Taurus And Cancer Love At First Sight

Taurus And Cancer Love At First Sight


Taurus And Cancer Love At First Sight

By January Nelson
Updated August 26, 2021

By January Nelson
Updated August 26, 2021

More on the Cancer

Cancer Woman – All about the Cancer woman.

Cancer Man – All about the Cancer man.

Cancer Compatibility - Learn about who a Cancer is compatible with.

Cancer Horoscope - Traits, personality, dates, characteristics, and more.

More on the Taurus

Taurus Woman – All about the Taurus woman.

Taurus Man – All about the Taurus man.

Taurus Compatibility - Learn about who a Taurus is compatible with.

Taurus Horoscope - Traits, personality, dates, characteristics, and more.

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A Taurus Cancer relationship is one of the strongest pairs in the zodiac. With earthy Taurus and watery Cancer, this really is a match made in heaven. So let’s get to know the personalities of Taurus and Cancer and see how compatible they really are:
Personality traits of the Taurus zodiac: 
How You’ll Do Everything Based On Your Zodiac Sign includes an exhaustive analysis of each sign’s personality. You’ll learn which high school clique represents them (Pisces are the cool art kids), who would get eaten first in a scary movie (Gemini, obviously) to how each sign prefers to say ‘I love you’ (for Taurus, it’s with good food). Alternating between silly, sweet, and serious, this book is filled with deep dives into the mind of everyone whose birth chart you can get your hands on.
In astrology, we each have a sign in the moon and rising (or ascendant) placements of our zodiac charts. Our moon sign represents our emotions and how we express them. Our rising sign is how people perceive us when they first meet us.
Taurus is possessive of the people who they consider close friends. They would do anything for their loved ones. However, they like to keep their social circles small and are okay with taking relationships slowly. They hate change, so moving from strangers to lovers too quickly would make them uncomfortable. They would much rather develop a strong friendship first. Then, gradually, that friendship can turn into a romantic relationship.
On the downside, Taurus is stubborn. They hate trying new foods, visiting new places, and embarking on new experiences. Taurus watch the same movies and listen to the same songs over and over again. They don’t want to branch out and try new things. Taurus want to stick to their routine. They don’t want to be met with any surprises throughout the day. Taurus want to live a predictable, comfortable life. They aren’t going to get along well with anyone who peer pressures them or tries to push them outside their comfort zone. Taurus like the way things are right now.
In astrology, we each have a sign in the moon and rising (or ascendant) placements of our zodiac charts. Our moon sign represents our emotions and how we express them. Our rising sign is how people perceive us when they first meet us.
Cancers are one of the most emotional signs. They are not afraid of appearing vulnerable and cannot bottle up their feelings for long. They wear their hearts on their sleeves. When they date someone, they will have constant conversations about what is running through their mind. Unfortunately, since they follow their heart instead of their head, they tend to have a lot of mood swings. They could be laughing and joking around with you one minute, but screaming at you the next.
Cancers are sweethearts – but they can be manipulative. They will guilt trip you and use their tears in order to get their way. They are also co-dependent. Once they grow attached to someone, they have a hard time letting go. They don’t want space. They want to be together twenty-four hours per day. Unfortunately, because they are so clingy, they have a hard time saying goodbye to a relationship. Even when they’re with someone toxic, they won’t want to leave.
These signs have a lot in common. They are both kind, loyal, and fiercely protective of the people they love. They do not give up on their friends easily. If there is a problem, they will find a way to solve it. They won’t mind sacrificing their own happiness in order to come to a compromise. They value the group over the individual. This is why they make such great friends.
These signs aren’t interested in fragile, temporary connections. When they develop a friendship with someone, they plan on keeping that person in their life forever. Luckily, a lifetime friendship between these two signs is a real possibility. They won’t let their differences get in the way of their friendship. They will have fights here and there, but they will always apologize to each other and forgive each other. Their bond will grow stronger with time.
These two signs make an excellent match. They have strong, undeniable chemistry inside and outside the bedroom. Even during sex, the act will feel more than just physical . There will be an emotional connection as well. These signs will take the time to talk to each other about their likes and dislikes. They will get to know each other’s bodies in the most intimate way possible. Taurus and Cancer will never feel like pieces of meat when they are together. They will treat each other with respect.
These two signs aren’t shy about expressing their feelings. When they’re in a bad mood, they will admit it. When they’re angry, they will explain why. Because they are so open about the way they are feeling, there won’t be any miscommunication. They will always know what is going on in the other person’s mind, so they will be able to fix any problems that arise. Talking to each other will keep their relationship strong.
Taurus isn’t going to be able to make a relationship work with air signs. After all, Taurus is possessive. They need a partner who is going to spend plenty of time with them. Even more importantly, they need a partner who they can trust to stay loyal. Air signs have a tendency to flirt and flee. They don’t like staying in the same place for long. The uncertainty that comes along with dating them is going to drive a Taurus crazy. It won’t be worth the stress.
Meanwhile, Cancers should be careful about entering relationships with fire signs. Cancers are one of the most loving and caring signs of the zodiac. They are always putting others first. Meanwhile, fire signs have a selfish side. They aren’t going to return the generosity that Cancer will give them. The relationship will start feeling one-sided pretty early on. This will lead to resentment and bitterness. Honestly, Cancers deserve better.
Taurus and Cancer (Taurus man + Cancer woman)
Problems might arise when he gets irritated with her moodiness or when she gets irritated with his insensitivity and stubbornness. However, it won’t be hard for them to talk about their feelings to find a compromise. These two will get along well to create a stable and loyal relationship.
Taurus and Cancer (Taurus woman + Cancer man)
These two will understand the importance of living a stable, comfortable life. With her romantic gestures to show her loyalty and his nurturing and sensitive attitude, this is a good match. They might struggle with his possessiveness or her lack of compassion from time to time, but it’s nothing they can’t work through.
Taurus and Cancer (Taurus woman + Cancer woman)
Taurus and Cancer compatibility is extremely high. Why? Taurus and cancer communication is strong. These zodiac signs will talk about whatever is bothering them. They won’t keep any secrets. They will be completely honest with one another.
Taurus and Cancer (Taurus man + Cancer man)
Cancer and Taurus have similair natures. They are looking for the same things in life. This is why their love compatibility is so high. They want a warm, safe, domestic relationship where they feel wanted. They’re looking to settle down with a family. Taurus and Cancer want a partner who is affectionate and understanding. Overall, Cancer and Taurus make an excellent love match.
A Taurus-Taurus relationship is strong and something to cherish. With their sensual nature, they can make for a great pair in the bedroom. Although communication might lack from time to time, they’re on the same page in terms of values and emotions.
A Cancer-Cancer relationship is deeply emotional. They might have a hard time in the bedroom, because they’re more emotional creatures than physical. However, they’re both great at communication and sympathizing with one another. It will be easy for them to get on the same page in the relationship.
When two Taurus enter a relationship, they are going to make each other very happy. Their values will align, which means there is a slim chance they are going to lie to each other or betray each other. Plus, they will enjoy the same activities. They will have more fun staying home than going out on the town. The only downside is that they may keep some secrets from each other. They may not be as honest as they should with each other. This could cause some arguments and misunderstandings.
Meanwhile, two Cancers are going to have an up-and-down relationship. They will be open with each other about how they are feeling, which will make it easy for them to understand each other. However, they are both emotional creatures, so their mood swings could lead to a lot of arguments. They could end up saying something in anger that they regret. Unless they learn how to manage their tempers, their relationship might not last as long as they’re hoping.
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.

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Originally Published: March 22, 2021
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When the bull and the crab get together, it feels like home.
Home-cooked meals, weekends cuddling on the couch watching movies , spending time with family, and a ton of affection are what you’d typically find in a Taurus - Cancer relationship. When the earthy bull and the sensitive crab get together, it can feel like two soulmates finally coming together. Although they have their share of differences, this pair of romantics have what it takes to make a relationship last. Taurus and Cancer’s compatibility will tell you everything you should know about this earth and water sign couple.
“ Taurus and Cancer are extremely compatible,” astrologer Clarisse Monahan tells Bustle. “Taurus appreciates dependability and consistency in relationships, and Cancer is certainly a loyal and loving partner. Taurus , being a fixed earth sign, helps sensitive Cancer to open up quite easily. Both are supporting of the other, and there is emotional depth to the relationship.”
When determining compatibility, astrologers will look for certain planetary aspects . “Cancer and Taurus are signs that sextile in the zodiac, meaning they form a 60-degree angle,” explains professional astrologer Tess Lee . This 60-degree angle may not seem as important as the elements in astrology , but it’s actually one of the most favorable aspects for compatibility. “A sextile creates a harmonious relationship between signs,” Lee tells Bustle. “Cancer and Taurus are comfortable being around each other.”
Who are Taurus and Cancer most compatible with in bed , you ask? Each other. Taurus and Cancer make one hot, passionate pair. As astrologer Arriana Fox tells Bustle, both signs are sensual, patient, and consistent. Taurus is all about desire and pleasure, and Cancer enjoys the closeness of sex. “Taurus and Cancer are both attuned to their bodies,” adds Lee. “Together, they are able to express themselves how they want sexually because there is no judgment or pressure into what they should do. Sex between these signs [is] super touchy, foreplay focused, and centered on mutual pleasure as the goal.”
Slow, deep kisses , gentle touches, and cuddling are sure to be part of this pair’s routine. Cancer also loves taking care of their partner, while Venus-ruled Taurus enjoys being worshipped. These two will appreciate each other’s approach to sex, and will be able to please each other in ways that no other signs can.
As their emotional connection grows, their sex life will only get better. “Taurus and Cancer combines ingenuity with intimacy, so it won’t ever get boring,” Fox says. “They have a closeness that allows them to be themselves both in and out of the bedroom, and the bond between them allows them to build confidence within themselves that shines outside of the bedroom, as well.”
Emotionally, the bull and the crab are very much in sync, as both signs are strongly affiliated with the moon. The moon rules over Cancer , which means its influence is strongest in that sign, while the moon is “exalted” in Taurus, meaning it’s happy there. “The moon loves Taurus energy, as it means steady and unchanging emotions,” Monahan says.
In addition, these two partners have similar values. “They both value ease in their relationships and are both emotionally expressive,” Lee adds. “Taurus is ruled by Venus and is exalted by the moon, which means Taurus is a hedonist who ultimately wants to be comfortable and unbothered.” While moony Cancer is more erratic than Taurus, “they also share the same value of security and loyalty,” Lee explains. From the beginning, these two signs will be at ease around each other, and both partners will feel like they’re at home. Neither will pressure the other to open up before they’re ready.
When it comes to communication, Taurus and Cancer are very different. As astrologer Maisy Bristol tells Bustle, Cancer isn’t very good at communicating their needs or frustrations. They tend to go with the “I’m fine” approach, she says. Taurus, on the other hand is more direct and to the point, which may be off-putting at times for the more sensitive water sign.
“Taurus would see right through Cancer and demand them to open up,” Bristol says. “If the bull does this elegantly, Cancer will open up. But if Taurus pushes too hard (which is likely), Cancer may take that as a threat and retreat further. The best way to avoid this is for Taurus to stay away from its natural tendency toward stubbornness and approach Cancer lovingly.”
The good thing is that Taurus is known for their patience. If Cancer needs time to open up or if they just want to be alone after an argument, Taurus will let them have their space. Cancer, on the other hand, is very forgiving. As long as Taurus is sincere and tries their best to not offend their Cancer partner, they shouldn’t have any major problems communicating.
“Taurus and Cancer could create a really loving relationship — if they can become aware of each other's downfalls,” Bristol says.
When it comes to friendship, these two make a compatible match. According to Bristol, Taurus is patient, kind, and is always willing to listen whenever Cancer needs to vent. Once there’s complete trust between them, Cancer will have no problem opening up about their feelings. Taurus values authenticity and will appreciate Cancer’s “I am who I am” attitude.
But the one thing that really bonds them together is their love home, family and food. “These would be the friends who consider the best time to be ordering in and watching Netflix all night long,” Bristol says.
Even the best zodiac matches have their share of potential problem areas. For Taurus and Cancer, communication, expressing anger, and healthy conflict are challenges they’ll have to work at. “Taurus and Cancer are both conflict-avoidant , and that may show in how they communicate and handle matters directly,” notes Lee. They’ll both be worried about hurting the other’s feelings and therein “disrupting the comfort,” she adds.
Crabs are sensitive, while Taurus, a fixed sign , is notoriously stubborn. “Taurus cares deeply, and that can come out forceful at times, which can upset the emotional Cancer,” Fox says. When Cancer gets upset, they have a tendency to shut down and become passive-aggressive. Taurus can be petty at times, and may choose to not speak to their partner until their partner speaks to them first. To make matters worse, both signs are known to hold grudges . If these two can’t find a way to openly communicate and talk through problems as they arise, there’s bound to be resentment in the relationship. “Open communication and understanding is key,” Fox says. “Once this area is worked through, this couple will have smooth sailing ahead.”
One of the hallmark traits of Taurus is their love of consistency — they’re a stable and grounded earth sign , after all. But Cancer fluctuates like the phases of the moon and her ocean tides — something rooted Taurus may find exhausting. “It’s important for Cancer to vocalize these changes to Taurus, and for Taurus to be more open about the things that hurt them,” Lee offers. “Given that they get along, Taurus and Cancer may find it easier to implement boundaries with each other than other sign pairings. They are able to be more accepting of one another.”
Despite the challenges, Taurus-Cancer compatibility can be characterized as a match made in heaven. They’re both commitment-oriented signs who value home, family, and security. They’re loyal, nurturing by nature, and complement each other really well. “Sugar and spice is this couple’s strength,” Fox says. “Cancer brings the sugar, and Taurus steps in to make it spicy with their strong-minded ways. This is an excellent coupling for a long-term union.”
Arriana Fox , astrologer at Keen.com
Tess Lee , professional astrologer and digital creator
This article was originally published on March 22, 2021

Originally Published: March 22, 2021
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When the bull and the crab get together, it feels like home.
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