with her, she became so used to it to the extent that she couldn’t stay away from it anymore as there was no day that went by without have a joystick in her.
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