Training A Slave

Training A Slave


Training A Slave
Being A Slave Before Being A Master
The Language of Consensual Enslavement
Types Of Relationships In Slave Training
With Great Power Comes Greater Responsibility
Some concepts can fit more than one category. Obedience Training is one of them. If some of the terms I use are unfamiliar to you, they can be found in other places here. They do have specific meanings in many cases which might not be identical to all dictionary ones. This also touches on the concepts of Layering and multiple usages in a single tool.
Obedience Training is comprised of several parts. It is a goal, an Engine and a Tool all wrapped into one nice package.
Obedience as a goal is obvious. Every Owner wants their slave to be obedient to their commands. This is an integral part of what enslavement is. As property, a slave is expected to obey their Owner and to do or not do whatever their Owner desires.
Obedience as a tool is also somewhat obvious, at least to most if not everyone doing this. A slave who becomes habituated to obeying some commands is much more likely to obey other commands which are similar or perhaps very different from the commands they have been obeying.
Obedience as an engine of enslavement seems to be similar to its use as a tool, but there is a difference as it is also a general rather than specific Enforcer and Reinforcer . This is because the obedience can be more important than what is being obeyed.
Obedience is not always automatic. This is especially true of new slaves. Even for simple orders there is an internal questioning of "What exactly is being wanted?”, "Why is this wanted? and "Should I obey?" Some questions are answered very simply and easily as the answers are obvious. Some are not. If I command a slave to bring me a cup of coffee, there are some internal questions but what I want is very obvious. I want a cup of coffee. Exactly how I want my coffee is a reasonable internal question or external if the slave has never brought me a cup of coffee before. How hot, cream, sugar, sweetener, which type of coffee, etc. If the slave has brought me a hundred cups of coffee before, I expect that the last question has long since been answered and she knows how I like it. With experience, she also knows how I want it served whether it is just to be brought and set down or to be formally served. Perhaps I stated a preference in the command and she then questions if she knows how to perform as required. The harder question is should she obey. Obviously, my slave should obey my command for a cup of coffee. She knows the answer to this question. But, is she doing something else that should not be interrupted or that she does not want to interrupt and so should she get it when she has time to get it or when she feels like getting it? This is really the enslavement question. The rest are details. Obedience Training removes the "Should I obey" question.
The following is an example of one training practice that uses all three forms of Obedience Training. Most, but not quite all Owners train their slaves in certain formal slave positions. The Gorean Slave Positions are one of the most common sources of these. I will use them for this example as they are both formal and practical positions for a slave to learn.
The expectation when a slave is given a specific position name as a command is for them to go into that position as quickly and gracefully as they can and to hold it until told to release or change to a new position. The questions about what and why are answered when you tell the slave they are going to practice various positions and practice doing them correctly but most importantly they are going to practice obeying your commands for each position.
The goal is the slave learning, obeying and performing the slave positions properly when commanded to do so. The tool is the obedience to commands. The slave positions themselves act as physical reinforcers of her enslavement to the Master.
When you practice, you repeat the same actions to learn something. This is an obvious procedure and doesn't take much thought to understand. It easily slides past the what is required and the “why should it be done” internal questions. If the slave wants to serve her Owner then the practice has a low threshold of resistance to performing the task just as getting a cup of coffee also has a low threshold because the what and why are easily understood.
During the practice the slave repeatedly obeys the commands and does not keep asking if she should obey as that is answered at the beginning of the practice. The repetition of obedience is the engine which drives future obedience. During the practice the expectation of obedience is there and the questions are not repeated with each command. The more someone obeys simple commands, the more they will obey more complicated commands. Each time the resistance to obedience is overcome there will be marginally less resistance to any new command. Many simple acts of obedience without the internal questions will layer up to the slave obeying complicated ones. Starting with many small acts of obedience works better than beginning with the complicated ones that can be confusing or may require more trust that has not yet been earned from the slave. It is slower but the Dwell Time for automatic obedience is much longer than the more complicated commands which will likely result in internal questions that are asked every time the command is given.
There is such a thing as reinforcing a reinforcer. Quick, positive reinforcement of the correctly done obedience is the best way to do this. Second to that, especially in something like the slave positions example, is correcting what is not or not quite correct and having it done over. In true practice, corrections and repetitions until correct works very well. Punishments or negative reinforcement do not work as well, unless you consider doing something again and again until it is done correctly a form of punishment.
Remember that not everything will have only one purpose or use when it is part of consensual enslavement. In this case, a session practicing the slave positions has many useful items all layered together along with the expenditure of energy on the part of the slave which can have other uses as well. A good Owner, Master or Trainer will have several goals for most of the tools he uses when working with and training a slave including reinforcing her enslavement.
All material written and © Copyright 2018 by Malkinius unless otherwise noted. 
For permission to quote or repost contact Malkinius at
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BDSM - Goals and Motivation For Training A Slave

MLA Style Citation:

Aposolos, Sophia "BDSM - Goals and Motivation For Training A Slave."
BDSM - Goals and Motivation For Training A Slave .
6 Aug. 2007
10 Jul. 2022 <­-­-­Goals-­and-­Motivation-­For-­Training-­A-­Slave&id=677626 >.

APA Style Citation:

Aposolos, S. (2007, August 6). BDSM - Goals and Motivation For Training A Slave .
Retrieved July 10, 2022, from­-­-­Goals-­and-­Motivation-­For-­Training-­A-­Slave&id=677626

Chicago Style Citation:

Aposolos, Sophia "BDSM - Goals and Motivation For Training A Slave." BDSM - Goals and Motivation For Training A Slave .­-­-­Goals-­and-­Motivation-­For-­Training-­A-­Slave&id=677626

Sophia Aposolos  |  

Submitted On August 06, 2007

When looking to get involved in the BDSM lifestyle you must understand at least basic goals and motivation. Just as with any position you might be hiring for, you need to learn how to create goals in order to mold them into your ideal slave and partner. When training a slave the question of how to motivate a slave is one that many dominants struggle with, but there are a number of basic things you can do to get the process started.
Many dominants want to believe that their power over a slave is all encompassing and that they merely have to say something in order to make it happen. If only this were the case. While there are some willing slaves that are able to follow orders and are happy to follow any orders you give them, most slave and master relationships do start off with a lot of miscommunication and frustration - especially when the ideas of goals and motivations aren't addressed from the start of training a slave.
Even a dominant partner needs to learn what will work best for their slave training. Because all slaves will have their own set of needs and personalities, you need to be ready to formulate a plan of training that incorporates the goals that you want your slave to achieve in order to satisfy your needs. And you also need to figure out what kinds of motivation will allow your slave to want to reach these goals in an efficient manner.
The goals that you set are as individual when training a slave are between you and your submissive. What you might consider to be an important goal may not be something that is important to another Dom/me - but that's not something you need to worry about. Your goals are going to begin with determining what you need from your slave on a regular basis. Is your slave going to be someone that is simply a service slave or perhaps a sexual slave? By defining their role in your life, you will be able to create clear goals they need to achieve in order to satisfy you.
For example when training a slave you might want to create a list of the things you expect your slave to do for you. They might be able to read this list ahead of time in order to know what will be expected of them in your relationship and also to give their opinion about anything that is not reasonable to them or unrealistic for them at this time. This initial agreement stage will happen before you open up the dungeon, so to speak.
Once these goals are established, you will then need to determine what will make a slave listen to your instructions - it can vary greatly from one slave to another. For example when training a slave some submissives respond to punishments, while others look forward to punishments and that doesn't motivate them to complete the tasks as directed. If disobeying gets them what they want, then they will simply continue to do so.
In these situations, you need to realize this early in the relationship and then make sure they aren't getting punished in ways they find pleasurable. For example, these kinds of slaves may need to be ignored or made to do tasks that they don't like in order to show them that when they don't obey, they are going to have to do things they don't like.
Motivation can also be a system of rewards for the slave when they do a good job. Orgasms are the easy way to entice a slave to obey, but as are services for you to further enhance their role as a slave to you.
When you are training a slave, you need to approach this work as any other job. By creating a clear set of goals and motivating in the appropriate ways, you will be able to create a slave that you can be proud of.
Mistress Sophia: First started out as a submissive to learn the ropes and understand more of what the lifestyle entailed. She then spent years endlessly studying and training to master Her skills as a Dominant. She has now dedicated herself to educating the public on a safe, sane and consensual bdsm lifestyle. Get over 22 years worth of submissive training secrets and take your life to new heights at []
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During your existence as a slave, should you encounter a moment in which you experience yourself at your best, at your perfection as the perfect slave, you will in that instance clearly imagine and ever greater perfection to fulfil... slavery is with out end.
This page is aimed at the care and training of the male slave. The development of the slave is a special process, seeing him grow and move towards is rebirth as a pure slave. Components of this can be use for recreational slavery - that is not living the SM life style but treating is as sport. This is also valid as there are few real slaves who are able to devote what is necessary to even approach the 24/7 SM life style, just as one of the jobs of the Master is to feed the slaves soul.
As with everything else in Dog Training attention to detail is important.
For a novice Master he might find it uncomfortable treating the slave as required in all areas, and yet it is this, that holds it all together.
In The McDade Principles SlaveMaster McDade covers a breadth of principles for normal slaves, this is a good foundation for training and high lights some of the responsibilities of the Master (and slave), this responsibilities should not be taken lightly - if you do not take then seriously why should your slave? Above all else the slave NEEDS to know his station in life, to have the structure and security from a framework for his existence, a slave's only pleasure is from obeying and being what he is. Wings video have now produced a VHS video based on the book "Care & Training of the male slave" by Robert Payne
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This voyage of creation is never ending, you recreating yourself, and the more you are the more you can yet become, and the more there is yet to be. It is like there is nothing else your soul wants to do, than express its nature. We so often live in a 'bad fitting suit' that we call life. It does not have to be that way.

Train Your Husband to Be Slave in Less Than a Week

MLA Style Citation:

Andrews, Angelina "Train Your Husband to Be Slave in Less Than a Week."
Train Your Husband to Be Slave in Less Than a Week .
30 Sep. 2009
10 Jul. 2022 <­Your-­Husband-­to-­Be-­Slave-­in-­Less-­Than-­a-­Week&id=3010610 >.

APA Style Citation:

Andrews, A. (2009, September 30). Train Your Husband to Be Slave in Less Than a Week .
Retrieved July 10, 2022, from­Your-­Husband-­to-­Be-­Slave-­in-­Less-­Than-­a-­Week&id=3010610

Chicago Style Citation:

Andrews, Angelina "Train Your Husband to Be Slave in Less Than a Week." Train Your Husband to Be Slave in Less Than a Week .­Your-­Husband-­to-­Be-­Slave-­in-­Less-­Than-­a-­Week&id=3010610

Angelina Andrews  |  

Submitted On September 30, 2009

Training your husband to be slave; a common desire among dominant women like yourself. If your husband has a submissive side, it can be achieved in under a week. There are two steps: bringing out his submissive side and then teaching him to serve you. Begin by changing your sex life. The next time you have sex, make him concentrate on pleasuring you. If he fails to make you happy, punish him (light smacks or name-calling). Do no do anything for his pleasure. Tie him up and pleasure yourself. When he speaks to you punish him and tell him to call you Mistress. If your husband is immensely aroused then you will know he is submissive at heart and can easily be trained to become your slave.
When you know he is submissive you can train him to serve you. The easiest way to get control of him, while you are new at this, is by not letting him orgasm. He will become so aroused that he will do anything to please you. Take what you have done in the bedroom into your normal lives. Tell him to call you Mistress. Speak sternly to him and tell him what he must do to make you happy. When he fails then punish him. Continue to prevent him from having an orgasm. Make him pleasure you sexually throughout the day, each and every day. At the end of the week, on say a Sunday, sit down with him, have him kneel at your feet, and explain to your submissive husband that you are tired of games and want to permanently change your relationship. Tell him you will become his Mistress. If he says yes, which they almost always do, you will have a new slave husband.
You can train husband to be slave or find a slave for free here -------> Free Search for Male Slaves []
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