Testicle Crushing Stories

Testicle Crushing Stories


Testicle Crushing Stories
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>Whoever is responsible for this sick, twisted story needs immediate >psychiatric >attention. I'm all for fantasy, but this crosses the line. > >
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Matt and Mike were good highschool firneds. Matt was a senior and Mike was a junior. Both were major studs and jocks. Both played football, wrestled and baseball together. They were alwyas hanging out together with their girl friends and other buddies. Matt was the best looking guy in school. Bout 5'10'' and 170 lbs. of solid muscle. His killer smile and permenatly tanned italian skin looked hot as his rare blue eyes peered out from his straight black hair. Being a power running back, Matt's muscular frame sported a great bubble butt that looked great when he slipped on his white jock that looked whiter against his skin.
Mike was great looking too. Probably the 2nd or 3rd hotest looking guy in school. He was bout 5'9'' , light brown with blond streaks of hair mixed in. A little leaner, his body was extemely tight with a tight hard ass.
Both had great pecks and wash board abs. It was hard to tell their packages in their football pants cause they hid their family treasures behind huge cups. Ya could tell in their wrestling singlets though that they sported very meaty cocks and egg sized balls.
I always used to get hot watching them loan each other their cups, jocks, socks, shorts, cleats, shirts or singlets when one of them would forget something. The hottest though would be to watch them hang out with their friends. While Matt was more social than Mike, Mike was like the hot mysterious type, cause he was quite. Everybody loved both guys as they got along with just about everybody and were always smiling and laughing.
Matt had a strong subtle strength to him that people felt at ease with, where Mike had a mysterious strength that was even more mysterious cause he was the fastest guy in school. He was quick and fast in everything whether running, throwing a punch or whatever. 'Cept covering his nuts. AND that's what was so hot. All these guys hanging around with their girlfirends and all of a sudden out of the blue someone would nail Mike's hot package and he'd always double over with distress and definite pain on his face. He looked so hot holding his aching balls by cupping his nads in his faded blue jeans. A couple of times his buddies would nail him a little too hard and it'd lift him slight off the floor or he'd get raised on to the toes of his wrestling shoes.
I would always wonder if he'd think about getting nailed in the nuts that day when he was pulling on his white briefs or jock (that he sometimes wore under his jeans) that morning. I'd always wished I could see him at home, like I did in the locker room, when he'd sit down on the edge of a seat and pull on a couple pairs of socks and his wrestling shoes (of course leaving them untied) with no shirt on yet and seeing the band of his jock strap rise up his back above his blue jeans. But another day for that.
So his bud's would nail him usually with slaps or light punches. A few times with kicks and they always seemed to be the most damaging. Matt and the others would all laugh in good fun and Mike would smile in admission of getting "caught" unprotected. Other guys would get nailed too, but two odd things - Mike seemed to get it the most and hardest - probably cause he was so hot looking, AND Matt never got nailed cause he was always quick enough to protect his meaty nads.
So the end of the studly guys nuts/balls/nads/jewells/rocks/stones/eggs happened one Frifdaynight AFTER a football game. Ya see Matt and Mike's team was a power house and was undefeated for the season. The other team was a major underdog that hadn't lost a game all season though everybody thought they'd lose about half their games. So they had alot riding on the game being a major come from behind team.
The problem started though when the refs called a few plays that favored Matt and Mike's team which really should have gone aginst their team. These calls enabled Matt and Mike's team to score the only two touchdowns in the game. Both in the first half. So by the second half the other team was mad as hell and they were out to strike revenge. They did it every way they knew how. Cheap shots like low hits, hits from behind, face masks etc.
While a couple guys got hurt bad, and the other team was penailized severely, they kept up the cheap shots. One guy Joey Pie was another nice looking muscular polish boy with brown hair and blue eyes. He was nailed mercilessly. The stud man had just tackled his opponent, pulled him down to the ground. As Joe let go of the guys legs and rolled to the side suddenly a big fat boy about 310 came diving right in between Joe's legs. Since Joe was on defense he had no real need for a cup and was only protected by his jock.
The force of the 310 pound gorellia's helmet came rocketing in between the well built 165 pound boy's legs and went BAMMMMMMMMM. Joe went UFFHHH! as his nuts were rammed first and pushed Joe's whole body 3 feet down the field. His manly sac couldn;t contain the force of his nuts rocketing around inside.
As his nuts were crushed into his pelvic bone, his soft mangled cock erupted cum all over inside his "cupless" jock as his prostate was pulverized into dust. The double inpact to his jewells and manly command center prostrate was too much of an overwhelming pressure and his sac split wide open. His mangled left nut rolled out into his jock as blood began to seep into his white football pants. The reddish stain just started to spread out as Joe's leg's, covered by his white socks, that were pulled up to the bottom of his knees, were spread wide open like two huge castle gates opened for all intruders to wreck havoc. The 310 fat load rolled away trapping one of Joe's feet underneath him. It didn't matter though, Joe didn't seem to be moving or making any movement to squeeze his legs together and cup what reamined of his meaty balls.
BOOOOOMMMMMM. Suddenly another football player coming full force drives his shoulder in bewteen Joe's spread legs delivering a devastating blow that scrammbles Joe's right ball into about 10 different pieces and snaps the only cord attaching Joe's left nut to his body. Half the crow in the stands hushes in silence as the other half and the other band cheer and play a victory song in triumph. Even the other team's cheerleader's walk up to each other pretending to deliver devistating knees to each other's crotches in humliation of the beautiful unconcious, and castrated football stud.
Matt and Mike rush over to their fallen commrade to assist. When they see Joe's bloody crotch they don't wait for the team doctor and quickly unlace his pants to check out his package and stop the bleeding. .In their hrruy to help their damaged buddy they don't see his left nut roll onto the turf. In the rush of players coming up to help one of them steps one the nut and embeds it into the turf. Lost forever.
When the coach, doctor and the other players rush over to help the fallen gladiator, 7 or 8 puke when they see the mangled mess. With no help from the doctor or coach, Matt and Mike quickly remove Joe's cleats. They pull off both pairs of his long white socks and stuff them into Joe's jock trying to creat a padded area that whill protect his nuts and put pressure on his sac to stop his bleeding.
When Mike feels around for Joe's nuts to arrange them for safety he's shocked at what he can't find. In a rage he jumps up and rushed to the other teams quarterback who is standing nearby in concern. At 6' 555 and as muscular as he is tall, Mike wouldn't seem any match for the handsome blond stud. As Mike rushes him, the adonis, drops his helmet, spreadinly his legs slightly and croches in a fighting stand when suddenly Mike throws a cleated kick into the boy's exposed cupless crotch. The stud falls forward onto his knees, grooping to cup his balls. As the pain overtakes the handsome boy. He falls forward face first into the turf while holding his pulverized stones. Still on his knees with his large, muscular butt sticking into the air, Mike runs around the agonized boy and without care for the studs hands cupping his now swelling balls, Mike kicks the fallen hero's hands into swelling jewells. Further agonizing the boy by breaking both his hands that ram his nuts into his pelvic bone and his right nut exploding inside.
Suddenly all the assitant coaches and police rush the field to try and stop everyone from breaking out into a riot. As Mike returns to Joe and Matt, Matt is wildly shoving his hand around inside of Joe's pants. A panic and fear over come him as he looks up at Mike. Mike nods yes as Matt's face turns white at the fact that his buddy has now become Ball Less Joe.
As Matt slowly stands upright in shock, Mike comes over to him and throws his arms around his buddy, trying to hold him tight to comfort him over the devstating realization of his buddy's loss. What a shame the two studs embracing over their buddy's loss of his manhood couldn't even imagine what waited them in just minutes.
As the two unconcious, one castrated and one semi castrated football studs are loaded onto stretchers, the refs call the game. Almost immediately the stands break out into fights and jeers at the refs. As the paramedic try to carry away the injuried players, players from the opposite teams grab at them. Trying to land further punches to any part of the football players bodies. Through the violent commotion, the uncious players legs fall off the stretchers and the other players grab at the boy's legs, trying to pull them off the stretchers.
Standing back and seeing it all, Matt and Mike decide to get out of there as things go to hell. As they run through the crowd of rioters on the field they dodge everybody they can and place strategic shots to the faces of those that try to stop them from making the team bus. As they run towards the bus they see all their other teammates gathered around the bus trying to get on as fast as possible.
As Matt and Mike get seperating in the crowd, Matt has a more unobstructed path to the bus and is almost there when from below something grabs Mike's ankles and he falls forward. Landing face first onto the pavement in the parkinglot Mike busts his nose. Suddenly he's flipped onto his back. Blood rushes into his eye's and he can't see his attackers. He begins to kick and buck widely as he feels his feet and legs begin raised up into the air. Suddenly a rapid succession of pulmeting stomps crash into his cupped balls. Although protecting him from devistating damage the pain was still great. Just enough to prevent him from blacking out.
Suddenly Mike feels himself being pulled along the ground on his back. Somebody's got his feet when the overwhelming urges erupts from inside and Mike begins puking violently. As he gasps for air, finally the combination of pain and lack of air are too much and he passes out.
Having forgot about his buddy as a survival of the fitest is called for in order to protect the family Jewels and bring them to safety, Matt almost makes it to the team bus when a large bottle comes crashing into the back of his head. Matt drop's his helmet and slowly loses strength in his muscular legs and collapses to the ground. His wariior body, in a suit of football armour, has been felled.
Matt's groggy as he falls onto his back only to move slowly. His beautiful studly face is motionless as his head rests motionless between his large shoulder pads. His chest protruding upwards as the rest of his body slops downward to his exposed eight pac of abs as his jersey is pulled up towards his pecs. The large portion of the waist band of his jock is firmly in place over his tight abs. His white football pants are bulging from the front of his thighs from his pads and his white socks are pulled all the way up his strong defined legs. BUT ALAS, his crotch mountains upwards as his mighty protective cup shields his most prized and protected possessions.
As the fallen warrior Matt lies motionless on his back, three freshmen girls, ugly and heavy, dirty and smelly surround the football hero. Not risking a moment to lose one of the girls winds her foot back and kicks it forward as hard as she can into Matt's protected crotch. SLLAAMMMM. Matt's body giggles a little from the impact but he remains motionless. She drives ONE, TWO, THREE more castrating blows into his beautiful crotch striving for devestating and permenant damage. Each time his body moves slightly.
The girl is pushed out of the way and called a moron for the fact that she can't tell the guy's got protection on. With the violent tearing motion of a lion ripping open it's prey, the oter girl rips open Matt's laces to his pants and pulls the pants wide open. She shoves her hand into the pouch of the unconcious stud's jock and after a few seconds, forcefully ripshis cup put from the jock. She rips the cup out with such force that a handful of his black pubes are ripped from his groin.
She stands up and displays her trophy to her two friends. As they examine the trophy Matt begins to wake up. Feeling a cool sensation in his crotch he realizes it's open and looks up to see the girls with his cup in their hands. As he moves one of his beefy legs the girls see their prey russtle around when one of them rushes between his legs. As Matt realizes what is coming his way he tries to close his legs but is blocked by the gril in between his legs.
BAAAaaammm, BAAAaaammm. Twice she drives her workboot into his exposed balls. Each time Matt's large orbs are crushed against his body. He screams out in agonizing pain and tries to curl up into a ball. One of the other girls drops her knees into his richly defined abs and keeps all of her 205 pounds digging into his eight pack. Again....BAAAaaamm, BAAAaaam. Two more devistatinng kicks. UFFFH, AAAARGH. Matt yells out in pain. It's no use he can't protect himself now.
The girls untie his cleats, spread his legs wide apart and tie his cleats to two stakes in the ground used to secure a young tree. Three more castrating blows into his jockular crotch send Matt into an orbit of mind blanking pain. With all of his pads on but without the most crucial, his nuts are defenssless and soon to be useless.
One of the girls yells for more and screams Break his balls. I wanna hear 'em pop like light bulbs. Five more rapid kicks into Matt's poor exposed crotch. His jock only holding his balls together for a perfect target. As a dribble of blood is flecked onto the inner thigh of his white football pants the other girl screams... it's a direct hit. they're busted. You busted his fuck'n jewells.
While two of the grils high five each other the 205 pound beauty goes down on Matt's crotch to survey the damage. She feels for both his balls. Though swelling rapidly they both are still intact. She barks out her findings and then squeezes a death grip on the groggy jock's balls. Helpless to defend his nuts, Matt tries to squirm his crotch away from the girls death grip. She yells at him that she'll drive a nail through each of them if he does that again as she feels his right nut escape to freedom. With his left nut all hers, she squeezes down as hard as she can with his nut between her fingers and thumb. Barely able to move but watching his nut compress smaller and smaller in her hand Matt looks at the girl's vicious smile. She looks back at him in the eyes and says watch this hero and she drives her finger nail right through the center of his left nut splitting it in two.
Matt cries out in horror. All his buddies watch from the bus windows, not willing to scarifice their nuts to save his. The girls feels the two pieces of his left nut in her hand and yanks his sac upward. His muscular ass is lifted off the ground for a few moments when a snapping sound is heard and the cord to Matt's nut is snapped and his ass comes crashing back to the ground.
Struggling violently to close his legs, he cups his right nut and feels the two pieces of his left nut float around in his hand. In all his hurry to cover his balls, Matt's cock is resting on his abs on his jock band when one of the girls yells out, this release technique works ever time. She takes a metal nail file from her rear pocket and slowly inserts it into the tip of Matt's cock and begins to force it down his thick shaft.
Matt screams again in unbearable pain but isn't relieved by passing out. As the girl rams the nail file further down his shaft, his beefy cock gets wider and wider from the width of the file. Blood begins ozzing out of his cock head. Suddenly the girl digs the tip of the file at an angle into the side of his cock and quickly rips the nail file out of his cock. With the quick violent ripping force, as the tip of the file gets closer to the end of his cock it breaks the outter skin of the cock and rips his cock half way open from about half way from the base of his shaft.
Feeling a sense of urgency to get out of there before getting caught the last girl pushes her friend out of her way and feels Matt's sac for his last healthy ball. Capturing it, she places it on the pavement and then places her foot on top of it. Gradually she puts increasing pressure on his rappidly compressing orb. As the pressure increases Matt awakens to see and feel the girl standing on his right nut. As all of her weight is now on his surving ball, his eyes widen when suddenly his last orb pops and is flatened completely.
Over wrought with pain he can't believe he has just lost both his balls and cock when all of a sudden, an eruption shoots out of his half torn cock and splaters all down the side of his white socks. His last cum.
Devistated he begins thrashing violently. One of the girls screams to settle him down so she can retrive their caviar and stud rine. With one quick swipe of a razor blade she cuts though Matt's sac and quickly shoves his sac and mutilated balls into her pocket. As the girls get ready to leave the large girl puts her head down into his crotch and bites his cock off right at the base. In a state of shock Matt can't even mumble. Then the large girl moves her head up to his face and kisses him while at the same time spitting his cock into Matt's mouth. Matt chokes and tries to spit his cock out of his own mouth. As he can't believe to himself that this is happening, the girl shoves her hand down Matt's throat pushing his cock into his stomach for digestion,
The girls run off to fry up his sac and balls. Two fat 13 year boys rush over to the castrated jock and remove his football pants, turn him over and take turns fucking his ass. After about 3 fucks each, one of the boys pulls a pe
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