The Most Women Sex

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15 Countries With The Most Promiscuous Women

Chris Flynn
Aug 15, 2017
Lifestyle , World

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People love the deed; you know that, we know that. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles. But the truth is some people love it slightly more. Or are they just less afraid to show it?
It seems that there are places around the globe where people simply have more fun in the bedroom, more s*xual partners in a lifetime, more one-night-stands, and a more open attitude towards “playtime” in general.
Anyway, if you are a single guy planning to go on a vacation, maybe you should double your chances of getting lucky by choosing a place with more promiscuous women. But is it even possible to determine where the most promiscuous women live? You bet it’s possible and it has been done.
Psychologists have found a way to actually measure people’s sociosexuality. If you wonder what sociosexuality is, basically it’s just a fancy word for promiscuity, and it has been measured by a test administered in 48 different countries. As a result of that, we now know what the top 15 countries with the most promiscuous women are.
Nigerian women just can’t get enough, which is both good and bad for their men. The average session of sexual activity in Nigeria lasts for 24 minutes. Here’s to the Nigerian men! They can run the distance for sure!
That being said, it’s still not good enough for their women since 62% of them have reported cheating on their partner. 24 minutes of sexual intercourse is good, but twice as much is twice as good, even more so with different partners. It’s safe to say that you’ll probably have some fun in the sexual department if you decide to visit Nigeria. Just make sure that you can compete with the locals and better start working on your endurance because the competition there is fierce indeed. You don’t want to leave them disappointed.

France, and especially Paris, has been known as a perfect place for love; both the romantic and the sexy kind. According to “Travel + Leisure” this is the best place in the whole world for romance. Whenever you walk down the streets of Paris, you can simply feel the love in the air. And where there’s love, there is the s*x too. Heck, there is s*x even with no love in the mix at all.
Frenchmen have a reputation for being charming and super promiscuous, but what about the French women? Well, they’re no different at all. Maybe the reason is the romantic vibe all around, or maybe it’s all that great wine they have, but whatever the reason, France has earned one of the spots on our list as well.

Germany is well known around the globe for its successful adult industry; all categories and styles imaginable. You name it, they’ve got it. If a country shoots so much p*rn, people there must be open for the deed and everything around it. Or to put it differently, they have to be at least a little bit promiscuous, don’t they? And the truth is simple, Germans love getting their freak on and they’re not afraid to show it, not in their adult movies, not in their lives. So if you’ve been planning on visiting Germany, the list of things to do there should include trying German beer, getting some pretzels, and getting it on with a promiscuous German woman. Maybe not in that order. We’ll leave that up to you.
Similar to the Germans, people from the Czech Republic have also made a significant impact on the adult industry. Czech p*rn beauties are some of the most famous girls in the industry. No wonder the Czech Republic has made it onto our list of the countries with the most promiscuous women in the world. They are open to almost anything. If you plan on seducing a devilish Czech girl, maybe think twice because she might actually be a little bit too much for you to handle. Who knows? You might find yourself in an unplanned threesome since that practice seems to be quite popular there. If you don’t mind sharing, it might be just the thing you’re looking for.

If you want all of your hedonistic pleasures satisfied, there is one country you shouldn’t miss and that is The Netherlands. There is a famous red-light district in Amsterdam, which is one of the most famous prostitution districts in the world. The district is filled with various “toy” shops, adult theaters, adult bookstores etc. There is also an actual s*x museum if you’d like a little artistic twist on the deed itself.
The Dutch people have no problem communicating their desires openly and their highly adventurous spirit makes everything even more interesting. The Dutch women for sure have some exciting tricks up their sleeve. You might not want to miss that.

Croatia is a small and romantic country famous for beautiful beaches, great wine, truffles, and some of the best olive oil in the world. Oh yes, and s*x. So much of it. According to the testimonies collected from various tourists visiting Croatia, they all had their dose of sexy time with the local women. So if you’re up for a hot and steamy summer on the beach, this country might be just the right pick for you. Just make sure not to mess around with married women too much because Croatian husbands can be quite hot-headed sometimes. And while they’re hot-headed, their wives are simply just hot.

There have been some really interesting reports regarding the deed in Australia. It seems the Australians are quite imaginative and adventurous people. For example, over 75% of people have confessed that they have done “it” in their cars, so if you’re in the mood for some “business” in the public, go to Australia and rent a car. Possibly a comfortable, big car instead of a convertible, and have some fun in it.
Another interesting survey was the one covering sexual fantasies, where 20% of Australian women reported that their number 1 fantasy is having a threesome. It might not seem like so much, but that number is actually huge when you compare it to the rest of the world. For example, only 4% of US women share the same fantasy. So if you’re up for a threeway, you know where to go.

Some people talk about s*x, some don’t, but there are some countries that have that sexual vibe on at all times. They don’t have to talk about it, but you simply know they think it. One of those countries is Mexico.
In Mexico, sex is just all around; from the billboards you’ll see by the road, to their newsroom, to their famous regulated brothels. This hot and steamy country has constantly been rated as one of the h*rniest on the planet. 63% percent of Mexicans claim they are sexually satisfied, and those who are not… well, that might just be your chance to score. Get down there, have a few shots of tequila and lower your inhibitions as much as possible. You might be in for some banging good times.

Greeks are well known for being super open when the time for some sexy talk comes. Badoo actually ranked the flirtiest cities in the world based on the internet flirtations and Athens came in at the very top of the list, way ahead of cities like Paris and Madrid that would immediately come to mind when talking about the sexiest cities.
It seems that dirty talk is simply a part of everyday life in Greece and, if you take their history into an account, it shouldn’t come as such a big surprise. Greece has always been known for its ancient days of orgies and sexual openness. It seems that some of those ancient traditions have found their way into today’s Greece too, which makes Greece one of the most promiscuous countries in the world.

Have you ever seen those beautiful Brazilian people? Their bodies and their minds just speak s*x all the time. Brazilians have actually been rated as the second-best lovers on the planet, right behind Italians who are holding on to their first place. So they don’t just talk the talk, they walk the walk, too.
Brazilian women are some of the most curvaceous and sexy women on Earth, and those bodies in combination with a promiscuous mind could be just the right thing to make some sexy magic happen during your visit there. It just might be hard to compete with those gorgeous local men there. However, a little change could always be an interesting addition to the mix and you could seem as exotic and interesting to the local women, as they seem to you. Sounds like a win-win situation.

There is no need to talk much about Italy; it’s beautiful, it’s romantic, the architecture is amazing, the food is superb and so is the wine. But Italians are famous for something else too. They are rated as the best lovers in the whole wide world. Sounds pretty impressive, doesn’t it? It seems that the Italian men know what they’re doing and the women know what great s*x should look like. There is no wonder they just can’t get enough of it. 64 percent of adults state they are satisfied with their lives between the sheets and a third of them expect the deed to last more than 10 minutes. So if you’re looking for some passion, you will find all the passion you can handle and then some more right there.

Slovenia is an interesting part of our list. It seems that the whole world knows Slovenian women are some of the most promiscuous women in the world, except the Slovenians themselves. So what does a typical Slovenian woman look like? Actually, they are not very recognizable by anything and you won’t be able to notice their sexual openness at the first glance. But you’ll be highly surprised once you find yourself alone with a Slovenian girl. Apparently, they have low to no inhibitions at all. Numerous tourists visiting Slovenia have stated that they have had some of the craziest and hottest sexual encounters there. So if you plan on visiting Slovenia, don’t let their quiet appearance fool you. Quiet storms are actually some of the biggest ones and they might catch you by surprise.

Where there’s hot nightlife, there’s hot s*x life as well. Those two things simply go hand in hand. Fodor has rated Madrid’s nightlife as the number 1 on the planet. Mix all the partying with alcohol flowing like water, and you’ll find yourself in a promiscuous paradise.
But Madrid is not the only destination in Spain where you’ll find hot and promiscuous women. The statistics show that a quarter of Spanish people rate themselves as premium lovers, and 90% of them are satisfied with their sex lives. Spain is simply a country of great lovers and amazing passion all around. Whether you’re a guy or a girl, you’re guaranteed to get your daily dose of passion there. Don’t forget to wash it all down with some great gin and tonic and then come back for more.

The Swiss people are holding records in sexual openness. They start teaching s*x education in kindergarten and people are encouraged to speak about it openly at all times. They love the deed and they are the adventurous sort too. 32% of Swiss people claim they have done it in a public place.
Prostitution is legal in Switzerland as well, so if you’re into that sort of thing, you might enjoy your visit there even more.
However, even if you’re not really into that, you will have no problem finding a suitable Swiss girl ready for some action.

There are three words to describe women in New Zealand: hot, hot, hot. Biologically, men are designed to be more active sexually than women. That is just nature’s way of things. Kiwi women, however, have beaten all the odds. They are actually more promiscuous than men!
Kiwi woman has an average of 20.4 sexual partners in a lifetime. Doesn’t seem like that much? Well, guess what. It’s three times over the global average of 7.3 and double to British and Australian women that have also found their way on our list. An average Kiwi woman has on average more sexual partners that an average local man!
A 2007 Bloke survey revealed that 29% of 5000 men felt that they had been pressured into doing the deed. Could you imagine that? It’s official. Kiwi women have broken all records and they are the world’s most promiscuous women!
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9 Most Common Sex Fantasy of a Woman Revealed

Sylvia Smith loves to share insights on how couples can revitalize their love lives in and out of the bedroom. As a writer at, she is a big believer in living consciously and encourages couples to adopt this principle in their lives too. Sylvia believes that every couple can transform their relationship into a happier, healthier one by taking purposeful and wholehearted action.

The release of the top grossing movie Fifty Shades of Grey has allowed many women to be in tune with their sexuality. It allowed women to be more vocal about their fantasies and as well as their sexual needs.
It’s true! Women have fantasies too and you’d be surprised to know what they are. Being open to your sexual fantasies is not weird at all, rather it’s considered healthy and hot!
Let’s look at the most common fantasy of a married woman and even the darkest fantasies that women in general have.
You’ve heard this term many times but what exactly is a sexual fantasy?
By definition, sexual fantasies are a collection of mental images that arouses a person. Each person has different sexual fantasies and having them are perfectly normal. Most people are a bit hesitant when this topic is discussed because of the context of it but all of us have sexual fantasies.
This is a part of who we are and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Having sexual fantasies doesn’t mean that you’re not satisfied with your husband or partner, it doesn’t mean that you are sexually deprived, in fact, sex fantasies women have that are totally normal and it actually means that you have a healthy sexual appetite . Post the hype of the Fifty Shades movie series, the film has allowed many women to be comfortable with their sexuality even discussing the most common fantasy of a married woman that they secretly want to be fulfilled along with their admiration with sexy and hot men!
If you’re wondering whether your sexual fantasy is normal or a bit dark, then let’s check the most common female fantasy that women have.
Whether you’re looking for the most common fantasy of a married woman or just women’s topmost common fantasies, then you’re about to discover them.
This may look like a common sexual activity between couples but the fact is, not all women experience the glorious feeling of being caressed down there.
This is one of the most common sexual fantasies many women want fulfilled .
We’re not talking about having sex in front of many people, rather, we’re talking about places where people might catch you doing the “deed”.
Imagine being with your hot partner in the library? He makes advances and you can’t make him stop!
The thrill of being caught can spike your libido!
Because of this movie, one of the most common fantasies of women today is to be dominated by a hot man.
Can we blame our imaginations for being enticed by that setup? Who doesn’t want to be dominated by a hot guy?
He wants you and you feel that you want him too but you don’t want to commit a sin! He forces you into a corner, pins you and kisses you. He forces himself until you can no longer fight and give in.
The roughness of this scenario is something that some women love. It’s the thought of being taken against your will which also excites you beyond belief and is definitely a sexual fantasy that is very common with women of all ages.
There are some women who also get turned on by the thought of making out with the same sex. It’s fun and arousing at the same time.
This is something that men would definitely love to see.
If you think knowing the most common fantasy of a married woman is making you feel hot, then get ready to know the top women’s deepest, darkest sexual fantasies that they can ever have.
For the men who are reading this, can you handle her?
Shhh! One of the most common fantasy of a married woman is actually committing infidelity. Guys, don’t be surprised, we all know you’re also fantasizing about actually doing it.
There’s this dark arousing feeling of having sex with another guy other than your partner. May it be your hot driver, brother-in-law, or even a family friend, the thrill is already enough to make you sexually excited.
Imagine yourself being sexually attracted by some hot stranger and he reciprocates? Drunk? Better! He grabs you and takes you! You can’t help yourself but submit to your own desires!
Now, you understand why this is among the top most common sexual fantasies of women?
Husbands don’t get all angry here okay?
Of course, your spouses would never want to get back with their exes but thinking about having sex with them again – that’s a different story. It’s the thought of doing all those sexual acts that you’ve shared that is arousing, plus the fact that you’re married makes it exciting and will go back to the fantasy of infidelity .
You’d be surprised to know how some women find this very arousing. May it be a threesome or more! It’s a sexual fantasy that many women hide even with their partners.
We don’t want our partners to get the wrong idea, right?
Do you want to make these sexual fantasies a reality without compromising your relationship or your dignity? Then doing role plays is your answer.
Allow yourself and your spouse to talk and be open with each other. Be comfortable with talking about these fantasies and agree on trying them all out – just be sure that both of you won’t take anything seriously here.
This is a great way to bring back the intimacy and can even strengthen the bond between married couples.
Role plays such as delivery guy and lonely wife is one of the most common fantasy of a married woman that can easily be acted out by any couple.
This will definitely spice up your sex life and will also allow you and your partner to enjoy your new found sexcapade.
Want to have a happier, healthier marriage?
If you feel disconnected or frustrated about the state of your marriage but want to avoid separation and/or divorce, the course meant for married couples is an excellent resource to help you overcome the most challenging aspects of being married.

By Claire Lampen Published: May 25, 2018
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