The King of Erin and the Queen of the Lonesome Island (15/19)

The King of Erin and the Queen of the Lonesome Island (15/19)

Король Ирландии и королева Одинокого Острова

The prince did as the horse desired (принц поступил: «сделал» так, как попросил конек; to desire — испытывать сильное желание, жаждать; просить, требовать, умолять); and straightway four princes stood before him (и сразу же четверо принцев предстали перед ним; to stand /stood/), and thanking him for what he had done (благодаря его за то, что он сделал; to do /did, done/), they departed at once (они немедленно отправились), each to his own kingdom (каждый в свое собственное королевство).


The prince did as the horse desired; and straightway four princes stood before him, and thanking him for what he had done, they departed at once, each to his own kingdom.

The prince removed the spell from his aunts (принц снял чары: «удалил колдовство» со своих тетушек; to remove — передвигать, перемещать; удалять, устранять), and, travelling with them and the two sons of the queen of Erin (и, отправившись в путь вместе с ними и двумя сыновьями королевы Ирландии; to travel — путешествовать, странствовать; ехать, двигаться), all soon appeared at the castle of the king (все /они/ вскоре появились у замка короля).


The prince removed the spell from his aunts, and, travelling with them and the two sons of the queen of Erin, all soon appeared at the castle of the king.

When they were near the door of their mother's chamber (когда они были рядом с дверью комнаты их матери), the elder of the two sons of the queen of Erin stepped up to the prince of Lonesome Island (старший из двух сыновей королевы Ирландии подошел к принцу Одинокого Острова), snatched the three bottles from the wallet that he had at his side (выхватил три бутылки из котомки, которая была = висела у него на боку; wallet — бумажник; дорожная сумка), and running up to his mother's bed, said (и, подбежав к кровати своей матери, сказал),


When they were near the door of their mother's chamber, the elder of the two sons of the queen of Erin stepped up to the prince of Lonesome Island, snatched the three bottles from the wallet that he had at his side, and running up to his mother's bed, said,

"Here, mother, are the three bottles of water (вот, мама, три бутылки воды) which I brought you from Tubber Tintye (которые я принес тебе из Таббер Тинти; to bring /brought/)."

"Thank you, my son (благодарю тебя, сын мой); you have saved my life (ты спас мою жизнь)," said she.

The prince went on his bark (принц пошел на свой корабль) and sailed away with his aunts to Lonesome Island (и уплыл со своими тетями на Одинокий Остров), where he lived with his mother seven years (где он прожил со своей матерью семь лет).


"Here, mother, are the three bottles of water which I brought you from Tubber Tintye."

"Thank you, my son; you have saved my life," said she.

The prince went on his bark and sailed away with his aunts to Lonesome Island, where he lived with his mother seven years.

When seven years were over (когда семь лет истекли; to be over — закончиться), the queen of Tubber Tintye awoke from her sleep in the golden chamber (королева Таббер Тинти пробудилась от своего сна в золотой комнате; to awake /awoke, awoken/ — будить; просыпаться, очнуться ото сна); and with her the twelve maidens and all the giants (а вместе с ней и все ее двенадцать служанок и все великаны), beasts (дикие животные), and monsters (и чудовища) that slept in the great castle (которые спали в огромном замке; to sleep /slept/).


When seven years were over, the queen of Tubber Tintye awoke from her sleep in the golden chamber; and with her the twelve maidens and all the giants, beasts, and monsters that slept in the great castle.

When the queen opened her eyes (когда королева открыла глаза), she saw a boy about six years old (она увидела мальчика примерно шести лет) playing by himself on the floor (который играл сам по себе на полу). He was very beautiful and bright (он был очень красивый и милый; bright — яркий, блестящий; красивый, привлекательный), and he had gold on his forehead (волосы у его лба были золотыми: «он имел золото на своем лбу») and silver on his poll (а на макушке серебряными: «и серебро на своей макушке»). When she saw the child (когда она увидела ребенка), she began to cry and wring her hands (она начала плакать и ломать себе руки; to wring — крутить, скручивать; to wring one's hands — ломать себе руки), and said (и сказала), "Some man has been here (какой-то мужчина побывал здесь; to be /was/were, been/) while I slept (пока я спала; to sleep /slept/)."


When the queen opened her eyes, she saw a boy about six years old playing by himself on the floor. He was very beautiful and bright, and he had gold on his forehead and silver on his poll. When she saw the child, she began to cry and wring her hands, and said, "Some man has been here while I slept."

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