Priest Erotica

Priest Erotica


Priest Erotica
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Pushing his penis into the innocent girl's virgin pussy
I can't help but feel short changed.
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The phone rang while she was at home alone. Her parents were still at work, so she skipped to it and answered the phone herself. "Hello?"
"Hi, Katie, this is Father Andrews from church." The girl recognized the voice of her priest from St. Frederick's.
"Hello, Father, how may I help you today?"
"Well, Katie, I heard that you will be turning eighteen soon." The priest explained in his usual friendly voice. "Everytime a young woman turns eighteen in our parish, I usually have a meeting with her, you know, as a counselor."
He continued, "I know your birthday is this Friday, and I'd like you to come in to the church on Saturday night, around 8pm, okay?"
Katie smiled and replied, "Sure, I can do that. I'll see you then." Today was Monday. When her parents got home, she told them about her plans, and they approved.
Saturday rolled around. Katie had a party with all of her friends last night, and she got up late, around 2pm. Her parents let her sit around most of the day watching TV; after all, it was her birthday. They had dinner: spaghetti and meatballs, Katie's favorite. After she cleared her plate, she started to get ready for her meeting with Father Andrews. She showered, and put on some of her favorite perfume. Then she picked out a conservative set of lingerie, a matching white cotton bra and panties. Finally she slipped into one of her prettiest church dresses, a red calf-length dress that hid much yet teased with what was not hidden.
She borrowed her mom's car and drove to the church. Most of the lights were out, but Father Andrews was waiting by the door for her. He escorted Katie to the basement, in a private room with candles and a small bench. It was pretty, and it looked like a very sacred room.
"Katie, we must be completely honest with each other in this meeting, and to show that, I'd like you to begin by kneeling and confessing anything you feel you need to." She knelt slowly, but her elbows up on the bench, and the priest knelt beside her. She prayed the customary forgiveness prayer from memory, and the priest smiled at her. Katie had been to church so often that she knew the service from memory.
"Now I want you to be completely open; mentally, spiritually, and physically." The priest calmly told her. "So I want to you close your eyes, concentrate on God, and remove all of your clothes, so God can touch you with his spirit."
Katie was so hypnotized by his calm words and blinded by her need to feel the spirit that she began to unbutton her dress, and pull it up and over her head. She was able to reach behind her and unsnap her bra and pull it off her body, and then with a quick bend at the waist, her panties slid down to her ankles. She stepped from her shoes and panties at the same time. She stood naked before the cross that hung on the wall in front of her.
Father Andrews, in his white robe, touched her on her hips, and guided the nude girl to the bench. She laid down on it, feeling its soft material on her backside. Looking up, she saw another cross on the ceiling, and she closed her eyes. The priest started to chant, in some language she didn't recognize. He could hear his voice as he circled her body.
Then Katie felt his hands on her face, and realized he was standing directly over her, with one leg on either side. He slowly rubbed her cheeks, and then moved down to her neck, then her shoulders. Half her was worried, thinking "What if her touches my privates?" But the other half was thinking "I will be touched by the spirit through Father Andrews."
Then his hands moved to her breasts, and he massaged them and ran his fingers of her nipples, which were starting to harden. She started to feel a little excited, and she thought, "that must be the spirit beginning to enter me!"
She felt the tingle spread through her body, centralizing in her pussy. She could feel his hands rubbing her breasts, and then sliding down her belly. The cool sensations on her ticklish stomach made her squirm.
"Katie," the priest whispered. Katie opened her eyes and looked at him. He told her, "You musn't move at all during this time. I shall have to restrain you now." She closed her eyes again and felt his hands strap her feet to the bench with leather straps, then her wrists to the other end.
Father Andrews started the procedure again, and once again Katie felt the spirit, stronger and stronger now. His hands her now sliding up and down her waist and hips, moving closer and closer together on her body. The restraints held her fast to the bench. She felt his hands get closer to her pubic area every second. Suddenly his fingers were on her labia, rubbing up and down. She gasped, and would have moved but the straps held.
A single finger moved past the lips and inside. The priest's chanting seemed louder, but Katie was no longer paying any attention to it.
The finger was inside for only a minute, but it seemed like longer, as it moved in and out slowly and gently. Then it was withdrawn, and replaced with what felt like a bigger, thicker finger. The spirit was increasing in intensity through her body. Then she felt two hands on her hips, while the big finger was still inside her pussy. She opened her eyes to see the priest, still chanting, pumping in and out of her with his big dick.
Now Katie wasn't a fool, and realized this had never been about a spiritual experience. But it felt so good, and her wet pussy needed his dick inside. She groaned and he pushed even deeper, until she was completely filled. Then he came, inside her, and the sensation put her over the edge and she came too. He laid down on top of her nailed body, and told her, "We'll need to work on this once a week, Katie. Do you think you can make that kind of commitment?"
She smiled. "I think we can work something out. I can't wait to feel the spirit in me again."
The priest commited rape and should be removed from all similar positions and jailed for life!
Agreed, too rushed and not able to suspend disbelief. With some character development, details, dialog this could have been a fantastic story. It had so much potential.
Abuse of power by priest and naive consent on part of female. Both culpable.
Yeah, suspension of belief that she so easily undressed.
It is hot, however, visualizing the priest slowly pushed his penis into her and penetrating her innocent Christian pussy.
It's like this is a synopsis, but worse, a synopsis which basically spoils the non-existent ending by going 'By the way, it was all a bit of fakery, bye.'
I get just writing stuff in the heat of the moment to get your own rocks off, but it really needed to be twice the length to be posted on a literary erotica board in my view.
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Old Priest has fun with young couple before wedding.
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There was an old priest that had lived out his days following church tradition. He had never laid with a woman and never had impure thoughts until recently. His days were coming to an end when he would retire from his duties and live his life in solitude until he met a young couple that were ready to marry. He met with the couple one day and they all sat in his office as he went over the basic details of marriage. He couldn't help but stare at the soon-to-be bride and her white, soft cleavage that peeked from her tank top. His cock began rising in his robes as he talked with the couple. He casually dropped his pen by the girl and watched as she bent over to pick it up, her breasts dangling low as she scooped up his pen, giving him an idea of her round breasts. His cock grew harder than ever as he came up with a plan to let out his pent up seed for the first and last time before he retired.
"Well as you guys may not know...the priest that does your wedding has to have a good idea of the couple who will bring in many babies for the church. So I'll have to examine you two to make sure that you're capable of this." His lips circled slightly as he fixed his glasses and casually pulled at his robes as a stream of precum oozed from his old cock. He almost didn't believe his ears when they thought it over before agreeing. It made perfect sense.
"Right then... this way into the private Chambers."
The priest led the way, a large tent formed in his robes that both noticed as he stood up and led then through the door. The priest locked the door behind them as they entered a somewhat emptied room with a couch and a chair where he did his confessions. The two sat on the couch as the priest sat in his chair, adjusting his boner so it sat flesh against his thigh, pumping precum from the tip and dripping down his inner leg.
"Right...ok. Son, please stand up and face me."
The man stood up and walked to the priests chair as asked and stood there, waiting and confused.
"Ok, now please... undress and allow the examination to begin."
The man rose an eyebrow but he agreed and slowly undressed. After his shirt and pants came off, he lowered his underwear, revealing his semi-hard pink, young cock to the old priest. The priests eyes widened as he saw the man's penis on display for him. He remembered when he was that young and the man's cock looked impressive. The priest moved forward to grab the man which caused his pulsing cock to skyrocket upwards and bounce his robes around as it slipped free from his thighs. The priest touched around the man's cock causing it to start hardening, rising upwards and pointing at the roof.
"Yes yes, quite large and I see your balls are large as well." The priest commented as he watched the man's penis rise up revealing his two large orbs. He cradled the man's balls and rocked them back and forth in his wrinkled palms.
"They are quite full as well I see. This is good. Your wife should have no problem getting pregnant."
The priest then fondled the man's cock, moving it around in different directions and watching as the veins pulsed. His cock soon began oozing precum as the old man played with his young tool. He could see the large tent in the priests robes and he realized this was not tradition, but he was enjoying himself too much to say anything. And the fact that his bride would be examined as well only drove him further into his lust. The priest brought his face close to the man's cock as he carefully examined every inch, poking and grabbing his penis.
"Ok I'm satisfied. You'll be a great addition. Now, you can have a seat and the bride will need to step forward and repeat what you did."
The man walked back to the couch, his cock bobbing in the air and dripping precum as he sat down and watched his bride take his place. She also stripped down, seeing her man do it earlier. She was already wet and dripping down her thighs when she finally pulled her underwear free. The priests eyes widened as he stared at his first naked woman. And she was in her twenties which made it even better. Her breasts were round and perky, her pink nipples hardened and her pink, shaved pussy laid bare for him to stare at. He placed his rough hands on her soft hips and stroked them slowly as he felt her skin under his.
"Oh yes, very soft skin. Very good."
His hands trailed up her stomach and under her breasts before he finally cupped them in his hands, firmly holding her tits, before he began to fondle them.
"Oh very full breasts as well! Yes, young and full of milk for the children you two shall bear. Good, good."
She closed her eyes in pleasure as this old priest touched her body and fondled her breasts. His hands moved her tits around in circles before squeezing them and massaging them in his hands, feeling his first pair of breasts in all his life. He then moved them in different directions before rolling his fingertips over her pink nipples. He felt their hard tips rub across his fingers as he glided his hands around on her chest. He then pulled and pinched her nipples before pulling them upwards and letting gravity bring them back down with a bounce.
"Your bride has a wonderful set of breasts. Lucky man."
The man secretly stroked himself as he watched his young bride get violated by a priest. He knew this man had never been with a woman because his robes were becoming soaked in precum. The outline of the priests cock was clearly visible at this point with how much he had leaked. His robes clung to his old cock as it pulsed up and down, eager to release itself. The priest put his face between her breasts and rubbed them across his face before stealthy licking her nipples and softly sucking on one when her groom wasn't paying attention. Her thighs were coated with pussy juice at this point and her cunt ached for a cock, any cock, to penetrate it. She didn't even mind his touching anymore.
"Alright turn around and let me see the secret hole. I need to make sure it's a good size for baby bearing."
They both knew it was a lie but they couldn't help but play along, so he continued slowly stroking his precum covered cock as the bride turned around slowly, showing off her round, plump butt. She then spread her legs slightly and bent over so the priest could see her pussy.
His cock nearly erupted right there in his chair as her tight, young pink cunt came into view of his face. It was tight and shaved, just from the view. His eager, shaky hands grabbed her ass and caressed it before he noticed her soaked thighs. He then slid his hands across her juices and up her thighs until he reached her entrance. He slid fingers across her soaked pussy, feeling her lady parts carefully before he spread her open and slid a finger inside her hole. She was tight, extremely tight and very wet. This was his time. The time to feel his first pussy and last pussy. Maybe he'd do this more often though, but at this time, all he could think about was emptying his 50 year old balls for the first time since he was a high schooler, beating off in the bathroom.
"Alright. Now. I need to bless her with my priestly seed. It's to ensure everlasting fertility. Please, come here." He pointed at the groom as the groom almost reached orgasim before pausing and joining the priest and his bride. He nodded and went on his knees as the priest stood up, his large boner stretching his robes far out. The priest adjusted his robes and the groom watched as the large, swollen old cock swing violently into view, spraying old yellowish precum onto the ground. He stared at the old man's wrinkly, veiny cock and his swollen balls that looked 5x their natural size. He then grabbed the priests vibrating cock and pushed it up, then pulled it downwards letting it fling back upwards. He then moved it side to side. After this, the bride bent over the chair letting her breasts dangle below and he guided the priests cock towards his brides hole. As soon as the tip slipped past her outer walls, the priests mouth dropped and a loud moan echoed from his mouth as he slowly pushed his cock, inch by inch, into her bare pussy. He felt her walls close in on his rod and squeeze him tight as his saggy balls rested against her thighs. The groom went under his bride and licked the priests balls for good luck before returning to his couch. The priests hands gripped her hips as he slid his cock out of her hole and back in, slowly as to not explode right away.
"Oh dear. Your vagina is perfect to bare children. Mmmmf... it's... ohhhhhh....mmmf... it's quite tight. You should have no problems.....fuck...."
The priest buried his cock deep into her cunt, his balls pressing against her wonderful ass as he tried to push as much of his cock as he could into her tight, wet hole. His hands trailed to her hanging, swinging breasts and he fondled her beautiful tits once again as he used her pussy to milk his cock. Her groom couldn't take it any longer and joined the two, facing his bride as she was bent over the chair. His large, pulsing cock swung in front of her face and a stream of precum shot onto her cheek as he inched closer for her to suck on him. Eagerly, the bride opened her mouth and took her groom's cock inside of it, swallowing it all the way to his ballsack. He moaned loud as his cock head pushed against the back of her throat and he felt her tongue swirl across his balls making them shoot another stream of warm precum down her throat. He held her head and moved his swollen cock in and out of her mouth, matching the rhythm of the old priest as he forced his old cock deep into her young pussy. She was spit-roasted between two hard and pulsing cocks. Her pussy gushed juices as she came against the old priests cock which only made the priest fuck her harder and quicker, eager to release his pent up holy seed while her groom mouth fucked her, his balls slapping her chin as he thrusted slow, but deep. She could feel his eager cock pulse against the roof of her mouth each time he buried it deep in her throat.
She rocked against the priests cock making him grab her hips tightly as his cock was squeezed by her womb.
"Oh father...please bless me with your cum!"
The bride moaned as she grinded against his cock forcing precum to squirt inside of her. The priest moaned again and began thrusting harder and deeper into her, his lust taking over. Her breasts bounced around as he pounded into her pussy over and over again. The cum in his balls swelled up and within moments, erupted from their tomb and spilling deep into her pussy.
"Oh! Receive my blessing child!!!!"
The priest threw his head back as he came wave, after wave, spilling every drop he had into her hole. His balls began shrinking as more and more cum filled her hole, spilling whatever it couldn't fit onto the floor and around their feet. Years of stored sperm left his balls and flowed freely into her tight fuckhole. After every drop was emptied from their prison, his balls had shrunk significantly smaller than what they were, and his cock finished spilling it's seed, he pulled free from her used hole and his cock poppe
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