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Linguistic geniuses

Most people are pleased if they can speak one foreign language. But there are also people who master more than 70 languages. They can speak all these languages fluently and write them correctly. It could be said then that there are people who are hyper-polyglots. The phenomenon of multilingualism has been around for centuries. There are many reports of people with such a talent. Where this ability comes from has not yet been thoroughly researched. There are various scientific theories on this. Some believe the brains of multilingual individuals are structured differently. This difference is especially visible in the Broca Center. Speech is produced in this part of the brain. The cells of this area are constructed differently in multilingual people. It is possible that they process information better as a result. However, further studies to confirm this theory are lacking. Perhaps what's decisive is just an exceptional motivation. Children learn foreign languages from other children very quickly. This is due to the fact that they want to blend in when playing. They want to become a part of the group and communicate with others. With that said, their learning success is dependent on their will to be included. Another theory implies cerebral matter grows through learning. Thus, the more we learn, the easier learning becomes. Languages which are similar to one another are also easier to learn. So a person who speaks Danish learns to speak Swedish or Norwegian quickly. Many questions are still unanswered. What is sure, however, is that intelligence doesn't play a role. Some people speak many languages despite low intelligence. But even the greatest linguistic genius needs a lot of discipline. That is a little comforting, right?

______sian is among the languages that dominate the book market.
Great works in world literature were written by ______sian authors.
Thus many books are translated from ______sian.
______sians also enjoy reading new texts so translators always have a lot to do.
______sian is the native language of about 160 million people.
Additionally, many people in other Slavic countries speak ______sian.
With that, ______sian is the most widespread language in Europe.
Approximately 280 million people speak ______sian worldwide.

As an Eastern Slavic language, ______sian is related to Ukrainian and Bela______ian.
______sian grammar is structured very systematically.
That is an advantage for people who like to think analytically and logically.
______sian is absolutely worth learning!
______sian is an important language in science, art and technology.
And wouldn't it be nice to be able to read famous ______sian literary works in their original form?

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Najciekawsze sprawy kryminalne. Nowe odcinki w każdy wtorek o 20:00!

Prowadzący: Dariusz Nowak
Reżyser: Mateusz Kudła
Zdjęcia: Łukasz Herod
Dźwięk: Krzysztof Bąk

Kontakt: kryminalnypatrol (at) krkfilm.com

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Mam na imię Agata i lubię uczyć hiszpańskiego. Staram się pomagać każdemu, komu z hiszpańskim po drodze. W 2015 skończyłam iberystykę, więc nauczycielką jestem z miłości i wykształcenia. Pracę w zawodzie zaczynałam udzielając niezliczonej ilości lekcji indywidualnych. W 2017 roku zdecydowałam w końcu stworzyć projekt Agata uczy, tak aby pomóc w nauce jeszcze większej ilości osób. To właśnie wtedy na YouTube pojawił się mój kanał. Od 2019 tworzę kursy online, które kompleksowo pomagają w nauce tego pięknego języka tysiącom osób.

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Kolejny porcja bardzo przydatnych hiszpańskich zwrotów. Tym razem opowiem Ci jak poradzić sobie w taksówce. 🚕 Z tego krótkiego filmu dowiesz się jak po hiszpańsku zapytać czy taksówka jest wolna? W jaki sposób wytłumaczyć gdzie, chcesz jechać? Jak poprosić o pomoc z bagażem? A także jak zapytać o cenę przejazdu? Zobacz ten film i poznaj 6 hiszpańskich zwrotów, które z pewnością przydadzą Ci się w taksówce.

⚡“Hiszpańskie szoty” ⚡to seria krótkich, ale treściwych lekcji, które mają zapewnić Ci jak najwięcej wartości. Sama praktyczna wiedza podana jak na tacy, którą wykorzystasz w czasie podróży do Hiszpanii czy Ameryki Południowej, w szkole lub na studiach. Takie właśnie są moje filmy publikowane w czwartki w samo południe.

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