Топик: Business English, учебник F.W. King, Units 3-6, для специальности Мировая экономика

Топик: Business English, учебник F.W. King, Units 3-6, для специальности Мировая экономика


Ex 2: U r
J.duPont…write to the Western Shoe…telling them where u
have obtained their name

have seen your advertisment in Commercial
last week & we believe u produce the models we need.
there is a good market in France for your products that will stay the
same for at least 3 years.
u plz send us your catalogue, price lists & if possible some
samples of your models to assure us that they are really competitive.
would appreciate a prompt answer.
Ex 3: enquery
for a firm, to the Drake Cycle Company,Wellington,NZ. Sports mod.
saw your new sports models demonstrated at the Birmingham Trade Fair
last month & would like to deal with u.
like yours are in steady demand here in England & especially high
sales are expected for models of 50, both men’s & women’s.
would be glad to learn details of all models, receive catalogue &
price lists from u & to discuss the terms & times of
delivery. Are u ready to grant discounts for large & steady
purchases? We are also interested in your future supply position for
next 5 years.
heard from your agent in London that u produce fine cloth for men’s
& women’s suits.
is a steady demand here in London for fashionable men’s suits &
competitive prices provide great sales.
u plz send us your price list, catalogue & some patterns of cloth
u produce. We’ll discuss the terms of business with your agent.
the season will soon be under way, we must ask u to reply by in a
forthight from today’s date.

see from “Monday
News” that
u are the Paris agent for Riteswift Co Ltd of France.
u plz send us your price list & catalogue & also tell us your
delivery dates, terms of business & terms of discount.
would also be glad if u agree to meet our representative in France &
show him a sample of your typewriter next month.
have heard about u from British chamber of Commerce in Switzerland &
would be pleased a lot if u agreed to deal with us.
is a brisk demand here for certain products that require certain
metal fittings. Our normal suppliers are not able to deliver them
urgently so we hope we can obtain them from u as your delivery times
are considered to be prompt.
u plz send us your price lists & also your terms of business.
hope to hear from u as shortly as possible as the season will soon be
under way.
have seen your AD in Commersant for your products & would be
thankful to deal with u.
is a good market in Paris for our machinery that will continue in at
least next 10 years. But we need mini-motors like yours to improve
our products.
u plz send us your price lists, catalogues, detailed schemes of your
products, inform us about your terms of business, delivery dates &
details of discount for placing large & regular orders. We are
also ready to distribute your products in France. If u can provide us
with big amount of motors.
X-mas will be in 8 weeks, it's going to be a brisk demand here in
London for luxury goods.
associates in France informed us that they stock a big number of the
items we need so we ask u to buy as much products as possible in 2
weeks & send us FOB London all items listed in the enclosure.
hope u realize that prompt delivery is of the utmost importance in
this case.
Ex 2: watchmakers from a
British retailer…
thx for your enquiry of 8 November about our products.
appreciate your order, & are enclosing our price-list & even
some best speciments of our watches as well as our terms of business.
are sure that they will meet demand in Britain as we had business
with a British company last year & our stocks were cleared within
3 months only.
are pleased to have your enquiry of 4 December about the line we
are ready to deal with u as we respect the DRAGON Ltd which u
represent & are enclosing requested price-list & terms of
like u also to place your order promptly since we are flooded by
orders from oversea companies.
4: Reply to enquiry from an export merchant …satisfactory
deliveries from his supplier
thx u for your letter of 23 April & have sent u today, by
separate post, our price-list & terms of business.
are able to dispatch the articles requested in a few days by air to
Heathrow as soon as u confirm your order according to our terms of
appreciate your trust & will give u an exceptional opportunity of
considerable discounts for large orders in case u negotiate a
long-term contract.
5: letter to u firm, who r producers of tinned food products
been informed by our associates in South Africa that there will be
probably great demand there in connection with disaster in
Britain-your main exporter for tinned food products.
we have pleasure in offering u the goods listed in enclosure. Our
prices are quoted f.o.b. Capetown & we are able to dispatch all
requested articles within 4 weeks from receiving your order.
this a special offer there is no subject to our usual discount.
Nevertheless, we'd like to grant a special 1% discount for large
orders up to f 5000.
term firm for 2 weeks as our products are in good demand everywhere
they are presented.
u think our offer meets your requirements, plz let us have your order
at an early date.
6: Textile importer. Circular letter…
appreciate your regular dealing with us & have pleasure in
offering u an exceptable opportunity of obtaining our goods at prices
below its value.
are able to do this because we need much free room for our new
products with which u'll be introduced in 2 months & its too
expensive to rent stocks in London or close area.
u will be able to consume our textile products at extremely reduced
prices. The discounts vary from 20% to 50%. But we are to warn u that
u should place your orders immediately. The sale firms for 3 weeks
from tomorrow.
a good chance to increase your capitals!
7: write answer to enquery from a manufac-r to a large ratailer
thx u for your enquiry, & are pleased to inform u that our stocks
are full of products u require.
specifications of our new SE11 typewriter together with our current
export price-list & details of trade discounts are enclosed.
need more information out representative in your place will call on u
next month between 22th & 29th.
2: write a letterbased on these notes: thx for order,goods
despatched,invoice enclosed…
thx for your order no.13 of April 1 for: 500 luxury chairs.
are pleased to advise u that the goods were despatched 3 days ago
with "Carolina" that is due to come to Liverpool on April
26. Invoice is enclosed to this letter.
should be sure that the goods were carefully selected to meet your
request & safe arrival of the packed crates is guaranteed.
u know, we supply only goods of excellent value & all our
customers rely on it.
hope u good sales & are at your service at any time.
3: letter to foreign manuf-r of some article u r familiar with.
Enclose an order & state your requirements…
thx for your quotation for window glasses.
admit that we were rather surprised to see the figures u requested.
As we have told u we had been dealing with manufacturer of almost the
same glass & its prices were considerably lower. Howewer, we'd
like to place an order with u on terms of 2% discount for such large
quantity we need 1000. In case u accept this our order is enclosed to
this letter.
hope there's no need to warn u that excepttionally glass of really
high quality is requested & marks or plemishes on the surface
may make us reject the good which is reflected in the order-blank.
note that delivery is requested by 3 June.
4: the Government of your country has now removed an embargo ob the
import of certain luxury…
heard much of u & at last are ready to deal with u after our
government has now removed an embargo on the import of mahogany
careful study of your catalogue we have chosen no.313. The order is
enclosed to this letter. If u can't despatch 100 sets by August 19
plz supply any 50 patterns nos. 300-315. Note that only guaranteed
quality is acceptable & will be sorry to reject the offer after
August 19.
the sales are good here, u can await for more orders.
5: write an answer to letter 1 of this chapter
thx for your order of April 28 for: 15,000 metres of bell-wire, the
insulation color-red,weight-25 g.
your terms are accepted & we are pleased to advise u that the
goods have been despatched today by "Parokhod" that is to
arrive in Liverpool on May 13.
6: write an answer to letter 2 of this chapter
we can grant 4% discount for consignment of 3000 metres & 5%

know u'd like 2000 at the moment but as our products sells good in
your country we think another 1 or 2 thousands of metres won't be
unnecessary. Otherwise u should accept the present price of 75p per
7: write an answer to letter 5 of this chapter
thx for your letter of January 30. We have pleasure in assuring u of
a prompt delivery within a month after your confirming of the order.
Ex 8: your
firm has received an order for machine tools from an overseas buyer.
Write a letter of acknowledgment…
thx for your order for our machinery tools, pattern no.317.
appreciate your interest in this patter which is our best model &
have pleasure in telling u that the goods will be delivered by March
17 as the latest.
Ex 9: u have
received an order for a brand which u no longer export. Write an
answer, explaining why u r unable…
thx for your order for pattern no.300 of April 7. We appreciate your
interest in our goods but we regret to say that we no longer export
this brand. This article is out of fashion now & haven't god any
orders for it almost an year. That's why we ceased to produce it but
we are pleased to inform u that our research department has developed
a new pattern-300a that meets demand in your country. We are sending
u its sample by Parcel Post. U can give it a trial & then plz
advise us if u agree to place order for such a product. We are sure u
will & look forward to h.f. you soon.
Ex 10: your
company has received an order based on an out-of-date price list.
Prices increased by 10-15%. Write a reply.
many thx for your order for the pattern no.3 of April 10.
made a really good choice but we are sorry to say that your order was
based on an out-of-date price-list. Prices have been increased by 15%
since the time we composed it. A less price wouldn't give us any
profit but demand for our products is rather high & there's no
room for price reduction.
confirm your order according the new price-list which is enclosed.
Ex 11:
acknowledge an order for cotton textiles & explain why a slight
delay in execution is unavoidable.
u for your order for our cotton textiles. We appreciate u interest in
our products but we much to our regret, a slight delay in excellent
of your order is unvoidable because of agent fire at our docks that
disable the ship we had arranged to deliver your goods with. As u see
its not our fault & we will do our best to rearrange about your
order delivery as soon as within a week.
Ex12: Write a
letter to a firm which has often supplied your company with tinned
food products. Say why u have to refuse their latest offer.
thx for your offer of December 12.
had a great pleasure in trading with u & your products …well
during a number of years.
world changers & demand for tinned good products has fallen to so
little that we can't sell it at usual price. Only lower prices could
increase sales but as u turned us down to reduce the price we are
really sorry to reject the other.
we are ready to continue dealing with u if u re-consider your
attitude to discounts.
Ex13: your
firm has despatched goods ordered by a buying agent has sent
substitutes for several items.
u for your order of November 11 for patterns nos 4-8 in cat.2
are sorry to inform u that the items 516 are no longer manufactured.
Howewer, pattern no.27 in cat.4 is almost the same as no.5 in cat.2 &
we have sent u it together with the rest order. We are sure u won't
be disappointed in it.
Ex14a: your
have received an order for a piece of machinery, but your firm has
recently sold last one…a) write a suitable letter to your
appreciate your interest in our goods but we bery much regret to say
thatwe have recently sold the last one in stock. At the moment such
price of machinery is being produced but we wont be able to supply
it for at lest 3 months.
we have another machine in stock, which is the nearest to the one u
requested & only f3 more expensive. We send u its sample &
wait for you reply.
14b: write
the customer’s answer, refusing your offer
u for your letter of april 23 in which u offer us a substitute.
gave it a trial & now see that it is not exactly what we need &
the higher price doesn't let us have a deal.
have to buy it from some other manufacturer. As we need it urgently.
But we are pleased to let u know that we'll surely need it again in
another 4 months & we would like to have it from u it would
kindly agree to keep 70 machines in stock.
Ex 1: You
have seen samples of Finnish wine glasses at a trade fair, and would
like to import a large quantity of them. However, you have heard that
the manufacturer in question tends to pack his products rather
carelessly, with the result that consignments often include large
numbers of broken glasses.
have seen samples of your wine glasses at London Tr.Fair last month &
we appreciate the quality of your products & would like to have
1000 items no.99 in your catalogue which was kindly presented by
your agent here, messrs.Crate & Sons.
your prices & terms that are quoted in this catalogue keep the
same regard this letter as an order, order-blank is enclosed.
like to have your products delivered within 2 months as the maximum &
proper packing is necessary.
goods are to be packed into 50 wooden cases, 20 to a case. Plz ensure
that no movement inside is able & each glass must be wrapped by a
quite thick soft material.
cases must be strapped with metal bands & marked by appropriate
marks & symbols including.
GLASS-WITH CARE HANDLE WITH CARE & also details of the country of
origin, weight, our distinctive marks.That are shown in the blank

observe all these requirements or we’ll have to refuse the
offer with no charges payed.

Ex 2: Write
a letter for your firm to an English engineering firm, ordering a
special machine. Give packing and marking instructions.
u for offer of april 1.we r very interested in this sort of machine &
would like to order 5 machines w/out discussing your terms of
business although they r not very comfortable for us.
play a careful attention to packing & marking. Only containers
for each machine r accepted & all our distinctive marks r to be
presented. They r shown in the enclosed blank.

be waiting for your confirm for 2 weeks.
Ex 3: Send
an order to a Swiss manufacturer of optical instruments, giving full
packing instructions.
thx for your catalogue & terms of payment u sent to us on april
1. After examing the catalogue we decided to order 500 items no.5 &
500 items no.33 or if they r not in stock 300 items no.34-37.
note that the matter in question requires extremely careful packing.
goods should be packed separately & wrapped by cotton wool. No
little scratch is accepted so plz avoid any touches. The goods then
can be put in bags but then we’d like to receive them in metal
boxes. Proper marking is expected.
hope we’ll have u products in perfect condition.
Ex 4: Describe
how your firm wants its order for textiles packed. The goods are for
export to a tropical country.
thx for your letter of june 12 where u ask us about how we want our
order to be packed. We appreciate your wish to mmet all our
requirements & now look forward to dealing with u again.
textiles should be packed into big sacks made of desirably waterproof
material. If u have no such sakcs, sppreciate lihing is OK. And as
the textiles are for export to a tropical country we have to ask u to
use lihing to prevent the goods from insects. The sacks must be
wrapped by some light material. Note once again that no bundles is
Ex 5: Answer
an enquiry for industrial chemicals, quoting prices of various
containers, sizes, and method of packing.
thx for your letter of February 15 where u ask us to quote prices

r pleased to inform u that all our containers r famous for their
quality & appropriate prices r quoted.
order no.323 will be packed in our best carboys that exclude any
problems with transporting & contain 20 litres of chemicals. They
will cost u only f6 each.
order no.214 will be packed into carboys that can contain 15 litres
of chemicals & they will cost u f3 each.
carboys r marked with appropriate marks & symbols.
Ex 6: A
cycle manufacturer has just despatched some bicycles and acces­sories
to an overseas customer
thx for your order of … for our bicycles & accesoires.
r pleased to say that your order was despatch yesterday by ….
Which will arrive in NY on …
looked forward to observing all u required but we have to bye our own
methods of packing & marking. We packed your order not in crates
& cases but in containers to ensure safe despatch. All
accessories r wrapped with waterproof covering materials & marked
with weight & name The bicycles r packed in strong cases
that exclude moving in containers & lined with waterproof
materials as well. The containers r marked with your own marks,
weight warning & directions.

dockers in NY & our port r most likely to be foreigners symbols r
also available. The containers r not returnable & included in
charge of price f9 each.
hope u’ll get your order in perfect condition & wait for
further orders.

An enquiry from an import/export agent on behalf of a Client

B. White &
CO. Ltd. 567
Queen Street

A.B. White, 7.0.
Pearson Telephone:

The Exaelso Company Ltd. High
Uyoombe, Bucks. B34 1WE

have just received an enquiry from a multi-national organisation
owning several luxury hotels in East Africa. They care opening
а пеы
hotel next springs and have asked us to submit quotations for
furniture and fittings in aooopdanoe with the attached list.

articles in question must be hard-nearing'and up-to-date in design,
and delivery by February of next year is essential. Vill you please
let us lovm, therefore, whether you will be able to complete, an
order for the. quantities required-within the time at your disposal.

He will also be glad to have an
estimate for the number of containers required and the approximate
cost of packing.

Please let us have your quotation
as soon as possible.

Enquiry from an export merchant who has not been able to obtain
satisfactory deliveries from his regular suppliers

A.ZIMMERLIA.G. Import-Export
Mschants ZURICH

april 1978

We have been given your nane by
our aRanclntgis' J.J. Hieller of Basle, «ho iJifoan us that
they have been doing business with you for sane fifteen years. Me
asked than if they knew of a manufacturer «ho might be able to
supply at very short notice the articles specified on the enclosed
list, and they advised us to contact you.

can explain 1л
confidence that our nonnal supplier has rather let us down 1
delivery dates this year, and we are in clanger of getting Into
arrean^with seine of our overseas contracts.

you can supply the goods we require, please accept: this as our
older. Payment will be made in accordance with your usual tezms of

We hope you will be able to help
us In this instance, and can add that if your products and tanoe are
as oompetiti've ae we have been led to believe, we will be interested
in a long-term contract with you.

We would appreciate a reply by

Enquiry from an import agent in India to a British export

Weatherproof Ltd. Newtown
Liverpool L30 7KE

have now been importing your "Litewate" raincoats for a
number of years, and our trade connections throughout India have bean
more than satisfied with the garments.

two от
three Indian manufacturers have recently launched ultra-lightweight
models, and these are catching en' very fast. In view of the
increased competition this involves, we wander whether you have
considered marketing a coat of rather lighter material than the
"Literate", but equally waterproof. A garment of this
type would have a large sale in this country if you could offer it at
a competitive price, that. is to say not more than Ј3.50
for a man's model, and slightly less for a woman's. You will be
interested to learn that raincoats being produced here suffer from
one major drawback,
namely excessive condensation on the inside surface.

We would be grateful for your
preliminary comnents as soon as possible. Yours faithfully

May 1979

I see fxcm the Camera Review that
you are the South African agents for Messrs. Derby and Sens of

you please send me price lists and catalogues for all DERVIEW
products you stock, as well as details of discounts and terms of
payment. Are you prepared to grant special terms for annual orders
totalling В
in value?

would appreciate a visit from your representative when he is next in
the Durban area: perhaps he could bring sane samples of DERVIEW
colour transparencies, which are attracting a good deal of Interest

I look forward to your reply.
Yours faithfully

From an Australian engineering concern to a British supplier

Aluminium Alloy Co. Ltd. 79
Prince Albert St. Birmingham B21 8DJ Great Britain

We have seen your advertisement
in The Metal Worker, and would be grateful if you would kindly send.
us details of your aluminium fittings.

quote us for the supply of the items listed on the enclosed enquiry
fon», giving your prices, c.i.f. Melbourne. Will you please
also indicate delivery tines, your terms of payment, and details of
discounts for regular purchases and large orders.

Our annual requirements for metal
fittings are considerable, and we may be able to place substantial
orders with you if your prices are competitive and your deliveries

We look forward to receiving your

From a French importer of fashion goods to a British exporter

of Fasliimi Goods Avenue Ravigny
14 PARfS

The Western Shoe Co. Ltd. Yeovil.
Somerset S19 3AF

Dear Sirs We have heard from the
British Embassy in Paris that you are producing for export hand-made
shoes and gloves in natural materials.

There is a steady demand in
France for high-quality goods of this type. Sales are not high, but a
good price can be obtained for fashionable, designs.

Will you please send us your
catalogue and full details of your export prices and terms of
payment, together with samples of leathers used in your articles and»
if possible, specimens of some of the articles themselves.

We are looking
forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully FOURNIER ET CIE SA

Reply to letter no.
page 23
Alloy Co. Ltd. Birmingham 79
Prince Albert St. Birmingham B21 8DJ Great Britain
The Jameson Construction Co. Pty.
July 1978
Harbour, Road
Melbourne в
We thank you for your letter of
June, and are glad to inform you that all the items listed in your
enquiry are in stock» We are enclosing a pro— forma
invoice for the aluminium fittings you are interested in: if you wish
to place a firm order, will you please arrange for settlement of the
invoice by draft through your bank, and advise us at the same time.
We can guarantee delivery in Melbourne within
3 weeks
of receiving your instructions. If you require the items urgently,
we will arrange for them to be sent by air, but this will, of course,
entail higher freight charges. We are enclosing details
of our terms of payment, and would be happy to discuss discounts with
you if you would kindly let us know how large yow orders are likely
to be. We are also enclosing a copy of the report, which
appeared in the Haroh issue of The
Metal Worker,
on our ALUUOZ fittings. We are looking forward to hearing
from you, and assure you that your orders will receive our immediate

Photographic Supplies

thanks far
your letter of 5
May. We are interested to hear that you saw our advertisement tn the
and appreciate your interest In the DEEWIEK products we stock.

are enclosing our Terms of Business, where you will find details of
our quarterly discounts, and our price list for the complete range of
EERVtEW products.
will see, we can grant special leans for orders of the value you

will be in Durban lyself on
17 May,
and will be happy to call on you at any time
in the afternoon. Perhaps you would like to let he
whether this is convenient. I will, of course, bring the complete
range of LtWIEW colour transparencies, which are described

the catalogue we have sent you today.

I am locking forward to meeting
you. Yours faithfully

Suggested reply to letter no.
page 27
which was an enquiry made through a buying agent

Specialists in Modern Design
Directors: J. Corner, B. Edge

RefiH/flSO Your Ref-.JR/ph 3
February 1978

Attention Miss Jennifer Ring,
Overseas Dept.

thank you for your enquiry of
January, and can confirm our telephone conversation of yesterday, in
which we informed you that we can deliver part of the goods required
from Stock, in accordance with the enclosed detailed offer. Por the
balance we would require approximately three weeks from the date of
receiving your confirmation that this arrangement is acceptable.

as quoted are f.o.b. London.

against documents, by banker's draft.

We hope your client will find our
terms and delivery dates satisfactory, and we can assure you that yon
may count on our full co-operation and attention in this matter.

are very glad to have your letter of
December and to hear that you have been receiving enquiries about our
Weatherproof coats. The Utewate range you mention has been a great
success wherever it has been introduced, and we are already exporting
it to several tropical countries, in both Asia and Africa. Unlike
many waterproof coats, the Utewate does not cause excessive
condensa­tion on the inside surface, and so would be suitable for
your climate. We can quote you the following prices: f p

Litewate coats, women's, medium

375 00
250 „ „ „

375 00 250 „

men's, medium

493 75 250 „
„ „

431 25


1,675 00 Freight

50 20

18 30

will be able to ship the raincoats within
weeks of receiving your order.

We are grateful to you for your
suggestion concerning an ultra-lightweight coat for the Indian
market, and are pleased to inform you that we have been looking into
the question of a suitable material for some time now. Our Research
Department assure us that they will have a model ready in the very
near future, and we will come back to the matter as soon as we have
some definite news for you.

We are enclosing full details of
our terms of business, and have sent you by separate post a set of
descriptive brochures of our products, and a supply of sales

We look forward to hearing from
you again.

[5] From a manufacturer to a
large retailer

Manufacturers of Plasticware
Melox House

We are very pleased to have your
enquiry, and are enclosing the price-list you requested, together
with our terms of sale.

As you have evidently realized, plastic kitchenware Is here to stay
-it has already ousted heavy and expendable metal, glass and china
from the modern kitchen. Dealere who have displayed our brightly
coloured range have reported good sales even in the present season,
when hardware sales are usually at their lowest.

After studying our
prices and our liberal teme to the trade, you will understand
why we are working to capacity to meet
the demand.
would advise you, therefore, to let us
have your order by the end of the month,
as this will enable you to have stocks of our attractive lines by

We look forward to the
opportunity of being of service to you.

your letter of 1
May you ask us to send you samples ot ow rubberised floor coverings
tor use on rough surfaces. We appreciate your interest, and have
today despatched a range of qualities which we have selected
specially to meet your needs.

of these materials are robust and hard-wearing, and we particularly
recommend no. 7—COMPO—which
is a synthetic substance developed by our research department to
withstand the wear and tear of rough and uneven floors.

Please give the samples any test
you wish: we are confident that they will stand up to the roughest

Our price-list is enclosed with
this letter, together with our trade terms, as we think you will need
these when you have completed your tests. It will be a pleasure to
quote you terms lor contact supplies, and our technical
representatives are at your service at all times.

request for a special discount may call for some thought, and a
counter-proposal may be made in reply, as in letter no.

thanks for your letter of
July, in which you ask us for an extra discount of
24% over
and above the usual trade discounts in connection with your order for
30,000 envelopes
no. 2M.

While we appreciate your order,
we feel we must point out that our prices have already been cut
to.the minimum possible, and that envelopes are unobtainable
elsewhere at these rates.

we woutel be willing to allow you a special
discount if you could see your way to increasing your order to

We await your reply. Yours

Offer of Brazilian coffee
Dear Sirs

will be interested to hear that we have been able to obtain a further
supply of Brazilian coffee of the same quality as that we supplied
you with last year. The total consignment is only
kg., and we are pleased to offer it to you at 60p per kg. With the
increases in freight charges which become effective next month, the
next consign­ment will be rather dearer, so we recommend you to
take advantage of this offer, which is firm for five days only, and
to telex your order without delay.

French wine exporter's offer to British importer Dear

Hankinson and Co. of Towgate St.,
with whom we have been doing business for a number of years, have
informed us that you will probably be replenishing your stocks of
French white wines in the near future.

will already know that we had an exceptionally good season in
and that the fine quality of our white vintages of that year is
renowned both in your country and in ours.
are now shipping these wines, and would be very glad to welcome you
as customers. Our full export price-list is enclosed, but we would
like to draw your attention particularly to our

Bordeaux @
per gross bottles, and

@ Ј70.00

,, ,,

These wines have always sold very
wett in Britain, and the prices quoted above for bulk purchase will
enable you to sell at highly competitive prices, while obtaining a
good margin of profit.

will be pleased to supply you with a first order against settlement
within 30
days of date of invoice, and with
discount. Immediate shipment from Bordeaux Is guaran­teed.

We advise you to place your order
promptly, since we expect considerable response from other foreign
customers to this special offer.

Fruit broker's offer to wholesaler Dear
our telephone conversation of this morning, we are pleased to be able
to offer you the following South African fruit, which arrived
yesterday with the S.S. Durham Castle:

boxes 'Early Rivers' plums
per box

boxes 'Golden Glory' peaches
per box

boxes 'Prime Yellow' apricots
per box.

These brands are
well known to you, and the consignment in question is well up to the
high quality of previous years. The fruit is excellently packed and
would reach you in perfect condition.

would be glad to send the goods by rail on receipt of your order,
which should be sent by telephone or telex. The price includes
carriage, and is firm for
hours only. Yours faithfully

[11] Battery manufacturer’s
offer to overseas dealer


December 1978

methods of production enable us to offer you our range of Drilite
at a reduced price for large quantities.

Details of the new prices for
your market are enclosed, and you will see that the average price
reduction is 5%. As our prices are quoted c.i.f. Dublin, you will
agree that they are considerably lower than those of manufacturers of
similar batteries, both here in Japan and elsewhere.

quality of our products remains the same
- only
the finest chemicals are used. The new prices are for minimum
orders of Ј1,000
and are effective as from
January. Immediate despatch is guaranteed, and we hold ample s

We appreciate your past custom,
and look forward to supplying you in the new year at the new prices.

Circular from a large store informing customers of sale of stocks

1 June
this year we are moving to larger and more modem premises at nos.
50-55 Oxford
Street. Our business has grown so considerably in recent years that
we can no longer provide our customers with the service we are used
to giving them in our present building.

In view of this move we are
selling off our entire stock at greatly reduced prices to save us the
trouble and expense of packing and removal.

and visit us any day next week. The sale will last for
7 days
it stocks are cleared sooner. This is an exceptional opportunity for
you to obtain real bargains: reductions range from
15% to
while certain surplus lines will be going at up to
50% off
list prices.

miss this chance! Our doors open at
9 a.m.
on Monday 20

Offer of special trade discount Dear
last summer's exceptionally fine weather we were so overloaded with
late orders from most of our regular customers that we were unable to
keep pace with the demand.

While we understand our
customers' tear of overstocking, we are sure they will appreci­ate
our position when we are suddenly flooded with urgent last-minute

encourage all customers to lay in a good opening stock this year, we
are prepared to offer a special trade discount of
4% on
all orders over
net value received before the end of the month.

Wholesaler's special offer of woollen blankets Dear
A few
weeks ago we were fortunate enough to have the offer of the entire
stock of the Hartley Blanket Company, which has now ceased to
manufacture woollen products. We took advantage of this exceptional
opportunity, and are now in a position to offer these famous all-wool
blankets well below the market price.

This is a 'once-in-a-lifetime'
opportunity, and we expect to dear our stock in a few days.

We must ask you, therefore, to
give the enclosed special price list your immediate attention and to
let us have your order at once.

Orders will be executed in strict
rotation and can only be accepted as long as stocks last. Yours
[15] Specimen of
a follow-up letter to a distributor to whom a catalogue was sent in
response to his enquiry.

You wish to modernise your
store-rooms with the most up-to-date shelving system yet devised:
that is clear because you asked for our catalogue, which was sent to
you earlier this month.

next step lies, of course, with you. You could have a demonstration
of the fitting of the lockshelf
in your own store-room, or see the combined units here in our

could test for yourself the wonderful adaptability of our system to
all storage problems, by sending us a trial order for one
5 metre
section, which comprises three units. Or if you have any special
problems, you are welcome to our advice without any obligation.

You may be sure that whichever of
our services you decide to use, you will receive our immediate
attention. Yours sincerely

thanks for your prompt reply of
April to our enquiry for bell-wire. We enclose our official order for
metres, which we understand you can supply from stock.

As we pointed
out In our first enquiry, the quality must be up to the sample we
sent you, and the weight and colour of the cotton insulation
identical to that of the sample. Our order is placed on these

order for cloth, subject to price reduction .
Thank you for your quotation of 75p per metre for cloth no.

we place an order with you, we would like to know whether you can
quote us a slightly better price for the material. We are thinking in
terms of an order for some
metres, and as the cloth is for export to a highly competitive
market, a keen price is essential.
prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.

request for lower price

have received your quotation of
February and the samples of men's suitings we asked tor, and thank
you for these.

we appreciate the good quality of your products, we find the prices
of these materials rather high for the market we supply. We have to
point out .that very good materials of this type are being exported
by European manufacturers at prices from
10% to
below yours, so the prices you quote would make it impossible for us
to compete on the market in question.

would like to place our order with you, but must ask you to consider
making us a more favourable offer. As our order would be worth around
you may find a concession worthwhile.

Rejection of offer of coffee
(Reply to letter no.
8, page

thank you for your letter of
November, in which you offer us Brazilian coffee at 60p per kg.
We are sorry
to tell you that we cannot take you up on this, as the price you are
asking is above the market level here for the quality in question.
The coffee we bought from the same source last year was not of the
quality we had expected for the price quoted.

Dealer asks for guaranteed delivery date
(Reply to letter no.
5, page

Beachview Avenue Bournemouth H77 6DP

Sirs. Thank you for your letter of
January and for the details of your plastic ware.

have now seen samples of your product» and are prepared to give
them a trial» provided you can guarantee delivery on or before
I March. The enclosed order is placed strictly on this condition, and
we reserve the right to cancel and to refuse delivery after this

Manufacturer acknowledges order and guarantees delivery

you very much for your order of
2 March

gross cups and saucers, export seconds, white.
these items are in stock, and we can guarantee delivery to your
Liverpool warehouse

before 15
March. As requested, we will advise you ot date of despatch.
are at your service at all times.

Manufacturer acknowledges order and confirms priority

We were very glad to receive your
order for:

be supplied to your own specification.

we mentioned in our previous letter, delivery for machines made to
supplied specifica­tions is not normally possible in less than
months, but we should like to help you and are giving your order
priority. You may be sure that your machines will be ready for
shipment by 1
will advise you when your order is ready for collection and shall be
pleased to assist you to the best of our ability at all times.

Further acknowledgements of orders

We thank you for your interest in
our special offer of tinned beef, and are pleased to advise you that
your order has been despatched today by Road Transport Services, Ltd.

[9] Thank you very much
for your order for:

printing machines—catalogue
no. 79/B.

will be despatched immediately upon receipt of your remittance for
as per

sellers promise punctual despatch Many
thanks for your order of
3 March
for: 2,000
litres assorted distempers. It is already being
attended to and there will be no difficulty in getting the goods to
you by

concession agreed
(Reply to letter no.
2, page

thanks for your letter of
18 May,
in which you ask us for a keener price for our pattern
as we would like to help you in the market you mention in your
letter, we do not think there is room for a reduction in our
quotation as we have already cut our price in anticipation of a
substantial order. At 75p per metre this cloth competes well with any
other product of its quality on the home or foreign markets.

are willing, however, to offer you a discount of
5% on
future orders of value
or over, and this may help you to develop your market. Meanwhile we
will execute your present order with this concession, and we await
your acceptance of this offer.

reduction refused
(Reply to letter no.
3, page

thanks for your letter of
have now given careful consideration to your comments on our offer of
men's suitings.
are keen, of course, to meet your wishes and to supply you with
material which will enable you to compete in Eastern markets, but
regret that any reduction in the prices quoted is not possible at
present. The qualities offered are the finest available at these
prices, and considerably better than those of foreign makers who
supply the markets you mention.

think you would do better to order wool mixtures nos.
in our pattern-book, and we are arranging for our representative to
call to discuss these with you, as they are ideal for your market and
the prices are right. We will do our very best for you.

Manufacturer informs customer that goods are ready for despatch

have pleasure in informing you that your order no.
has been completed and is awaiting collection. The consignment
consists of 5
crates, each weighing
255 kg.
Transport, insurance and freight are being arranged by our forwarding
agents, Heinz Lederer AG of Hamburg. We can vouch for their expertise
and efficiency.

As soon as we receive details of
forwarding charges from our agents, we will send you our invoice and
the shipping documents. The amount of the invoice will be charged to
your account, and in future we will draw on you quarterly, as
previously agreed.

We assure you that your orders
will be given prompt attention, and look forward to hearing from you

recent strike of transport workers here has caused delays in the
despatch of a number of our export orders, and we regret that yours,
too, is temporarily held up.

order was despatched from here
2 days
ahead of the guaranteed time, and we are told that the goods are now
In London awaiting shipment. We are making private arrangements for
their transport to the docks and should be able to get them on the
next ship, which sails on
apologise for this unfortunate delay and are doing our utmost to get
your order away.

Delay caused by Government regulations

are very sorry indeed to have to advise you of a delay in executing
your order no....

you may know, the Government has recently put an embargo on the free
export of certain metals to the Far East and we have to obtain a
special licence to proceed with your order. We think the delay will
not be more than
weeks, and we shall give your order priority as soon as we receive
authority to go ahead. Meanwhile, please accept our apologies for the
inconvenience caused.

Manufacturer is forced to refuse an order for technical reasons

thank you very much for the order contained in your letter of

carefully considering it, however, we have come to the conclusion
that it would be better for you to approach another manufacturer in
this instance. To machine to the limits required in your
specification would require the setting up of special equipment at
our works, and this would not only be impossible before September,
but would seriously interrupt our normal production.
are really sorry not to be more helpful, but hope that you will
understand our position. Do let us have other enquiries at any time,
as we shall be only too pleased to meet you if it is within our

Seller refuses to supply on buyer's terms

are very grateful to you for your indent no.
32 for
boxes of paper fasteners. To our regret, we are unable to accept your
order at the price requested:
per 1,000. You
will find on referring to our previous correspondence
June last) that we gave you our lowest price for this quantity as
per 1,000.
Since then, prices have tended to rise rather than fall, and our
profit margin does not warrant any concession by way of quantity
reduction or discount.

should, of course, be glad to fulfil your order if you will confirm
at Ј27
per 1,000,
at 30

exporter offers a new model instead of an earlier one he is unable to

was a pleasure to receive your order for
Model С
'Reflex" cameras and to hear of your success in disposing of the
last consignment. As we advised you at the time of your last
purchase, this type of camera, with its large viewfinder, has become
a best-selling model, and you cannot go wrong in stocking it. While
sales throughout the world have been good, there has been a
persistent demand for a lens of larger aperture than the f6.3, which
was fitted as standard on the Model
last year. On careful examination of this demand we came to the
conclusion that the average camera-user of today wants an instrument
with which he can do serious picture-making. We have therefore
produced a new version of our famous camera—the
Model D, which is fitted with an f4.5 lens.

'D' has replaced 'C', and at a price of DM
80 net
to the trade, represents the finest value on the market for cameras
of this type. We think you will agree that the difference in price,
DM 10,
between this and the old model is very small for the amazing
difference In performance which is now possible. It has received an
enthusiastic welcome here already.

new publicity campaign is due to begin in a few weeks and the 'D'
Reflex will be advertised extensively in national newspapers in your
country as well as in technical magazines. Your stock will reach you
in good time for the commencement of our campaign, so we should be
glad if you would confirm the order for
300 of
Model 'D' in place of the discontinued Model 'C'.

shall be happy to grant you an extra
discount for 300,
and can promise you
despatch. Once again we say you cannot go wrong with a Reflex.

Counter-offer of silk at a higher price

many thanks for your letter of yesterday, enclosing your order tor
metres of 'Willow' pattern silk cloth.
turning to us for a supply of this famous line, you evidently realise
that if such an article is to be had at all, we are the people to
supply it. We appreciate your interest, and would have liked to be
able to supply your order from stock as we did years ago. However,
times and tastes change. The 'Willow' pattern is now out of fashion,
and in common with other manufacturers we have so little demand for
it that we have ceased to produce it.
think, however, that your customers would like our new material
'Rayon Porcellan', a sample of which we have pleasure in sending you
with this letter. This material has all the good qualities of the old
'Willow' pattern and is very much smarter In appearance, without
being as vivid in colour as many modern silks and rayons.

price is 83p per metre or
per 50-metre piece, f.o.b. Liverpool. Prices for all silk fabrics
have increased considerably in the past year and it Is no longer
possible to supply a really good material at the figure you name. As
you know, we supply only first-class and guaranteed fabrics.

A full selection of our silk
patterns is also being sent you by parcel post. All Oi these are
selling well in your country and we can safely recommend them to you.

can ship your order within a week of hearing from you.

Exporter informs prospective customer of packing and marking

Название: Business English, учебник F.W. King, Units 3-6, для специальности Мировая экономика
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: топик
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Топик: Business English, учебник F.W. King, Units 3-6, для специальности Мировая экономика
Дипломная работа по теме Криминалистическая характеристика и первоначальный этап расследования убийств, совершенных по найму
Курсовая Работа На Тему Классические Модели Стратегического Позиционирования. Специфика Их Использования В Современных Организациях
Курсовая работа по теме Поручительство в гражданском праве
Сочинение Про Мечту По Русскому Языку
Дипломная работа по теме Разработка рекламной кампании ГТК 'Россия'
Учителя Митрофана Сочинение Краткое
Оценка Инвестиционных Проектов Диссертация
Сколько Стоят Собрания Сочинений
Сколько Произведений Надо Использовать В Итоговом Сочинении
Клише Которые Характерны Для Жанра Сочинения Рассуждения
Курсовая работа по теме Розробка сайту сприяння працевлаштуванню
Контрольная работа: Расчет нормализованного конденсатора
Реферат: НАФТА, как проявление интеграционных процессов в североамериканском регионе, во внешней политике Канады
Доклад по теме Альбрехт Дюрер
Декабрьское Сочинение Блок Я И Другие
Карибский кризис
Создание автоматизированной системы управления
Аристотель Эссе По Философии
Организация Соревнований По Эстафетному Бегу Круговая Реферат
Курсовая работа: Социальное страхование
Реферат: Атмосферное электричество
Доклад: Карате-до
Доклад: Ермолова Мария Николаевна

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