Asstr Whore

Asstr Whore


Asstr Whore

As with adults, kids often find age to be a quick and easy method of determining the structure of informal heirarchies, albeit with kids they can be notoriously pedantic.

Take, for instance, the trio of libertine young girls whose activities we shall be hearing all about shortly, Laura, Karen and Sandy.

Karen McLean, at the start of this tale, was twelve-years-old, or more specifically, she was twelve-years-and-two-months old. That, according to her, made her the leader of the gang, regardless of any other factors or, indeed, observations from her two friends that three people didn't really constitute a 'gang'. Boys would have taken more notice of physical size, but not girls, and thus Karen thought it irrelevent to her status as benevolent leader the fact that, at four-foot-eleven in height, she was two inches shorter than Sandy and only a fraction taller than Laura.

Laura and Sandy were both eleven, or rather, Laura was eleven-and-a-half and Sandy was eleven-and-three-quarters. Thus, Laura was the 'baby' of the trio whilst Sandy made do with being in the middle-rank.

Having known each other for years, the trio of little ladies had long since established their heirarchy and grown into their roles. Karen, who was a noisy and somewhat bossy girl with long brown hair and the biggest, darkest brown eyes you've ever seen, always walked ahead of her followers, always making up plans, deciding where to go and what to do in the big suburban housing estate that, for them, seemed like the entire world, and just as importantly she dictated important opinions it was necessary to hold, such as which boybands it was 'cool' to like and which ones were 'sad'.

Sandy, slender and slightly tall for her age, was content to remain in Karen's shadow, for whilst Karen had a bit of a tomboy streak, Sandy marked herself out as an individual by being flagrantly 'girly', nearly always dressing in pink and often wearing lipstick she pinched from her mother's dressing table.

Finally, little Laura, with a sweet round face so delicate and pale it looked like fine china, was a born follower who enjoyed taking orders, knowing that, when the girls frequently ended up in some trouble or other, she could just fall back on her fragile appearance to acquire some leniency. She would wobble her bottom lip, look like breaking into tears, and the teacher/parent/annoyed neighbour would feel their heart's melt and find it impossible to stay angry at the frail little girl, and would thus just grumble at the other two. Not that they got into too much trouble though, nothing serious at least, not counting the time they got a severe ticking off by a passing policemen who caught them one afternoon as they used white paint to erase the letter 'e' on the sign at the end of the street in which they lived, Cent Road, and a felt-tip pen to replace it with a 'u'.

The trio, Karen, Laura and Sandy, were like sisters, and it was rare for anyone in their neighbourhood to spy any of them without the other two within a few feet.

"What do you want to do?" asked Karen. It was a sunny Saturday morning, the start of the school holidays, and the three girls had too much time on their hands. With one week off, they'd be eager to make the most of their time. With six-weeks without school, they were totally stuck for ideas.

"Let's go window shopping," suggested Sandy.

"Nah, can't be bothered going into town," grumbled Karen. She yawned. She was wearing tight black jeans and a fairly skimpy lime-green top that showed off her flat stomach, and through the material, on account of her not wearing a bra, the nipples atop her budding titties were almost poking out. Some would think it odd that her dad would let her dress in such a rather racy manner, but certain conditions at home meant that her dear daddy was more than happy to let her dress like that.

"Shall we go down to the park?" Sandy then suggested. At the moment, they were just loitering outside Karen's house.

"Okay," Karen said, and then a wicked sparkle entered her big brown eyes, "I've got something to confess. A really big, like, massive secret that you can't tell anyone ever."

"Cool," Laura giggled, "What is it?"

"I'll tell you at the park. C'mon."

Karen's secret was, indeed, massive. And nothing that anyone would have guessed.

Five-years ago, Karen's mother had left for good, leaving nothing more than a note that her father threw away in disgust once he'd realised his partner's departure before he'd swiftly had the marriage annulled, glad that at least he was at least in possession of his house and custody of his little girl. That left Karen, an only child, to be bought up by her father, Henry McLean. Father and daughter soon recovered and got on quite happily together with their wife/mother-less lives, becoming closer as Karen approached puberty. For one thing, Karen had began to sleep with her father after her mother had left. She was then aged seven and it seemed wonderfully innocent for the little blonde to pad into her daddy's room in just her knickers in the middle of the night and clamber into bed with him, sleeping peacefully with her thumb in her mouth. She did not show any signs of ceasing such behaviour as she grew older, and often she began sneaking into her father's bed nude. Karen got some sort of kick out of this, especially as her father slept nude, and she'd cuddle up to his warm body. Neither commented on this during the day, that nearly every night Karen would slip into her dad's bed when he was asleep, or more often, pretending to be asleep. Karen knew about the facts of life from an early age and knew what it meant when, snuggling up to her father under the covers, she sometimes 'accidentally' brushed against his cock and found it rock hard.

Two-years ago, aged ten, Karen had woken up one morning in bed with her father, both of them naked. Normally neither would comment on her presence, and just get up and have breakfast, but that morning Karen asked her father to see his cock, and whether she could touch it. Henry let her, laying back and watching as little Karen cooed and giggled as she touched his prick. Then she'd gripped it in her tiny fist and began pumping it, knowing that this was what boy's had referred to at school when they whispered about 'jacking off'.

Henry, who had been single since his wife had left him, was incredibly sexually frustrated, and almost immediately began to climax, groaning as his prick spurted a torrent of sperm at the tenth flick of his daughter's wrist. Karen was delighted and the pair found it rather amusing. From then on, she liked to jerk off her handsome daddy, and was only too happy when, after a couple of weeks, she was asked to suck him off. She liked the taste of cum, and she liked the way her father talked to her like a lover as she slurped down his erection and drank the warm salty juice he squirted down her gullet.

Karen was soon eager for sex. She'd been frigging herself for a while, usually quietly in bed as she lay next to her father, and because she'd assumed the identity of some sort of surrogate wife to her daddy, her hormones were kicking in at that tender age.

Henry couldn't wait to fuck his pretty ten-year-old daughter, and said so. Soon enough he'd plucked Karen's cherries, both her vaginal and anal ones, and the pair began to screw like a rampant, honeymooning couple. Henry had a real love of sodomy and fucked his daughter in the arse more frequently than he fucked her in the cunt, and Karen was quickly won round to this form of entry, getting off on taking her daddy's big prick in her tight bum. She loved sucking his cock too, and drinking his sperm or having it spurted across her slender, pubescent body. Since her titties had began to bud, she loved having hot sperm sprayed across them too.

Karen explained all this to Laura and Sandy, her two friends a bit freaked out but incredibly impressed. They were familiar with Karen's father, Henry, and both agreed that he was a good-looking guy and a thoroughly pleasant one too, the sort who'd never tell them off or nag at them. Karen felt so proud and mature as she explained how, over the last two-years, she'd been fucked by her father on a daily basis, and that it was both damn good fun and made her feel jolly mature. She was more like a lover than a daughter to her dear daddy.

"We've done it in tonnes of positions," Karen bragged, "in every room of the house. He fucked me this morning in fact," the twelve-year-old continued, "and will probably do it when I get home."

"Doesn't it hurt?" Laura asked, trying to imagine what it's like having a big willy rammed up you.

"Not really," Karen shrugged, "Only at first. Taking it up the arse isn't as sore as you'd think, that's what me and daddy do most of the time."

"That is so brilliant," Sandy gasped, trying to take all this in, "Wow. I bet you're the only girl in our year at school who's been fucked!"

"You're not to tell anyone though," Karen insisted, "No-one! Ever!"

"We won't," Laura and Sandy promised in unison.

"I wanna be fucked," Sandy pouted as she stood up, the bright pink dress she wore fluttering in the gentle summer breeze, "I wanna do it."

"Me too," Laura added, "If it feels good, I wanna do it too."

"Do it with your dad then," Karen added with a giggle. Her two friends frowned as they tried to imagine asking their father to fuck them in their arses, and the implausibility of it all made them giggle too.

"My daddy wouldn't go for it, Laura said.

"Nor would mine," Sandy grumbled, "Hey," she added, brightening up, "Your dad would though Karen. Wouldn't he?"

"You want my dad," Karen began, "to fuck you two?"

Karen smirked. This was what she hoped they'd say.

Got any pretty friends who'd be up for this? her father had asked her last night whilst sodomizing her lustfully in the bathtub, and Karen had grinned and said I might do.

"Let's go to my house," Karen said, and she got up and walked off, knowing that her two friends would be following behind like loyal little puppies.

Henry hadn't always specfically liked young girls, and his pleasure of little Karen clambering into bed with him years ago was originally purely innocent. However, it had soon developed into something rather less innocent, and now, having being indulging in the most lewd and esquisite sexual pleasures with Karen since she was ten, he'd naturally become so fixated on pre-pubescent and pubescent girls that, although he'd not turn down the offer of sex with a grown woman if it was offered, he wasn't going to go out of his way to seek it.

Little girls, he knew, were a man's best friend. And he was about to get two new best friends.

"Hi dad," Karen said as she sauntered into the living room.

"Hi sweetie," Henry replied. He noticed Sandy and Laura come into the room, both a little anxious but excited. "Hi girls," he said to them.

"Hello Mr McLean," Laura and Sandy replied in unison.

Karen had stepped up to where her father sat on the sofa, and she leaned in and clamped her lips to his and gave him a long and lustful snog, knowing that this would erase any doubts her friends had as to her intimate relationship with her father.

"What are you girls up to?" Henry asked once his daughter had stepped back, beaming with pride.

"Laura and Sandy want to join in our fun," Karen explained, "Isn't that right?"

Sandy and Laura nodded. The former looked excited, the latter looked amused and kept breaking into giggles.

"Well, I'm sure we can accomodate them," Henry told his daughter as he looked at the two little girls, "Either of you ever been fucked before?" His daughter's friends shook their heads and giggled, the same response they gave when Henry asked them if they'd ever sucked a cock.

"I played with a boy's willy once," Sandy admitted, "Last year. He showed me his willy and I played with it and then I showed him my thingie and he looked at it, and he just said 'Ewww it looks silly'."

"I'm sure your 'thingie' won't provoke such a response from me," Henry explained, "Undress ladies."

Sandy and Laura looked at one another, then looked at Karen.

Sandy began to remove her pink dress, conscious of Henry staring lustfully at her. Encouraged by her friend, Laura began to take off her clothes too, removing her pink T-shirt and slinging it aside, then undoing her jeans.

Karen sat on Henry's lap, flinging an arm round him possessively and joining her father in watching as Sandy and Laura undress. Soon the two eleven-year-olds were naked, and Karen could feel her father's cock stiffen against her bum as she sat in his lap. It was hardly surprising. Sandy and Laura had such sweet, sexy pubescent bodies.

Sandy's long fiery red hair was tied in pig-tails with orange ribbons, and the pig-tails themselves hung down past her shoulders. Being five-foot-one, quite tall for her age, and with barely a hint of pubescent shaping to her body, she seemed especially slender. Her tits were barely apparant, just tiny buds that thrust her red nipples out slightly, and below her narrow belly was a hairless little cunt. Her bottom was slender too, although firm looking with a deep cleft. Henry nodded in approval as the girl gave him a twirl.

Laura, despite being just a little younger than Sandy, was slightly further into puberty, although not by much. She was shorter, had a more rounder face, and her chesnut brown hair was pulled back tightly in a pony-tail. Her titties were little more than bumps on her chest, but they were slightly bigger than Sandy's, although, like Sandy, Laura's cunt was perfectly hairless. Laura had a hint of puppy-fat that gave her bottom a nice roundness to it, two plump lilly-white cheeks that made Henry's mouth water.

"Superb," the horny father declared, "What a pair of gorgeous little ladies. What a trio of gorgeous little ladies," he added, remembering the presence of his daughter.

"Let's examine them dad," Karen suggested as she got off her father's lap. She sat next to him on the sofa. "Let's check out their hot little bodies."

Henry was rather amused. He knew his daughter had a budding bisexual streak in her - she'd often said how she'd like to fuck some of her girlfriends a school.

"Come here darlings," Henry said to the two fidgety little girls standing nude in the middle of the living room, "Laura? Let me check out your charms."

Laura stepped up, a little anxious at first, then growing with confidence as her friend's father began to run his big strong hands over her slender body. Henry stroked her tits and her belly, felt up her thighs, tickled her between her legs and kissed her smooth bald pubic mound.

Karen had seen her two friends naked before, such as when changing for Physical Education at school or the time they'd gone skinny dipping in the lake at the nearby country park, but apart from sly glances of curiosity, those times had not been laced with obvious sexual interest. Right now, though, she was seeking to identify with her father, to stake her position as a mature, sexually experienced and lustful participant in this activity, even though, of course, she was just a year older than the two girls who were about to be inducted into Karen and her father's world of enjoyable depravity.

"You look so sexy," Karen said as she sat there running her hands over Sandy's body, Sandy enjoying the novelty of being touched so intimately. She watched with eyes wide with curiosity as Karen, despite being a mere twelve-years of age, showed an evidently mature streak of sexual experience in the way she explored her friend's delightful body. She emulated her father by stroking Sandy's tits, making the girl quiver with delight when she pinched her nipples gently. Then Karen ran her hands down the girl's body, stroking her skinny stomach and then her hairless snatch. She gently inserted a finger into the tight slit and Sandy let out a slight gasp, then a soft sigh. She was certainly enjoying this.

"Do you have any hair down there yet?" Sandy asked Karen as the latter girl gently fingered the former.

"Only a tiny bit," Karen confessed, "You can see later. I've always wanted to get it on with another girl," she further admitted, "although I don't think I'd ever prefer a cunt to a cock."

Laura giggled as she listed to her friend's wanton declerations. Henry smirked too.

"Turn around Laura," he then instructed the child, "I must see your arse."

"You do the same," Karen said to Sandy.

Laura and Sandy did so, facing away from the father and daughter who were giving them such a thorough examination, their bare bottoms awaiting inspection.

"Oh my," Henry gasped as he reached out and genty fondled Laura's delicate round cheeks, "What an arse. So delicious. So firm and cute and fuckable "

"Sandy's is nice too dad," Karen declared, at that point fondling Sandy's behind.

"It sure is," Henry agreed, "Swap over girls," he added.

The two naked girls did so, and Henry sat and had a good fondle of Sandy's slender cheeks whilst Karen's hands fluttered over Laura's cute bubble-butt.

"Bend over," Henry then instructed Sandy. The girl did so, getting a thrill out of showing off such an intimate part of her body to this obviously randy grown man. "Jeez, what an arsehole," Henry sighed, totally besotted, "Absolutely gorgeous! The best part of any girl the anus is." The anus presented to him was, naturally, hairless. It was pink, slightly puckered and sat so beautifully nestled between two delicious, spread cheeks. Henry planted a kiss on each of Sandy's buttocks then deftly flicked out his tongue and ran it up her arse-crack, Sandy giggling at the ticklish sensation of her anus being licked.

Once again, Karen copied her father. She had Laura bend over and, after bestowing a few praises upon the sweet rosy arsehole that came into view, she licked it. Henry glanced across and realised that, although it would be most enjoyable to fuck these two horny friends of his daughter's, he was also going to enjoy watching Karen fuck them too!

"Can I see your willy Mr McLean?" Laura asked, still bent over in front of Karen.

"Yeah, I want to see it too," added Sandy, "Can we see it, pleeease ,"

"You can see it," replied Henry, "and you can suck it and take it in your tight holes too."

Excitedly, Sandy and Laura stood up straight. Henry got off the sofa and began to undress.

"Sit next to me ladies," Karen said, "I'm eager to show off my daddy!"

Sandy and Laura sat down on the sofa, flanking Karen, eyes fixed on Henry as the horny forty-year-old divorced father removed his clothes. When he was naked, he stepped closer to the trio of girls that made up his wide-eyed audience and stroked his cock at them. It was average in length, six-inches, and slender, and utterly rock hard.

"Cool," added Laura, then she giggled. "Can I touch it?"

"Damn right," Henry replied. He stepped up to Laura who tentatively reached out and stroked the throbbing prick offered to her.

"Do it like this," Karen said, and she reached out and took Laura's hand, showing the girl how to jerk off a cock. She got that hang of it quickly and Henry closed his eyes and sighed softly as Laura's little fist pumped his cock.

"I want a go," whined Sandy shortly, and Henry obliging stepped aside and allowed Sandy to have a good look at his erection and jack it off for a moment. It took a lot willpower to keep himself from shooting his load, he was so damn horny.

"Why are you still dressed Karen?" Laura asked her friend, "C'mon, me and Sandy and your daddy are all nekked, you should be too."

"I almost forgot about that," Karen smirked. The pretty twelve-year-old hopped up off the sofa and stripped. She had a nice, tender body, barely into puberty, although slightly further into it than her friends. Her breasts were actu
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