Wife Wants Me To Impregnate Her Sister

Wife Wants Me To Impregnate Her Sister


Wife Wants Me To Impregnate Her Sister


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In less than a year after being married to my beautiful wife she is sharing me with her sister . I work for a new company now down in Houston Tx. Nice to get away from the rude idiots in Frisco. Jobs are everywhere and people seem to be a lot more friendly. but the climate is hot and humid especially in the summer . We both got job offers so we moved to Houston. My wife invited her sister to share an apartment and as expected she also found a good job . But my wife had something planed and never told me until it happened one night . My sister in law had been flirtatious many many times when when we visited her . She never hid her nudity , and frequently exposed herself to me and simply laughed . It was nothing for her to go around half naked or just a towel wrapped around her , often bending over showing herself to me knowing I can not resist looking . ON a Friday night about 2 weeks ago , we were smoking weed and drinking mixed vodka , I had an old P*** video and put it in the player not knowing what to expect from my wife or her sister. My wife got h**** and started something with me in front of her sister , Amazingly my wife stripped in front of her sister and next thing I knew her sister was naked . Looking at two naked women made my c*** almost explode, The next thing I Knew my wife stripped me down naked and told me to lay down on the couch . My wife straddled my face and her sister slid her p**** around my erection. Gosh what a fantastic first night . Her sister is equally gorgeous and equally as hot as my wife . I worked hard all night long pleasing both women doing everything my brain could think of to make them o***** . We ended up in our King bed and screwed all night long . That was the first night , since then it has happened 2 more times . And I love it so much . This is my first time having two women at once and I make sure they are well pleased . They work hard to keep my c*** hard and I have ordered v***** even though there is nothing wrong with me , I am determined to make the most of this while I can . Having two hot women is beyond my wildest dreams . My sister in law is oversexed and simply happy to have a guy to s**** her brains out , my wife likes the excitement of seeing me go crazy on both women . There is not any jealously . We almost collapse from exhaustion sometimes . I love the music and the sounds of hot women enjoying s** .

Old story, but they never die. They just get better with time! Keep writing these family friendly stories-lol

That is cause your in tx. women are horney down there!!!!!

Back in 1979 been married about 2 mouths when i came home and found my wife with her sister and brother in bed. we had a talk and found out they been doing it for years. lets just say for the next 3 years we had fun with our 2,3,4 somes. her brother stop and got married and all that. her sister became a lesbian but for the last 40 years when she and /or her girl friend come for a visit we have fun i can not c** in girl friend p**** (she dont like men and c** )

I'm in a somewhat similar situation, or hope to be. My wife of 47 years decided 7 years ago that she no longer wanted s** . No, honestly, I never considered leaving her because of it. We had 40 great years of s** , not only with each other, but some swinging too. I've missed intimacy terribly tough and have let my wife know it. Just a couple of months ago we had a real discussion about it and she let me know that she's just not interested anymore. And I wouldn't want her to do it out of charity. I really don't enjoy s** with someone who isn't enjoying it too so prostitution is out. And I don't want the potential for drama that an affair would have. But a little over a year ago my wife's little sister lost her husband of 30 years. I'm 70, my wife is 65 and her sister is now 57. I've known her sister since she was 10 and we've always loved each other. I remember when she was 16 and she told my wife that she was going to steal me away when she turned 18. We thought it was just a humorous threat. This is her sister's first year to do her own taxes and I was asked to help. We live 500 miles apart so there have been more emails and texts in the past month or so than all of the other years combined. Well, to my real surprise, my wife is prodding me to email and text even more than I have. It's almost like she wants me to get closer to her sister. I told her that I didn't want her sister to think that I'm starting to stalk her and my wife simply said that her sister loves me and that it's OK. So, for the first time in all of our married years, I've began thinking of my little sis-in-law as a potential lover. Now, most certainly, it will have to be my wife and/or my sis-in-law who crosses the line first. But, hey, if they do, and I feel they're both for it, I would love to have a more intimate relationship with my sister-in-law.

Get a nice h****** reading your story... Thanks Drew

Well if it is true you are the luckiest guy around. To have a lovely and sexy wife is precious but to have her sister also sexy and gorgeous is another story itself. I would love to be in that situation and f*** two sexy women at the same time. If it is truly great for you and if you are making this up you are only lying to yourself. I wish this would happen to me. Great story

When I moved to the Bay Area in the '50s I was told that using the F version of San Francisco was offensive. Perhaps you knew that and used it anyway. It may have been you that didn't belong there. BUT, Liked your story. Lucky guy. No, I'm not still there. Job took me to Midwest again. But it's a GREAT place

Shut the f*** up! And stop your whiny ass bullshit about being offended and its offensive. People can say and do what they want learn to Ignore or live with it.

Such a lucky man having not only to enjoy s** with your wife but also with her sexy sister I would pay a lump for this event but I know my wife limitation Have more enjoyable time

Dude you have an "old p*** video" and you "put it in the player"..... I seriously doubt that you would have moved a video player or any videos from San Francisco to Texas. Not sure if you are aware of this but video players are obsolete and probably so are you. Face it, you never lived in "Frisco" and were born in Texas. You wife is old and so are you. You have never f***** your wife's sister, let alone two women at the same time.

Man you are a f****** hater and an idiot. Frisco is an area in Texas North of Dallas. I don't think you would be making troll comments like that if you ever got laid at all. Only a complete sexually repressed idiot would waste his time hating on other's posts. I wonder if everyone from San Fransisco is as much of an idiotic drooling imbecile as you are.

Whick of them are you planning to knock up?

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My sister’s partner wants me to impregnate her
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My sister is a lesbian and is in a partnership with a woman. They have been wanting to have a child and my sister’s partner volunteered to have in vitro fertilization. Unfortunately, both times were unsuccessful even though numerous tests have been done and she seems to be perfectly healthy to have children. Medical bills are getting higher and they are running out of options. My sister and her partner proposed that I get her partner pregnant (or attempt to) and they both agreed and asked my thoughts. This is such a bizarre situation, what is the right thing to do?
I agree with some other comments on this.
If they mean like as a sperm donor for the procedure, do whatever makes you comfortable but that’s not like insane.
If they mean actually have sex to get her pregnant, hell no, at best that will be a horrible experience and the kid will be a reminder, at worst will open a can of worms that could ruin the family relationships.
Yes, basically something along the lines of ejaculating in her. That’s the most apprehensive part about this whole situation aside from being a father
Well if they choose sex over Any medical procedure to get pregnant is actually the most natural way to go about it you have to watch out for STDs but other than that if there’s some legal way that big that he could forfeit Parenteau rights and not have to pay child support it’s a win-win
I'm thinking of what's gonna happen down the line.
It's fine and all to fuck your sister's partner, that's a whole discussion of it's own that people seem to be mostly focused on. That seems like it'd open a whole can of worms that most people wouldn't be prepared to handle. My inclination would be to have the least amount involvement possible -- get them a self-insemination kit, provide the genetic material, and otherwise stay out of it. You probably aren't aware of the details of your sister's relationship, and you don't want her to wonder, "Did my partner enjoy sex with my brother more than me?"
But I'm wondering what happens later, after the child is born. I dunno where you live, but paternity laws vary and you might be on the hook for child support, even if "you only did it to help your sister." In the eyes of the law here in the US, I don't think a judge is going to say, "Oh, well, you're off the hook." They'll garnish your wages regardless of what verbal promises your sister and her partner made.
I dunno what sperm donation clinics have you sign, but it's worth looking into in order to make sure you have severed any legal responsibility to the child once you've done your part. It's impossible to predict how people will react in year's time when they're taking care of a child and under a lot of pressure. I could see how someone might say something along the lines of, "You know what? We don't want to deal with this anymore. This is your child, now they're all yours," and the courts will back them up because technically it is.
Yea I would make them pay for my lawyer and if the lawyer says I'm off the hook for child responsibilities only then would I do it
I agree with this. Hope OP is smart and will listen.
Impregnate your sister in case they get a divorce the baby will stay in the family.
Tbh this is how i understood the situation(get sister pregnant) when i first read the title, so ty for this comment, made me lol.
The right thing to do is whatever you feel comfortable with.
Fucking hugely underrated comment, here.
It's not up to them at the end of the day, it's whether or not you want to do any of it.
As long as OP's partner is aware of that though.
I suppose it would be possible for them to try the turkey baster approach so you wouldn't have to actually have sex with her. Just provide the swimmers when she's ovulating.
I actually knew someone that did this.
It was a couple that used to watch my son and couldn't have ever afforded IVF treatments.
While the donor wasn't a relative he was a close friend of theirs. I'm not 100% aure of the dirty details but it ultimately ruined their friendship with him. Eventually jealousy got the best of the nonnpregnant partner and the pregnant partner felt very awkward around him and he felt awkward being around them and didn't know how to act towards the baby. According to the non pregnant partner he also expressed he was afraid that they would eventually come after him for child support because they didn't have a written contract and she was always afraid that he would try to claim custody.
They had a beautiful baby girl, but did end up loosing a friendship and they said that they would look into other options for their next.
'Stay away, stay away' is what I say.
My husband and I were friends with a couple that asked that of him - I said absolutely not. We aren't friends with them anymore (not because of that).
This adds another layer of complication to an already stressful situation. It's not like you're randomly donating - you will see this kid alot throughout life in the best case scenario. You may feel parental toward him or her...but not have the right to be. On the flipside, if there is a nasty separation, it could potentially be more devastating for you personally (of course you would feel bad for your sister regardless but if you felt that attachment it would make things worse).
I just see alot of potential problems between your sis and her partner, you & sis, or you & sis' partner. And that isn't even considering if you were to do this the old fashioned way. In that case....RUN AWAY!

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ISN’T it amazing what torrent of scandal a little event like being pregnant can unleash? For the four years Lisa was married to Lekan, her husband, she tried all she could to get pregnant. At first she thought it was due to her reproductive organs malfunctioning. After series of tests, it was Lekan’s turn to have his fertility investigated. It was an awful blow to the couple when he got the news he had a low sperm count.
“Lisa was devastated,” Funke, her elder sister and a mother of three children had said after she got the news. “I wish I could do something to help my sister … “. “Something like what?” I joked. “Get another man to perform the magic her husband couldn’t?” A few months later, Funke had come to mine, a bit angry and confused. “Lisa came for dinner last night with Lekan,” she said. “I was in the kitchen sorting out the dirty plates when Lekan crept up behind me. Pressing hard against my back, he whispered. ‘Don’t you realise how much I want you?’ Horrified, I pushed him away and rushed back to the others. I’d thought that would be the end of it, but it wasn’t. Some few weeks later, I bumped into him at a supermarket near the house and he suggested we went to the nearest fast-food spot to have a bite. He said he was desperate to talk to me.
“At first I hesitated, but he was my brother-in-law afterall. He and Lisa had been married for a while and they seemed happy in spite of their ‘problem’. Over lunch, he explained he’d been quite depressed after he’d been told of his low sperm count. That’s why I had behaved badly at your house,’ he said. `I guess I was trying to prove I was a man.’ I felt really sorry for him and tried to console him. A few months after this incident, Lekan phoned me and it was obvious he was in a dreadful state. Kunle, my husband, was on night shift at work, so when Lekan begged me to come over to his place, I agreed. He was in a sorry state when I got to his place. He said he suspected his wife was having an affair, and after a mighty row, he’d hit her and she’d left to go to her mum’s.
“As I made the right soothing sound, he poured out his heart, told me how strained his marriage had become. I felt myself sympathising with him, even though I felt disloyal to my sister. Two bottles of wine later, I was the one revealing worries about my marriage. Kunle had been a bit preoccupied of late and I told Lekan he too might be having an affair. He shook his head in disbelief as I told him Kunle seldom paid me attention. ‘I don’t understand how anyone could neglect a beautiful, kind, loving woman like you”, he sympathised. Before I knew it, we were all over each other … months of frustration were released as our bodies got entwined. The sex was the most fulfilling I’d had for months.
“I didn’t feel any guilt, especially when Kunle wasn’t home when I arrived. He’d given some of his suspicious excuses on the answering machine. So, it was with little or no guilt that I continued my affair with my brother-in-law. Each time Lisa phoned for a chat, or to visit the house, I fobbed her off in case my secret was revealed if I saw her face-to-face. Then came the news that Lisa was finally pregnant. I was really happy for her as I hugged and congratulated her. She didn’t seem all that happy to see me but I put it down to her current state. Or did she suspect I was sleeping with her husband? She couldn’t have, we’d been really careful.
“Lisa was almost due when I ran into a close relative who worked as a matron in a private hospital. I hadn’t seen her for ages and she was full of praise for my husband who introduced Lisa to their hospital. ‘He even brought her a few times,’ she blabbed,’ and helped with some of her bills. I tried to introduce myself to him but he was always busy with the hospital’s director who was his friend. I’m g
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