The happy man перевод текста аракин

The happy man перевод текста аракин

The happy man перевод текста аракин

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It is a dangerous thing to order the lives of others and I have often wondered at the self-confidence of politicians, reformers and suchlike who are prepared to force , upon their fellows measures that must alter their manners, habits, and points of view. I have always hesitated to give advice, for how can one advise another how to act unless one knows that other as well as one knows oneself? Heaven knows, I know little enough of myself: I know nothing of others. We can only guess at the thoughts and emotions of our neighbours. Each one of us is a prisoner in a solitary tower and he communicates with the other prisoners, who form mankind, by conventional signs that have not quite the same meaning for them as for himself. And life, unfortunately, is something that you can lead but once; mistakes are often irreparable, and who am I that I should tell this one and that how he should lead it? Life is a difficult business and I have found it hard enough to make my own a complete and rounded thing; I have not been tempted to teach my neighbour what he should do with his. Sometimes men have said to me, what shall I do with my life? Once I know that I advised well. I was a young man and I lived in a modest apartment in London near Victoria Station. Late one afternoon, when I was beginning to think that I had worked enough for that day, I heard a ring at the bell. I opened the door to a total stranger. He asked me my name; I told him. He asked if he might come in. He seemed a trifle embarrassed. I offered him a cigarette and he had some difficulty in lighting it without letting go of his hat. When he had satisfactorily achieved this feat I asked him if I should not put it on a chair for him. He quickly did this and while doing it dropped his umbrella. He reached out for his hat and holding it in one hand absentmindedly stroked it with the other. I surmised that it gave him confidence. I do not mind. I have no children. They had a forcible ring. I had not given him more than a cursory glance, but now I looked at him with curiosity. He was a little man, thick-set and stout, of thirty perhaps, with a round red face from which shone small, dark and very bright eyes. His black hair was cropped close to a bullet-shaped head. He was dressed in a blue suit a good deal the worse for wear. It was baggy at the knees and the pockets bulged untidily. One day is pretty much like another. Let me say what I have to say straight out. I heard by accident that there was no English doctor in Seville. Do you think I could earn a living there? Is it madness to give up a good safe job for an uncertainty? But if you say take it, I will: I reflected for a moment. But this I can tell you: For you will lead a wonderful life. The episode passed completely from my memory. Many years later, fifteen at least, I happened to be in Seville and having some trifling indisposition asked the hotel porter whether there was an English doctor in the town. He said there was and gave me the address. I took a cab and as I drove up to the house a little fat man came out of it. He hesitated when he caught sight of me. The sight of it would have startled a squeamish patient. We did our business and then I asked the doctor what his fee was. He shook his head and smiled. You changed my whole life for me. He reminded me of our interview, he repeated to me what we had said, and gradually, out of the night, a dim recollection of the incident came back to me. He was very fat now and bald, but his eyes twinkled gaily and his fleshy, red face bore an expression of perfect good-humour. The clothes he wore, terribly shabby they were, had been made obviously by a Spanish tailor and his hat was the widebrimmed sombrero of the Spaniard. He looked to me as though he knew a good bottle of wine when he saw it. He had a dissipated, though entirely sympathetic, appearance. He really had somewhat the look of a young Silenus. The words were hardly out of his mouth when a Spanish woman, no longer in her first youth, but still boldly and voluptuously beautiful, appeared at the door. She spoke to him in Spanish, and I could not fail to perceive that she was the mistress of the house. As he stood at the door to let me out he said to me: Well, I want to tell you that you were right. Silenus Greek Mythology — a satyr, the foster father of Bacchus. Translate the following phrases into Ukrainian: Match each word from A with its synonym in B: Combine the words into pairs of antonyms: Give the corresponding nouns: Confident, to hesitate, complete, difficult, to embarrass, modest, to confuse, silent, to decide, absent-minded, mad, certain, to recollect, to reflect, curious, shabby, sympathetic, to appear, to perceive, to fail, to create. Explain the meaning of the following sentences from the story: Each one of us is a prisoner in a solitary tower and he communicates with the other prisoners , who form mankind, by conventional signs. And I have seen myself for a moment wrapped in the dark cloak of Destiny. Your whole future is concerned: Are the following sentences true or false? The author is very positive about teaching other people how to live. Stephens came to the author to get some information about. His wife also wanted to go to Spain. Many years later the author happened to be in Seville and he met Dr. Stephens was completely dissatisfied with his life in Spain. Answer the following questions: Does the author think that it is very dangerous to teach other people how to live? Who came to visit the author one day? What did the visitor ask for? Why was Mr Stephens dissatisfied with his life? Describe his appearance and behaviour. What advice did the author give him? How did the author happen to know that he advised well? Did he and Mr Stephens meet later? Stephens happy in Spain? Find the lines in the story which show that he was really very happy. Do different people often ask you for advice? Do you like teaching them how to live? Do you feel that you are responsiblefor your piece of advice? How do you understand it? Stephens illustrates this saying very well? In the story Dr. Stephens asks the author: Different people would answer this question in a different way. How would you answer this question? If a person is dissatisfied with his life, is it better for him to try anything new and to fail than not to try at all? What is your opinion? This is the statement of Mr Stephens from the story. Do you agree with it? Do you think that life always compensates us for what we lose? Can you give your own examples? People are different and there are no universal recipes for happiness. What do you think about it? What is your recipe for happy life? It is written by Somerset Maugham. The main character is the narrator. There is no any information about his appearance in the text. The only one thing about his age is the information that he was a young man when he advised well. Nevertheless we can judge about his character from his thoughts, behavior and speech. The description of his character is indirect. He is a wise man: And he is bold enough for a man who dares to give the life changing advice to a man he see for the first time. The author uses different stylistic devices for this purpose. The events took place in London and Seville, Spain. The settings where the actions took place are the following: This novel runs about a desperate man who confided his life to a total stranger. The theme of the novel: We can divide the novel into three logical parts in order to understand it better. It is a narrative text. The key in the first part is rather pessimistic, and sometimes we can say that it is rather negative. This could be proved if we look at the metaphors the author use: The second part was written in the form of a dialogue between the patient and our hero. The third part is lyrical, and a bit romantic. In the third part, our main character comes to Seville, and tries to find that stranger. He lived in an ordinary Spanish house, his room was littered with papers, books, medical appliances and lumber but he was really happy. It could be seen from his description: The story tells us about different events, which followed one another: I heard a ring bell at the door; I led him into my sitting room; achieved this feat; he reached out for his hat; he left me; many years later; I happened to be in Seville, etc. The text is a descriptive one; there are many descriptive signals: Descriptive words make the text expressive and vivid. The author employs many contextual synonyms, which make the language expressive: By this story, the author shows us that our life is full of compensations. Taking the risk, you lose something but also you can find something, which could be really important for you. Sign in Recent Site Activity Report Abuse Print Page Powered By Google Sites. A Friend in Need. The Ant and the Grasshopper. The Man with the Scar. The Moon and Sixpence. The Happy Man William Somerset Maugham It is a dangerous thing to order the lives of others and I have often wondered at the self-confidence of politicians, reformers and suchlike who are prepared to force , upon their fellows measures that must alter their manners, habits, and points of view. Silenus Greek Mythology — a satyr, the foster father of Bacchus B glimpse, dangerous, change, usual, confuse, strange, guess, illness, rub gently, unimportant, bulky, understand, charming, cut short 3. Stephens came to the author to get some information about Spain. Know- All The Ant and the Grasshopper The Escape The Happy Man The Man with the Scar The Moon and Sixpence The Painted Veil The Verger Virtue Карта сайту. The Happy Man The Happy Man William Somerset Maugham It is a dangerous thing to order the lives of others and I have often wondered at the self-confidence of politicians, reformers and suchlike who are prepared to force , upon their fellows measures that must alter their manners, habits, and points of view.

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