This Makes My Penis The Big Penis

This Makes My Penis The Big Penis


This Makes My Penis The Big Penis
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“For whatever reason, there’s something hardwired in the brains of males where they place tremendous stock on the size of their penis,” says Brian Christine , M.D., a urologist with and the Urology Centers of Alabama.
While Christine’s practice is pretty much limited to men with sexual disorders, it’s common for healthy, young guys to step in his office and ask (regardless of why they made an appointment): What can I do to make my penis bigger?
Sound familiar? Whether you’ve voiced the concern or kept the thought to yourself, you’re probably curious.
“The short answer is there really isn’t anything you can do to make it bigger,” Christine says. “A more nuanced answer is ‘I need to see exactly what’s going on,'” he adds. Men with certain diseases or traumas can experience a loss in length—or the appearance of shrinkage. But it’s really important to dig deeper. If you treat the underlying issue, then there’s potential to get some size back, Christine explains. (Even if the underlying issue is all in your head.)
The average penis measures somewhere between 3 and 5 inches when not erect, and between 5 and 7 inches when erect, according to the Mayo Clinic. Further research from the journal BJU International , which included over 20,000 men, shows it may actually be on the shorter side of those parameters. Scientists measured the length and circumference of each man’s flaccid penis, as well as the length and circumference of his erect penis. Their findings:
Avg. Flaccid penis length = 3.58 inches
Avg. Flaccid penis circumference = 3.66 inches
Avg. Erect penis length = 5.16 inches
Avg. Erect penis circumference = 4.59 inches
So, while you’re panicking thinking your member is smaller than average, you’re probably packing as much as the next guy. (A man is only considered to have a “micropenis” if it measures less than 3 inches when erect, per the Mayo Clinic .) But there are some scenarios where your penis can appear to shrink.
1. You have erectile dysfunction
If you’ve experienced difficulties obtaining a rigid erection for a period of time, there can be atrophy of your penile tissue and a loss of length and size over time, Christine explains. This is probably due to the fact that your penis isn’t getting engorged. “It’s normal for men to get erections several times a night during REM sleep, even if they’re not engaged in sexual intimacy,” Christine says. “Even when you’re not sleeping, the stretching and oxygenation of the tissue keeps it healthy and supple.” Treatment for ED can improve the overall health of your penis and hopefully regain some of what you lost.
2. You have Peyronie’s disease
“Named for a French surgeon back in the 1600s, who first described it, peyronie’s disease is scar tissue that can form in the inner lining of the penis resulting from injury during intercourse,” Christine says. Thrusting causes a lot of torque and strain on the penis. (Be careful; this is the most dangerous sex position .) When scar tissue forms, because it’s not very stretchy or elastic like the rest of the penis, it can cause a curve to form when your penis becomes erect, he adds=. That’s the hallmark of the disease. “What’s more, men almost always say their penis seems to have gotten shorter; and it has, because the scar doesn’t let your penis assume its normal dimension,” Christine explains.
3. You’ve had a prostatectomy 
Another example of where men see a loss in length is when they’ve had surgical removal of the prostate gland to treat prostate cancer. The penis can appear shorter, which is a physical effect of the surgery itself. “I’m not critical of the surgery, though, because it’s very effective in combating cancer,” Christine clarifies.
Pills & lotions
“There’s nothing topical you can put on your penis that will make it grow longer,” Christine says. “Same goes for pills—it’s a complete waste of money.” You’ll see these products marketed with penis-boosting vitamins, minerals, herbs, or hormones, but no controlled studies have shows they’ll provide any benefit. Guys drop significant amounts of money—hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars—but it’s just voodoo, he says.
Exercises & stretches
Have you heard of jelqing? “This is a stretching exercise where men will take their thumb and first finger and, almost like milking a cow, will ‘strip’ their penis from the base out to the head,” Christine says. The theory is, by manipulating, pulling, and stretching the tissue, you’ll be elongating it over time. There’s no evidence this actually happens, though. “I’ve actually seen patients who have been so aggressive with jelqing they’ve caused Peyronie’s disease,” Christine says. “They’ve caused scar tissue and curvature to form, causing a problem when there wasn’t one to start.” The typical guy who turns to jelqing tends to be young and healthy without any medical issues. Don’t do it. There’s very little benefit that can come from this, but a huge potential for damage.
*However, Christine adds, men with peyronie’s disease will sometimes be put on stretching routines. But this is a very different scenario. “There’s defined scar tissue we’re trying to influence with stretching or medication; Xiaflex is FDA-approved to be injected into the scar tissue to help break it down,” he adds.
Penis pumps
Probably the most popular in the bunch, vacuum devices are plastic cylinders that go over the penis and pull blood in. “Some guys swear they gain length; but for the otherwise healthy, it’s very devious,” Christine says. Even if your penis appears to be larger, it’s only a temporary boost.
1. Suspensory ligament surgery
The suspensory ligament of the penis is a fibrous cord that connects the pubic bone down to the shaft of the penis, Christine explains. “When you cut that, surgically, it will make the penis dangle a bit more and hang a bit lower,” he says. “But that’s not because we lengthen the penis; it’s just a procedure to give the appearance of more length, he says.” The surgeon makes a small incision at the base of the penis at the top. There are risks. Nerves that go to the head of the penis that provide sensation can be affected or damaged. “I do the surgery infrequently,” Christine admits. “When I tell a patient it’s not really going to make your penis any longer, they usually don’t go through with it.”
2. Liposuction & cosmetic surgery
“If you have a tummy tuck or liposuction in that area, you’ll have the appearance of more length—without actually making the penis any longer,” Christine says. There are obvious risks, like bleeding. But the surgery isn’t unreasonable, he says, especially for men who have lost (and kept off) a good amount of weight and want to get rid of the extra fat since the pubic region is a really difficult area for men to lose weight.
3. Penile implant
For men with erectile dysfunction (or other trauma/specific cases ) surgeons can surgically place a number of different implants in a man. The simplest consists of bendable silicone cylinders placed in the “erection chambers” of the penis, according to . There’s also 2- or 3-piece inflatable prosthesis options. In the case for the 3-piece implant, there are two cylinders, a reservoir, and a pump; the cylinders are inserted in the penis, the pump sits under the scrotum (between the testicles), and the tubing that connects the cylinders to the separate fluid reservoir is inserted under the lower abdominal muscles. To inflate (and deflate) the prosthesis, you press the pump. It transfers fluid to inflate the penis.
1. Lose weight
“Men who are obese or have a lot of bodyweight, particularly in the super-pubic area—that fat pad above the penis—are covering their penis up,” Christine says. It’s not that your penis is shrinking; but because that fat pad has gotten so much larger, it can cover your shaft. “If I tell a man he should lose weight because it’ll help his heart disease or diabetes, he may or may not lose weight; but if I tell a guy their penis will appear longer, I guarantee they’ll lose weight like you wouldn’t believe,” Christine says. So, just how much? “If an obese man loses 30-35 pounds, he can make about an inch more of his penis visible,” Christine says.
2. Manscape
Women care more about your manscaping than the girth, skin quality, and length of your penis, according to research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. Seriously. Women ranked cosmetic appearance greater than size. What’s more, a little maintenance goes a long way (literally). Your penis can appear larger if you trim up your pubic hair; it may even increase sensitivity around the base of your penis, according to the Mayo Clinic .
1. Change your mindset
Most men are curious about the average size of a man’s member. “But we have patients who are so fixated on the appearance and perceived size of their penis, that it’s their entire focus,” Christine says. Stop judging yourself and valuing your worth based on something that’s out of your control.
2. Realize she doesn’t care how big you are
“I query wives or girlfriends of patients, and most aren’t concerned with how long your penis is,” Christine says. “A lot of times women say girth is most important, because the outer third of the vagina has most of the sensory nerves,” he explains. The penis will stimulate the vagina better when it has some girth. You also need to recognize your partner, who loves you, cares a whole lot less about the size of your penis than you do, he adds. It’s mostly in your head.
“When a partner says ‘You look and feel great to me,’ that’s tremendous,” Christine says. That can remedy most of a guy’s fears and worries. Use this guide on how to navigate awkward, but necessary, sex talks.

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The Top 7 Foods to Increase Penis Size (Length and Girth Gains)

The food must help improve blood circulation throughout your body.

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Did you know that some natural foods combined with penis exercises can actually help to increase penis size bigger?
But the best place to start is with what you put in your mouth everyday.
Here are the top 7 foods for penis enlargement to increase penis size.
Now let's get into the top 7 foods that grow your penis size bigger:
The foods that can help your penis grow big and large are:
Onions are great food to increase penis size.
Research shows that onions are great for creating healthy blood flow circulation throughout the body (including the penis).
Onions contain sulfur which acts as a natural blood thinner.
As a result, increasing onion consumption helps prevent blood clotting which ultimately helps size .
But what people seldom realize is that onions help not only blood flow to the heart, but also with blood flow to the penis to make it bigger.
Like we touched on in the case with onions, foods that generate a healthy blood flow are proven to help men attain stiffer, bigger erections .
Salmon is a perfect food to increase penis size.
Salmon is big in Omega-3 DHA and EPAs fatty acids.
These fats also increase sex drive in every man .
According to this big study , Omega-3 fatty acids are great for thinning blood, which helps generate a healthier blood flow.
Here are the 2018 laboratory size results from 7 male volunteers who used penis stretcher devices:
Bananas are another great food to increase penis size.
Good for your heart and for your blood flow, bananas are our #1 recommended food for penis enlargement size gains.
The same concept with the previous two foods applies here as well.
Bananas are rich in potassium which have been proven to lower blood pressure.
...And thus promote healthier circulation throughout the body, and penis.
It's no question these foods are good to eat for minor size gains, improved penis health and sex drive .
See, the nutrition health aspect must be combined with a size training device to make any significant penis size gains.
This means also using a penis extender or a penis pump - where we, PhalloGauge Medical, has been rated the #1, top place to buy these essential devices online , for the 3rd year in a row:
The most successful sexual men are those that take advantage of every single method that can enlarge the penis bigger for sex.
However, if you're a man looking for a product to increase penis size for you automatically, you may be interested in this extender device, found here.
We just gave you the top 3 whole penis enlargement foods to increase size for sex and sexual encounters.
Here are 4 more herbs and spices men can use in their health diet for penis enlargement.
It's also not surprising that a lot of these next enlargement foods are ingredients in this recipe of erection tea .
These foods are also great for penis enlargement because they thin your blood which increases blood flow and helps penis size .
Also, these next foods don't spoil so men can use as much as they want of them!
The main health ingredient is curcumin and is well-known to prevent clotting in favor of blood thinning in men.
Ginger contains salicylate which produces acetyl salicylic acid which also keeps blood from clotting in men. It also makes your penis bigger.
Cinnamon contains courmarin - a powerful chemical that acts as a sex anticoagulant .
Anticoagulants decrease blood pressure and sexual relieve inflammation as well.
However, cinnamon should be used in low moderation - just at a teaspoon to your morning coffee.
This is easy to do if you go to Starbucks a lot since every Starbucks has cinnamon at the counter.
Eat no more than 2 teaspoons per day to avoid liver damage.
This one is our personal favorite .
Cayenne peppers, like ginger also contain a large amount of salicylates .
As a result, these peppers can thin blood, lower blood pressure, and increase circulation throughout the body (and especially to your penis).
Cayenne pepper can easily be stored as a powder in your pantry.
That means there's no excuse for it being missing from your kitchen.
After all, you can literally throw it on any food, especially meat that you may prepare at home.
Imrpove your manhood health by eating tomatoes.
Why? According to the Journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Preventiona, in 2014 they found that men who eat more than 10 servings of tomatoes every 7 days have an 18% lower risk of getting prostate cancer .
The nutrient that provides this benefit is called lycopene - its an antioxidant which gets rid of toxins that are responsible for cell and DNA damage.
If you're a couple who's looking to conceive, be sure to consider consuming more tomatoes.
Another 2019 research study found that the tomatoes could improve sperm morphology to make them healthier and more fertile .
Eating spinach, a green vegetable that's great for suppressing appetite, increases blood flow below the belt and also makes you look better naked by improving your skin quality .
" Spinach contains high amounts of magnesium , a mineral that is responsible for decreasing inflammation in blood vessels.
The result is a healthier and increased blood flow," according to RD of Healthy Simple Life expert, Cassie Bjork.
That may sound boring, but the positive effects cannot be ignored .
"Increased blood flow drives blood to the places that need it, like the penis. That's similar to Viagra, can this physical arousal also helps to make intercourse more pleasurable," says sex psychotherapist expert Tammy Nelson, Ph.D.
Spinach also contains folate, a nutrient which increases blood flow to the penis and helps protect you against sexual issues that are caused by age .
When it comes to consuming foods to improve your penis health, you shouldn't forget about beverages.
The University of Texas found in their 2015 study that men who drink aroud 3 cups of coffee per day (85 to 170 milligrams of caffeine) are 42% less likely to develop erectile dysfunction than men who consume less than 7 milligrams of the caffine daily.
What's even more impressive, those who drink four to seven cups are 39 percent less likely to get erectile dysfunction compared to men who don't get enough caffine.
This benefit also holds true among obese, overweight, and men with high blood pressure, but not for those with diabetes (which is often responsible for ED in the first place).
So, how exactly does drinking coffee help the penis?
The researchers say that caffine in coffee triggers a series of biochemical reactions in the body that result in an increased blood flow to the penis .
A food like chocolate will satisfy your sweet cravings and improve your penis health simultaneously.
Why? The nutrients in cacao is known to boost levels of serotonin , a hormone that improves your mood.
When your brain has more serotonin, your stress levels decrease, your libido increases and you're much more likely to reach a sexual orgasm.
One more thing: A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that cocoa also relaxes blood vesssels and increases blood flow, especially to the penis.
Catechins are a compound that is found in green tea and they have been shown to melt away belly fat and improve the liver's ability to turn fat into energy.
But what's even more impressive: Catechins also boost sexual libido by boosting blood flow to your penis.
Bjork says, catechins "cause blood vessels to release nitric oxide, which increases the diameter of the penile blood vessel walls , which means improved blood flow."
Blood flow to the male genitals equals sexual arousal, so sipping green tea will want to make you want to have sex more often .
Bjork suggests drinking four cups of green tea a day to maximize arousal and penis health.
Nature's bright red fruit can be a boon for your sex life.
According to this government study , cherries contain anthocyanins , which are chemicals from plants that cleanse your veins and arteries of plaque which allow blood to keep flowing easily.
Try make them into a nice snack by doing this: One cup contains about 100 calories and has tons of B vitamins, flavonoids for crushing cancer, and three wholesome grams of fiber.
In order to improve orgasms for both you and your partner , you might want to consider eating oatmeal.
This popular breakfast meal is a great source of l-arginine , which is one of many amino acids that is typically helpful in treating erectile dysfunction .
If you're looking for a way to both calm those pre-date nervousness and boost your male libido try pouring yourself a glass of red wine.
The Nutrition Journal found in 2012 that wine could boost your testosterone levels substantially .
The researchers that conducted lab tests found that quercetin, which is found in wine , blocks an enzyme that causes the body to produce testosterone, and as a result, the amount of circulation of blood in the body is increased .
Red wine's large antioxidant profile also causes nitric oxide production, which is responsible for expanding artery walls .
This, in turn, increases blood flow in the penis and stimulates sexual arousal, especially for men.
Hot sauce is actually one of the most useful condiments when it comes to improving your penis health.
A study published in Physiology & Behavior (2015) found that males who consume for spicy foods regularly tend to have higher testosterone levels than those who don't eat them .
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