Latex Includegraphics

Latex Includegraphics


Latex Includegraphics
Catalร  (Catalan) Deutsch (German) English Espaรฑol (Spanish) Franรงais (French) เคฎเคฐเคพเค เฅ€ (Marathi) Portuguรชs (Portuguese) Tiแบฟngย Viแป‡t (Vietnamese)
\includegraphics [ height=2cm ] { example-image }
\includegraphics [ height = 0.5 \textheight ] { example-image }
\includegraphics [ width = 0.5 \textwidth ] { example-image }
\includegraphics [ clip, trim = 0 0 50 50 ] { example-image }
\usepackage { lipsum } % produce dummy text as filler
\lipsum [ 1-4 ] % Just a few filler paragraphs
\includegraphics [ width=0.5 \textwidth ] { example-image-a.png }
\lipsum [ 6-10 ] % Just a few filler paragraphs
This lesson shows how you can include external graphics files into your document, how to change their appearance, and how to position or float them automatically.
To bring in graphics from outside LaTeX, use the graphicx package, which adds the command \includegraphics to LaTeX.
You can include EPS, PNG, JPG, and PDF files. If you have more than one version of a graphic then you can write, for instance, example-image.png . (The graphicx package will try to guess the extension if you do not give one.)
Youโ€™ll notice weโ€™ve used a new environment here, center , to place the image horizontally centered on the page. A bit later , weโ€™ll talk more about spacing and positioning.
The \includegraphics command has many options to control the size and shape of the included images and to trim down material. Some of these are used a lot, so they are worth being aware of.
The most obvious thing to set is the width or the height of an image, which are often given relative to the \textwidth or \linewidth and \textheight . The difference between \textwidth and \linewidth is subtle and often the result is the same. \textwidth is the width of the text block on the physical page, whereas \linewidth is the current width, which might locally be different (the difference is most obvious with the class option twocolumn ). LaTeX will automatically scale the image so that the aspect ratio stays correct.
You can also scale images, or rotate them by an angle . The other thing you might want to do is to clip and trim an image.
Traditionally in typesetting, particularly with technical documents, graphics may move to another spot in the document. This is called a float . Images are normally included as floats so they do not leave large gaps in the page.
Here LaTeX moves the graphic and the caption away from the Test location text to the top of the second page, because there isnโ€™t room for it on the bottom of the first page. The ht influences where LaTeX can place the float; these two letters mean that it can go where it is in the source (next to Test location ) or to the top of a page. You can use up to four position specifiers
Later , we will see how to cross-reference floats so you can point to them from your text.
Youโ€™ll probably spot that weโ€™ve centered the image here using \centering rather than the center environment. Inside a float, you should use \centering if you want to horizontally center content; this avoids both the float and center environment adding extra vertical space.
Try including an image you have created, replacing the โ€˜standardโ€™ ones we have used in the demonstration.
Explore what you can do using the height , width , angle and scale keys.
Use the width key to set the size of a graphic relative to \textwidth and another graphic relative to \linewidth . Try out how they behave with or without the twocolumn option.
Use lipsum to make a reasonably long demonstration, then try out placing floats using the different position specifiers. How do different specifiers interact?

\includegraphics{ filename }
\includegraphics[ urx , ury ]{ filename }
\includegraphics[ llx , lly ][ urx , ury ]{ filename }
\includegraphics*{ filename }
\includegraphics*[ urx , ury ]{ filename }
\includegraphics*[ llx , lly ][ urx , ury ]{ filename }

\includegraphics{ filename }
\includegraphics[ key-value list ]{ filename }
\includegraphics*{ filename }
\includegraphics*[ key-value list ]{ filename }

\usepackage{graphicx} % in preamble

\caption{The evidence is overwhelming: don't smoke.} \label{fig:xray}

\usepackage{caption} % in preamble
\captionof{figure}{The spirit of the night} \label{pix:nix} % optional

f(x)=x\cdot \sin (1/x)








Include a graphics file. The starred form \includegraphics* will
clip the graphic to the size specified, while for the unstarred form any
part of the graphic that is outside the box of the specified size will
over-print the surrounding area.

will incorporate into the document the graphic in plot.pdf ,
centered and at its nominal size. You can also give a path to the file,
as with \includegraphics{graphics/plot.pdf} . To specify a list
of locations to search for the file, see \graphicspath .

If your filename includes spaces then put it in double quotes. An example
is \includegraphics{"sister picture.jpg"} .

The \includegraphics{ filename } command decides on the
type of graphic by splitting filename on the first dot. You can
instead use filename with no dot, as in
\includegraphics{turing} , and then LaTeX tries a sequence of
extensions such as .png and .pdf until it finds a file
with that extension (see \DeclareGraphicsExtensions ).

If your file name contains dots before the extension then you can hide
them with curly braces, as in
\includegraphics{{plot.2018.03.12.a}.pdf} . Or, if you use
the graphicx package then you can use the options type and
ext ; see below. This and other filename issues are also handled
with the package grffile .

This example puts a graphic in a figure environment so LaTeX can
move it to the next page if fitting it on the current page is awkward
(see figure ).

This places a graphic that will not float, so it is sure to appear at
this point in the document even if makes LaTeX stretch the text or
resort to blank areas on the page. It will be centered and will have a

This example puts a box with a graphic side by side with one having
text, with the two vertically centered.

If you use the graphics package then the only options involve the
size of the graphic (but see \rotatebox and \scalebox ).
When one optional argument is present then it is
[ urx , ury ] and it gives the coordinates of the top
right corner of the image, as a pair of TeX dimensions (see Units of length ). If the units are omitted they default to bp . In
this case, the lower left corner of the image is assumed to be at (0,0).
If two optional arguments are present then the leading one is
[ llx , lly ] , specifying the coordinates of the imageโ€™s
lower left. Thus, \includegraphics[1in,0.618in]{...} calls for
the graphic to be placed so it is 1ย inch wide and 0.618ย inches
tall and so its origin is at (0,0).

The graphicx package gives you many more options. Specify them
in a key-value form, as here.

The options are read left-to-right. So the first graphic above is made
one inch wide and then rotated, while the second is rotated and then
made one inch wide. Thus, unless the graphic is perfectly square, the
two will end with different widths and heights.

There are many options. The primary ones are listed first.

Note that a graphic is placed by LaTeX into a box, which is
traditionally referred to as its bounding box (distinct from the
PostScript BoundingBox described below). The graphicโ€™s printed area may
go beyond this box, or sit inside this box, but when LaTeX makes up a
page it puts together boxes and this is the box allocated for the

The graphic will be shown so its bounding box is this width. An example
is \includegraphics[width=1in]{plot} . You can use the standard
TeX dimensions (see Units of length ) and also convenient is
\linewidth , or in a two-column document, \columnwidth
(see Page layout parameters ). An example is that by using the
calc package you can make the graphic be 1ย cm narrower than
the width of the text with
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth-1.0cm]{hefferon.jpg} .

The graphic will be shown so its bounding box is this height. You can
use the standard TeX dimensions (see Units of length ), and also
convenient are \pageheight and \textheight (see Page layout parameters ). For instance, the command
\includegraphics[height=0.25\textheight]{godel} will make the
graphic a quarter of the height of the text area.

The graphic will be shown so its bounding box has this height plus
depth. This differs from the height if the graphic was rotated. For
instance, if it has been rotated by -90 then it will have zero height
but a large depth.

If set to true , or just specified as here

and you give as options both width and height (or
totalheight ), then LaTeX will make the graphic is as large as
possible without distortion. That is, LaTeX will ensure that neither
is the graphic wider than width nor taller than height (or
totalheight ).

Factor by which to scale the graphic. To make a graphic twice its
nominal size, enter \includegraphics[scale=2.0]{...} . This
number may be any value; a number between 0 andย 1 will shrink the
graphic and a negative number will reflect it.

Rotate the graphic. The angle is taken in degrees and counterclockwise.
The graphic is rotated about its origin ; see that option. For a
complete description of how rotated material is typeset,
see \rotatebox .

The point of the graphic about which the rotation happens. Possible
values are any string containing one or two of: l for left,
r for right, b for bottom, c for center, t
for top, and B for baseline. Thus, entering the command
\includegraphics[angle=180,origin=c]{moon} will turn the
picture upside down about that pictureโ€™s center, while the command
\includegraphics[angle=180,origin=lB]{LeBateau} will turn its
picture upside down about its left baseline. (The character c
gives the horizontal center in bc or tc , but gives the
vertical center in lc or rc .) The default is lB .

To rotate about an arbitrary point, see \rotatebox .

Pick out a subregion of the graphic to show. Takes four arguments,
separated by spaces and given in TeX dimensions, as with
\includegraphics[.., viewport=0in 0in 1in 0.618in]{...} . When
the unit is omitted, the dimensions default to big
points,ย bp . They are taken relative to the origin specified
by the bounding box. See also the trim option.

Gives parts of the graphic to not show. Takes four arguments, separated
by spaces, that are given in TeX dimensions, as with
\includegraphics[.., trim= 0in 0.1in 0.2in 0.3in, ...]{...} .
These give the amounts of the graphic not to show, that is, LaTeX
will crop the picture by 0ย inches on the left, 0.1ย inches on
the bottom, 0.2ย inches on the right, and 0.3ย inches on the
top. See also the viewport option.

If set to true , or just specified as here

then the graphic is cropped to the bounding box. This is the same as
using the starred form of the command,
\includegraphics*[...]{...} .

Give the page number of a multi-page PDF file. The default is
page=1 .

Specifies which bounding box to use for PDF files from among
mediabox , cropbox , bleedbox , trimbox , or
artbox . PDF files do not have the BoundingBox that PostScript
files have, but may specify up to four predefined rectangles. The
MediaBox gives the boundaries of the physical medium. The CropBox is the
region to which the contents of the page are to be clipped when
displayed. The BleedBox is the region to which the contents of the page
should be clipped in production. The TrimBox is the intended dimensions
of the finished page. The ArtBox is the extent of the pageโ€™s meaningful
content. The driver will set the image size based on CropBox if
present, otherwise it will not use one of the others, with a
driver-defined order of preference. MediaBox is always present.

Enable or disable interpolation of raster images by the viewer. Can be
set with interpolate=true or just specified as here.

Do not write information to the log. You can set it with
quiet=true or just specified it with
\includegraphics[...,quiet,...]{...} ,

If you set it with draft=true or just specify it with

then the graphic will not appear in the document, possibly saving color
printer ink. Instead, LaTeX will put an empty box of the correct
size with the filename printed in it.

These options address the bounding box for Encapsulated PostScript
graphic files, which have a size specified with a line
%%BoundingBox that appears in the file. It has four values,
giving the lower x coordinate, lower y coordinate, upper
x coordinate, and upper y coordinate. The units are
PostScript points, equivalent to TeXโ€™s big points, 1/72ย inch.
For example, if an .eps file has the line %%BoundingBox 10
20 40 80 then its natural size is 30/72ย inch wide by
60/72ย inch tall.

Specify the bounding box of the displayed region. The argument is four
dimensions separated by spaces, as with \includegraphics[.., bb=
0in 0in 1in 0.618in]{...} . Usually \includegraphics reads the
BoundingBox numbers from the EPS file automatically, so this option is
only useful if the bounding box is missing from that file or if you want
to change it.

Set the bounding box. These four are obsolete, but are retained for
compatibility with old packages.

is the same as setting bb=0 0 1in 0.618in .

If set to true , or just specified as with

then LaTeX will look for %%HiResBoundingBox lines instead of
%%BoundingBox lines. (The BoundingBox lines use only
natural numbers while the HiResBoundingBox lines use decimals;
both use units equivalent to TeXโ€™s big points, 1/72ย inch.) To
override a prior setting of true , you can set it to false .

These following options allow a user to override LaTeXโ€™s method of
choosing the graphic type based on the filename extension. An example
is that \includegraphics[type=png,,]{lion}
will read the file as though it were
lion.png . For more on these, see \DeclareGraphicsRule .

Specify the graphics extension.
Only use this in conjunction with the option type .

Specify the file extension of the read file.
Only use this in conjunction with the option type .

Specify a command to be applied to this file. Only use this in
conjunction with the option type . See Command line options ,
for a discussion of enabling the \write18 functionality to run
external commands.

\documentclass { article }
\usepackage { graphicx }
\graphicspath { { ./images/ } }

\begin { document }
The universe is immense and it seems to be homogeneous,
in a large scale, everywhere we look at.

\includegraphics { universe }

There's a picture of a galaxy above
\end { document }

%Path relative to the .tex file containing the \includegraphics command
\graphicspath { { images/ } }

%Path relative to the main .tex file
\graphicspath { { ./images/ } }

%Path in Windows format:
\graphicspath { { c:/user/images/ } }

%Path in Unix-like (Linux, Mac OS) format
\graphicspath { { /home/user/images/ } }

\graphicspath { { ./images1/ }{ ./images2/ } }

\begin { document }

Overleaf is a great professional tool to edit online documents,
share and backup your \LaTeX {} projects. Also offers a
rather large help documentation.

\includegraphics [scale=1.5] { overleaf-logo }

\begin { document }

Overleaf is a great professional tool to edit online documents,
share and backup your \LaTeX {} projects. Also offers a
rather large help documentation.

\includegraphics [width=5cm, height=4cm] { overleaf-logo }

\begin { document }

The universe is immense and it seems to be homogeneous,
in a large scale, everywhere we look at.

\includegraphics [width=\textwidth] { universe }

\begin { document }

Overleaf is a great professional tool to edit online,
share and backup your \LaTeX {} projects. Also offers a
rather large base of help documentation.

\includegraphics [scale=1.2, angle=45] { overleaf-logo }

In the next example the figure will be positioned
right below this sentence.

\begin { figure } [h]
\includegraphics [width=8cm] { Plot }
\end { figure }

In this picture you can see a bar graph that shows
the results of a survey which involved some important
data studied as time passed.

\begin { figure } [t]
\includegraphics [width=8cm] { Plot }
\end { figure }

\begin { wrapfigure }{ r }{ 0.
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