The Communist Pact: Admission Regulation

The Communist Pact: Admission Regulation

The Communist Pact

The Communist Pact is a collective federation that plainly gathers communist and anarchist channels and groups in one monthly promotion list.

Admission Regulation

1. Communist and anarchist channels and groups are welcome to join the federation.

2. Under NO circumstances will channels or groups with the following content be accepted into the federation:

2.1. Fascist and capitalist. We do not endorse such ideologies, for obvious reasons.

2.1.1. That includes patriotic “socialist” (patsoc) channels and groups, and nazbols in general, which fall into the fascist category.

2.2. Liberal and reformist. We do not support the capitalist status quo, neither we believe communism can be achieved through reforms, only through revolution.

2.3. Anti-communist. We do not tolerate anti-communist content. However different perspectives within communism and anarchism are allowed (which can include criticism to the so-called socialist/“AES” countries).

2.3.1. Anti-communism includes the defense of chauvinism and chauvinistic countries (e.g. United States and Russia).

2.4. Sectarian. We do not tolerate content that attacks different communist and anarchist tendencies for no reason, however criticism is allowed.

2.5. Reactionary. We stand with black people, indigenous native people, racialized people, women, LGBT+, people with disabilities, other materially oppressed groups and their respective revolutionary movements. Bigotry against them will not be tolerated.

2.6. Abusive. Child pornography, zoophilia, slavery and similar content, including ANY advocacy for it, will not be tolerated.

2.7. Anti-scientific and pseudo-scientific. We do not tolerate content that goes against science, such as anti-vaccine, anti-mask, flat earth, pandemic denial, lysenkoism, conspiracy theories and so on.

3. Channels or groups that are already part of other federation(s) are allowed to join the Communist Pact, except when the said federation(s):

3.1. Have channels and/or groups that violate sections 2.1, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 of our Admission Regulation.

4. If the channel or group gets admitted into this federation:

4.1. It must go through a test period of 1 (one) month so that all members of the federation can observe and evaluate your channel or group and check if it complies with the regulations. And may not be added to the federation list or promoted in any way by federation members until the test period is over.

5. Translations

5.1. Channels or groups in languages other than English will be accepted in the federation, provided that the administrator representing the group or channel in the federation is willing to translate the federation contents (list of channels/groups for promotion, regulations and other materials) into the language of their group or channel, counting with the help of possible other federation members who know the same language. If he prefers, he may not translate the content and all federation-related content posted on his channel will be posted in English.

Check out the list of channels and groups that are currently part of this federation. Want your channel or group included in this list? Contact us through @CommunistPactBot.

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