The rate at which the world's population is disposing is impressive - 09/05/21.

The rate at which the world's population is disposing is impressive - 09/05/21.


Vaccine injuries reported to continue to rise, Pfizer seeks full approval of COVID vaccine

VaERS data released today showed 157,277 reports of side effects of the COVID vaccine, including 3,837 deaths and 16,014 serious injuries between December 14, 2020 and April 30, 2021.

Every Friday, VAERS publishes all vaccination reports received on a specified date, usually about a week before the release date. Today's figures show that between December 14, 2020 and April 30, a total of 157,277 side effects were reported in VAERS, including 3,837 deaths - 293 more than the previous week - and 16,014 serious injuries, an increase of 2,467 on last week.


          COVID-19 Fraud . 

Lawyers and medical experts are launching legal proceedings against WHO and world leaders for crimes against Humanity.

Reasons why I won't take the COVID-19 vaccine


1. This is not a vaccine. This mixture is so called to lull the vigilance of people.

2. Pharmaceutical companies, politicians, the medical establishment and the media have joined forces to call it a vaccine everywhere, when it is not, with the intention of manipulating people to make them feel safer in passing the so-called "treatment".

3. The intended benefits of this so-called "treatment" are minimal and will not last long in any case.

4. I can reduce my chances of getting any disease if I naturally strengthen my immune system.

5. The establishment insists that this so-called "treatment" is safe. But this is a lie.

6. Pharmaceutical companies are not liable if something goes wrong and they cannot be sued.

7. The Prime Minister of Israel openly acknowledged that the Israeli people were the world laboratory for this experimental so-called "treatment".

Israel has agreed to share the medical data of its citizens with a foreign pharmaceutical company.

9. Pfizer executives and board members officially declare that they did not vaccinate themselves, despite all the fanfare and assurances.

10. The establishment media accepted this ridiculous excuse without question or question.

11.Three facts that need to be put together:

- Bill Gates touts these so-called "vaccines" as necessary for the survival of mankind.

- Bill Gates believes that there are too many people in the world and it is necessary to reduce the number of people on the planet.

- Bill Gates, perhaps the richest man in the world, also did not receive an injection.

12. There is an intensive outreach campaign for people taking the vaccine.

13. Masses follow the propaganda by posting photos of them being injected, fuelling public pressure to do the same as they do.

14. Those who express concern about vaccination are bullied, slandered, censored, threatened and dismissed from their jobs.

15. This is the greatest medical experiment in the history of mankind.

16. It is not intentionally portrayed as the greatest medical experiment in the history of mankind, and the fact that it is generally a medical experiment is greatly underestimated.

17. If the truth had been told, very FEW would have agreed to participate in such an experiment.

The medical establishment does not inform any of this.

19. We are under various pressures to obtain injections, which violates the medical ethics and foundations of a democratic society.

20. The Government has closed its protocol on the virus and treatment for THIRTY YEARS.

21. The Government may share our personal medical data with foreign corporations, but they will not share their own protocol with us on this matter.

22. The establishment has hired doctors, clergy, the media and the masses to talk about people who do not want to be given a new vaccine.

23. I know many people who were injected, but none of them studied science in depth, carefully weighed the potential benefits and risks, compared this option with other alternatives, was really informed and decided that this was the best option for them.

24. Pharmaceutical companies have a long and glorious history of creating massacres with miracle vaccines that they impose on unsuspecting people, even after serious problems have become known.

Indeed, horrific stories are already appearing at an incredible rate, but politicians are not at all concerned, the medical establishment is dismissing them as unrelated, the media is ignoring it, pharmaceutical companies are moving forward, and those who raise the red flag continue to be bullied, censored and punished.

The list was compiled by israeli Rabbi Hananya Weissman, who opposes the worldwide conspiracy and medical madness through the planned academy. Shalom you in the hut esteemed Reva !! 

Editorial materials below 👇


Masks don't work the way you're told from all the cracks. They do not survive viruses or bacteria, nothing they do not delay ! Mask is an element of special operation and psychological manipulation over victims of psycho-terrorist war.



Dancers 👯🖕 ♂️ and the girl 🖕in the video show you how exhaled steam and micro-particles from the mouth perfectly bypass the masks on the faces. At least there will be two, at least three, at least ten ... Masks are not equal to gas masks! It's called Physics. Be ache!

This was claimed and claimed by all professional doctors in their writings. In 2020, suddenly there was "new knowledge" and "new" science, which turned everything upside down. 

Stop being a sheep-led sheep. Take off your 🎭 masks 

A team of more than 1,000 lawyers and more than 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Rainer Fuelmih has launched legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for Crimes Against Humanity.

Fuelmih and his team present a erroneous PCR test and ordering doctors to classify any concomitant death as a coronavirus death as a fraud. The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and yields 100% errors in 35 cycles. All CDC-controlled PCR tests include 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC recognizes that any tests over 28 cycles are not valid for a positive reliable outcome. This alone invalidates more than 90% of the suspected cases/infections detected by this erroneous test. In addition to erroneous tests and fake death certificates, the "experimental" vaccine itself violates article 32 of the Geneva Convention. Under article 32 of the Geneva Convention IV of 1949, "mutilation and medical or scientific experiments that do not require the treatment of a protected person" are prohibited. According to article 147, biological experiments on protected persons constituted a serious violation of the Convention.

The "experimental" vaccine violates all 10 Nuremberg codes that provide for the death penalty for those who attempt to violate these international laws. The vaccine does not meet the following five requirements to be considered a vaccine, and by definition is a medical "experiment" and a test:

Provides immunity to the virus

It is a "leaky" gene therapy that does not provide immunity to "Covid" and claims to reduce symptoms, but double vaccination currently accounts for 60% of patients who require ER or ICU with "covid" infections.

Protects recipients from contracting the virus

This gene therapy does not provide immunity, and the double vaccinated can still contract and spread the virus.

Reduces mortality from viral infection

This gene therapy does not reduce mortality from infection. Double vaccinated infected "Covid" also die.

Reduces the circulation of the virus

This gene therapy continues to allow the virus to spread because it provides zero immunity to the virus.

Reduces transmission of the virus

This gene therapy still allows transmission of the virus because it provides zero immunity to the virus.

Violations of the Nuremberg Code are as follows:

Nuremberg Code No.1: 

Voluntary consent is necessary

No one should be forced to conduct a medical experiment without informed consent. Many media, political and non-medical figures advise people to prick. They do not offer any information about the side effects or dangers of this gene therapy. Everything you hear from them is "safe and effective" and "the benefits outweigh the risks." 

Nuremberg Code No.2: brings fruitful results that cannot be obtained in other ways. 

As mentioned above, gene therapy does not meet the criteria of the vaccine and does not give immunity to the virus. There are other medical treatments that give positive results against "Covid" such as ivermectin, vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc and strengthening the immune system against flu and colds.

Nuremberg Code No. 3: Basic experiments on animal experiments and natural medical history.

This gene therapy missed animal trials and immediately went to human trials. In the MRNA study used by Pfizer, a ph.R.A. study of MRNA rhesus macaques using BNT162b2 mRNA, all monkeys developed pulmonary inflammation, but the researchers considered the risk low because they were young healthy monkeys between the ages of 2 and 4. 

Nuremberg Code 4: Avoid unnecessary suffering and injury.

Since the experiment was rolled out and the CDC's VAERS reporting system listed, more than 4,000 deaths and 50,000 injuries caused by vaccination have been reported in America. More than 7,000 deaths and 365,000 injuries caused by vaccination have been reported in the EU. This is a serious breach of this code.

Nuremberg Code 5: It is forbidden to conduct an experiment if there is reason to believe that there will be trauma or death.

cm. No.4, based on actual medical evidence, this gene therapy leads to death and injury. Past MRNA studies also show several risks that were ignored in the current gene trial. 

A study of SARS-CoV-1 spie proteins in 2002 showed that they cause inflammation, immunopathology, blood clot formation and inhibit the expression of angiotensin 2. This experiment forces the body to produce this protein-spike, which inherited all these risks.

Nuremberg Code 6: risk should never exceed the benefit.

Covid-19 has a recovery rate of 98-99%. Vaccination-related injuries, deaths and side effects of mRNA gene therapy far outweigh this risk. 

Nuremberg Code 7: Prepare to prevent even the long-distance possibility of injury, disability or death.

There was no preparation. This gene therapy has not been tested in animals. Phase 3 of human clinical trials conducted by pharmaceutical companies will not be completed until 2022-2023 at the earliest. These vaccines were approved under the Emergency Application Act and imposed on the misinformed public. 

Nuremberg Code 8: Experiments should be conducted by qualified scientists.

Politicians, media and figures who claim to be a safe and effective vaccine are not qualified. Propaganda is not medical science. 

Nuremberg Code 9: Everyone should have the freedom to bring the experiment to an end at any time.

Despite protests by more than 85,000 doctors, nurses, virologists and epidemiologists, the experiment is not complete. In fact, there are many attempts to change the laws to force vaccination. This includes mandatory and compulsory vaccinations. 

Nuremberg Code No. 10: The scientist must stop the experiment at any time, if there is a probable cause that led to injury or death.

It is clear from the statistical reporting data that this experiment has resulted in death and injury, but all politicians, pharmaceutical companies and so-called experts make no attempt to prevent this gene therapy experiment from harming the misinformed public. 

What can you personally do to put an end to this crime against humanity? 

Each reader has its own personal resource to respond to such testimonies and documents.

Perhaps it's time to start doing your professional duty. Someone to share this information. Call their politicians, the media, doctors and nurses to account - if they are involved in this crime against humanity, they too are subject to the laws set out in the Geneva Convention and the Nuremberg Code, and can be brought to justice, found guilty and put to death. The proceedings are moving forward, evidence has been gathered, and more and more experts are sounding the alarm.

Follow the Covid Committee website at:

And if you have been affected by this crime, report the event, the individuals involved and more information on the following website:

Crimes against humanity affect us all. This is a crime against you, your children, your parents, your grandparents, your community, your country and your future.

Check 🧾 (1946-2021)

The Nuremberg Code was adopted by the Nuremberg Tribunal after the Nuremberg trials of Nazi doctors in August 1947.

In this process, the glaring facts of monstrous medical experiments on millions of people are revealed. Children, women and prisoners of war in concentration camps were "animals" for Nazi medics. Well, who will ask the animal his opinion or desire to participate in scientific research ? Who will explain to the animal about the possible consequences of this or that experience? Of course, no one will do that. The Nuremberg Code was the first international document to describe the principles of human medical experiments, introducing ethical standards for medical experiment scientists. The basic principle formulated by the Nuremberg Tribunal under the Nuremberg Code is that a person must have voluntary informed consent after providing him with complete information about the nature, duration and purpose of the experiment; How and how to do it. about all the perceived inconveniences and dangers associated with the experiment and, finally, the possible physical or mental health consequences of the subject who may be involved in the experiment. The principles outlined in the Nuremberg Code have become the basis for many international and national human health research legislation. Consider, for example, the Russian Federation, because the author of the material is well acquainted with the legal and documentary part of this part of the 1/6 territory of the world. You as conscious citizens can extrapolate to their federal and local state and provincial laws. Heard they in different jurisdictions can be different, that is slightly different from each other. In one, for example, there is an electric ⚡️ chair 🪑, and in another instead of a chair lethal injection. I assumed not claiming.

Medical fascism and segregation was not invented by Gates, these options were invented by Hitler.

Working with sources of information in today's communication space is quite simple. Turn off the TV 📺 and that's it.

We are seeing looking into honest figures of documents and available statistics of the New Medical Holocaust.

Some doctors took the Hippocratic Oath seriously. So it was 2004, then stopped the introduction of the swine flu vaccine after 25 deaths and then it is not clear from what these 25 people actually died . 

Today, looking at the undivided government data published on, we see in 2020 as a result of a coid scam and vaccination, only 82 people died, and in 2021, according to VAERS, as a result of COVID vaccination - 19 deaths (registered) 3,317 people. The growth was almost 4000%, and the flu has zeroed at all, there is no data on influenza, the data are at zero, and we are only just barely entering the second quarter of 2021. Imagine how many corpses will be recorded on the account of VEV and BigPharma by the end of this year and by the end of vaccination. But together with these defendants, we will write down officials of administrations around the world, because national security is their prerogative and their area of responsibility. And imagine what the picture would look like if VAERS recorded 1% to 10% of actual deaths or symptoms, as informed people note. 

I think the death toll would be even more shocking.

Apparently, unable to observe any more brazen and undisguised disposal of the plebs that a friend of paedophile Epstein Gates, who runs the WHO for so long, is the manager of the WHO through the Ethiopian puppet, who, incidentally, as well as Gates is not a doctor, and the Swabians, a group of 57 scientists, doctors and political experts has released a report that calls into question the safety and effectiveness of the current vaccines against the new survival from which on off. data from the CDC is above 99%, and calls for the immediate termination of all vaccination programs.

The current situation is called the Holocaust: eugenists-globalists got carte blanche to dispose of the population of the Earth, a new medical holocaust.

Pharmaceutical-controlled scientific and medical institutions have become a clear and real danger to all humanity. This category also includes everything that is managed and controlled by the global kagal, including the media, which strongly support the lies, the scale of which the world has never seen before on such a scale. 

🇨🇦 Ontario. Most cases of couridosis come from vaccinated. 

And this, sorry, is Mississauga, the third largest city in Ontario with a population of 828,854. It is located on the shores of Lake Ontario and bordered by Toronto. Vaughn is located in southern Ontario, near the lake of the same name.

But Fidel Castro's alleged son doesn't give a shit. 

Immunization with SARS coronavirus vaccine leads to pulmonary immunopathology for SARS virus infection

Studies that have been conducted on mice have shown

All SARS-CoV vaccines induced antibodies and protection against SARS-CoV infection. However, infection of mice that were injected with any of the vaccines led to the emergence of Th2-type immunopathology, which involved induced hypersensitivity to SARS-CoV components. Caution should be exercised when applying the SARS-CoV vaccine in humans.

The full animal research report is available at the source below 👇

And in the end, an honest report from India. 

The video was filmed in Darjeeling, West Bengal on May 6, 2021.

And don't forget to turn off the TV 📺 with false news. 

  Before new meetings) 

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