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by Anonymous

Nov 10, 2012 at 7:41 pm

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I'm not the cleanest of people, I know and admit this. But, I didn't think I'd ever have this problem because of it. My sister, whom I live with, just told me that she's late. We've been roommates for over a year and we talk often. She's had trouble with dating and so have it, so be it. Ok, so when I pleasure myself, sometimes I have to take a shit after, like that one bowling movie with Bill Murray, whatever. Recently, I remember dropping a load, then sitting on the toilet to take a dump and having a shower afterwards. My fear is that I might have left some drops of spooge on the toilet and when she sat down after my shower... fuck, I don't know if she could have gotten pregnant from it. When she told me she was late, I thought nothing of it, but then, the day after, while engaging in my daily routine, I noticed that I did leave cum on the seat. That's when it clicked and that's when the fear struck. I thought it over for a day or two and now I'm getting freaked. I know she hasn't dated anyone in a few months, so what else could it be? Do I tell her? How could I? If I wait too long and my suspicion proves to be true, then it'll be even worse. But if I tell her now, it will just be a fucking disgusting thing to tell your sister, but at least she could go get tested or something. This is some fucked up shit. I was going to write Dan Savage, but that might take too long. Any advice will be much appreciated. I feel sick to my fucking stomach right now.

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Ireland: The two-year-old boy was born in 2012 after his 13-year-old mum became pregnant by her 15-year-old brother.

The teenage boy disputed he was the father, but DNA testing proved the baby was his son.

A High Court judge has now ruled that the agreement of the toddler's mother to a freeing order can be dispensed with because she is incapable of giving consent, the Irish Mirror reports.
Mr Justice O’Hara's verdict came in a case involving family circumstances described as “depressing” and “hugely unsatisfactory”.

Both the mother and her son were taken into care - in different settings - within months of the birth. With no suitable family arrangements available, the toddler has since been placed with another couple.

The Trust involved in the case sought a freeing order on the basis that it is in the boy’s bests interests to be adopted - a view the judge held to be clearly correct.

Although the child’s father took little part in the proceedings, Mr Justice O’Hara had to decide whether the mother’s agreement should be dispensed with because she is incapable of giving consent or whether she is unreasonably withholding consent.

Now aged 16, the court heard she has had an “exceptionally difficult life” with recurring social services involvement due to a variety of concerns about her, her siblings and her mother and step-father.
“None of this is her fault - she is a victim of the way in which she was raised,” the judge said. “It is hard to identify any positive life experience which she has enjoyed.”

An educational psychologist’s report on her mathematical ability found only 3% of pupils the same age would have scored the same or lower on a numerical operations test and just 16% on reasoning. She produced stronger results on reading and spelling abilities.

With staff at her children’s home categorising her as “a very vulnerable young girl”, the judge also detailed a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist’s report which “sets out in grim detail how miserable her life has been”.

The expert stated: “She is not in a position to fully understand the possible consequences of the various decisions which have to be made for herself and for the boy.

“Her reluctance to fully engage in the assessment process is one manifestation of this but the history and her responses during interviews have also informed my opinion in this regard.”
Based on her reports Mr Justice O’Hara ruled that the mother is not competent to make a decision on whether the child should be adopted.

In a judgement made public last week he said: “She is undoubtedly capable of making some decisions as is shown by some elements of the psychological assessment but not a decision which is of a magnitude and which has the consequences of the present one.

“It appears to me that this finding on her competence undermines the proposition that she can be properly regarded as unreasonably withholding her agreement to adoption.”

The judge confirmed: “I am satisfied that the agreement of the mother to the making of an adoption order for the child should be dispensed with because she is incapable of giving her agreement.”

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Simon Ateba, Washington D.C. (TodayNewsAfrica)
A French tourist has admitted impregnating more than 600 women in six African countries within two years. Forty-year old Jean Michel made the revelation on an online news site “Africa24”.
The six countries included Nigeria, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Togo, Ghana and Guinea.
Why it matters: Many Africans see all westerners as very wealthy people who can change their lives. They easily give in to all their requests and desires and are taken advantage of.
His confession has been translated from French to English by Simon Ateba in Washington, District of Columbia:
“Good morning Africa 24, I have a confession to make about the havoc I have wreaked in six African countries, including Cameroon, Togo, Cote D’Ivoire, Nigeria, Ghana and Guinea. I am not proud of what I have done. These were unfortunate experiences.
“In France where I hail from, I did not have money. I was very poor until one day I played and won lottery. I won 550 thousand euros. It was the largest sum of money I had received in life.
“I did not know what to do, and a friend suggested we travel to Africa. We obtained all the documents, entry visa, and the rest, and our first stop was Ivory Coast.
“In Abidjan (the capital of Ivory Coast), we rented a furnished apartment. We had money to spend and met Ivorian people and we became friends. They introduced young Ivorian girls to us, and that’s when it all started.
“I began having sex with girls every day. Sometimes, I would sleep with three girls at the same time. It was a marvelous experience.
“I worried less about my health. All I wanted was to have fun. My friends and I were in a night club in the town every day looking for girls.
“One time, I met a girl and gave her money, and she told me to be engaged to her. She was ready to get pregnant for me. I don’t know whether it was the money they liked or the fact that I was from France that attracted them.
“I spent three months in Ivory Coast, spent 60, 000 euros and slept with more than 80 girls.
“After leaving Ivory Coast, I went to Togo where I slept with over 100 girls and spent 40, 000 euros.
“I spent three months in Togo and went to Nigeria.
“Nigeria was where I got more girls. I did not speak English, and it seems Nigerian girls love foreigners.
“I rented a furnished apartment in Nigeria and
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