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Transgender Dating: We’re frequently asked for advice about trans community dating . It’s no surprise that there is some confusion about developing transgender relationships. Part of the problem is that we’re a rather diverse and complex group of people.
The transgender dating community includes cross dressers, t-girls, transsexuals, pre-op, post-op, non-op, MtF, FtM, androgynous, intersex, gender queer, gender fluid, significant others, cisgender individuals and more. Among these will be variations of straight, gay, bisexual, metrosexual, pansexual, asexual and questioning sexualities.
There is no one size fits all solution regarding transgender dating , but fortunately, there some guidelines that should help you navigate the transgendered dating world and meet friends or lovers that will open up new opportunities for you. If you want to meet someone special we would like to invite you to read this page and browse our dating articles .
Try a search of the transgender personals . Search members’ profiles with photos and bios. The TG personals functionality includes ability to search by gender, age, distance from you, body type, ethnicity and online status. You can search the personals or place your own photo ad and let them come to you. There are thousands of ads from t-girls and admirers looking for transgender dating. Search the huge database of ads to find transgendered women, men and admirers with exactly the characteristics you’re looking for.
There are actually many ways to connect with t-girls and admirers. Whether you’re looking for friends or a lover, there are a few things we can recommend that should make your search more productive. Most people probably think of online personals as the way to meet transgendered people, and it is very effective, however, there are other ways to meet t-girls and admirers and we will discuss some of those ways here.
The primary way you will meet t-girls and admirers is through transgender personals. It’s not the only way, but it’s where people who are serious about meeting others go-to place and respond to ads. Lots of people use transgender personals, and for a variety of reasons. First, there are many transsexuals, crossdressers and transgendered people who seek the friendship of other t-girls. Transgender personals are a great way to meet new friends. Reach outside your normal circle of contacts to meet new friends who truly understand you. You’ll find lots of interesting people in the personals. Many of them are looking for romance or sex, but most also enjoy meeting new friends.
There are two ways to use the personals. First, you can browse the photos and profiles of t-girls and admirers in the personals to find those with the perfect traits for you. You’ll likely have hundreds of ads near you so you can be selective and look for just the right one. Second, you can place your own ad and let them come to you. Be sure to include a photo and you’ll have a much greater response to your ad.
Don’t overlook t-girl chat rooms and forums in your quest to meet Mr. or Ms. Right. We have an active transgender chat room and TG message forum here at TGGuide. Why not register an account and get to know some of our members. It’s always free and we believe some of the greatest TG folks in the world can be found right here at! You might ask why we’re recommending chat rooms and forums. You never know who you’ll meet in the chat rooms or forums. Indeed, many relationships have blossomed after meeting in our chat room. Even if you don’t meet the love of your life, you’ll learn a lot about t-girls and the transgender community by engaging in the chat and forum discussions. This is a great way to meet new friends.
While it isn’t for everyone, nightclubs can offer a fun public place to go out dressed en femme or to meet t-girls who are out on the town. Many crossdressers and transsexuals find comfort in TG friendly nightclubs where they quickly find that they’re accepted and welcomed. These nightclubs and bars are usually gay and lesbian bars that are transgender-inclusive. Some will identify as GLBT (inclusive of the transgender community) while others will identify simply as gay and lesbian, but many still welcome transgender people.
We have a TG nightclubs directory here at TGGuide. This is a great place to start your search for a friendly and accepting nightclub where you can go en femme comfortably. Due to the nature of bars changing management and clientele, we strongly recommend that you do a little research. Go to and research the nightclubs . Locate and review their web sites or call ahead to be sure they still welcome t-girls. You’ll find virtually all staff at these nightclubs to be very friendly and informative on the telephone. No need to be shy. Give them a call and get information before you show up!
Most new crossdressers and transsexuals find it desirable and usually necessary to reach outside their normal circle of family and friends, to obtain the support they need. Let’s face it. Nobody understands us like other transgender folks. There are many groups dedicated to trans people. Some are more socially oriented groups while others are structured to be peer support groups. Some offer counseling and other support services for transgendered people.
We provide a list of transgender support groups here at These groups come and go so you should do a Google search to see if you locate support groups in your area . Do a new search for transgender support in “YOUR CITY.” If you find a group we haven’t listed or that needs to be corrected please contact us and let us know.  These groups may or may not be focused on social activities, but you’ll meet new friends regardless.
There are many transgendered people in social networking sites. In fact, we invite you to network with us on Facebook and Twitter . Did you know our trans chat is a social networking site just for the transgender community? That’s right. Browse profiles to find local area friends, chat in our trans chat rooms, send private messages, add friends, share photos and post on our forums. Another possibility is to join other social networking sites like Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Tagged and others to locate transgender friends. You never know who you’ll meet. This is another great way to meet local friends or to set up connections for places where you travel.
You should steer clear of criminals, drug users, liars and other undesirables. Please take the time to get to know people online before you provide any personal information. Use common sense to weed out the bad apples. Most t-girls and admirers are good people but there are definitely those who should be avoided. Screen them, just as you would any other friends or lovers. When you do meet someone you’ll become intimately involved with it’s a very good idea to practice safe sex .
It may take a little time and effort to find your perfect match. That’s ok. Anything worthwhile takes time and effort. Following our suggestions may help speed up your search. Don’t give up. There’s someone special out there hoping to find someone just like you!
hi im Nathaniel im gay but im in closet so i go out with tranwomen to hide that im gay can you please help me come out
I’m a 67 yearold man that is a M2F Cross Dresser, I have come to learn that some M2F Cross Dressers do have romance without BJ’s or other things yet i also am into post op trsnsgender females also. No I’m not gay nor do I wish to be a woman, but I do appreciate the female look. I am looking for either a trans female or M@F Cross dresser for respect and romance, and a good relationship locally, (in the Medford Oregon Area).
Although its been years, I have had a relationship with a M2F non op transgender woman and it was one of the most fulfilling and meaningful relationships I’ve ever had. After it ended due to her job transfer, I played the straight game, got married, had a child and was happy. My daughter is grown, my wife passed 11 years ago this March 26th. I am an older gent but with a lot of love left to give to that special someone. All I seem to find now through TS dating sites is pros and ladies who just want to hook up. I am looking for something a whole lot deeper and more meaningful. Is there hope for me?
There are plenty of transgender women seeking a serious relationship. It’s true that a lot of the trans women on dating sites are just looking for hookups but there are still those looking for a long-term relationship as well. One way I know of that could have great results is to engage regularly in our trans chat . I know of several committed relationships that started in chat. I’d recommend taking your time to get to know some chat friends and let the relationship grow organically. Best of luck. Thank you for your message.
I have always been interested in a transgender person. I’ve been straight my hole life but would like to get to know a beautiful transgender women that would help me out with my curiosity about having sex with a transgender woman. I’m biqurios I guess you can say.
I should first explain that I’m bisexual and I’m looking for a M2F no op trans female. I’m in an evolving state. If you would, please send me some of your pictures.
My background: My name is Happyoleguy. I believe that I am in an evolving state. I want to experience the companionship of a beautiful transgender female if I can find one who will nurture my evolution and appreciate my needs and desires to be part of the community.
Male, age 31 needs advice on how to meet a nice trans woman for long term relationship. Most transgender women I meet on the dating sites just want to hook up. I am looking for something more serious. Love your site btw. <3
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When you call, you’ll speak to a trans/nonbinary peer operator

We don’t define what a crisis is and isn’t, and you don’t need to be in crisis to call.
Call us for any reason. You deserve support.

Your call will be answered by a trans person.

There’s nothing you have to say, or any intake questions you’ll have to answer. We can just talk to you, or we can just listen.

If you experience vocal dysphoria, we won’t assume your gender identity.

You won’t be asked for any identifying information.
We do not call any emergency services, or otherwise break your confidentiality without your explicit request.

Need help supporting a trans loved one?
While we have a strict policy against non-consensual active rescue, we reserve the right to report any call containing credible threats of violence to others and to comply with laws regarding suspected child abuse and neglect. See a description of state laws here .
We do not put callers on hold when all our operators are busy, because callers have let us know that doesn’t feel supportive. Visit here for next steps.
We do not currently offer any text or online support. We are exploring solutions that retain anonymity and confidentiality, as well as seeking funding partners to be able to expand our services.
Microgrants provide trans and nonbinary people with low-barrier funds and support to correct names and/or gender markers on identifying legal documents, and support our trans siblings behind bars. Learn more here .
Trans Lifeline is a trans-led organization that connects trans people to the community, support, and resources they need to survive and thrive.

Trans Lifeline’s Hotline is a peer support phone service run by trans people for our trans and questioning peers. Call us if you need someone trans to talk to, even if you’re not in crisis or if you’re not sure you’re trans.
Oprime 2 para hablar con unx operadxr en español.
No nonconsensual active rescue (calling 911, emergency services, or law enforcement)
The Hotline is operating 24/7. When call volumes are high it may
take a little longer to get connected—please try calling again.
La línea directa de Trans Lifeline es un servicio telefónico de apoyo dirigido por personas transgénero para las personas transgénero y/o que están cuestionando su género. Creemos que el mejor apoyo que las personas Trans pueden recibir es el de los miembros de la comunidad Trans con experiencias de vida compartidas.
Llámanos si necesitas a alguien Trans con quien hablar, incluso si no estás en crisis o no sabes con certeza si eres transgénero.
Marca al (877) 565-8860 en los Estados Unidos o al (877) 330-6366 en Canadá y oprime el #2 para conectarte con operadorxs que hablan español.
Our Family & Friends Line provides peer support for friends, partners, family members and professionals supporting trans loved ones and community members. We trust trans people as the experts in our own lives, and we resource trans people’s support networks to do the same.
To access this service, call our main hotline and ask for our Family & Friends Line. The operator will find out the best time to call you back and you will receive a call back from a Family & Friends operator who has lived experience supporting trans people.
Trans Lifeline respects your gender identity and we will provide you with support without judgment. We do not expect you to disclose specifics about your gender identity, transition or pronouns, but we may ask some questions about your needs to help connect you with the best possible resources.
All callers are treated with respect, regardless of age, nationality, race/ethnicity, religion, orientation, socioeconomic status, immigration status, mental or physical ability or body type, including intersex status. We won’t judge you for your experiences, history, background, identity, where you are in your transition, if/how you choose to transition, or anything you choose or need to do to survive.

All of our operators are trans-identified, but we cannot guarantee that you will be able to speak to a specific individual or a person of a particular identity. But we will do our best to provide you with all the support you need.
Our operators are here to provide peer support to trans and questioning callers. Trans Lifeline is committed to combating racism, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, xenophobia, ableism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, classism and other oppressive structures.
As a rule, operators will not share personal contact information with callers in order to preserve confidentiality.
Different operators may have different boundaries regarding self-disclosure and conversation topics. Both callers and operators have the right to set boundaries around how much information to share about themselves, and what topics they are comfortable discussing.
Both callers and operators have the right to end a call when needed
Trans Lifeline does not tolerate callers using the line for sexual gratification or to prank, harass, or verbally abuse operators. Any caller who abuses the line may be blocked from calling again. The same applies to callers making bigoted commentary or looking to debate issues affecting our communities. Telephone harassment is a prosecutable offense.
All calls are recorded for quality assurance purposes, but the operator you speak to will only have access to the information that you give them. Call recordings will never be shared outside our organization or with emergency services/law enforcement. We tag general data on the needs and challenges our callers face for advocacy purposes, but they are anonymous and untraceable to individual callers.
Our calls are fully anonymous, both for callers and operators. This means we don’t use caller ID or have access to callers’ phone numbers unless you give it to us. We don’t have access to any of your names or your country, state, town, or address, unless you give that to us. Our operators will only know what you tell them, and will not ask you for any of that information. If you are looking for resources, an operator may ask you what area you’d like us to look in.
We cannot trace your calls and are not able to provide identifying or contact information to emergency services or law enforcement. Our operators’ identities, location, and contact information are also anonymous to callers. Callers are connected with peers anywhere across the US and Canada.
All calls are recorded for quality assurance purposes. The only people with open access to call recordings are Hotline program directors. Recordings will never be shared outside the organization. We do gather some general data on the needs and challenges our callers face for advocacy purposes, but it is anonymous and untraceable.
We do not offer call back services, except for the Family & Friends line.
Trans Lifeline has a policy against non-consensual active rescue, which means we will not call emergency services or law enforcement without your explicit request – even if you tell us you or someone else is in danger.
If you would like support requesting an ambulance or calling 911, we can assist you after informing you about that process and what may be triggered.
Our Family & Friends Line provides peer support for friends, partners, and family members supporting a trans loved one. To access this service, call our main hotline, and we will transfer you to an operator who may be cis or trans with lived experience supporting trans people, including those in crisis.
If a Family & Friends Line operator is not available, you may leave your number to receive a callback.
Any caller or operator can end any call for any reason. If you need support after your call is over, you can call back as many times as you like, though you may not speak with the same operator each
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