The Fire Spread Through The

The Fire Spread Through The


The Fire Spread Through The


We use can to say that something is possible or allowed, or that somebody
has the ability to do something.

We use can + infinitive ( can do / can see etc.):

We can
see the lake from our hotel.

'I don't have a pen.' 'You can use mine.'

Can you speak any foreign languages?

I can
come and see you tomorrow if you like.

The word 'dream' can be a noun or a verb.

I'm afraid I can't
come to the party on Friday.

You can say that somebody is able to do something, but can is more usual:

We are
able to see the lake from our hotel.

But can has only two forms: can ( present )
and could ( past ) . So sometimes it is necessary
to use (be) able to .

Tom can
come tomorrow.

Maria can
speak French, Spanish and English.

I haven't
been able to sleep recently.

Tom might
be able to come tomorrow.

Applicants for the job must be able to speak two foreign languages.

Sometimes could is the past of can .
We use could especially

          hear            smell           taste           feel        remember         understand

We had a lovely room in the hotel. We could see the lake.

As soon as I walked into the room, I could smell gas.

I was sitting at the back of the theatre and couldn't hear very well.

We also use could to say that somebody had the general ability or
permission to do something:

My grandfather could
speak five languages.

We were totally free. We could do what we wanted. (=we were allowed to do)

We use could for general ability. But if you want to say
that somebody did something in a specific situation, use was/were able to or managed
to (not could):

The fire spread through the building very quickly,
but fortunately everybody was able
to escape / managed to escape. (not could escape )

We didn't know where David was, but we managed to find / were able
to find him in the end. (not could find )

Jack was an excellent tennis player when he was
younger. He could beat anybody.
(=he had the general ability to beat anybody)

but Jack and Andy played
a match yesterday. Andy played well, but jack managed to beat him . (= he managed to beat him this

The negative couldn't (could not) is possible in all situations:

My grandfather couldn't
swim .

We looked for David everywhere, but we couldn't find him.

Andy played well, but he couldn't beat jack.

Complete the sentences using can or (be) able to . Use can
if possible; otherwise use (be)
able to .

Gary has travelled a lot. He ___ can ____speak five languages.

I haven't ____ been able to_____ sleep very well

Nicole _________ drive, but
she doesn't have a car.

I used to _________ stand on
my head, but I can't do it any more.

I can't understand Mark. I've never
________________ understand him.

I can't see you on Friday, but
I ________________ meet you on Saturday morning.

Ask Katherine about your problem.
She might ________________ help you.

Write sentences about yourself
using the ideas in brackets.

(something you used to be able
to do)

___________ I used to be able to sing well _________

(something you used to be able
to do)

I used

(something you would like to
be able to do)

I'd _________________________________________

(something you have never been
able to do)

I've ________________________________________

Complete the sentences with can/can't/could/couldn't +
the following:

come     eat     
hear      run      sleep      wait

I'm afraid I _____________ can’t come__________ to your party
next week.

When Dan was 16, he ________________
100 metres in 11 seconds.

'Are you in a hurry?' 'No,
I've got plenty of time. I __________________

I was feeling sick yesterday.
I _________________anything.

Can you speak a little louder?
I ________________ you very well.

'You look tired.' 'Yes, I ____________last

Complete the
answers to the questions with was/were able to ....

A: Did everybody escape from
the fire?

B: Yes, although the fire
spread quickly, everybody ______ was
able to escape _______

A: Did you finish your work
this afternoon?

B: Yes, there was nobody to
disturb me, so I ______________________________

A: Did you have problems
finding our house?

B: Not really. Your directions
were good and we __________________

B: Yes. No-one realised what
was happening and the thief __________________

Complete the sentences using could, couldn't or managed to .

My grandfather travelled a
lot. He ____ could_____ speak five

I looked everywhere for the
book, but I ______ couldn’t ______ find

They didn't want to come with
us at first, but we ____ managed to
______ persuade them.

Laura had hurt her leg and _______________walk
very well.

I ran my first marathon
recently. It was very hard, but I _________ finish.

I looked very carefully and I ________________
see somebody in the distance.

I wanted to buy some tomatoes.
The first shop I went to didn't have any, but I _______________ get some in
the next shop.

My grandmother loved music.
She ____________ play the piano very well.

A girl fell into the river,
but fortunately we _____________ pull her out.

I had forgotten to bring my
camera, so I _____________ take any pictures.

3 I'd like to be able to play the

4 I've never been able to get up early.
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TRANS FATTY ACIDS A recent editorial in British Medical Journal (BMJ), written by researchers from the University of Oxford, has call...
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