Step Brother Sisters Fucking

Step Brother Sisters Fucking


Step Brother Sisters Fucking
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'I can't accept it': A mum has revealed her heartbreak and disgust after making the shocking discovery.
Amy Sinclair / Lifestyle / Updated 18.10.2020
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Warning: Content in this story may distress some readers
A mum has revealed her heartbreak after discovering that two of her children are in a relationship together.
The mother said she was shocked to learn her son and step-daughter - who’ve been living together as a family since they were toddlers - had formed a romantic bond.
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Sharing on Reddit, she said she refuses to accept their relationship and says it makes her “sick and angry”.
“When my son Nathan was two, he met a friend in his daycare class, who we’ll call Abby,” she said.
“Her dad, Jack, was one of the only other single parents there, as his wife had left after Abby was born.
“Jack and I bonded over our children and ended up dating for a year and a half before getting married, and we had our daughter Eliza less than a year later.
“Jack and I always raised all three of our children the same, and though they knew that Nathan had a different dad and Abby had a different mum, we had never thought to question if they saw each other as siblings.”
The mum went on to say that her life was tipped upside down last week when Nathan and Abby admitted they’d been in a romantic relationship for the past few years.
“She said that it happened after they were both adults, that they had gone to relationship counselling when it first started and that they were seriously thinking about marriage,” she said.
“Nathan then told us that they had admitted to having feelings for each other as teenagers, but had never acted on it because they were afraid of ruining their friendship, hurting each other, and most of all what we would think.
“At this point, Jack looked at me, grabbed my hand and hugged our children.
“He told them that he was sorry for us keeping them apart and that he ‘could tell how happy they are together’.
Since Nathan and Abby confessed their love, the mum said she’s struggled to cope.
“I haven’t responded to any of their messages or calls, and pretended I wasn’t home when they tried to visit during the day,” she said.
“I’ve been fighting with Jack since this happened, even so far as telling him ... they would never have my blessing, and I would put them both in therapy for having incestuous desires.
“This really upset him, and the fighting got so bad that I had him sleep in the guest house.
“I’ve never gone this long without talking to my children. I’ve never fought my husband. He’s even threatened me with divorce.
“I have no idea how to navigate this, and every time I think about it their whole relationship just makes me sick and angry.”
Many Reddit users sympathised with the mum’s reaction.
“Nathan and Abby were raised as siblings since they were toddlers and share a sibling not much younger than them,” said one.
“This isn’t a case of you and Jack meeting when your children were all grown, or possibly a much younger sibling they didn’t see much or even living in different houses throughout their childhoods.
“They were raised as brother and sister, and while they don’t share blood, they do have a sister together.
“I think your reaction is completely normal and justified.”
Added another: “It doesn’t matter if they technically don’t share blood.
“They were raised together as siblings since they were three years old, which is about as far back as any of us can remember. This is messed up.”
But others believed there was nothing wrong with the siblings dating, given they’re not related by blood.
“They are adults and it sounds like they took the correct steps before starting a relationship,” said another.
“Perhaps, you should consider therapy to work through your issues with their relationship.
“After all, they aren’t biologically related so this isn’t incest.
“You can’t force them to feel like siblings just because they grew up together.”
By Douglas Whitbread / Health & Wellbeing
By Katie Dollard / Health & Wellbeing
By Douglas Whitbread / Health & Wellbeing
By Katie Dollard / Health & Wellbeing

Should I worry about my son's claim that his older brother performed sexual acts on him?

On three occasions, my son has claimed that his older half-brother has performed sexual acts on him. The first was "putting his penis in my butt". Then he said "he put his hand on his penis." Tonight, he said he unzipped his brother's pants and then he simulated fellatio to show me what he did next. These all came after periods where the boys were alone together. My son quickly recants his stories when I continue to inquire. Should I be concerned or is this an extension of his imagination and general interest in body parts?
When a child discloses that he has been touched sexually, it is important to believe what he says. A child, while often imaginative, cannot make up stories that include specific adult like sexual behaviors without having some exposure to the behaviors. Your son’s disclosure does indicate a warning sign that he is at risk for sexual abuse or is being sexually abused.
Do Children Recant Disclosures of Sexual Abuse? It is common that a child will recant his story. When a child feels like the adult he loves and trusts could be becoming upset, worried, angry or even sad by the information he is sharing, he may try to back out of his story to protect the adult. Additionally, he could be afraid of getting in trouble or even of getting the person abusing him in trouble. I’d like to recommend that you read our information on when a child tells about sexual abuse from our Online Help Center.
Noting Warning Signs I am also wondering if there have been any other warning signs that the older boy has shown indicating a risk to sexually offend other children. Perhaps sharing any other observation you or others have noted that indicate that there is a risk would help in your conversations. Both boys deserve to feel safe and supported. I would add that it would be important to explore the older boy’s possible exposure to these sexual behaviors and explore his risks for being abused as well.
Planning for Safety You don’t mention your son’s half-brother’s age or whether there are other adults concerned, but it is important to make sure that all the adults who are responsible for the safety of these two boys be involved in discussions of safety and protective actions. If these conversations can focus on the need for helping both boys and keeping all children safe rather than creating a sense of blame, then all the adults involved may be able to work together to address both boy’s needs. 
It is very important that a safety plan be implemented to help protect both boys. All adults involved should be aware of the safety plan and it should include strict supervision whenever the boys are together. They should never be left alone. In fact, while your family is deciding on how to proceed, I would recommend that your son’s brother be supervised in all his interactions with all children. Our prevention tool, Create your family safety plan will help you further design a safety plan for your family.
Professional Help and Filing a Report The adults involved may want to explore seeking out professional counseling for the children. I do want to let you that a therapist may be required to make a report of child sexual abuse depending on the age of the older boy and your state’s mandates. When contacting a therapist, this could be a question asked in the intake process. 
Regardless, you may want to file a report as well. I recognize that this may sound like another difficult step but reporting often helps families get the supports they need and helps get the professional resources in place to help the children involved. Additionally, your son’s disclosure could be reported by another adult and it would serve your family well to initiate both reporting and seeking treatment.
Please read our information on filing reports, and ChildHelp (link is external) (1.800.422.4453) can further help you to find out where to file in your community. If you or other adults are interested in finding professional counseling, please refer to our specialized treatment resources , for both children who have been abused as well as for youth at risk to offend or who have offended . You can also talk with your pediatrician or insurance carrier for treatment referrals. 
I realize that this probably a lot of information that is very concerning. This is a very complex issue and please feel free to call us to have a more in-depth conversation. But you should know that your family can be just fine, and with prompt and compassionate responses, both boys can enjoy healthy and happy childhoods. 
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