The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America 2

The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America 2

MelQ - Melissa Grenier

Updated 03/30/2022

Part 2

11.     Fund Terrorism (MS13 & ISIS)

Hillary Clinton’s Former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin has Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda ties. She grew up in Saudi Arabia and went to two Wahhabist colleges which are known for terrorism. Her parents and family members are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. She also was a liaison between Clinton Foundation donors and “pay for play” schemes. When Senator Michelle Bachman brought up the issue of her connections to the Muslim Brotherhood in 2012 with the Members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Judiciary Committee, Senator John McCain vehemently defended Abedin and the issue quickly cooled. John McCain, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Britain UK, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are responsible for creating ISIS. Saudi Arabian Ministry of Interior documents from 2012 prove they funded and helped create ISIS in the region with assistance from Senator McCain and President Obama. Saudi Arabia was also funding Israeli Mossad against Iran and Osama bin Laden Al Qaeda. McCain was meeting with ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in Syria as early as 2013 evidenced by a photograph taken at the time. Clinton secretly had the weapons transferred to ISIS and Al Qaeda from Libya to Syria. The US Ambassador Christopher Stevens from Benghazi was also assisting. Qatar is also funding Rep Ilhan Omar in Michigan and she is also working with US Intelligence connected to the US Congress assessing information for Iran.

John McCains, The McCain Institute is funded by elite cabal like George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, The Eranda Rothschild Foundation – Sir Evelyn and Lynn Forester de Rothschild and Jacob Wallenberg’s-Wallenberg Foundations AB, Hillary Clinton’s Clinton Foundation is funded by the Australia through AUSAID, Commonwealth of Australia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and The Rockefeller Foundation.

Antifa meaning Anti-Fascist actually practices the opposite, was modeled after the National Socialist German Workers’ Party aka the Nazi Party. It operates the exact same way with the biggest difference being the Nazis embraced German Nationalism where as Antifa wants all US borders dissolved. Both fully support Marxism as a replacement for a Constitutional Republic. The US Department of Homeland Security DHS designated Antifa as a terrorist organization. 

Antifa with Nazi origins and BLM who is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood, are both funded by George Soros through his Open Society Foundation and Alliance for Global Justice, or AfGJ. BLM’s website is connected to ActBlue through its donation link, which is 100% funded by Democrats included “Biden for President” as a top donor. They are used as an army to incite violence and political upheaval. They are highly organized using encrypted social media like the Signal app to communicate and the mainstream media to play on the sympathies of unsuspecting world citizens. They will be bussed into key locations and weapons like sticks, Molotov cocktails and pallets of bricks will be there waiting for them ahead of time so they can cause as much destruction and chaos as possible. Locations like Trump rallies, DC/London/Paris events, Portland CHAZ are used to make political statements about racial injustices and social division. At the same time destroying businesses and property in the name of “justice”. As long as the world is divided, the Cabal’s plan to absorb America and other countries into a one world government continues. Once enough of us are awake to this con, we can defeat the Cabal together.

MS-13 gang members can hired as hit men. The Mexican Sinaloa Federation Cartel has members working as foot soldiers in the US. One group operates in Los Angeles, CA and St Paul Minnesota. They also have a large presence in New York, Southern California, Washington DC and Northern Virginia and are reportedly in 46 states with around 50,000 members and are also international. MS-13 is considered a Tier 1 level threat in Texas which is the highest threat level. The gang is so dangerous that their motto is “kill, rape, control” and they have made El Salvador the murder capital of the world. Beheadings with machetes are used often by the gangs as well as stabbings and shootings. There is evidence of former military training through their native countries and links to terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda.

Funding for MS-13 comes from Bill & Melinda Gates through their Care foundation, which funds Casa del Migrante and gives the MS-13 and Caravan supplies along the migration route to the US border. George Soros Open Society Foundation is connected through Southern Poverty Law Center SPLC.

In 2021, President Biden canceled border wall construction that used military funds this includes any overseas projects like schools, partner nation projects and National Guard equipment. The money will now be reverted back to other military projects. Biden felt Trump was misusing the funds by shortchanging our military and security and diverting attention away from human traffickers. However, President Trump built up a very strong and robust military during his administration as well as an excellent record on busting up human trafficking which included an executive order on the issue. All this while Biden is faced with a National Emergency from Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona and a lawsuit from Arizona’s Attorney General Mark Brnovich regarding Bidens reversal of Trump’s policies at the border creating the border crisis.

In February 2021, Resident Joe Biden signed 3 Executive Orders EO on reversing President Trump’s policies. He ended the “zero tolerance” on prosecuting illegal border crossings and to see unification of children and parents at the border. He also signed one that reviewed all Trump-era immigration policies. Vice Resident Kamala Harris was appointed Border Czar by Biden. In September of 2021, Resident Joe Biden’s administration’s policies created a 17,000+ Haitian immigrant border influx in del Rio Tx, a back log for people waiting to get into the country. This was due to Covid 19 vaccine mandates and relaxed immigration policies.

The Homeland Security Director and Vice President Kamala Harris are advising the media that the border is closed, which is not the case, it is still open and illegal immigrants are flooding in. Border Patrol has been ordered to stand down and allow this. Over 17,000 illegal immigrants were remove from out under the Del Rio bridge and 10-12,000 have been released and will stay in the US. The others are being processed and may be released to stay in the US as well. A deliberate invasion is being orchestrated here. Fox News was prevented from showing drone footage of the immigrant camp under the bridge, which then made Biden look bad, so only then did he allow Border Patrol to stop the flood of immigrants coming in through the Rio Grande. Border Patrol was using men on horseback to disperse the crowds and the horse reigns were mistakenly viewed as horse whips. This caused a social media meltdown, and the Border Patrol agents were removed from duty by Biden, leaving the border even more exposed. Biden continued to use the horse incident to inflame the situation against Border Patrol. BP now faces termination for refusing the Covid-19 vaccine by November at the same time allowing illegals to flow in through the border with no mandate for vaccinations on them, they are not even tested for Covid.

As of Sept 2021, Welcome Us is now coordinating Afghan refugees into the US. George Soros Open Society is funding Welcome Us (WU). Co-Chairs of WU include Globalists Barack Obama, George W Bush, Michelle Obama, Laura Bush, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. Other sponsors include the New York Times, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Microsoft, the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation and others. We have an overtaxed immigration system as is, but these migrants increase the Democrat voter base and 63% of non-citizens are already on our overburdened welfare system .This may lead to a collapse of the existing government welfare system and allow for a national social system where a redistribution of wealth would support it. Whoever gets elected controls the borders.

12.     Nuclearize North Korea & Iran

2008 – 2012: Hillary Clinton fails to reveal to Hillary’s State Department, a foreign donation of two million shares of stock from a foreign executive

August 2009 – The FBI has in investigation going on a Russian bribery plot concerning Rosatom and Uranium One, kickbacks and money laundering were also involved. The DOJ held off on indictment until after the CFIUS deal was made, making it less know to the public.

May 14, 2010 – Bill Clinton gives speech in Moscow and receives $500,000 and then tries to meet with Russian nuclear official during uranium decision, after getting permission from the State Department i.e., Hillary Clinton, but through missed communications he only met with President Putin instead in June.

October 22, 2010 – Uranium One deal approved. The Obama administration and Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States CFIUS went through with the deal even though the FBI had collected evidence that corruption was rampant in the Russian nuclear industry. Using a confidential witness to spy and gather most of the information. Moscow compromised and American trucking firm with kickbacks and bribes. It was essentially kept quiet until the deal could be completed. President Obama’s deal approved the sale to Rosatom giving Moscow more that 20% control of the United States uranium supply.

June 2010 – 2013: Clinton Foundation receives secret donations during 3 years of Uranium One deal using the Uranium Ones chairman family foundation totaling $2.35 million. These donations were undisclosed by Secretary Clinton.

2016-The US State Departments sends pallets of cash to Iran totaling $400 million in exchange for hostages. Claiming Iran couldn’t accept checks or wires and yet 2 days later the US Treasury wired 13 additional payments totaling $1,299,999,999

Q1345- It was never about Nuclear disarmament.

It was about opening a new untapped market.

It was about securing a black site.

The ‘Exchange’.


Risk the welfare of the world.



Organized/planned by BC/HRC.

Carried out by Hussein.

[remember HRC ran against Hussein]

U1 [donations to CF].

$1.7b in-cash transfer to Iran [4 routes][5 planes].

POTUS > PEACE on the Korean P > NO further missile tests or U enrichment.

2018- President Trump removed Jacob Wallenberg’s control in North Korea NK, no more nuclear capabilities or trafficking enrichment via President Obama, Clinton Foundation and Russian Intelligence/Military Industrial Complex 2010 Uranium One deal. Iran, Russia and North Korea get 20% of US Uranium in connection with Gulftainer, Crescent Petroleum and Rosetec/Rosoboronexport, which they also used to produce Club K missile systems. Also connected through Project Pelican and Gulftainer’s Port Canaveral completed in 2018 which allows them a 35-year cargo container terminal lease. This allowed them to have their armada of ships with shipping container missiles systems based in the US as their “military” presence.

Q29 NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Q41 What a coincidence the mountain that housed NK’s nuclear weapons and testing collapsed. Unbelievable timing. I wonder if critically important materials as well as scientists aka the bomb makers were inside when it happened. Shocking no global news agency suspects we had nothing to do with it. Q1609 POTUS save the world from NK.

Red Cross, Foreign Aid and funding through the Paris Accords supported their human/weapons/drug trafficking schemes. According to; Bill and Melinda Gates Care and supported Save The Children have funds coming from the U.S. Department of State; Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. Jeff Bezos Amazon, Red Cross and China’s World Health Organization have funds coming from the U.S. Agency for International Development; Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance. These are just a few of the organizations that US Taxpayers fund through Foreign Aid programs. It also goes to unknown or unverified vendors to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Africa, Haiti, Israel, North Korea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Vietnam, India and China, the bulk of which comes through the U.S. Agency for International Development; Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance. The Paris Accords is just one more way to get taxpayer money through their GCF fund, which funnels money to places like North Korea, even they claim US humanitarian aid is sinister scheme. The Red Cross’s Gail McGovern’s has a history of corruption with Hillary Clinton , The Red Cross also has a history of connections to the Rothschilds and Wallenbergs. These slush funds help to pay for their Deep State Shadow Government.

Q489 - US taxpayers are paying for it all.

Paris accord = scam (trillions)

Red Cross = scam (billions)

Foreign Aid = scam (trillions)

WAR = scam (trillions)


Who audits where the money actually goes?

Who actually receives the money?

The US taxpayer is funding the very people we are engaged in taking down.

SLUSH funds everywhere.

Think GS (Soros) pays for Antifa out of his own pocket?

The hole is deep.

Feel sick yet?


Q 2681 Meeting w NK > DENUC plan/process > sanctions lift meets subj A B food for people (aid)

13.     Stage Supreme Court

An excerpt from my Crossfire Hurricane post at the end:

Q1150 - Think timing. LL (Loreta Lynch) remains AG (Attorney General for) HRC (Hillary Clinton). HRC appoints new AS (Justice Anthony Scalia) replacement (Justice Sonia Sotomayor). RBG (Justice Ginsberg) steps down. LL (Loreta Lynch) steps up. New AG (Attorney General) ‘The Plan’. Q

Q2088 - …They always thought if charges were brought [v. them] they would ultimately be safe [SC control] (Supreme Court). [AS] (Justice Anthony Scalia) out [HRC] (Hillary Clinton) appointment(s) >> End of all ends. Final. Did Anthony Kennedy have a choice? Was this the original plan according to HRC election win? What evidence was he shown? RBG replacement [lifetime appointment - age]?...

CIA Director John Brennan and Peter Strzok used an Intelligence Community Assessment ICA with the Dossier added to it while Strzok’s wife Melissa Hodgman was hiding Hillary’s email evidence. Hiding Hillary’s evidence was also the reason of former President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Lorretta Lynch’s Tarmac meeting in June of 2016. As an exchange, Lynch was promised a Supreme Court appointment once Justice Ginsberg stepped down. They always thought they would be safe having their nuclear missile ship armada to protect them, they murdered Anthony Scalia in Feb 2016 to maintain control of the Supreme Court and Bill Clinton promised AG Loretta Lynch on the Tarmac in June of 2016 a position on the Supreme Court. In return Lynch was supposed to look the other way at any of Hillary’s email/server evidence which she did. Hillary then appoints Justice Sonia Sotomayor to replace Scalia and advises Lynch the plan is for her to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Justice Anthony Kennedy was shown evidence of this and was forced to step down under threat of missiles/death.) RBG is also a multiple meaning of the Royal Family/The Queen, so she oversaw ‘The Plan’.

2016-2024 Hillary Clinton, Second 8 years, Goal: Destroy USA, Rise New World Order NOW- Joe Biden continuing their plan.

****Because of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Loss to President Trump the following events were adjusted but some are still playing out because of the altered timeline.

14.     World War III/Real & Orchestrated

Joe Biden’s disgraced withdrawal from Afghanistan in August of 2021, is also a clear sign that the Democrats have and will continue to weaken our military. He surrendered the war to the Taliban as well as gave them $85B in military equipment including vehicles, planes, helicopters, small arms and various combat equipment. He refused to apologize and a week later ended up killing 10 civilians including 7 children in a drone strike meant for ISIS-K which was a retaliation for killing 13 US service members and 168 Afghans and Biden also left American citizens and Afghan allies behind.

It has also invited unwanted aggressions from China and put pressure on Taiwan. In Oct of 2021 tensions between China and Taiwan are the worst in 40 years. Joe Biden continues to side with China and their “One China” policy, which declares Taiwan will once again be part of China in the future whereas Taiwan considers itself sovereign. No shots have been fired but China has increase aircraft in the area by 150, a move with Taiwan considers, hostile. Most allied countries in the area are urging both countries to talk to find a resolution but China continues to be aggressive with its military presence in the area.

US special operations are training small ground forces in Taiwan and have been for at least a year, indicating President Trump may have set that up. The Marines have also been collaborating with maritime forces for small boat training. The training may also reflect the Pentagons concern that Taiwan is not ready for a Chinese invasion.

China appears to be the main threat, but Russia and Iran are also becoming an issues. Russia has been interfering with Ukraine and Syria which could escalate further. And Iran has been meddling with Iraq and Syria. Tensions could escalate into a large scale Cold War but things are tempered for the moment.

Adm. Charles Richard of US Strategic Command claims there is a real possibility of a nuclear threat by Russia and China as things escalate. The threat is still low but we must rethink the risks and our planning and execution. Both countries are taking advantage of cyber threats as well as the pandemic and could lead to a power crisis or conflict. The US must actively keep their aggression in check or risk embarrassment or worse from our adversaries.

The 2022 Russia-Ukraine war is being used two fold. It is another situation they can use to create a World War 3 scenario and it’s covering up the Cabal/DeepState’s trafficking, corruption connections and Covid-19 Biolabs. Hunter Biden, Barack Obama and the US Government have been exposed as contributing funding to the biolabs. The labs themselves were working with Wuhan labs and purposefully tampering with bat corona-viruses. Coincidentally one is in Shpyl'chyna Ukraine, West of Khazaria where Ashkenazi's (Nazi’s) originate from and the real reason for Vladimir Putin’s invasion which is to remove the corruption, trafficking and the Nazi’s that are still rooted in that area. There is also another pipeline there called the “Brotherhood Pipeline” owned by Gazprom, which might be used to smuggle adrenochrome in by using a “pigging” method where a specialized container is floated down the pipeline and later collected at valve points.

Joe Biden’s corruption was exposed in 2019 when video’s of him bragging about bribing officials in Ukraine surfaced. Former prosecutor Viktor Shokin was fired because he was in charge of Hunter Biden’s money laundering operations in the area. The CIA/MOSSAD mainstream media quickly covered this up with fake fact checks as well as ignored it and Joe Biden went on to win the “rigged” 2020 US election.

15.     Population Control & Pocket Billions

Our Deep State government is in league with the Chinese Communist Party CCP, who has those same world leaders on puppets strings. They purposely released Covid-19 from the Wuhan Lab in Wuhan, China in 2020. Peter Daszak, Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric and Zhengli-Li Shi all conspired to create, release and monetize Covid-19 as early as February 2016 using already patented vaccines. The federal government is also involved in owning these patents. Their gain of function research was funded by the NIAID, EcoHealth and the NIH to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Wuhan Institute of Virology. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also contributes to the NIH and NIAID for vaccine research and Gates has been on record for a depopulation plan.  

Dr. Peter Breggin a world renowned psychiatrist also says Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab created Covid-19 and deadly vaccines to support a “new world order” agenda. He wants people to stop being scared and to start getting angry, stand up for your rights and for liberty. He says to stop trying to figure out why they would do such an evil thing and just start to fight it.

Bill Gates has even given depopulation speeches such as his 2010 Ted Talks where he describes if they do a really great job, vaccines will lower the population by 10 or 15 percent. In 2015, before Covid-19, Gates held an event in anticipations of a pandemic, where he implied he they were working on a pandemic and vaccine to go with it. Gates explained, “You get the vaccine. If it doesn’t kill you, you get COVID and get very sick,”. Dr Breggin also discovered a 2015 paper that showed NIAID funding to the Chinese Wuhan lab, which is even more evidence of a CCP pandemic plan. They know these vaccines won’t work and that they just work short term, long enough for the mutations to appear.

WEF’s Klaus Schwab website contains a 2016 plan that is 65 pages and lays out the pandemic. It includes Fauci and Gates work with CEPI and the World Health Organization, which is controlled by the United Nations, and it describes the vaccine plans and how the WHO will take over once the vaccines are out.

Dr. Breggin feels if we fight back now we can turn this around. Not a violent fight, but get involved, be vocal. Stop complying and take brave risks

Q4097 - Why would Pelosi [D] block origination-source [roll-out] investigation of COVID-19 in [China]? Prevent public exposure of truth? Ask yourself, why? [D]_People's_Republic_of_China Q

‘House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's "husband, Paul Pelosi, has done a series of deals in mainland China... and are part of the fact that the Chinese are trying to curry favor with high-ranking politicians in the United States."’ Via Real Clear Politics

16.     Eliminate Final Good Guys in Government

Clinton’s plan was to eliminate the rest of the good guys in government but since she lost the plan was delayed and now Resident Biden is fulfilling her plan. The following were let go or asked to resign within the first week of Biden’s Residency; Michael Ellis, a National Security Agency’s top lawyer; Charles Cowan Jr. a Senior Executive at the Office of Administration at the Department of Housing and Urban Development; Surgeon General Jerome M. Adams; Michael Pack head of Voice of America VOA; Andrew Saul the Social Security commissioner; and Peter Robb the National Labor Relations Board’s general counsel.

17.     Kill Economy & Enslave Public

The Deep State leaked Covid-19 with the intention of creating a pandemic money-making depopulation scheme using the virus and vaccines. Operation Warp Speed showed that the vaccines were suspiciously available very quickly by Pfizer and Moderna which they receive royalties for. A $100 billion dollar market. They, with the help of Dr. Deborah Birx, even conspired with the CIA/MOSSAD Media to push down real, safe treatments like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine HCQ so that they, Big Pharma, the Deep State and Cabal could reap the benefits. Gates and Dr. Birx even have connections to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) and Imperial College in London, which both produced incorrect CV-19 data and along with the Media, helped push governments and the population in to lockdown which caused worldwide economic devastation.

If we all used HCQ or Ivermectin as a preventive for a few weeks we get rid of the pandemic completely. But there is no profit in that. They want depopulation and control with a "one world government with less than 500M people in the world" as stated in the Cabal’s Georgia Guidestones creed. To complete this task, they also need to erode our rights and tear down our resolve with forced vaccination mandates, contact tracing, quarantine camps which the Centers for Disease Control CDC and The World Health Organization also have their corrupt hands in as well as government collaboration to enforce these restrictions. This creates further division by pitting vax against unvaxed people against each other and a fear of “doing the right thing”. If the world is scared and following these “rules” then they can achieve their goals of depopulation and control.

Fauci, Soros and Gates also have these similar pandemic/vaccine scheme connections to Ebola and Aids and seem very focused on places like Africa in dire need of humanitarian aid where the Cabal has been known to traffick weapons/humans. It is also rumored that these bioweapons are used by CIA/MOSSAD to control and coerce individuals for compliance.

Starting January 23, 2020, the city of Wuhan was on lockdown for 76 days until April 8, 2020 because of Covid-19 but the country of China was only on lockdown for 16 days reopening February 10, 2020. The United States started a nationwide lockdown March 23, 2020 and some states like New York was locked down until June 27, 2020 and California didn’t reopen until August 28 2020. How is it possible the source country of the virus was only on lockdown for 16 days? That in itself is suspicious.

Q4335 'Quarantine' is when you restrict the movement of sick people. 'Tyranny' is when you restrict the movement of healthy people. Q

The Deep State Democrats handled Covid-19 and the sick and elderly in nursing homes and assisted living facilities in a murderous way. One example is New York in March of 2020, Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio set up several multi-million-dollar field hospitals and President Trump even sent out the USNS Comfort to assist with Non Covid-19 patients so more local resources could be used, he also sent out an unprecedented level of ventilators, PPE and equipment to New York. They barely used them, instead they sent the overflow of Covid-19 patients to nursing homes and forced them to comply with regulations that made them take the patients in. This caused Covid-19 to run rampant through these facilities, causing thousands of unnecessary deaths. Governor Cuomo also claimed to give those facilities ventilators, PPE and equipment, but the facilities have denied this. Similar situations also occurred in many other Democratic states like New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Connecticut and many others. Out of 43 states reporting such information 42% of Covid-19 deaths have happened in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. They knowingly pushed CV-19 patients into these facilities to inflate death rate numbers as well as add to their depopulation plan. This should be reclassified as murder!

In September 5, 2021, the CDC reported that deaths with comorbidities is 95% with an average of 4 additional conditions per death, so it’s actually 5% that die that have only Covid-19. Comorbidities are additional illnesses that contribute to the death. Table 3 on the CDC website under ‘Comorbidities and other conditions’ outline the types of illnesses that contributed such as Influenza, Pneumonia, Respiratory Distress Syndrome/Failure/Arrest, Hypertension and Heart Diseases are in the top categories as additional cause of death. The CDC Director admits that the Covid-19 cases were overcounted. Hospitals are labeling deaths like heart attacks and cancer as Covid-19 and the mainstream media helped to push the inaccuracy.

President Trump announced Operation Warp Speed in May of 2020. This was an expedited process to produce vaccines quickly for Covid-19. He put vaccine expert Mancef Slaouli of Glaxo Smith Kline in charge along with General Gus Perna of the US Army. This was in hopes to produce a vaccine by the end of the year, and it also bypassed Dr. Fauci’s ability to delay any vaccine production efforts which he has a history of doing. The early vaccine allowed President Trump to reopen the country quickly which they were able to do. He also supported therapeutics early on like Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), an antimalarial drug along with Azithromycin (AZM) and Zinc which the mainstream media balked at. As of January 2021, The American Journal of Medicine now recommends the treatment for Covid-19. Ivermectin is another promising treatment for Covid-19, cases in India are heading way down because they chose to treat with Ivermectin and HCQ. Hundreds of studies on both have shown that they are both effective as a treatment and prophylaxis against Covid-19.

As of September 2021, there are currently four Covid-19 vaccines available; AstraZeneca, Johnson and Johnson, mRNA Moderna and mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech. Both the mRNA vaccines by Pfizer & Moderna can cause side effects like acute Central Nervous System (CNS) demyelination, including Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 24–64-year-olds. Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) in women in their 30s. Guillain-Barre autoimmune paralysis in ages 43-70. They induce prion-based disease which cause neurodegenerative disorders like Dementia and ALS, which makes it a bioweapon. People who receive the vaccine will also shed these spike proteins infecting people who are unvaccinated.

The AstraZeneca vaccine is causing dangerous blood clots with low platelets in ages ranging from teens to mid-60’s. Like the mRNA’s it also causes Guillain-Barre syndrome in ages 43–70-year-olds. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine has a similar issue with blood clots especially for people under 65 which can cause Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis (CVST). They had removed it from the market in April 2020 for 11 days and it had new warnings added once it returned.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database contains all of the unverified information on vaccine injuries and deaths. As of September 3, 2021 there have been 14,701 deaths from the Covid-19 vaccines. The current average since July 24, 2021 when 11,405 deaths were reported, comes out to 3,296 or 70 deaths per day. A total of approximately 675,000 cases of vaccine injury have been reported to the database.

Nobel Prize winner Prof. Luc Montagnier claims the vaccines are creating the variants and other epidemiologists are aware of it but remain silent. Antibody-Dependent Enhancement ADE, which are the antibodies created by the Covid-19 vaccine that force the virus to find another solution which it does by creating the variants. Scientific trends outline the curve of vaccination to the curve of deaths. He has received support from a long list of medical doctors in the European Medicines Agency.

There is no way to get herd immunity from Covid-19 vaccines. Vaccine immunity does not last long. The CDC admits vaccinated people are still getting Covid in large numbers because the effectiveness has significantly dropped. Herd immunity is working in patients that have had Covid-19 and are exposed to the Delta Variant. So, the CDC and Fauci’s claim that vaccines would help us reach herd immunity is false. Covid vaccines are “leaky” which cause live virus to escape and to live inside a vaccinated person which mutates over time. This, along with animals being able to infect us, ends up making viruses stronger and we will just keep infecting each other. The CDC will continue to push this fear, so everyone becomes even sicker over anxiety, depression and anger about the situation.

This ties back to Wallenberg, who is connected to BlackRock and Vanguard, who have high shares in Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, and Pfizer. The Communist Chinese are connected to the WHO and NIH and are pushing them for the Cabal.

Virologica Sinica published gain of function research in February 2022 that China’s Wuhan Laboratory was experimenting with the Monkeypox virus in August of 2021. It allowed for PCR testing of the virus and it used a method that researchers highlighted as creating a “contagious pathogen”. In a strikingly similar fashion to World Economic Foundation’s Event 201 and Covid-19, there was a biosecurity pandemic simulation for Monkeypox held in 2021 predicting the outbreak in May of 2022. The Munich Security Conference and Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) are responsible for the simulation. Ted Turner is on the NTI board, his company Turner Broadcasting is under AT&T which is one of the 5 main corporations that control all of the CIA/MOSSAD mainstream media, Vanguard and BlackRock are their biggest stockholders. Monkeypox is the new Covid-19.

18.     Revise Constitution

The National Archives: “The Constitution of the United States contains a preamble and seven articles that describe the way the government is structured and how it operates. The first three articles establish the three branches of government and their powers: Legislative (Congress), Executive (office of the President,) and Judicial (Federal court system). A system of checks and balances prevents any one of these separate powers from becoming dominant. Articles four through seven describe the relationship of the states to the Federal Government, establish the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, and define the amendment and ratification processes.”

In order to make changes they must have control of the Presidency and Congress, Senate rules that allow a minority to stop radical legislation must be changed. The ‘filibuster’ must be removed so bills can be passed more easily with little opposition from the Senate minority. And Vice President Kamala Harris could break any tie in favor of the radical Democrats agenda. The Senate could then vote similarly to the way the House does. In theory it would make changing the Constitution possible. An amendment would require 2/3 vote by both houses and an additional ratification by 3/4 of the states.

"An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people." Thomas Jefferson

19.     Ban Sale of Firearms/Repeal 2nd Amendment

The 2nd Amendment: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” The Constitution

Again, Resident Biden is picking up where Hillary was supposed to be four years ago. In his first few months, he has already called on Democrats to go after the 2nd amendment. Sen. Feinstein and Rep Cicilline already put forth assault weapons bans in legislation. It would ban over 200 types of assault weapons but allow owners to keep what they already have. It would also include background checks on purchases, trades and gifts. They claim this is to prevent domestic terrorism.

Joe Biden will also team up with George Soros and his Open Society Foundation plus 12 other gun control groups and go on tour to crime ridden cities to explain which best practices they should apply to reduce violence in their cities. There will be no pro-gun advocates joining the tour or giving any input.

Q120 - …They think you are stupid. Puppets w/o power. They want your GUNS. Why? No power left…

Q3656 - …Why do [D]'s want to abolish the 2ND AMENDMENT?

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

What did the Framers of the Constitution fear the most?

"–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–"

We, the People. Q

20.     Install Corrupt Supreme Court Justices

The Constitution only offers guidance on how the Supreme Court should be set up. It doesn’t specify the number of Justices, only that there should be a Chief Justice. Exploiting this loophole would allow the Democrats to “pack” the court. There have been 9 justices since 1869.

The Democrats plan to introduce legislation that would increase the Supreme Court justices from 9 to 13. If passed, this would allow Resident Biden to pick 4 additional judges during his administration. Like most Presidents in the past, they are usually partisan picks, which would mean 4 additional liberal justices on the court, meaning more liberal victories.

21.     Remove Electoral College & Install Popular Vote

The Constitutional balances of the Electoral College EC were put in place so no one party could over impose on the other. It was meant as a fair system. The Democrats would like to remove the EC and go with a popular vote. The EC allows for equal distribution of voting so no one state/county will outbalance another by compartmentalizing national elections. A popular vote would allow for highly populated areas to overrun the election and allow just a few major cities to allow the outcome of elections.

22.     Close US Military Bases Globally

Biden was pressured during his 2020 presidential candidacy to cut the military funding and get rid of Space Force. There are also plans to close Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba where they a have been holding 9/11 and Indonesian bombing trials for almost 2 decades. And instead of following President Trumps exit strategy for Afghanistan, Biden chose to close Bagram Air Base first, which ultimately allowed for the Taliban to take over and for Biden basically surrendering Afghanistan and $85B in Military equipment along with leaving US civilians behind. (see #14)

23.  Destroy & Censor Opposing News Outlets

Conservatives and Alternative media have long been censored by social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram as well as Google and YouTube. Resident Biden plans to continue that censorship under the guise of Covid 19 misinformation. Wanting to avoid “false narratives” they will work with Social Media maintain proper flow on the internet. Spokesperson Jen Psaki claims they will also urge them to work even faster to take down what they consider “harmful posts”. At this time, they are only allowing 2 of their trusted physicians to speak out and have their content boosted. (see #9)

24.  Open Borders

Allowing open borders allows for the “great replacement”. To fundamentally change the racial mix of America. As an incentive it invites the poorest on Earth into the country with promises of taxpayer funded programs for support. A constant stream of new Democrat voters. This is not even going over the invited crime element being ushered in, intended to weaken America. (see #10)

25.  Limit & Remove Military Funding

Progressives have laid out a wish list that includes cutting $200B yearly from the Pentagon. Ending the nuclear refurbishment for the nation and removing Space Force. The Democrats want to defund the military once again and during a time of high tensions between China, Russian and Iran. Over 60 Democrats signed a letter supporting the defunding of the military and in support of an amendment that would push through their agenda.



Trump & 2016 Election derailed plans

Seth Rich.

The FBI released documents that may tie Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the Seth Rich murder. July 2018 emails mentioning Special Council Robert Mueller and Clinton and both mentioning hiring a hitman and Seth Rich.

In 2016, according to testimony from Silk Road Task Force member Ryan D White which Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was in charge of at that time out of Baltimore Md. Rosenstein’s associates Shawn Bridges, Carl M Force IV were caught stealing Bit Coin during a Silk Road case in sent to jail. Rosenstein remained in contact with others involved that were never charged.

Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein acquired the help of Drug Enforcement Agent DEA Joseph Rosati and Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms ATF agent Alan L Boroshok to retrieve the thumb drive that Seth Rich always carried with him which contained the DNC emails, in which Wikileaks ultimately posted. DEA Agent Joseph Rosati testifies that he hired the two MS13 agents Rafael Agular and Carmelo Marmeljo-Calixto, to rough up Seth Rich and retrieve the USB key. DEA Agent Rosati and former owner of Nexus Consulting Kevin C Doherty met Agular and Calixtro and brought them to Seth Rich’s location. The two MS13 members approached Rich on the night of July 10, 2016, and in a botched robbery of the USB they ended up shooting and eventually killing Rich. DEA Agent Rosati assisted the MS13 members in their escape 434 miles away to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina where he ultimately shot them dead on July 11, 2016.

Ryan D White claims Rosenstein dealt with all of the loose ends with the Seth Rich case and would ultimately sign the illegal FISA warrants meant to take down President Trump in the Russia Spying collusion. This would allow Vice President Pence to take power and for Rosenstein to be named VP.

-Who was found dead (2) shortly after his murder? What affiliation did they have?

Both DNC Staffer Seth Rich and DNC IT Staffer Imran Awan both had inside access to DNC servers. Imram Awan was part of an IT outfit known as the Awan Brothers who were 2 Pakistani Nationals working for the DNC and Chairman Debbie Wasserman Shultz using servers in Pakistan to maintain DNC information.

On July 10, 2016, at approximately 4am, Seth Rich was murdered near his Washington DC home. On July 11, 2016, MS13 Members Rafael Agular and Carmelo Marmeljo-Calixto are found murdered with multiple gunshot wounds, 434 miles away in Myrtle Beach. July 22, 2016, Wikileaks begins releasing DNC emails which detail Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the DNC’s effort to shut out Democrat Candidate Bernie Sanders who endorses Hillary Clinton 2 days after Rich’s murder. DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman Shultz resigns over the scandal. July 25, 2016, Imran Awan is arrested for bank fraud charges and cannot leave the country. Both Awan Brothers were detained. In early August of 2016 Julian Assange mentions Rich’s murder in an interview about great risks Wikileaks sources take. In the months directly following President Obama, Hillary Clinton, CIA Director John Brennan, DNI James Clapper, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and the Mainstream Media including The Washington Post and New York Times start to spin a DNC Russian election hack story in which a 3rd party contractor Crowdstrike links to the Ukrainian military which was later debunked. On October 7, 2016, Wikileaks releases the first of the Podesta emails whom Wikileaks associate Craig Murray eventually confirms he received from a source in Washington DC. All throughout members of the Rich family tweet out implications that there is foul play with the DNC. In March of 2017 the Rich family hires DC area detective Ron Wheeler who claims there is evidence Seth Rich was emailing Wikileaks and there may be a connection to Imran Awan.

2016- Five Pakistani DNC IT staffers with no clearance, 3 brothers Imran Awan, his wife Hina Alvi, Abid and Jamal Awan and friend Rao Abbas all had access to congressional servers and It equipment at the They started getting noticed when a computer equipment request showed $120,000 missing. Then Imram Awan is arrested and ultimately indicted for Bank Fraud while trying to leave the country and wiring $165000 at the same time. His wife Hina was allowed to leave the country. When searching his home, the FBI seized computers and found smashed hard drives. The indictment indicated, “Defendants AWAN and ALVI did unlawfully, willfully, and knowingly conspire, combine, confederate, and agree with each other to commit offenses against the United States,” regarding bank fraud, false statements and unlawful bank transactions. These individuals all worked for Debbie Wasserman Schultz who continued to double talk and defend them after being caught and even gave Imran Awan another position with the House doing various office jobs for staff.

The events let to a House investigation and House’s Office of the Inspector General report indicated the Democrats were careless and to inform the constituents of the breech. There were also indications of nefarious purposes and elevated risk that information/documents were read, stored or removed. Lawmakers have expressed their concerns over Wasserman-Schultz Awan even after the indictment. Frontpage Magazine did an exclusive report that links the Awan Brothers to the Muslim Brotherhood and Imran Awan also has ties to Intelligence through his father Haji Ashraf who was the head of a Pakistani Intelligence agency.

On October 28, 2016, FBI Director James Comey notifies congressional leaders of the emails leaked from Secretary Clintons personal server and that the FBI will review for classified information. And on Jan 10, 2017, he informs the Senate committee publicly of the DNC Russian Hack and how they never inspected the devices they instead used Crowdstrike. In March of 2017 he along with NSA Director Rogers appears before the House Intelligence Committee confirming again, they never had access to the physical machines but relied on Crowdstrike. President Trump fired Comey on May 9, 2017, for mishandling the email and Russian hack controversy. Rod Rosenstein recommended the firing of Comey to the President so he could then appoint Robert Mueller as Special Counsel, this would assist the Deep State’s plan to ultimately impeach President Trump.

Woods Procedures:

On Sept 30, 2021, “Execution of its Woods Procedures for Applications Filed with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Relating to US Persons” Report was released by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz. FISC allows the government to spy on others using the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Application FISA. Once applied for it’s not usually subject to any scrutiny in subsequent proceedings, because of this the DOJ/FBI have duty to maintain integrity in the process including supplying all material facts and to correct and misstatements or omissions of facts. According to Rule 13 these must be made in writing and immediately inform the original presiding Judge. This also includes corrections/modifications and steps to correct and disclosure of non-compliance. All must include in writing to the original Judge, steps to correct any and all issues. 

This report focuses on the Woods Procedures, which is a process that minimizes factual inaccuracies in FISA applications. All statements must be scrupulously accurate before presenting the application to the presiding Judge. The latest sample audit by IG Horowitz included 29 FISA applications. Numerous instances on non-compliance were found using the Woods Procedures in 25 of the files and of the remaining 4 files, the FBI could not supply the original versions. The same 29 files showed over 400 instances of non-compliances with Woods Procedures and between Jan 2015 and Mar 2020 another 7000 applications had 179 missing required Woods Files. They also found inaccurate and missing information as well as the information needed to support statements in the documents, instead saying the target supported a specific cause. IG Horowitz’s Dec 2019 report on Carter Page’s FISA application showed substantial issues and misconduct as well and even recommended remedial measures to correct the issues created by the FBI.

The Four 2016 FISA Applications:

Paul Manafort

George Papadapoulos

Carter Page

General Michael Flynn

Part 1 The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America 1 – Telegraph

Part 2 The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America 2 – Telegraph

Continue to Part 3 The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America 3 – Telegraph

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Sources 2 The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America -Sources2 – Telegraph

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