The flu 🔬

The flu 🔬

محمد أبو رحمة ✒

📆 Every year it comes back and every year people get sick, some resist and others die.

◾Influenza (commonly known as the flu) is a micro-"organism" smaller than a bacterium and sometimes more dangerous. It is found in the air and replicates in the upper part of the respiratory tract # nasal cavity, trachea ...

💭 But its weak point lies in the fact that it is not "autonomous".

📋 In the history of mankind, it would be responsible for the largest number of deaths (even exceeding the Black Death).

📍 For example, there is the "Spanish flu" (A-H1N1) which killed between 50 and 100 million people in the early 19th century in just 18 months!

💭 Lifestyle did not arrange things ...

➖ It is an invisible enemy to the naked eye and has the ability to modulate its identity while remaining "viable".

↪ It can only be observed using an electron microscope (see image below).

Different sizes & different tools (french)

🔘 Western scientists reportedly began to suspect the existence of viruses in the late 19th century by isolating the foot-and-mouth disease agent on cattle.

🔬They noticed that one could not see it [even using the light microscope] and on the other hand, that this infectious agent cannot develop in solution or in a solid nutritive environment unlike bacteria .

Infiltration of influenza virus into a cell (french)

Indeed, viruses need what is called a host to multiply.

➖ They enter (infiltrate) the cells of a more complex organism (such as the human body), and then reproduce. ⬆️ See image above.

↪ They direct genetic equipment to make new viral molecules (their copy) and invade the organism more quickly.

🔻 This can lead to the death of the host. So there is no mutual advantage but just a benefit for the pathogen (the virus).

Structure of the flu virus

Viruses are "parasitic" ("incomplete") substances made of pieces of DNA or RNA and surrounded by a protein coat.

➖ In the case of influenza, its protein coat is strewn with some elements such as Neuraminidase (N) and Haemagglutinin (H).

➖ Inside are nucleoproteins containing RNA ("genetic material" of the virus) and proteins.


⛔ Influenza virus only affects humans and animals

🔸️ According to the composition of the internal membrane, there are 3 "types" of influenza:

➖ A: It is behind the largest and most serious epidemics in humans. It can also affect mammals and animals.

➖ Types B and C: exist only in humans and rarely cause health problems.

🔘 Add to this, several strains that are distinguished by the structure of their protein tips on the coat surface (seen above ⬆️): N-neuraminidases and H- haemagglutinin

💭 What are these surface proteins used for?

➖ (H) facilitates the penetration of the virus inside the cell

➖ (N) promotes the release of new viruses by the [contaminated] host cell when their replication (multiplication) is complete.

Respiratory epithelium affected by influenza

ℹ Why does the flu "resist" and return to each cold period ?

➖ It "attacks" in cold weather because it cannot survive above a certain temperature.

◾Its resistance:

➖As seen above, on the surface of the virus, on its envelope, are anchored "protein tips": N and H.

↪ Some parts of the H molecule have "hot spots" or "variable portions" that have an unusual tendency to change as a result of viral RNA mutations during imprecise replication.

💭 Antibodies recognize the H molecule only.

🔻 These point mutations of the code cause modifications on the surface proteins.

💭 1 in 100,000 viruses mutates (modified) every generation.

🔻There is also what are called genetic recombinations that cause a reorganization of the structure of surface proteins.

↪ These can occur through contamination of an animal flu strain with a strain of human influenza.

⛔ These new combinations are a real headache for antibodies.

↪Elements of the natural protection system of the human body: the immune system.

💭 Indeed, the new proteins (H) on the surface of the virus are not recognized by the specific antibodies (which had recorded another model).

↪ As a result, the immune system takes longer to destroy the virus (and sometimes does not).

📰 Let’s take for example the so-called Hong Kong influenza in 1968.

➖ The combination of the new virus model was made with the duck virus (A-H3N8) and the human one (A-H2N2) #which gives the influenza A-H3N2 virus.

💭 A means the type, H and N the proteins attached to the shell of the virus.

➖ The high variability of these targets increases the reproductive capacity of the virus and raises a problem for vaccination# because each time a new vaccine is needed for the many subtypes of the virus.

💭Virus type A has 13 subtypes H and 9 subtypes N.

Herbal tea

🍵 Tips and preparations

➖ Despite this, a well-maintained immune system and an irreproachable lifestyle can slow down and eliminate this invisible enemy bi idniLlah.

👍 Advice before and during the right time.

◾Always wash your hands, avoid sneezing on others, use a tissue ...

◾Among beneficial foods we find:

↪ Green peppers, cabbage, clementine, orange, grapefruit, kiwi, lemon, pomegranate, honey ... [They are rich in vitamin C # essential for the immune system].

💭 A fruit salad in the morning or a pomegranate juice ...

↪ Garlic, onion, leek ... [rich in sulphur].

↪ But also lentils, split peas, chickpeas, red beans, mushrooms, sprouted seeds ...

💭 Drink a lot of water, consume real green tea from time to time, do not hesitate to use aromatic herbs in your dishes (thyme, oregano ...), eat more fish than meat.

ℹ Garlic and lemon have anti-viral properties. Green tea would block the uptake of the virus by the cells (by the presence of its catechins).

⛔ Absolutely avoid products that can weaken the immune system, such as:

↪ foods containing refined sugar (white), those that are too fat, too salty, those that are processed by the food industry ...

💭 Sweeten your preparations with cinnamon powder for example.

↪ reduce intake of dairy products.

🌿 Among plants we find:

↪ thyme, eucalyptus, blackcurrant leaves, agrimony leaves, ginger root, linden, elderberry ... [for their anti-viral properties]

↪ Sea buckthorn juice, lapacho, ginseng, cat’s claw ... [to stimulate the immune system]

➖➖➖ But still ...

🔘 In the room where the patient is located, eucalyptus or lavender essential oil can be diffused.

🔘 Do not take paracetamol at the first symptoms (may weaken the immunity), let the fever do its work (unless the temperature exceeds 38.5 # in this case seek medical attention).

🔸Some remedies:

◾ Put in a glass of hot water 🔥 a tablespoon of cider vinegar, the juice of an untreated lemon and 2/3 teaspoons of untreated honey. Add to all that a pinch of cayenne pepper and a clove.

◾ Regular consumption of herbal tea with honey-sweet thyme can stand in the way of the virus.

◾A honey with lemon juice drink from the first symptoms:

↪ 3 tablespoons of pure rosemary honey with an organic lemon juice. Heat on low heat without boiling and drink the mixture. # morning and evening.

◾Crushed garlic clove with half a cup of honey and lemon juice: teaspoon once in a while.

◾ Half a clove of garlic swallowed without chewing with a large glass of water (in the middle of a meal) # twice a day when the first symptoms are there.

◾ Onion maceration

↪ Macerate an onion in a glass overnight and then the next day, filter and have a drink before sleeping.

✋ Check for allergies and dosing.

📚 Sources: set of books on natural care, nutrition and herbal medicine. As well as university courses and documents (license level).


◾سبحان الله والله أعلم

✍🏼 Writing : M. Abû Rahma / Translation : A. Abû Mohammed

➡️ Article in french :


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