Tinkerbell Sex Stories

Tinkerbell Sex Stories


Tinkerbell Sex Stories
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Tinkerbell explores Halloween, in Madison WI.
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By Chris Hailey
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Copyright 2015
Story codes: Mg12, MF, slow, rom, oral, first

Tobias Smith pushed the thick needle through the leather strap, pulled the thick string along with the needle, pushed it back through again. Over and over, he poked the needle through the leather and pulled it taut, affixing the necessary padding to the harness and making it doubly secure. He'd already poked his finger three times and it hurt like a son of a bitch but he had to do it, out of professional obligation. He wasn't even being paid, for god's sake, but he had to do it. Once he finally had the padding sewn into place, he held it up and looked at it and shook his head distastefully. Well, it'll have to do.
Tobias had the perfect job, at least by some accounting. "Principal Union Technician" at a major downtown theater in a major metropolitan area; it sure sounds impressive, doesn't it? And he'd worked on some of the greatest runs in the theater business, all the best Shakespeare plays, some fantastic touring Broadway hits, and a whole lot of famous musical acts. But the art scene in this town was slowly dying. The benefactors of yesteryear were all gone, replaced by entrepreneurs more interested in making the next lease payment on their private jet than pouring money into an old theater in a dying downtown. Tobias often found himself lately wishing that he'd chosen some other career path. This one was looking more and more like a dead end that wouldn't last much longer.
He set down the contraption he was working on, sucked at his injured finger for a moment, then grabbed his jacket and headed out the door to the pub down the street.
"How's it going, Toby?" a kindly voice asked. "You're looking down."
He pulled his eyes away from the bottom of his pint of beer and looked over at the woman who had sat down heavily on the stool next to him.
"Rough life," he answered, but he said it with a smile. Katie always knew how to make him smile. "How's the little one?"
The woman patted her big round belly. "Kicking like crazy! She's so ready to come out of here!"
"Well, you look beautiful, Katie," he said.
She gave him her magical smile. "You flatterer! So what's got you down, love?"
"Eh, just a sucky run at the theater," he answered. He lifted his finger in the air to show her his wound. "Been trying to fix the harness for Tinkerbell all night."
"Oh, poor Toby," she said, and she took his hand and gave his wound a little kiss. "Harness?"
"I suppose. We've got this girl cast as Tinkerbell, this kid, and she flies around a lot in the script, and the prick that runs the show won't cough up the money to buy a harness that'll fit her. So I'm trying to fix up one of our old harnesses."
"You got a kid as Tinkerbell? Don't they usually just have a fake Tinkerbell, like just a spotlight or something?"
"Well, yeah, they usually do, but this is the 'Disney Peter Pan,'"--the phrase dripped with sarcasm as he said it--" so they decided to cast a real kid this time."
"Ummhumm," she said. "You need some food? Hey Seamus," Katie yelled to the bartender, "get Toby here some food! So is the Tinkerbell girl cute?" Her eyes laughed at the question. She knew from personal experience that Tobias's taste in women ran a little young.
"Whadda want, Toby?" the bartender asked.
"I dunno, get me a cheeseburger, OK?" he answered. "Meh, she's just a self-centered spoiled brat like every kid actor you ever meet."
"I suppose, but maybe all she needs is a big strong stage hand to help her bring out her sweet side."
"It worked for me, you know," Katie said to him with a little smile.
He smiled back. "Well, I suppose she is kinda cute. She's a little black girl."
"Yeah, I guess ticket presales were a bit slow so they decided to try to cash in on the minority buying power. Our run of Wilson's Fences was huge last year."
"Seems kind of exploitative of the girl, doesn't it?"
"Show business? Exploitative? No way!" A plate with a cheeseburger and fries slid onto the counter in front of Tobias.
"But at least the kid can act," Tobias said to Katie as he stuffed a french fry in his mouth. "I gotta give her props for that. She's got a pretty impressive resume, really, which is a hell of a lot more than I can say for the girl they cast as Wendy. I'm not sure how she got the gig. She must give good head."
The lady smiled. "Well, maybe you'll get to take advantage of that skill. It is something you enjoy, if I remember rightly."
Tobias snorted. "I suppose I can't be picky, but she's not my type."
Katie patted him on the knee. "My Tobias, always looking for the perfect girl."
"Oh, I already found her. Just my luck, she's married to my barkeep."
"You're such a sweetheart," Katie said, then groaned as she started to get off the stool. "Sounds like maybe Tinkerbell'll make the production worth the effort?"
Tobias jumped up and offered his hand to help the pregnant woman stand. "Maybe so, maybe so."
As he watched her walk to the kitchen again, he found that he felt a little bit better about his sucky life. Katie had a way of doing that for him.
Everyone in the room looked at the girl who would be Tinkerbell, and the director raised his eyebrows. He'd just handed out stage instructions for the flying rehearsals that were to start in a couple of days, and he'd assigned his own son, a zit-faced twenty-something that hadn't a stitch of experience and was not a union technician, principal or no, to be in charge of Tinkerbell's hoist.
"What's that?" the director asked, sounding confused. It wasn't that hard to confuse him, to be honest. He wasn't a smart man.
"No," the girl said again. "Tobias runs mine."
Tobias was stunned. He knew she'd been nearby with her mother a few days earlier when he argued with the director about her harness, when he told the director that they needed to find a new one for the girl because all the ones they had were too big for her. They'd probably heard the director condescendingly tell Tobias that he surely could make the harness work, if he just put a little time and effort into it. But he'd never guessed that Little Miss Perfect had even noticed that he was the only one that seemed to care about her safety at all.
"Tobias?" Clearly the director did not know who Tobias was, despite having worked with him on at least a dozen productions.
"Tobias," the girl repeated with a sense of self-assured finality. For the first time, he saw her precociousness in a slightly different light, and he couldn't help feeling a little prideful. Maybe she wasn't such an annoying kid after all? Maybe he'd misjudged her?
"But Jeremy is..." the director begin to object.
"I am sure he is talented at something," Anishia interrupted with an air of supreme condescension, sitting up with her back very straight and her broad nose in the air. "But he will not run my hoist. Tobias will run mine."
There was an uncomfortable silence in the air, as everyone in the room--the director and his son included--knew instantly two things: First, the child was a prima donna of an extraordinary nature, willing to make whatever demands she wished, and fully expecting them to be fulfilled. And, at the same time, she was absolutely right; of course she was. No way in hell should she put her life and limb in the power of some talentless silly boy just because he's the director's son. She chose the best technician in the house, and she knew it, and so did everyone else. They also all knew that she was going to get exactly what she wanted. There was no doubt about that.
The director cleared his throat, looked apologetically at his son, and said, "OK, Tobias, here's your assignment." It was clear from the way he waved the piece of paper in the air that he had no idea who he was actually talking to.
After rehearsal that evening, when her mother was there to pick her up, Tobais showed them the retro-fitted harness. "I took in a lot of the leather," he said, holding the strange octopus-like contraption up, "and readjusted the padding. The padding is really important because Tinkerbell's in the air so much, you don't want it to chafe."
"Thank you, Mr. Smith," Mrs. Blackwell said to him with a genuinely gracious smile. Her kind words caused him to pause for a moment and look a bit closer at her. And he did like what he saw; her skin was a few shades darker than Anishia's and he wondered for a moment if maybe the girl's father was white. The mother was a fine looking woman, shapely and athletic with an intelligent and professional air about her.
"Oh, no problem," he answered after a barely noticeable pause, "it's my pleasure. I won't have a kid get hurt on my watch." He saw Anishia give something of a self-satisfied grin. He could tell that she knew she'd made the right choice when she demanded that Tobias operate her hoist.
"So," he said to her mother, "we're supposed to start flying rehearsals on Thursday and I'd love a chance to work out some of the bugs before then. Any chance she can stay late after rehearsal tomorrow, so we can try this thing out?"
"Certainly," her mother said. "Shall I pick her up an hour later? Will that be enough time?"
"Yeah, that'll work. Now, when she has her costume on, the harness will be underneath it, so it's important that she wears the right..." He paused, feeling a bit embarrassed about what he was about to say. "...the right underwear."
Anishia grinned, apparently finding his discomfort at the topic humorous. The woman, though, just made the same gracious smile. "What would you recommend, Mr. Smith?"
"Something light, so she doesn't get too hot under her costume, but it's still got to be enough to cover her skin where the straps will go." He held the contraption out and tried to demonstrate what he was talking about. "A cotton teeshirt? And maybe a pair of shorts?"
"That sounds good, Mr. Smith," her mother said. "And thanks again for all your efforts."
And so it was that he was standing the next evening after rehearsal with the little twelve-year-old acting prodigy, reaching around her skinny body in very intimate ways to attach the harness's leather straps, as she stood wearing nothing but a thin white cotton teeshirt and a pair of pajama shorts. The shirt clung tightly to her body, frighteningly tightly for Tobias. It left nothing at all to the imagination. He'd noticed before, when he would stand and watch her recite her lines so skillfully, that she was at that remarkable time in a young girl's life when her body was just beginning to change, in the most fascinating and captivating ways, and he'd wondered what she really looked like underneath her schoolgirl jumper she usually wore to afternoon rehearsals.
But now they stood there alone together in the empty auditorium, and, right in front of him without a concern in the world, the girl had slid her pajama shorts up under her pleated skirt, then pulled the skirt off, and then unbuttoned her blouse and took it off while he just stood there gape-mouthed like a moron and trying hard, far too hard, to pretend he wasn't staring at the two most adorable mounds of baby fat in the entire world, sweet little preteen breasts poking out from underneath her thin cotton shirt and jiggling bralessly as the blouse came off.
She looked up at him, clearly noticing despite his efforts that he was staring, and she blushed, her dark cheeks reddening just ever so slightly.
He had to pass the last of the leather straps between her legs, God damn it! and she stood there and grinned at how clearly uncomfortable he was about the whole thing. But once that strap was buckled, he was done.
"There," he said, standing up. "Is it tight enough?" He took ahold of the hook on the back and gave it a little tug. "Does it seem secure?"
She shivered her muscles to try to loosen the straps. "Seems OK."
"OK, seems good to me, too. Are you comfortable? Ready to give it a shot?"
She smiled at the man's cautious concern for her, and nodded.
They sat together on the front skirt of the stage after they'd finished their extra rehearsal that day, swinging their legs together in time as they waited for her mother to arrive. He couldn't help looking at her in a very different light; she'd done remarkably well in the difficult task of learning how to fly. Flying on stage is a strange art form and involves careful interaction between the actor and the hoist operator and he had been terribly concerned that she would be uncooperative and there would be serious problems, particularly since in this production, Tinkerbell spent so much of her time on stage up in the air.
But it had gone wonderfully. She took his advice with ease and added her own touch of playfulness, at least once she'd gotten used to it, and Tobias was very impressed indeed.
"So the harness worked out?" he asked her as they sat there on the skirt together, swinging their legs. He stared at her face. It was the prettiest thing! Round and full-cheeked, in some ways it had the feel of a little girl's face, which was accentuated by the curls of light brown hair that hung around it in a raggedy ann sort of way. In fact, that was it! She looked like a doll! The most adorable mahogany dark-skinned doll you have ever seen.
She looked at him and smiled, obviously aware that he had been staring. That's when he noticed her eyes, dark obsidian contrasting with bright white. They were soul-catchers, those eyes.
Jesus Christ, Smith, snap out of it!
"Yeah, it worked fine," she answered his query, although he was having a hard time remembering what he asked.
"Good! You tell me if you have any problems with it and I'll take care of them, OK?"
She gave him the prettiest doll-smile. Man, Tobias was becoming smitten. "Thanks," she said.
"O' course," he answered. They sat on the stage skirt swinging their legs in silence for a while. He wanted to say something, anything, to keep the conversation going, if only to see that beautiful smile again. "How's school?" he asked her. "It must be hard to keep up with your homework and everything, when you're in a play like this."
Anishia sat up straight. Tobias couldn't help looking for just a split second at her thin chest, her little joys hidden now beneath her schoolgirl blouse that she'd put back on after the flying lesson, but suddenly partially visible because of her new posture. "Oh," she said with a different sort of smile, not the cute girl smile he'd come to love but prideful now, even condescending. "I'm the smartest kid in my grade, so it's easy for me."
He managed to smile at her answer, but he knew it was something more of a smirk. The girl noticed, too. She slouched slightly. "I mean..." She sat up straight again. "I don't mean to sound stuck up or anything. It's just the truth. I'm the best student in my class."
"Hey," he responded, "it's good to be proud of yourself. I can tell you're incredibly smart."
She smiled at him. There it is! That beautiful smile again! "So, you're cute, smart, and a brilliant actor!" he said. "The complete package!" It was probably a little flirtier than he ought to be, but he couldn't help himself. He could see her adorable round brown doll-like cheeks get flush.
"I think most people here don't like me," she said. Her sweet smile was gone.
Almost unintentionally, he reached out and put his hand on her knee. "Well, you've got one admirer, at least," he said.
And to his delight, she smiled again.
"You seem to be in a better mood, Toby," Katie said to him as they sat together at the bar later that evening.
"Yeah, had a good day," he answered.
"Good! This wouldn't have anything to do with the girl that's playing Tinkerbell, would it?" He had to smile. Katie knew him so well! "Or maybe you found out just how well Wendy did on her orals?"
"She insisted that I operate her hoist when she's flying," he explained. "Told the director that it had to be me. It was the most adorable thing."
"Of course she did. She knows what she's doing. I bet she has a crush on you!"
"I'll drink to that!" he said, and downed the rest of his beer. "Well, I better head home. Busy day tomorrow."
He helped Katie stand, gave her a peck on the cheek, and headed out the door.
"Mainly look out for the other actors in the air at the same time as you,' he told her, pointing to one scene in the script where everyone would be in the air at the same time. "Most of them will have no idea what they're doing so just stay out of their way and you'll be fine. I'll do my part too."
"I know you will!" she said with her pretty grin.
"And I know you'll do great," he said back with his own grin.
"So," she said, only now beginning to button her schoolgirl blouse after taking It off for their latest round of flying lessons; he had a sneaking suspicion that she liked the way he looked at her chest and had left her shirt open for a little while after rehearsal so that he could have a bit more time to enjoy the view. He particularly liked the way her little breasts jiggled In her tight cotton undershirt when she laughed. He tried to say lots of funny things. "So," she said, "Jenny says that Dmitri is gay."
They'd taken to doing a little bit of gossiping about the other people in the play during the last couple of days when they were waiting for her mother to pick her up. But this was a new piece of gossip he hadn't heard Anishia say before. Not that it was much of a surprise. Dmitri, the man they cast as Peter Pan, was a diminutive Russian ballet star who was struggling to get rid of his thick accent, and was obviously as gay as Liberace.
"Jenny?" he replied, unaware of who she was.
"Yeah, she's one of the lost children. We're kinda friends."
"Yeah. It seems like it, doesn't it?"
Tobias nodded. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure he is. No big deal though, right? 'To each their own,' I say."
"Yeah, I agree." Anishia sat swinging her legs contemplatively for a moment. "She also told me that she saw Bridget and Mr. Johnson..." her voice faded before she finished telling him what Jenny saw.
"Yeah?" He was intrigued. Bridget was the bimbo cast as Wendy, and Mr. Johnson was the director of the play.
"They were..." Her pretty cheeks flushed again.
"I'm not sure... Jenny's way older than me, she's like fifteen, and she talks dirty sometimes. She says dirty stuff."
"Well, I guess, I mean, not really..." Anishia paused for a moment. "But she was, I guess, using her mouth? Jenny said said she was sucking his, you know...'" She kind of pointed down at Tobias's crotch.
"She was sucking his cock?" Tobais said, finding that he enjoyed speaking so directly to the girl.
Her brown face was bright red now. "Yeah, waddaya call it? A 'blow job,' right?"
Anishia was quiet for a little while.
"Does that bother you?" Tobias asked her. "Do you think it's wrong for a girl to do that?"
"No," she answered rather quickly, her face even redder. "But I don't know why she'd do it with him. He's kinda gross."
"Some girls do that kind of thing because they think it'll help their career or whatever."
"Yeah, I've heard about that," she said.
Tobias decided to take the conversation another step, to see just where it might lead. The girl seemed a little nervous, and he couldn't help thinking that maybe her interest in the subject was more than mere gossip about Wendy.
"Some girls," he said, "just do it to be nice, you know? To help the guy out."
"Yeah, you know, they know guys like it and... and some girls just like being generous and like to help the guy out. Maybe that's what Bridget was doing? Just being nice and helping him out?"
She nodded, then sat quietly, apparently absorbing it all in and thinking something. Tobias could fee
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