Literotica Divorce

Literotica Divorce


Literotica Divorce
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Divorce set her free, but so was he.
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I'm James Thornton. Jim, to my friends. I'm sitting here across from the love of my life, Angela Thornton. No, not at our breakfast table that we've shared for the past fifteen years but at her attorney's conference table. We are looking at each other not in anger or hatred but with extreme sadness. My wife is divorcing me. What brought us to this point in our lives?
Bottom line is she found another whose giving her something I obviously don't. Who knows why? Maybe she got too comfortable and I became like an old pair of shoes. Yeah, they are comfortable but your big toe is sticking out the whole in the toe. Time to trash them for something newer...prettier. I guess he's prettier.
Angela studied the papers in front of her. She hesitated for a moment, looked at me once more, then signed on the line with the yellow tab by her name. Her attorney, Ellen Cassidy, pushed the papers across the table to me to read and sign on the designated line. In ninety days after I sign this, we will go into the divorce statistic column.
It seems wedding vows are only pretty words we are supposed to say to make everyone else happy. The phrase "until someone prettier or more handsome comes along" should be added to the end of the vows. Or maybe when we say "I Do" and add "for now" to the end.
I looked into the eyes of my thirty-five year old wife. "Angie, you're sure that this is what you want? Fifteen years of our lives are invested in our home, our kids and our lives. I know you say you found your soul mate and you're in love with him. I know it happens. I just never thought it would be us at this table because you let another man into your life."
She said, "Jim, we've talked about this. I'm sorry I hurt you. You don't deserve it. I didn't mean for it to happen but it did. I have not been physically unfaithful to you. Allen and I have not been sexually intimate yet. I couldn't do that to you. An emotional affair, yes, I can't deny that. We've talked intimately, held hands and kissed but that's all. I guess I'm trying to follow Dr. Phil's guidelines to some extent who says, "Never begin another relationship until you finish the one you're in. A relationship born from infidelity doesn't stand a chance."
"I guess that's what I'm trying to do. Allen says he loves me and I love him. I'm hoping the kids will accept him in time. You will still be a major part of their lives. I promise."
"Damn right, I'll be in their lives. Unfortunately, Angie, you've already been unfaithful. You're already invested in him emotionally. The fact that he hasn't stuck his worthless dick in you yet, is irrelevant. You ARE having an affair and you HAVE been cheating on me. White wash it all you want but you cheated on me and our family the moment you allowed him into our lives."
My sadness has turned to anger and it was beginning to show.
Her new love is Allen Bridges, stock broker, married twice, a rugged looking Lady's man of forty years old. From what I understand, he's scored with or at least hit on many of the women in his building. The married women are no obstacle to him. It seems that Angie is one of the few that hasn't succumbed to his sexual charms and wound up with his dick buried in her. I think he thinks of her as a challenge to his skills. Well, it won't be long now before he adds her scent to his bed linens.
Our kids, Janet, 14 and Little Jim, 13, are our pride and joy. They are torn between wanting to be in their mother's life with another man or staying with me. I want no other woman in my life but she took that option out of my hands the day she had me served.
I signed the papers, got up and walked around the table to her. I took her hand in mine and slipped my grandmother's rings off her fingers. I removed mine from my finger and dropped it in the trash can beside her.
She said, "No, Jim, please don't do that. You and I picked out your ring together all those years ago. It means something."
"No, Angie, correction. It MEAN'T something once. It was part our our bond to one another. You have broken that bond. You have dirtied every thing that was us including that ring. My ring no longer has the meaning it was intended to have."
"Just a quick question before I leave, Angie. Are you moving him into our house?"
"He has asked if he could move in with us but I haven't given him an answer yet."
"So, you and your lover are going to play house with our kids in our house. I don't and won't approve of that, Angie. Most of our friends have already distanced themselves from you because of your "emotional" affair. You haven't kept it much of a secret apparently. I heard you have been bragging about how wonderful he is. That he makes you feel alive and young again. I guess we'll see, won't we. You see, I know things about him, that you either don't know or choose to ignore because you've got your head in the clouds and his dick all but inside your pussy."
"You're wrong about him, Jim. He does so many little things that make me feel important, not just a mother of teenage kids, a wife, and a housekeeper. He sends me flowers at work, buys me gifts that say "I love you."
I said, "Angie, What are you...sixteen? Infatuated by pretty words and little gifts? You're an adult and a mother of teenagers. I hope you come to your senses at some point even though you've made it too late for us. I'm sure that's all very special to you in some short term way but he hasn't been through the hard times with you, has he? He hasn't rubbed lotion on your swollen pregnant belly awaiting the arrival of our children or put polish on your toenails because your pregnant belly wouldn't let you reach your toes."
"He wasn't there when I held your hair out of the toilet and bathed your face while you puked your guts from food poisoning."
I looked at the scar on her ankle and said, "He wasn't there when you came out of surgery after you broke your ankle. He hasn't carried you through the house so you wouldn't have to use those crutches you hated. We have a lot of history, Sweetheart."
"I hope it's alright if I call you that one last time. Your his "Sweetheart" now. Good bye, Angie. I'll try not to disturb you and your man when I pickup the kids. I still have some things at the house I'd like to retrieve if it's alright. I'll stop by when his car's not there."
As I turned to walk out, Angie grabbed my arm. "Jim, wait."
"For what, Angie? We had a good run. The T's are crossed and the I's are dotted. You made your decision when you signed those papers. You have what you want. Enjoy your new exciting, younger feeling life."
I didn't let her see the tears as I walked out the door.
I reached down and picked up his ring from the trash can and put it in my purse with tears in my eyes.
Ellen, my attorney said, "You don't have to go through with this, you know. It's obvious to every one but you, that you have unfinished business. I've handled enough divorces in my time that I know that this one shouldn't be happening. I see it written all over you. Some guy has turned your head with pretty words and flowers. He wants in your panties and you're falling for it. Angela, make sure this is what you want. You have ninety days to fish or cut bait. But remember, your husband will be moving on too."
"Right now, he's heartbroken. I saw the love in his eyes. I wish I had a man who loved me like that. I just haven't found him yet. I'll file these papers with the court this afternoon so your time will start then."
Ellen said, "Please, don't thank me. This is one time I feel there are no winners, just losers. Like your husband said, enjoy your new life."
I walked out of Ellen's office and just leaned against the hallway wall, wiping tears, thinking about what she said. It was then I realized a big part of my life is over and the beginning of a new one.
As I entered the lobby, Allen was waiting on me. He ran over to me grinning from ear to ear.
"You're free, Angie. Now we don't have to hide our feelings and passion. Let's celebrate, have dinner and find a nice hotel room."
"I'm sorry, Allen. It's not a good time. Somehow, I don't feel I should be celebrating the death of what was once the best thing in my life. Am I doing the right thing, Allen?"
"You know you are, Baby. We can't have a relationship with your ball and chain of fifteen years hanging around. Do I need to tell him how it's going to be from now on and to stay away from you? That won't be a problem for me."
"Leave Jim alone, Allen. I broke his heart today. I don't deserve to be loved by him. He will be coming by to see and pick up our kids occasionally. I expect you to behave when you're there. If you can't do that, you won't be moving in. Are we clear on that?"
Allen said, "Sure, Baby. I understand. I can move in as soon as you give me the green light. Baby, I'm packed and ready."
"I think it's too soon for that, Allen. Maybe in time, if we see we're compatible enough to live together. I have my kids who will be impacted by you in my house so we'll discuss it later. Right now is not a good time."
I resisted Allen's sexual advances for two months after I signed the divorce papers. I was still feeling guilty I guess. The first time we had sex, he came inside me before I could tell him to pull out. I was in my safe time but I still sweated the week before my period was due. I was praying his sperm had not scored in me. Jim had been snipped after Little Jim was born so birth control had not been an issue with us. Luckily, I did not get pregnant from my newly found sexual freedom. I decided to go back on the pill.
It was still fifteen days until the bell was to ring on my marriage. Allen and I were out having dinner at The Red House, a high end local restaurant. Allen had fucked me on the kitchen table before we left. I was feeling pretty good from the two orgasms I had plus the feeling of his sperm inside me. I could still feel it leaking out of me into the crotch of my panties. I felt wicked and desired.
We were seated and I began noticing the rest of the patrons when I saw Jim, sitting by himself at a table for two in the back. I told Allen that I would be right back and walked over to where Jim was seated. Between the good fucking I received and the alcohol I had drank, I was feeling a little naughty. I decided to let Jim see a happy face and let him think I'm quite happy with my decisions. Deep down, I'm not but I can't let him see it. He was obviously still not dating.
I said, "Hi, Stranger, long time no see. I guess I've been missing you when you pick up the kids. Eating alone?"
Jim said, "Hello, Angie, you are as beautiful as ever. I'm here with a friend. Are the kids ok?"
"The kids are unhappy but ok, Jim. They miss you."
"Well, as I recall, you didn't give me many options to remaining a family."
I looked around trying to see who might be with him. His friend walked up behind me.
Jim said, "There you are, Sweetie, as his friend returned to the table from the restroom.
I turned around just as he said, "Angie, I believe you know Ms. Cassidy, Attorney at Law. Ellen sat down beside Jim and gave him a kiss on the lips.
Ellen said, "Did you miss me, Sweet Lips?"
I was the one that got the surprise. Jim had never seen a look like the one on my face. I was furious. I don't know why? I'm the one who threw him away. I'm standing here with another man's semen in me, flaunting it in my Ex husbands face. Did I think he would shrink into a hole somewhere...but my attorney? Really?
With all the civility I could muster, I said, "Good evening, Ellen, I was not aware you and Jim were seeing each other." I was doing my best to not let her see the fire in my eyes. I was rabid.
Ellen said, "Angie, you remember the little speech I gave you in the office about being sure of what you want? I gave you over two months to decide and then called Jim to see how he was coping with your decision to bail out of your marriage for a teenage crush. We've been dating for a couple of weeks now. I see you've obviously moved on with your lover. I'm doing my best to pick up the pieces you left behind. Good luck, Angie. Now if you'll excuse us I have plans for this handsome gentleman."
I said, "I see. It was nice to see you both." I hurried back to our table before I said something that shouldn't be said.
I stared at them throughout our meal. I watched as Ellen wooed and seduced my man. My man? He's not my man anymore. I threw him away...for what? I've learned that over the past couple of months that things may not be exactly what I was led to believe. Jim is a good lover. Although he makes me feel desired and sexy when we are together, I've found him to be somewhat shallow and self centered. I can't admit it to myself but I'm sorely afraid I've been stupid and naive. I can't say I wasn't warned.
I know he's texting and talking to another woman when he thinks I'm not paying attention. I'm glad I didn't let him move in. That would have been a disaster. The kids don't care for him anyway. He treats them like their nuisances.
I watched as Ellen slipped off her heel and rubbed her foot up and down Jim's leg. It was all I could do to keep from getting up, marching over there and starting something I couldn't finish...with my own damn lawyer yet. I know Allen could see the steam coming out of my ears. I was livid.
Allen said, "Damn, I should have known. You still have the hots for your ex, don't you? You're green with jealousy. I love it. You're sitting here with a pussy full of my cum pining over your Ex. You're ready to bury her in the desert if we had one."
"Allen, please take me home before I do or say something stupid. I'm sorry."
"Angie, let's go to my place and I'll make you forget him."
"No, Allen. I'm not in the mood now. Maybe you can call one of your other stupid married bimbos to take care of your dick. You think that I don't know all your pretty words were just bullshit so you could fuck me. Well, you got what you wanted. Just take me home or I'll call a taxi."
"Angie, Honey....please. I love you. Let me make it up to you. Lets go to my place and talk."
Ellen said, "Well, Jim, you think she bought it?"
"I don't know, Ellen. Looks like trouble in Paradise from here. I know Angie and I know I could see the fire in her eyes and the smoke coming out her ears. She's so mad, she's about to stroke out. I know she has a good view of your nylon clad toes underneath my pants leg. It's making me think only about you and this moment. You're driving me crazy."
"So you like that," she said, as the other foot went into my lap and put pressure on my rapidly swelling cock.
"Oh my, Jim Baby, I think I need to do something about that growth in your pants. Let's get you to Dr. Ellen's house and let me provide some first, second, and maybe third aid for your condition."
She slipped her shoes back on and we walked out hand in hand. We waved at Angie and her man as we left.
When we arrived at her house, it was awesome to say the least. By the looks and size of it, the divorce business is good. She told me to make myself at home and she would return shortly. I was looking at her wall art when she walked through the doorway of her living area. I was stunned at the vision in front of me.
There in the doorway stood one of the most magnificent female specimens I have ever been fortunate to feast my eyes on. She stood there in her garter belt, beige seamed stockings, and open toed four inch slides with a sheer robe wrapped around her which left nothing to the imagination. She proudly displayed her gorgeous breasts through the transparent fabric. Her pink areolas and nipples made points on the inside of her sheer robe.
I just stood there and stared at this gorgeous woman. I took all of her in from her perfect nose to her breasts to her bald pussy to the toe rings on her toes and glossy red toenails.
She said, "The Doctor will see you now, Jim. That growth in your pants needs immediate attention."
I walked over to her and ran my hands inside her sheer robe and massaged her back, shoulders and firm bare buttocks. She trembled and I heard a faint gasp as I brushed over her hairless mons. She unbuckled my slacks and let them drop to the floor. She slid her hands inside my briefs and freed my aching cock. I kissed her. I grew harder as my cock touched her skin.
I laid her down on her sofa with one foot on the floor and the other on my shoulder. I went to my knees and kissed her labia. She shivered with pleasure as my tongue found her most private place, swollen and protruding from its hood. Her clit was fully engorged and receiving my undivided attention.
"Jim," she gasped, "I'm cumming, Baby, don't stop. Oh God, I'm there." Her body shook, she arched her back toward me and her pussy gushed some fluid from inside her.
I said, "Ellen, Sweetheart, I don't have a condom but I'm clean I've been snipped."
"I don't care. I'm clean too, Baby, just fuck me, Jim. I want you inside me."
Again, she gasped as I my manhood entered her wet entrance and slid deep inside her body. I was holding her foot by the heel of her shoe as I plunged into her time after time. Her toes curled and I knew she was having another orgasm.
"Yes, Baby, oh, yes... I'm in heaven, Jim. Cum inside me, Baby."
She didn't have to say it twice. I groaned and erupted inside her, sending stream after stream of milky semen into her womb.
"Oh, Yes, Baby. It's so warm. I feel it spreading all through me inside. Don't pull out yet, Honey. I want to feel you."
Spent, I rested on my arms over her with my penis still buried inside her, warm and snug. I slipped her shoes off, anticipating the pain that I would endure from being stabbed in the back by a four inch heel if I left them on for round two.
I said, "Doctor, I don't think your treatment worked. I still have a substantial growth and getting bigger inside you again."
Ellen said, "Oh, No, Jim. It may need a second draining." She rolled me on my back and mounted me. She rode me until she came. I felt her secretions running down my shaft and onto my balls as she rode me. I couldn't hold back any longer and placed another well placed stream of cum through her cervix into her womb. She collapsed on top of me with those gorgeous nipples against my chest.
We dozed off. When I awoke, Ellen had her left hand gently stroking my cock and touching my face with her right hand.Her stocking clad right foot was massaging my calf. I don't think I've seen a woman this sexy even in pornos.
She said, "Jim, I could get used to this. I know I already love having you in my bed and your cum in my womb. I'm glad you've been snipped. It saves me from having to go on the pill. I usually use condoms but I wanted to feel you inside me."
"I know what you mean, Ellen. You are beautiful. That was awesome. Why aren't you married?"
"Jim, honestly, I love men and I love sex. I'm a wild child. If I was married, I'm afraid, I would be on one of my colleague's client the cheater. Marriage just wouldn't work for me. I'm honest enough to know that about myself. As a divorce lawyer, I see the devastation men and women heap on each other either through infidelity, incompatibility, or like in your case, one or the other feels they have fallen out of love with their spouse due to the attention and infatuation with a third person."
"Your soon-to-be Ex wife still loves you, no matter what she told you. She's at that age where she's wondering if the
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