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Buca di Beppo

Quizzed about who he'd cast as himself in a proposed made-for-TV movie based on his book America's Toughest Sheriff , Joe Arpaio offered up the names of actors Robert De Niro and Al Pacino.

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Best Sign That Scottsdale's Women Have Gone to the Dogs

The Second Annual Bitches' Weekend

Grilled by reporters after several felony counts against her were dropped in November, former beauty queen Jill Scott -- an ex-Mrs. America and Mrs. Arizona best known for her appearances on local TV commercials for her ex-husband's Empire Glass windshield replacement company -- talked to the press corps about the ordeal. "It's been humiliating," said Scott, whose ex-husband claimed she'd stolen money from his company. "I've lost about five years of elasticity in my skin."

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Best Mountain With a Gynecological Term Painted on It

Double Butte

Tempe's "A" Mountain is not the city's only painted butte. Head west on Broadway Road, and look south just before you hit the I-10 freeway, to check out the side of Double Butte -- about halfway up. There, just below a white painted cross, is the word "labia" in large letters. We have no idea how it got there; we're just happy as a, well, clam that it is.























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On second thought -- waiter, cancel the penne!

Day workers will help you move, landscape, paint, almost any chore that needs to be done. They have no set hourly price. However, do the right thing and pay what is mutually agreed upon. (Some workers have complained about getting stiffed for up to three days' work.)

Laborers gather in corners across the Valley. However, if you want guaranteed day labor, the corner of Broadway Road and Mesa Drive in Mesa is a sure bet. Up until noon every day of the week, all four corners of the intersection and adjacent streets are filled with guys eager to make a day's wage.

Pickup trucks pull up and a handful of them will jump in the bed. These men are eager to work and consider day labor a big boost to their economic situation; many send their earnings home and put a little aside in their savings.

But what about the women? We haven't found a comparable "official" group, but we did get an invite last spring to a chick trip that looked way better than any 20/30 charity golf tourney.

Cassidy and Katie Campana (daughters of former Scottsdale Mayor Sam) have made an annual tradition of gathering their girlfriends and their girlfriends' female dogs (along with ample libations appropriate for both species) and heading to the northern Arizona pine country for the ultimate bitch session.

The Campanas make grudging exceptions for male dogs, but otherwise the event is strictly off-limits to men. "This is an all-girl weekend . . . so save all your griping, but also all the juicy stories," the invitation reads.

But even jaded motorists will do a double take at the name emblazoned on several signs near the entrance to the Lost Dutchman State Park. Instead of bearing the names of the sponsoring do-gooders, these signs merely declare: "In loving memory of John Denver."

Yes, that John Denver. The "Rocky Mountain High" singer lived in the Rocky Mountains and died in 1997 when the plane he was piloting crashed near Monterey, California.

So why the Arizona tribute? Seems it's part of some fans' efforts to get John Denver Adopt-A-Highway signs -- and roadside cleanups -- in all 50 states.

Estrella Mountain Ranch 11800 South Golf Club Drive 602-468-0800
Estrella Mountain Ranch 11800 South Golf Club Drive 602-468-0800

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※9/23(金) 17:04配信TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN マンションの建設現場できのう、鉄パイプが落下する事故がありました。屋上部分から、100本の鉄パイプの束を降ろそうとしていたということです。 記者 「目撃者の男性によりますと、頭上にあるクレーンから鉄パイプが20~30本も落ちきたということです。そのうちの数本は、この大通りのセンターライン近くまで転がってきたということです」 事故があったのは新潟市中央区のマンション建設現場です。きのう午後、近くにある交番の警察官が物が落下した金属音を聞き、事故に気付きました。 屋上部分から100本の鉄パイプの束2つを降ろそうとしていたところ、60メートルほどの高さで1つの束が落下しました。 続きは↓ Yahoo!ニュース: 鉄パイプ100本が高さ60メートルから落下し、作業員4人に当たる 新潟市(TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN) - Yahoo!ニュース.
※2022/9/23 18:53 トランプ前米大統領(共和党)は22日までに、邸宅マールアラーゴに機密文書を持ち出していた問題について「大統領は頭の中で念じただけで機密解除できる」と主張した。情報取り扱いの手続きを軽視した発言に「テレパシーで解除可能だと言い張っている」(米メディア)と波紋が広がり、共和党議員からも批判の声が上がった。 トランプ氏は21日の保守系FOXニュースの番組で、機密文書の指定解除について「米大統領であれば手続きなど必要ない」と主張。「機密解除した」と口頭で言ったり、頭の中で考えたりするだけで可能だとの持論を展開した。 続きは↓ 産経ニュース: テレパシーで機密を解除? トランプ氏主張に波紋.
※FNNプライムオンライン 【独自】「ツイッター謹慎したい」 池袋暴走事故 遺族侮辱の男 2022年9月23日 金曜 午後8:39 池袋暴走事故の遺族を侮辱した罪などで起訴された男が、拘置所内でFNNの取材に応じ、「ツイッターを謹慎したいと思います」などと心境を語った。 油利潤一被告(23)は2022年3月、池袋で起きた車の暴走事故の遺族・松永拓也さんのツイッターに「金や反響目当て」などと書き込んだ侮辱罪で在宅起訴された。 油利被告は22日、東京拘置所内で記者の接見に応じ、「炎上目当てでやってしまった。松永さん、真菜さん、莉子さんに対し、申し訳ない気持ちでいっぱいです」と反省の言葉を述べた。 (略) ※省略していますので全文はソース元を参照して下さい。
※2022/09/23 11:45 堺市美原区で少年2人が襲われて重傷を負った事件で、大阪府警は21日、堺市中区陶器北、無職田中 星来せいら 容疑者(20)を殺人未遂容疑で逮捕した。容疑を認めているという。 発表によると、田中容疑者は17日午前1時15分頃、堺市美原区の路上で、少年2人(いずれも17歳)の腹や背中を刃物で刺して殺そうとした疑い。 続きは↓ 読売新聞オンライン: 大麻奪おうと男を呼び出した少年2人、反撃されたか…腹や背中を刃物で刺される.
※2022/09/23 11:38 勤務先の病院で入院患者を突き飛ばすなどしたとして、茨城県警筑西署は21日、桜川市、看護師の男(40)を暴行容疑で逮捕した。 続きは↓ 読売新聞オンライン: 看護師が入院患者の首元つかみ、突き飛ばす…病院が「職員に虐待の疑い」と通報.
ラーメン店として世界で初めてレストラン格付け本「ミシュランガイド」の一つ星店となった「Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦(つた)」の創業者・大西祐貴氏が死去したことが23日、分かった。43歳。同店の担当者によると、死因は急性心不全だったという。 大西氏が店のツイッターで14日に愛猫に嚙まれていたことを報告していたため、死因についてネット上で憶測が広がっていたが、担当者はスポーツ報知の取材に、「猫は死因に関係ありません。大西本人も猫を大変かわいがっていた。事実ではない憶測が広まっていることにご家族も大変悲しんでいます」と否定した。 ツイッターでは14日~16日は猫に嚙まれた負傷により、休業した旨を投稿している。17日と18日は営業。担当者によると、18日が大西氏の最後の出勤となった。 公式ホームページでは「Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦オーナーシェフ大西祐貴が享年43歳にて急逝いたしました。ここに生前のご厚誼に心より感謝し謹んでお知らせ申し上げます。大西祐貴は、世界で初めてミシュランの星を獲得したラーメン店『Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦』を創業し、国境を越えて世界的にラーメンの人気を確立させた、才能に満ち溢れたシェフでした。ご親族、ご友人の皆様と喪に服すと共に、世界中のスタッフが一心となり、故大西祐貴の遺志を継げるように努めてまいります」と発表されていた。 同店は2015年にミシュラン一つ星の評価を得た際はJR巣鴨駅前に店を構えていたが、19年に代々木上原に移転していた。店の再開は未定だが、担当者は「できるだけ何らかの形でお店は残していきたい」という。 報知新聞社
世界初ミシュラン星ラーメン「蔦」店主大西祐貴氏死去43歳 14日SNS投稿「愛猫に咬まれ激痛」 [2022年9月23日16時28分] ミシュランで星を獲得した世界初のラーメン店「Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦」(東京・代々木上原)のオーナーシェフである大西祐貴氏が亡くなったことがわかった。43歳だった。 同店は化学調味料は使用せず素材の味にこだわり、2016年にミシュラン史上初となるラーメン店での一つ星評価を受けた。23日、「Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦オーナーシェフ大西祐貴が享年43歳にて急逝いたしました」と店の公式サイトが発表した。 「Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦 一同」の署名のもと、「大西祐貴は、世界で初めてミシュランの星を獲得したラーメン店『Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦』を創業し、国境を越えて世界的にラーメンの人気を確立させた、才能に満ち溢れたシェフでした。ご親族、ご友人の皆様と喪に服すと共に、世界中のスタッフが一心となり、故大西祐貴の遺志を継げるように努めてまいります」とつづっている。 なお、店のツイッターアカウントには14日、「大西です。すみません、昨晩愛猫に左手を本気で咬まれ、今朝起きたら腫れていて激痛です。湯切りと鍋を持つことが困難だったので、おやすみしとりあえず今から皮膚科に行ってきます。ご迷惑をお掛けし申し訳ございません。金曜日には復帰出来るように致します」と大西氏からのメッセージが投稿されていた。 大西氏の負傷により臨時休業が続いており、当該アカウントは20日には「本日9/20以降諸事情により休業致します」ともアナウンスしていた。 Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦 @tsutainfo 9/14 本日ですが、 店主、腕負傷の為、調理困難となり 臨時休業させて頂きます。 ご不便をお掛けいたしますが、 何卒宜しくお願い致します。 Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦 @tsutainfo 大西です。 すみません、昨晩愛猫に左手を本気で咬まれ、今朝起きたら腫れていて激痛です。 湯切りと鍋を持つことが困難だったので、おやすみしとりあえず今から皮膚科に行ってきます。 ご迷惑をお掛けし申し訳ございません。 金曜日には復帰出来るように致します。 Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦 @tsutainfo とりあえず菌を殺す飲み薬と軟骨塗って安静にしておく事だそうです。 悪化したら切開なので先生の言うこと聞いておとなしくしておきます。 Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦 @tsutainfo 9/16 臨時休業致します。 店主、先日の腕の負傷による 腫れが引かず、 調理困難の為、休業致します。 ご不便をお掛けいたしますが、 何卒宜しくお願い致します。 Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦 @tsutainfo おはようございます。 本日9/20以降 諸事情により休業致します。 ご不便をお掛けいたしますが何卒宜しくお願い致します。 Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦 @tsutainfo 訃報のお知らせ Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦 オーナーシェフ大西祐貴が享年43歳にて急逝いたしました。ここに生前のご厚誼に心より感謝し謹んでお知らせ申し上げます。 関連 30歳からの挑戦。ラーメン店「蔦」・大西祐貴さんが世界初ミシュラン一つ星を獲得するまで ※前スレ (5ch newer account)
2022年09月23日(金) 08時54分 更新 22日夜、北海道東部の音更町の住宅で、19歳の娘の顔を何度も殴り、けがをさせたとして、55歳の男が逮捕されました。 傷害の疑いで逮捕されたのは、音更町に住む55歳の自称・警備員の男です。 この男は22日午後10時20分ごろ、自宅で、19歳の無職の娘の顔を拳で何度も殴り、上唇などが腫れるけがをさせた疑いが持たれています。 警察によりますと、娘は数か月、音信不通でしたが、この日、交際中の男性を連れて帰宅すると、男は腹を立て、犯行に及んだとみられています。 男は、娘と交際中の男性も殴っていたようで、娘が「父親に、私と彼氏が殴られた」と通報、駆け付けた警察官がその場で男を逮捕しました。 取り調べに対して55歳の自称・警備員の男は「音信不通の娘が帰ってきて、腹が立った」などと話し、容疑を認めているということです。 警察は、引き続き経緯などを詳しく調べています。

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The world is full of fantasies, and so is the popular OnlyFans platform. In less than a decade of existence, this wildly successful social media site has fed the fantasies of many a man, and many a woman.
The lesbian fantasy is arguably the most widespread among straight cisgender men, at least if the many rankings of online porn searches can be believed. The idea of not just one but two amazing looking women in one bed is enough to stoke the desires, and drain the balls, of any red blooded American male, but it is not just guys who are doing the looking.
The lesbian OnlyFans accounts that populate the platform are also big hits with the ladies, including both straight women and women who identify with the same sex attraction being demonstrated on screen. The fact that lesbians understand their bodies better than any man ever could is no doubt responsible for at least some of the attraction , as is the obvious pleasure these lovely ladies take in everything that they are doing.
Whether it is gentle licking, dildo play or full-on strap-on action, the content creators on the best lesbian Only Fans pages clearly know how to get it done, and they clearly know what they are doing. Given the sheer number of lesbian OnlyFans accounts out there, we could have easily put many more of these amazing looking ladies on our list.
Indeed, the hardest part of our job was narrowing the huge list of lesbian OnlyFans content creators down to the ten hottest, wildest and most amazing. Not that we are complaining – compiling this list was a lot of fun, and we emerged from it fully satisfied. 
Now it is your turn to get some satisfaction, and we know you will love what you see. When you check out the top 10 lesbian Only Fans accounts on our list, you will be hard in no time, and you will soon be coming back for more. So save your pennies, fire up your smartphone or computer and get ready to have some wet, wild and pussy fueled fun with the 10 best lesbian OnlyFans accounts the internet has to offer.
Leading the list of hottest Lesbian OnlyFans accounts is the appropriately named Kat Aphrodisiac. It only takes a few minutes of viewing to discover where this lovely lady gets her name, and her number one goal is to serve as a personal aphrodisiac for her growing legions of followers and subscribers.
Kat is only 19 years old, and she grew up in a very reserved household, one where sex was rarely discussed and lesbian relationships were rarely acknowledged. But now that she is out on her own, this lady lover is making up for lost time, and showing off her multilingual and her cunningual skills. Kat Aphrodisiac has proudly proclaimed that she fucks in both Spanish and English, so you will not experience any kind of language barrier as you watch her and your many girlfriends get it on.
If your girl on girl fantasies include a healthy dose of femdom play and BDSM, Miss Flora Berlin has you covered. This hot lady loves to show off her sexual prowess, and her hot, hot girlfriend, fro the camera.
The fact that Miss Flora is currently in a lesbian relationship means that she has ready access to all the sex she could ever want, and that is certainly good news for her growing list of subscribers. In addition to her explicit videos, Miss Flora Berlin also posts a lot of behind the scenes content, so fans can follow her in her daily life and get a glimpse behind the curtain of how she spends her days and nights. 
The screen name says it all – when you subscribe to the OnlyFans Lesbian Couple account you will see these two lovely ladies in all their sexual glory. Whether you are a lesbian looking to spice things up, a horny straight guy who always wanted to know what those hot women were doing behind closed doors or just someone curious about how two women get it on, you can get all your questions answered, all while you get off. 
What make the OnlyFans Lesbian Couple account so special, and what earned it a place on our top 10 list, is the real personal interactions behind the scenes and videos they produce. When you tune in to their videos or stop by for their live shows, you will be seeing a real lesbian couple, two women who love each other in the deepest and hottest way possible. 
At just 18 years old , the lovely Lola is by definition one of the newest lesbian OnlyFans accounts on the web. Just a few short months ago it would have been illegal for this hot lesbian babe to pose her sexual content on the site, but now that she is newly legal she is making up for lost time – and making mouths water all across the internet.
In addition to her hot lesbian Only Fans content, Lola has been sharing a number of solo videos, each one hotter than the last. And even though Lola identifies as lesbian, she does not want the guys to feel left out – she has already posted a number of threesome videos on her site, all featuring an equally hot girl and a very lucky guy. 
When you first get a look at the lovely Victoria, you might think she is sweet and innocent . With her girl next door good looks and her all natural body, Victoria certainly seems like a gal you could get to know in real life, and one that you might have to work to get in bed.
Alas, looks can deceiving, and there is a world of fucking and filth hiding behind that innocent appearance. When Victoria gets down and dirty with your girlfriend, she loves to do it for the camera, and her growing army of subscribers are the happy beneficiaries. Whether you watch her videos with your girlfriend to heat things up in the bedroom or enjoy her lesbian OnlyFans page on your own, Victoria has you covered. 
If you have always longed to see what those hot lesbians are up to when they get behind closed doors, now is your chance. Unlike so many other lesbian Only Fans girls, these hot ladies are genuinely in love, with a real relationship and real sex they are anxious to share with their growing list of subscribers.
Seeing two people who are deeply in love is always gratifying, but there is something extra special about this amazing couple. From their charm to their hot bodies to their incredible sexual prowess, this lovely couple is enough to make even the most dedicated heterosexual rethink their sexual identity. If you watch their hard core videos and solo adventures with your sweetie, the experience is sure to get her juices flowing, but feel free to enjoy her amazing content on your own if you wish.
If you are looking for the best lesbian Only Fans bang for your buck, you might want to check out this hot hot site. With more than 1000 erotic photos and hard core videos, Sally is one of the most prolific posters in the lesbian OnlyFans universe.
At the same time, it is clear that this lovely lesbian lady has not sacrificed quality for mere quantity. Every one of those photos and videos is sure to set your heart racing, and every one of them is unique in its own special way. No matter what your age, gender or sexual identity, you are sure to find something you love, so why not subscribe and check out all the great things Sally has to offer?
If you have a hot wife fantasy, you can get two for the price of one when you subscribe to the well named Sexy Sister Wives lesbian Only Fans page. These lovely ladies have been blessed with nature (or is it silicone) with stunning tits , and they love to show them off in the hot hard core videos they post, making this one of the best lesbian OnlyFans sites around. 
These two self proclaimed sister wives are also prolific posters, adding content to their site on a regular basis, much to the delight of their subscribers. If you want two soaking wet pussies for the price of one, you have clearly cum to the right place.
If you love hot licking lesbians and hard core strap-on action but are a bit short on cash , this is the best lesbian OnlyFans site for you. The well named Shelma Lesb is happy to share her hot body, and her hotter sexual adventures, with subscribers at no cost whatsoever, so there is no reason not to check out her photos, videos and other online content. 
Shelma is also the perfect choice for tattoo fans – her stunning skin is dotted with tats, so you can enjoy the ink as you watch her fuck her way to orgasm. Her site is totally free, but this lovely lesbian lady does enjoy big tippers, so feel free to kick in some cash if you like what you see.
If you think that hot Asian cuties and stunning lesbians do not go together, we invite you to check out what are arguably two of the most amazing OnlyFans lesbians on the web. This hot couple are real life lovers ,and their care and commitment to one another shines through in every video they post and every orgasm they share.
The OnlyFans universe is an open and inclusive one, but Asian lesbian couples are still rare on the platform, making this hot duo all the hotter. This pair has been blessed with mind blowing oral talents, and their pussy licking is second to none, but they also regularly post hot anal action and even some BDSM content. No matter
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