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Getting legless with my legs out for the weekend.
What a super venue - a stately home in the middle of a large park in a leafy part of South London. I had such a lovely time and hope to post some more pics here. The next Magic Theatre - live music, great crowd - will be in March. I'm booking my ticket now and thank you again Claire for organising such a super event....
I have said it before but sometimes a picture effortlessly captures 'the moment' so well that all the posing and pouting and sucking in in other pics just doesn't seem worth it. But this picture is special for another reason and that is my friend's absolute genius in setting and styling my own real hair. All a few years ago now but OMG I have had so much fun... Thank you everyone..
A long time since I posted here as it has been a pretty ghastly year. But I bounce back and did a simply splendid shoot in November ..... and then got pneumonia! That'll teach me to wear more. I'm getting better now. Apropos of corsets if you like this one PM me as I may get replicas made. Meanwhile here's to a happy Christmas to my friends here and a great new year.. It has GOT to be better... And thank you hun... you know who you are.. xxxxx
Such outrageous fun times! Thanks Robert and my lovely girls for really precious memories.
Yes, I can still hang it all together - a great weekend with lovely company, super food ( I know - I cooked it! ) and lots and lots of wine... More pics to follow...
You will know what I'm talking of.. maybe. Such powerfull experiences...
OK, so this is more classy. I'm a lady, see. Well most times anyhoo. So once again THANK YOU to a special person who has always been there for me, and lifted me when I needed it. Which actually is most of 2018. Here's to 2019- got to be better. Happy New Year everyone. T xxxx
One of those blasts from the past that occasionally pop up. You see if I had everything properly indexed I wouldn't get these nice surprises from time to time... Thanks Bella.... Mwah!! xx
At my Sparkle 'Strictly Glamour' exhibition a few years back. Happy days...
Which is a sort of short-hand I guess. Do I need to explain further??
Now what do you want me to do with all the baubles...??
Which is another go at alliteration, and an excuse for more glorious memories of my lovely Beauty Salon...
Another screen grab from my fabulous Glampires videos, featuring the gorgeous Azbeau and Saskia. Words simply can't express what fun this was and how much I love my girls. Thank you darlings...
Wow - so long since it was possible to get out and have terrific fun and meet my dearest friends again. So a huge THANK YOU to Claire Smith of Magic Theatre for this opportunity and to see wonderful Saskia again.
Sometimes waiting is all you can do -
'The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
The thing is wigs can change the personality you project, even change the proportions of your face. I LOOOOOVE them...
Such a lovely night after all the ghastly lockdowns and my charming companion made me feel years younger despite repeatedly referring to me as 'Joanie'. Whoever can he mean? Such a lovely time! Not sure about the Tiara though - I mean if you look like Will Self and are witty with it?
More lovely memories and yes, I like to let my hair down with a friend occasionally!
Well, actually I was just changing my top... honest.... really.
The sexiest woman of all time... and Marilyn Monroe haha!
And the last - all the gowns and wigs from this series are from my Strictly Glamour range - see more on Strictly Glamour Facebook and Strictly Glamour Etsy. Shameless plug I know....Txxx ( And many thanks to James Lyon for another great photo )
Coming down the stairs towards Camera God. What a nice surprise..!
One from the Archives especially for Fur lovers - more coming soon...
Another nice shot, this one by the late, great and very lamented Ricky Dixon. I think the last picture he ever took of me, so it is sad but tinged with lovely memories.
This was taken at the wild party I referred to earlier where I ( briefly ) served as a Sissymaid. As if!!!
Some pictures capture the moment. Some do. This one for example. Thank you darling....
I'm so lucky to have such fabulous friends .... this was taken at Racheal's birthday bash... and the coloured lines are laser lights not silly string!!
I LOVE this corset - so Belle Epoque, feminine but oh so tight!!!
Do you see what I mean? It is that capturing of a second in time, when everything is perfect..
Yes, almost exactly 10 years ago. Such wonderful memories and thank you Vicky Lee and everyone at the Way-Out Club.
What is it about toying with my hair that feels soooo sexy...? Anyone else feel like this too?
Such lovely comments on the previous pic and I've been asked for more - so how can I say no?
Thank you dear Rigel for such super memories....
..and here's to 2017! Well, it has to be better than 2016 let's face it, but we wish everyone out there the happiness you deserve, and a bit more... Mwah!!! xxxx
I LOVE this dress but decided to give it to a super girl who looked after me when I broke my arm. Love you hun!!!
Sometimes there is case for far too much make-up, for too much sucking in, for the OTT pout. For a corset I can hardly breathe in. Well, you know. Don't you...?
I know I have some fans who love furs and scarves ( Bandana's ) - so here I am in a lovely British Jaguar, wearing a Nutria Mink and Hermes scarf. I think I get 10/10 for that combo, but then I am biased..... Tell me what you think. T xxxx
My special girl friend is THE most fantastic hairdresser and did this lovely set for me.
Friends say they love this picture best of all, but I seem to be a little overtired? Anyhoo,another FAB picture from Miss Rachel Anderson..
Of course I'm wearing a wig, but the point is I'm looking forward to going back on hormones and growing my hair out again and I'd love my natural hair to be like this colour & style so I can wear it down or up. What do you think? Txx
Having gone blonde for my natural hair it is nice to change... yes??
This Famous landmark department store has a fabulous open-air terrace bar just by the Sushi Retaurant and overlooks Sloan Street and all the gorgeous high-end shops. Mine's a Gin & Tonic darling - chin-chin!
I'm sorting through recent shoots but couldn't resist this one. There is just something so spine-tingling about bridal gowns, don't you think?
From a recent DIVINE video shoot. Mmmm latex....
...which Flickr won't let me advertise. But if I was selling cameras I could... No, I don't understand it either...
My great Facebook friend Dave Curtois asked me to do the fashion show schtik ( and provide wigs and gowns for all the models ) at the Artful Pelican gallery in South London. This was a couple of years back to support charities helping homeless people.. What a great event and worthwhile cause - this photo is by James Lyon, make-up by Yves Wu. Thank you everyone for lovely memories.
Yet another super pic from a wonderfully gifted friend. With no disrespect she understands nothing of depth of field or aperture, or shutter speed. What she understands instinctively is the moment...
Our up-do's are a very small part of the 1,000 wigs in stock in every conceivable shade and style. But here's the difference - these are hand-styled and set in our London salon to customers choice - just a photo or sketch is all it needs, and in a few days you'll get a postie with a lovely big ( anonymous ) brown box. I love to think of happy customers tearing open those cartons.... Message me if you are interested...
Escort attire (back in the days when my girls and I could do escort work!!) is all about making the client feel ten feel tall!
As a call girl, you want your client to feel that he is squiring the hottest, sexiest woman in the world around town. Escort attire should be as overtly sexy as possible, and yet discrete enough to allow admittance into the most refined (i.e. snooty and stuffy) gentlemen's clubs. We working girls need to have free access to the places where our rich clients like to spend their nights when they are in town - and far away from the prying eyes of family and other encumbrances!
This is the kind of dress I would choose to wear when escorting a new client for theatre, dinner - and then back to his club or hotel afterwards. Form-fitting and shaping bodycon and bandage dresses such as this one put all the goods shamelessly on display - without creating problems with maître d's, concierges, and the porters and doormen of exclusive clubs. I wore this particular dress to escort Lord Redcar around the West End, a week or two before lockdown began.... and he was most appreciative of my efforts.

Transgender info pages South Africa

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Ryan Wolowski cought up with R. Sky Palkowitz aka The Delusional Diva and John E. from New York who attended there first ever live Amanda Lepore performance. The show took place at Be Bar which is located 1318 9th St., NW Washington DC.
LGBT GLBT LGB lesbain lesbian gay bisexual transgender transexual transsexual trans people TS sex sexual orientation cross dress dresser crossdresser cross-dresser TV transvestite DQ drag queen queens king kings transvestite Transvestism androgyne intersexual intersex intersexed other quer queer and or questioning agender genderqueer third gender reassignment surgery hormones bigender identity role non heterosexual str8 homo homosexuality homosexual community culture cultures people pansexual polysexual asexual feminist girl girls lady ladies women womens girlfriend girlfriends boyfriend boyfriends boy boys man men mens guy guys butch femme dyke diva divas she male shemale shemales transition transitioning effeminate Hijra two spirit two-spirit rainbows rainbow flag flags pink triangle triangles prides pride parade parades rights marriages marriage civil union unions acceptance equality
It is fast forward into Autumn here in Wales and this dress fits the changing colours and falling leaves in my garden perfectly..
Have a fab Friday everyone, it will soon be the weekend..!
I however, have to head away for work this afternoon..
Whatever you are up to, have fun, stay safe, be gorgeous..!! 💋💖💋
I've worn this outfit many times but none quite so well as this night in 2003. This is one of my all time favorites. Sweet, innocent and outrageously sexy at the same time! Love it.
...and how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?..
..The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind..
9:005 Pounds lighter on the scale
12:30 Lunch with best friend at Outdoor Cafe'
2:30 Run into Boyfriend's/Husband's ex - notice she's
3:00 Manicure, Facial, Massage, Nap.
7:30 Candlelight dinner for 2 and dancing.
10:00 Make Slow, sweet, romantic love.
11:30 Pillow talk in his big strong arms.
11:30 Drive up coast in Ferrari with gorgeous babe
11:00 Full on, get down, gorilla sex
Love this stretchy little dress. The makeup was just right! Break out the camera! Sorry I haven't been posting so much lately. Been busy trying to straighten out my head. Happy Valentines Day!
200,000 hit's on Barb's profile is reason to celebrate! Thank you everyone for all your kind words and support. Stay Pretty, Be Sweet!
Ella es Shary, una de mis amigas. Una chica con mucha fuerza y determinación.
Fotografias tomadas durante la celebración XV de la estetica de Marlen, Ciudad de México, Delegación Iztapalapa
todas estas fotos las he hecho en casa yo misma, trato de mostrar lo mejor posible mi feminidad
One of my first pictures fully dressed in makeup, wig, nails, jewelry and of course, clothes.
Erika Bertoqui directora de la obra Entre T´s que se prentará en el C.C. José Martí
Nombre de la obra: ENTRE T´s Autora: Erica Bertoqui Valdenegro Dirección: Erica Bertoqui Valdenegro Actrices: Erica Bertoqui Valdenegro, Mirna Pulido, Romy Lucien. Duración aproximada: 45 minutos El deseo de todo ser humano: atreverse a ser uno mismo, amar y ser amado y excavar en esa palabra tan solicitada y tan extraña llamada felicidad se encuentran en un instante en la vida de un travesti, una chica transgénero y una mujer transexual decidiendo su destino a través de los caminos inesperados y siempre enriquecedores de la poesía y la filosofía.
Inicio de temporada: 05 Febrero, 19 horas
Calle Dr. Mora 1. Metro Hidalgo. Entrada Libre
marcha por el Orgullo Lésbico-Gay en la ciudad de México
Dirección: Erica Bertoqui Valdenegro
Actrices: Erica Bertoqui Valdenegro, Mirna Pulido, Romy Lucien.
Staff técnico. Carolina de la Cruz y Trixie Sabattini El deseo de todo ser humano: atreverse a ser uno mismo, amar y ser amado y excavar en esa palabra tan solicitada y tan extraña llamada felicidad se encuentran en un instante en la vida de un travesti, una chica transgénero y una mujer transexual decidiendo su destino a través de los caminos inesperados y siempre enriquecedores de la poesía y la filosofía.
Por noveno año consecutivo Chile celebró el Día Internacional del Orgullo.
Desde sus orígenes en Chile, este día ha sido celebrado por el Movilh con un evento masivo denominado "Muestra Cultural por la Diversidad y la No Discriminación".
En la versión 2009 el evento tuvo un peak de seis mil asistentes. Durante toda la actividad, que duró ocho horas, unas 10 mil personas pasaron por la Plaza de Armas para disfrutar del evento, desarrollado el sábado 27 de junio
Por noveno año consecutivo Chile celebró el Día Internacional del Orgullo.
Desde sus orígenes en Chile, este día ha sido celebrado por el Movilh con un evento masivo denominado "Muestra Cultural por la Diversidad y la No Discriminación".
En la versión 2009 el evento tuvo un peak de seis mil asistentes. Durante toda la actividad, que duró ocho horas, unas 10 mil personas pasaron por la Plaza de Armas para disfrutar del evento, desarrollado el sábado 27 de junio
Por noveno año consecutivo Chile celebró el Día Internacional del Orgullo.
Desde sus orígenes en Chile, este día ha sido celebrado por el Movilh con un evento masivo denominado "Muestra Cultural por la Diversidad y la No Discriminación".
En la versión 2009 el evento tuvo un peak de seis mil asistentes. Durante toda la actividad, que duró ocho horas, unas 10 mil personas pasaron por la Plaza de Armas para disfrutar del evento, desarrollado el sábado 27 de junio
Dedicated to Christmas past and Christmas future.
At Club Naughty, 16 December 2009, with hostesses, Kacie and Cordelia.
Dusk falls. Soon we will be partying; and in a few short hours the clocks will be put back for the annual ritual, and tomorrow at this hour, it will be dark,.
Was one little flower from her hair.
From my Lomography set (read about the process on the Set description). This photo is a rework of one taken on 9 October 2008.
Part of a set of photos taken at the Brighton Pride (LGBT - Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transexual) Parade which took place on 1st August 2009
There was a spot of rain a bit later on, but the leaden grey sky did cast a lovely soft illumination.
There is also a related set from the previous year, 2008.
Transexual woman on night out in the Zocalo in town of Veracruz, Mexico
VI Parada Gay da Bahia – Salvador 08 – / 6ª. Pride Salvador
VI Parada Gay da Bahia – Salvador 08 – / 6ª. Pride Salvador
VI Parada Gay da Bahia – Salvador 08 – / 6ª. Pride Salvador
Check out the stunning Lucy at BWBG in this video, this includes a full transformation starting to finish and stills from her photoshoot. Thank Lucy for allowing me to use these!
Boys Will Be Girls, London's Luxurious Dressing Service
Well see her walking down that street.
Photo, makeup and styling by the talented Kelayla of
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para informarse acerca de copias, permisos o inclusión en blogs.Gracias.
This banner is taken from the Transvista web site.
I am sure you will agree with me that Kelayla's makeup and styling skills are unique. Her ability to transform a 71 year old 'dude' into a very passable, not to mention desirable 'young' lady is extraordinary!!
A selection of photos taken during the day is now featured here on Youtube

Transvestite and Crossdressing Models

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Sophie really loved her VIP badge :)
Lots more photos on my website!
Lots more photos on my website!
Short but very full skirted for lots of petticoats
showing the tops of the hold up stockings
long straight wig,Leather jacket,sleeveless :)
Just digging out some old photos, this one was from last March
I think this was on sophs 30th, or might have been transpocalypse. I think becky photoshopped this one a bit, looks better :)
(Rescuing a few photos from my broken website)
I think petticoats are great for flirting. Just look at the men when you twirl around. It's such fun being a girl.
Not the best pic ever, but i kinda like the chavness of this outfit ;)
Square dance dress with lots of petticoats
Front shot of the new wig I'm going to buy. I just love going to this shop and the owner is just great. She took this pic and the other for me.
It is summer time again. Time for cool dresses but old fashioned and still wear stockings (plus gloves and hat) when go out.
Sometimes I
Mom Armpit Hair Negr Porno
Vr Tease
Step Brother Sisters Fucking

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