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Tig's cancer gives Amy an excuse to cancel plans, and a gang bang is planned for feminist reasons.
Amy regrets auditioning for "2 Girls 1 Cup," having a one-night stand and getting on a plane.
Amy tries to figure out sexting, visits a testicle-themed restaurant and interviews a stripper.
A group of friends can't accept compliments, and Amy quits her job as a porn star.
Amy gets a terrible haircut, farts when she gets scared and makes out with Amber Tamblyn.
Tig's cancer gives Amy an excuse to cancel plans, and a gang bang is planned for feminist reasons.
Slap Chef slaps the food out of your dumb mouth, and Amy tries to maintain her makeover.
Amy has multiple personalities, loses it on her boyfriend and gets molested.
A terminally ill child gets roasted, and Amy catches her boyfriend cheating.
Cat Park is a safe haven for cats and owners, and Amy and a psychic conjure Dave Attell.
Amy wakes up in bed with two guys, searches for the perfect sex tip and competes on a reality show.
A focus group of guys weighs in on the show, God helps Amy through a herpes scare, and a new secretary struggles to keep people from barging into her boss's office.
Amy promotes a spicy new snack for teens, shares binge-eating shame stories with her friends and tries to have pity sex with a prom loser.
Amy gets in touch with her masculine side, has a meltdown while on the phone with the cable company and interviews a former phone sex operator.
Amy checks into an extremely temperamental hotel, goes to a couples counseling session led by Chrissy Teigen and shops for her future body.
Amy lands a gig as the voice of Frumpy the Dumpy Meerkat, gets serious about her nut allergy and sleeps with a magician.
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Schoolies show off their trashed Gold Coast hotel room on Snapchat
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Published: 08:49 BST, 26 November 2017 | Updated: 09:43 BST, 26 November 2017
Australian teenagers are running riot across the Gold Coast , in Balinese resorts and in Europe to celebrate finishing their high school years.
But the Aussie 'Schoolies' have nothing on their Norwegian counterparts.
In Norway, teenagers celebrate the end of their high school careers with 'Russefeiring' or Russ, a three-week party of drinking and shameless challenges in April before their final exams.
Challenges have included having sex in public, skinny dipping in freezing water and kissing police officers. Students on a dare once broke into a teacher's home and slept the night without the teacher noticing.
In Norway teenagers celebrate the end of their high school careers with 'Russefeiring' or Russ, a three-week party held in April before their final exams
These school leavers appeared to be having a great time in spite of their varying levels of undress
This man appeared to hog-tie his friend with sticky tape
The school leavers wear overalls for the duration of their Russ festival
Australian teenagers are running riot across the Gold Coast, through Balinese resorts and in Europe following the end of their schooling
One woman who completed her study in 2016 referred to the three-week party stint as a 'crazy graduation tradition' while explaining the reason for the challenges. 
'What we do is basically to get dressed in red overalls, buy busses (or vans or cars), pimp them up and party in them for about three weeks,' she said.
'We also do lots of stupid things in public, to earn something called 'russeknuter'. There are more than 100 different 'russeknuter' and they can be anything from kissing a police officer to drink 24 beers in 24 hours to stay awake for 72 hours to eat a cheeseburger in 1 bite. In other words, a fair bit of stupid stuff.'
'The fancy thing about our graduation tradition is that it takes place BEFORE we are actually done with school, so about a week after the celebrations are over, we have all our exams coming up.' 
Australians celebrate their end of schooling seven months after their Norwegian peers
The Norwegians celebrate with a series of challenges they call Russ
They also drink excessively and party in busses over three weeks
Challenges vary from having sex in public, skinny dipping in freezing water and kissing police officers to breaking into a teacher's home to spend the night without them noticing
Other more mild-mannered challenges include having breakfast in the middle of a roundabout
Other more mild-mannered challenges include having breakfast in the middle of a roundabout, being tied to a friend for the day and not washing the traditional Russ uniform for the whole month. 
The celebrations traditionally start in mid-April, during the students' last Spring semester, and the events are often planned months in advance.
Students are commonly dared to sleep in trees, consume various amounts of alcohol in strict time periods and spend a whole school day crawling on hands and knees.
Other challenges include having sex in public places such as the woods, or trying to sleep with 17 people between May 1 and 17.
Skinny dipping in freezing temperatures and having sex in public are other challenges
these two school leavers look freezing as they take a dip for their challenge
Other school leavers, like the ones pictured, have to tie themselves together
The celebrations traditionally start in mid-April, during the students' last Spring semester, and the events are often planned months in advance
These girls scream through the street with various things written on their faces in black
Putting 'for sale' signs on police cars, doing naked runs through town and asking random people to 'borrow a condom', are also common challenges.
The young men and women put on overalls coloured red, blue, black or green depending on their main area of study.
Most students wear red because that represents the general curriculum, however those studying business wear blue, tradespeople wear black, and people learning about agriculture and farming wear green.
Most students wear red because that represents the general curriculum
The young men and women put on overalls coloured red, blue, black or green depending on their main area of study
Student also swap cards – and the more they get the better. The cards look like business cards, have a photo of the student and a chosen quote – which are often 'offensive, lewd or funny'
The students all travel around in party vehicles such as busses and vans, which are often painted, and filled with alcohol
The celebration is widely accepted as a rite of passage.
The students all travel around in party vehicles such as busses and vans, which are often painted, and filled with alcohol.
Student also swap cards – and the more they get the better. The cards look like business cards, have a photo of the student and a chosen quote – which are often 'offensive, lewd or funny'.
The alcohol-fuelled antics draw to a close on May 17. The students march in the national parade
Photographs and videos are often posted on social media during the celebrations and show the young people enjoying their period of debauchery
Photographs and videos are often posted on social media during the celebrations and show the young people enjoying their period of debauchery
The students march in the national parade – wearing their overalls and a hat, which features a nickname chosen by their peers written on it
These school leavers petition drivers to take part in their fun
These cards are also handed out to children in the street.
The alcohol-fuelled antics draw to a close on May 17. The students march in the national parade – wearing their overalls and a hat, which features a nickname chosen by their peers written on it.
Photographs and videos are often posted on social media during the celebrations and show the young people enjoying their period of debauchery. 
These girls appeared excited to pose in what appears to be a sex shop
These revellers decided to wear loaves of bread on their feet 
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 River: (to Shepherd Book) We want you to marry us.
Simon: What? We... no! (pause) What?
River: Two by two... Everyone has a match, a mate, a dopple. I love you.
Simon: No, River... mei-mei... of course, I love you too, but we can't be married. (to Book) She's really crazy! (River kicks Simon in the shin) Ow! Ah, no, I — I don't mean crazy... that's just — you know that's not something brothers and sisters do. I mean, on some planets but only pretty bad ones.

 Monica: You were my Midnight Mystery Kisser?!
Ross: You were my first kiss with Rachel?!
Monica: You were my first kiss ever ?!
Chandler: What did I marry into?!

 Monica: Here's a few things you can discuss: mucus, fungus, and the idea of me and Ross doing it .

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