Тест икао фильмы с переводом

Тест икао фильмы с переводом

Тест икао фильмы с переводом

Aircraft Icing (ICAO test films)

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Тестирование по шкале ИКАО

The ICAO English test will last 30 minutes approximately and it will consist of three different parts. You are expected to be able to speak about your professional life. The interlocutor will ask you some related questions. You are expected to be able to answer specific questions related to two different audios with no visual contact and also talk about what you have understood from an aviation-related recording after listening to them only once. You will be allowed to take down notes The English Centre will provide you with pen and paper for that purpose. You will not be allowed to take these notes after the exam. You are expected to be able to speak about an aviation-related topic provided in a photograph Aviation Related Topics. You will have 20 seconds to look at the photograph before you are asked to start. The test will be recorded on audio or video media for subsequent rating. All notes and recordings are confidential and will be treated according to the applicable law on the Protection of Personal Data. ICAO ENGLISH TEST The ICAO English test will last 30 minutes approximately and it will consist of three different parts. ONE-TO-ONE INTERACTION PERSONAL INTERVIEW 10 MINUTES You are expected to be able to speak about your professional life. ONE-TO-ONE INTERACTION VOCABULARY, STRUCTURE AND PRONUNCIATION 10 MINUTES You are expected to be able to speak about an aviation-related topic provided in a photograph Aviation Related Topics. ATIS Charles de Gaulle. Valeria is an experienced pilot and a dedicated Assessor with many years experience. We always use The English Centre for our pilots. A pleasure to work them. I was made to feel relaxed so that I did my best, and I did, Level 5!! Sebastian Anzoategui Lord Commander. THE ENGLISH CENTRE EMKE Building Budapest, Rakoczi ut 42 Hungary. THE ENGLISH CENTRE Aerodromo de Son Bonet Marratxi, Mallorca Spain.

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