Une orgie made in Japan

Une orgie made in Japan


Une orgie made in Japan

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The term ‘Lolita’ refers to an under aged, seductive girl, who often becomes the sexual obsession of a much older man. Originating from the character in the popular Vladimir Nabokov novel of the same name, multiple films have taken on some kind of variation of her and Humbert Humbert’s relationship.
With the upcoming film “Diary of a Teenage Girl” having a similar theme, here are 15 other films that explore this complex from different angles.
Katie Kampenfelt (Britt Robertson) is an archetypal version of a Lolita – a seductive, attractive, dishonest, underage girl who desires nothing more than feeling wanted and loved. She takes gap-year before beginning college and with the advice from a concerned teacher, starts an anonymous blog that chronicles her thoughts, affairs and adventures.
She cheats on her high school boyfriend (Max Carver) with a 32-year-old college film teacher (Justin Long) who is in turn cheating on his girlfriend. After he moves away, Katie is left stranded, ignored, and car-less, unable to contact him of her own accord.
Despite breaking up, he still occasionally contacts her whenever he feels lonely, and after having sex, says that he regrets it. He uses his adult status as a defense for ending the relationship, saying that she is immature and he has to be the grown up in this situation. That is, until the next time he wants to use her.
After quitting her job at the bookstore since her boss was a convicted sex offender (Martin Sheen), she gets a call from Paul (Christian Slater) who interviewed her for college and knew that since she deferred a year, she could maybe work for his family as their babysitter. Although somewhat shallow and sulky, Katie is not just the girl everyone wants, but the one who loses her innocence, the people closest to her and everything else.
Rob Marshall’s film chronicles the poor little Chiyo Sakamoto’s adventure to becoming the most desired geisha in Japan. After being sold by her family to an okiya (geisha house), she makes too many mistakes and is punished by being demoted to a slave.
The young Chiyo feels very unhappy and hopeless until she is noticed by an older man, the Chairman (Ken Watanabe), who compliments her rare blue eyes and buys her an iced cherry sorbet. She admires his geisha companions and dreams of becoming as elegant as they are so that she could become part of this kind stranger’s life.
The Chairman gives her his handkerchief with some money in it, so that she could buy some food for herself. Instead she gives the money to the gods and wishes to someday become a geisha.
Cut to a 15-year-old Chiyo (Zhang Ziyi) who still loves and dreams about the Chairman, keeping his handkerchief underneath her clothes, next to her heart. Despite all odds, she becomes a maiko (geisha in training) thanks to Mameha (Michelle Yeoh) and reunites with the Chairman who has been her entire reason and motivation for becoming a geisha.
However, she has to deny the dream she has been promising herself since her childhood and entertain and romance his best friend, regardless of the Chairman’s proximity.
Another film by Park Chan-wook (Oldboy), the psychological horror begins on India Stoker’s (Mia Wasikowska) 18th birthday, when her father dies unexpectedly in a car accident. At the funeral, India’s unbalanced mother Evelyn (Nicole Kidman) introduces her to her uncle Charlie (Matthew Goode), a man she had never known existed. After traveling around the world for the past two decades, Charlie starts to live with them, seemingly to offer his support after this family tragedy.
Evelyn grows closer to him, since he reminds her of her husband when they first met and fell in love. India, however, rejects all his attempts at friendship. She takes the bus home even though he is there to pick her up (much to the schoolgirls’ delight) and declines his umbrella when it’s raining heavily.
India discovers more about Uncle Charlie than she wants to and becomes drawn to him. Evelyn and India’s jealousy of each other’s time with him leads them to resent each other even more. Charlie seems to play with India’s emotions and leads her into the dark path that he is on. Their relationship, besides incestuous and unhealthy, is dangerous – for everyone.
15-year-old Sarah Williams (Jennifer Connelly) is left in charge of her baby brother Toby while her parents go out for the evening. Toby is hugging her favorite teddy bear and she dramatically responds by wishing for Jareth the Goblin King (David Bowie), a character from her favorite play to take Toby away. Surprisingly enough, he appears and does just that, despite her pleas to leave them alone, saying that she was just being melodramatic.
As a compromise, he gives her thirteen hours to find her way through his labyrinth and save Toby before he turns him into a goblin. Sarah falls into a trap, causing her memories and motives to fade. She escapes into a dream world set in a ballroom with 80s dresses and Bowie pop songs, where Jareth finds and dances with her.
The Goblin King shows in the most contradictory way, that he is doing all this because he is in love with her. His obsession with her is why he tortures Sarah so that she becomes trapped in his world forever. He illogically insists that he would be her slave, if only she does everything he wants.
Noah Baumbach’s “The Squid and The Whale” focuses on the inappropriate behavior and dysfunctional relationship between the egotistical, once-promising author turned English teacher Bernard Berkman (Jeff Daniels) and his newly separated and serial cheating wife (Laura Linney) as parents who share joint custody of their two maladjusted sons, Walt (Jesse Eisenberg) and Frank (Owen Kline).
One of Bernard’s college students, Lili (Anna Paquin) who writes explicit, “racy” metaphorical poetry about her sexual experiences, asks him whether he could help her find a new place to live. He immediately responds by offering her the extra room in his house that he shares with his children half the time. She accepts and starts living with him.
His sons don’t blink an eye to what appears to the viewer’s as an obvious cross of boundaries. Walt, who’s only a bit younger than Lili, develops a crush on her. Bernard and Lili publically go to events together, leading other people to assume they’re in a relationship, which Walt always denies.
The pairing is made all the more unfitting and creepy when one considers that Daniels and Paquin were in a movie together before, in 1994’s “Fly Away From Home”, where Daniels plays her 13-year-old character’s father. However, Paquin is no stranger to the Lolita complex, portraying provocative students in films “25th Hour” with the late Philip Seymour Hoffman and “Margaret” with Matt Damon.
Jenny (Carey Mulligan) is a bored 16-year-old student focused on getting into Oxford University. Her days revolve around studying and her free time is spent practicing cello in the hopes of becoming a more attractive candidate. Enter the rich and sophisticated David (Peter Sarsgaard), who offers Jenny a lift back from cello practice one rainy day. He draws her into his glamorous lifestyle, a welcome change from reading Latin dictionaries.
David charms her strict parents into allowing her a night on the town with his ‘aunt’ i.e his friends, (Dominic Cooper, Rosamund Pike). This soon escalates to a weekend trip to Oxford and culminates in a trip to Paris for her 17th birthday. She becomes complicit in his lies and revels in fine-dining restaurants and night clubs.
Despite her youth, she is mostly in control, dictating the opportune moment for sex, refusing David’s baby talk and shuts down his cringe-worthy suggestion that she should first lose her virginity to a banana.
David’s age never seems to bother anyone; her friends are all intrigued by his car and Jenny’s new French cigarettes. Her parents disregard his age in favor of his interesting conversations and social connections. Only her sixth form teachers seem to care about her stirring away from her education for an older, rich man. No one expects anything bad from David, not unless they truly know him.
Best friends Enid (Thora Birch) and Rebecca (Scarlett Johansson) have just graduated high school. In this transitory phase of their lives, they have nothing much to do besides follow strangers and eat at a 50s diner. They notice a personal ad in which a man is seeking the blonde woman in the yellow dress with whom he had a “moment” at the airport. They are amused by this pathetic advertisement and prank call him pretending to be the blonde and arrange a meeting.
They watch the lonely, middle aged man Seymour (Steve Buscemi) show up and wait for the blonde. After a while, he realizes that he’s been stood up and dejectedly leaves. The girls stalk him back to his place, rifle through his mail, ridiculing his subscriptions. Both girls meet him at his empty garage sale nearby.
Enid’s amusement soon turns to pity towards Seymour. She starts hanging out with instead of Rebecca, going to his dinner party, to a jazz club, to diners and hanging out at his place. She changes his normal, dull routine and convinces him to try more things and get out more, even managing to persuade him to go into a sex shop.
She tries to help the reluctant Seymour to find a girlfriend, but once he succeeds, he feels that their age gap seems inappropriate and starts to avoid her. This leads to Enid becoming more persistent and even jealous of his new girlfriend.

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I am in the middle of doing my back exercises and hubby gets the camera out - naughty man.
With it being hunting season, my husband gives me a bouquet every year of a some sort of flowers. It is a peace offering for the time he will spend away from home.
When he had gone to get them, the shop in which he always goes has a new owner. They are from out town, coming here from somewhere in a big city. Our back woods, small town customs were lost on them. The owner stopped my husband and asked why so many men were buying flowers this week. What had they all done that was so naughty? My husband laughed and explained to him that they were all going to camp for the week. The men knew they needed something beautiful to treat their wives so they could return home when the season was finished. Last thing they wanted is to come home and find their belongings in the yard. HAHA!
Considérée comme la plus ancienne chapelle de Crac'h, elle se détache des bords de la rivière presqu'à sa source, au lieu-dit Baie de Saint-Jean, dans le village de Kerjean. Une date s'inscrit sur un corbellet du chevet : 1586. Un banc mural fait le tour de l'édifice à l'extérieur. "C'est là que les hommes attendaient leurs femmes" dit une rumeur coquine. La porte Ouest est toute moulurée. La corniche s'appuie sur deux consoles sculptées d'un masque. Le toit s'appuie sur un carvet. Le clocheton pyramidal prolonge une corniche du pignon et s'ouvre en anse de panier. Sobre de lignes, c'est un bon témoin de l'architecture du XVIème siècle marquée par la Renaissance. (Crac'h -Histoire et patrimoine)
Considered to be the oldest chapel in Crac'h, it stands out from the banks of the river almost at its source, at a place called Baie de Saint-Jean, in the village of Kerjean. A date is inscribed on a corbel of the chevet: 1586. A wall bench runs around the outside of the building. A naughty rumour has it that "this is where men waited for their wives". The west door is fully moulded. The cornice is supported by two brackets sculpted with a mask. The roof is supported by a carvet. The pyramidal bell tower extends a cornice of the gable and opens in a basket handle. Sober in its lines, it is a good example of 16th century architecture marked by the Renaissance.
Hubby up-skirting me descending the stairs, naughty man! 😊
Ooh, my naughty hubby, he gets me to dress up as a cop and then ties my hands behind my back with my hand-cuffs to get his naughty way with me! I of course, loved every minute of it!! 😛😛
sue left exposed at butlins over 30 strangers seen her like this each night for 3 nights sue no idea as she passed them the next day
Hubby and I had been enjoying a bottle of red wine together and he was in a mischievous, playful mood so he set me a challenge! Seeing me dressed like I was which was really to get him excited he set me a challenge! He naughtily said that if I manage to go out downtown as a hooker, which I suppose I am, and manage to get at least one punter interested that when I return he would make made passionate love to me!
Lets just say I was well satisfied with hubby by the end of the evening! 😛😛
left sue like this with the door open for my nephew to see as he went the toilet
This photos was Tin Green's most viewed photo for 5 years in a row. And I understand that completely. This photo is 100% Mère: sexy, naughty, fierce, mysterious, hot, teasing.. and it makes you come back for more and more.
Naughty girl...………..being sexy for my husband again and showing my panties over my pantyhose after my tight skirt has ridded up, he might think I want him...……….. 😛
“Sigh, Here goes it then, “he probably is still at that bar” …… I said with a slight hesitation, but with no whine in me voice ( for the record). I then promptly turned away and moved off , wading my way back inside…
I finally was able to make an approach up to the long scarred oaken bar, after weaving my way amongst the countless numbers of mingling guests, all dolled up for the evening. So I guess that is my excuse for not quite successfully keeping my focus on the task at hand that was inadvertently before to me..
Finally reaching me destination, I Ordered an old fashion (with rye ) and sat down next to him and said pleasantly.” how is it going Mate?”
He had been studying the dance floor, but at my greeting sighed and pulled himself away to look me up an down with a rather suspicious eye.
I met his gaze squarely, still smiling, avoiding the impulse to stare at the lit cigarette dangling from his lip. Being a pipe man meself ,I was a wee bit opinioned when it came to sloppy cigarettes smokers, especially those who left the bloody things dangle cheekily in their mouths at all times.
“Wotcher” he said, a bit snidely I thought, since I was just trying to be friendly.
“Do I know you Guv?” He quizzically added.
“ Sorry.” I admitted, “ Thought you looked like a bloke I knew up Manchester way.”
“Not from there am I , guv !” He stated rather dismissively.
I ploughed on… “Well, one can’t always be right, can one?”
“Just getting a drink” I continued,” I see yours is out, whatcha be having ?”
“Highball” he said smartly, and turned back away. For some reason I was not surprised at the blokes drink of choice.
He certainly was most interested in the goings on the ballroom dance floor! I caught the Keeps eye and indicated a refill was in order for my new found ‘mate’.
By then I had mine and I took a long, gloriously settling, sip. “That’s better” I sighed, a bit too deeply probably, but my new acquaintance, with full attention back on the ballroom dance floor, paid my comments no heed.
He hadn’t asked me name, which was fine by me, kept me from having to remember the one I would have had to ‘ave made up. Nor did I care to know this blokes name either, though I was harboring a pretty good guess that it would be a rather recognizable one, either mentioned from the telly or yeterday’s fish and chip wrappers.
But I could see I had lost the chaps attention….
“Pretty” I said following his gaze.
“What ‘s pretty ?!” he stated sharply, not diverting his watchful eyes.
I noticed that they were a bit shifty, his eyes, like a sly, watchful fox, and that they moved with a rapid constancy. Think a young Trevor Howard with Peter Lorre’s eyes, and you have the chap to a T!
“The dancers, mate” I said, “this lot is dressed rather elegantly tonight!.”
He peeled his eyes off the dancers twirling and swishing about, and turned slowly to me, a bit scornfully , “what did you expect guv, its full dress tonight, that’s why you and I have these uncle’s monkey suits on, taint it?”
“Indeed sir” , I said agreeably with what I hoped was a winningly sincere voice, though down deep, to meself, I felt this prig deserved anything but politeness. Still I carried on, trying to be friendly.
“That lass in the green is pretty” I remarked, nodding in a direction by the far corner of the floor to where a rather petite lady with black hair, prettily clad in a shiny bit of a green gown, black glasses owlishly perched on her nose, and displaying a rather nice little set of shimmering emeralds, was dancing with a bird like bloke wearin ,of all things, a scarlet red vest.
“Personally, I like the way her emerald jewelry sets off against her gown!”, I added whilst pointed her out…
He had gotten his drink, and I noticed he had quarter drained it in one gulp, and set it down without a kind word, like say, thank you..! He was on his way to a real bender if he kept up with that pace I thought, eyeing the two other, empty glasses, already collected at his elbow on the bar top!
He had gone back to his eyeing of the ballroom’s inhabitants, I could see his shifty eyes flitting about.
“Whasat” he finally said, “The gangly bird dancing with cock robin? Yah,I suppose so.” He snorted at his own remark.
Then looking at me for a long second, he continued on.. “Like her jewels do ya than mate?” he said not bothering to hide the snideness in his comment .. “ Meself, Guv, I notice more than a sweetie’s bloody jewels !” He again chuckled dryly at his presumed wit, I did not choose to join in..
“Occupational hazard I guess, noticing jewelery .” ,I admitted, choosing not to expound on my drinking partner’s opinion, “I own a small jewelry shoppe on the village green.” “Nothing much, but it pays one’s rent.”
“I guess than a gent like you would prattle on about jewels” “Is that what brings you alone here these evening?” “I aint seen you out dancing with anyone.” There was definitely insinuation behind his words, but, therin, laid a delicate path I dared not explore, lest my incipient plan blew up in my face.
I gave no reply, and after the observation was spoken, let him continue on in his dry, sniping tone that I was beginning to realize was his normal manner of speech!
“So you just want a bit of a peek at what you sell guv?” “ Me, I just like lookin at the whole bleedin package, iffin you get my drift !!”
And giving me a weaselly little grin, he nudged me with his elbow with a mirthless cackling laugh , then turned his attention raptly back onto the thronging occupants of the dance floor..
Spotting a possible opening, I delved into the breach. Sink or swim time.
“So what do you do when you are not attending these rather posh affairs?” I asked, trying to keep a wedge in our conversation. Even though the answer was pretty obvious from the blighters manner of dress, and baby smooth manicured fingers!
“Nuttin” he said through gritted teeth, never diverting his gaze to me, “Don’t hafta work like a regular Git, gets a small allowance from me father don’t I! Not much though, old parental gents are too cheap by half if you ask me, livin in the stone age where an extra few quids concerned!!” He literally spat out the last few words.
“Shame” I sympathetically pretended to agree , “but still”, and raisin my glass, said “cheers to being able to keep a roof over one’s head.”

Une mère de famile italienne sodomisée
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