Trade Like a Pro. 15 High-Profit Trading Strategies

Trade Like a Pro. 15 High-Profit Trading Strategies

👓 Noble DraKoln
Trade Like a Pro. 15 High-Profit Trading Strategies

Trade Like a Pro. 15 High-Profit Trading Strategies

✅ Praise for Trade Like a Pro «Nobles commitment to the individual trader is exactly what traders need during these volatile times. He has knowledge that spans across markets and is worldwide. He is a valued contributor to the community, and this book further demonstrates his dedication to educating traders and helping them become more successful.» —Lane J. Mendelsohn, Publisher, «In a time when, on a global level, important things are happening to the financial industry, when new profit opportunities as well as risks are revealed, the book Trade Like a Pro offers a complete picture concerning the risk administration techniques.» —Teodor Ancuta, President and General Manager, Sibiu Stock Exchange «Trade Like a Pro is a comprehensive presentation of all the basic trading strategies that belongs in every investors library. Whether your specialty is futures, options, or stocks—or, for that matter, a combination of all three—you will find yourself going back to this valuable reference guide again and again. Everything rings true. Moreover, the author gives you the pros and cons of each respective strategy without imposing his own point of view. Well researched and presented.» —George Angell, author of Small Stocks for Big Profits and Winning in the Futures Market «Armed with good intentions, most new traders are unaware of the realities involved. Although there is often the belief among novice traders that profitability will be easy, the evidence strongly suggests otherwise. In his new book, Trade Like a Pro: 15 High-Profit Trading Strategies, Noble DraKoln offers a thoughtful approach to making the transition from unsuccessful retail trader to the arena of the professional, which is imperative for lasting success as a trader.» —Ron Rossway, President, Denver Trading Group


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