The Analytics Revolution. How to Improve Your Business 👨‍💼 By Making 🛠️ Analytics Operational In The Big 📐🐘 Data Era

The Analytics Revolution. How to Improve Your Business 👨‍💼 By Making 🛠️ Analytics Operational In The Big 📐🐘 Data Era

👓 Bill Franks
The Analytics Revolution. How to Improve Your Business 👨‍💼 By Making 🛠️ Analytics Operational In The Big 📐🐘 Data Era

The Analytics Revolution. How to Improve Your Business 👨‍💼 By Making 🛠️ Analytics Operational In The Big 📐🐘 Data Era

✅ Lead your organization into the industrial 👨‍🏭️ revolution of analytics with The Analytics Revolution The topics of big 📐🐘 data and ➕ analytics continue to be among the most discussed and ➕ pursued in the business 👨‍💼 world 🗺️ today. While a decade ago many people 👥 still questioned ❓️ whether or not ❌️ data and ➕ analytics would help improve their businesses 👨‍💼, today virtually no one 1️⃣ questions ❓️ the value that analytics brings to the table. The Analytics Revolution focuses on how this evolution 🧬 has come ⤵️ to pass and ➕ explores the next wave 🌊 of evolution 🧬 that is underway. Making 🛠️ analytics operational involves automating and ➕ embedding analytics directly into business 👨‍💼 processes and ➕ allowing the analytics to prescribe and ➕ make 🛠️ decisions. It is already occurring all around us 👥⬅️ whether we 👥⬅️ know 💡 it or not ❌️. The Analytics Revolution delves into the requirements for laying a solid technical and ➕ organizational foundation that is capable of supporting operational analytics at scale ⚖️, and ➕ covers 📔 factors to consider if an organization is to succeed in making 🛠️ analytics operational. Along the way, youll learn how changes in technology and ➕ the business 👨‍💼 environment have led to the necessity of both incorporating big 📐🐘 data into analytic processes and ➕ making 🛠️ them ➡️👥 operational. The book 📚️ cuts ✂️ straight through the considerable marketplace hype and ➕ focuses on what is really important. The book 📚️ includes: An overview of what operational analytics are and ➕ what trends 📈 lead us 👥⬅️ to them ➡️👥 Tips on structuring technology infrastructure and ➕ analytics organizations to succeed A discussion of how to change corporate culture 🧫 to enable both faster discovery of important new 🆕 analytics and ➕ quicker implementation cycles of what is discovered Guidance on how to justify, implement, and ➕ govern operational analytics The Analytics Revolution gives 🎁➡️ you ➡️👤 everything you ➡️👤 need to implement operational analytic processes with big 📐🐘 data.


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