The best real estate agent isn't found on Google, alter your strategy

The best real estate agent isn't found on Google, alter your strategy

The best real estate agent has skills that are often overlooked. I have met a myriad of agents who, by their recognized accomplishments, should be the top, but these agents lack something special. These agents are missing honesty, knowhow, or a general ability to do a good job. These agents might be first place because they mash clients through a process, even if it is the wrong process, and even if it causes the client harm.

Look for the following qualities in a best real estate agent.

The best real estate agent will inform you as the transaction moves forward You are not yet an expert on real estate, but you will be by the time you are done. The best real estate agent will plan time to clairfy. By the time you finish your home purhcase, you should feel confident that you understood the various decisions that you made. The transaction should not live on trust of the agent's abilities alone.

The best real estate agent negotiates on more than the dollars and cents. When it comes time to make a deal, does the agent negotiate only on price? If yes, then you may not be working with the best real estate agent.

The best real estate agent understands there are more levers to pull than the price lever. Sometimes, it is just as effective to negotiate on which company to use or deadlines for certain actions. These points are important, they move the transaction forward, and they don't cost either side any money.

The best real estate agent seeks clarity Does your agent yell and scream to get their way? If yes, you may have a pit bull on your team, but you may not be working with the best real estate agent.

The best real estate agent seeks clarity. Mistakes happen, before the agent fights and bites, he or she should take a moment to search for motives. The best real estate agents ask good questions and cancel fights before they start.

The best real estate agent writes perfect contracts Does your agent have you sign paperwork again and again? If your agent often has you resign documents, then you may not be working with the best real estate agent.

The best real estate agent appreciates the value of your time. That is why they disect contracts two or three times to ensure that everything is correct (even the puctuation), because when conflicts arrise, these mistakes can cost you big time!

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