How Do Taurus Kiss

How Do Taurus Kiss


How Do Taurus Kiss
Horoscope 2022 🔮 Horoscope 2022 ♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Leo ♍ Virgo ♎ Libra ♏ Scorpio ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Pisces
Love Horoscope 2022 ❤️ Love Horoscope 2022 ♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Leo ♍ Virgo ♎ Libra ♏ Scorpio ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Pisces
Career Horoscope 2022 💰 Career Horoscope 2022 ♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Leo ♍ Virgo ♎ Libra ♏ Scorpio ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Pisces
Health Horoscope 2022 🍏 Health Horoscope 2022 ♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Leo ♍ Virgo ♎ Libra ♏ Scorpio ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Pisces
Chinese Horoscope 2022 ☯ Chinese Horoscope 2022 🐀 Rat 🐂 Ox 🐅 Tiger 🐇 Rabbit 🐉 Dragon 🐍 Snake 🐎 Horse 🐐 Goat 🐒 Monkey 🐓 Rooster 🐕 Dog 🐖 Pig
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Taureans are very focused, hardworking, and great at coming up with new ideas. When a Taurus kisses you, it involves ESP (Extra Sensory Passion). They’ll look at your face, inhale the smell of your perfume, touch your hair, and then when their lips make contact with yours, they’ll take in the taste.
Taureans express their affection and friendship through their kisses. They are tender and delicate with their kisses, in this way, making their accomplice feel cherished. On the off chance that you are dating a Taurean, then don’t let them go. Their loveable kisses will make you overlook the battle or the harsh times throughout your life that you were having preceding the lip locking. What increasingly might you be able to request? Your kisses are abate, sincere and they can try for quite a while. You want to be completely given in kissing, overlooking whatever remains of the world.
A typical earthy Taurus build up lasts minutes. You will probably find yourself in some relaxing sofa, and in between each lip close up, a chocolate could be placed into your mouth by passionate Taurus teeth. This bull will do their very best to be slow and sensually intriguing but they will inevitably lick their lips around the choc should you be a slow chewer. A warm mesmerizing, and above all tasty lip clincher. Definitely a “night of the long kisses”!
Not only am I a tried-and-true Taurus girl of the modern world, but I’ve kissed more than a few of my own kind (is that taboo?). We are earth signs who need to feel connected to everything we do. Especially when it comes to intimacy. We don’t phone our kisses in; we feel the f*ck out of them.
We don’t bestow our sensual lips upon just anyone, you know. But when we trust you and decide you’re worthy, we will kiss you indulgently (usually while wearing very expensive lipstick). We are slow kissers. We get off on teasing our partners with our smooth, sensual kisses. We aren’t going to aggressively stick our tongues in your mouth and have at it. Our smooth-as-honey kisses always leave you wanting (begging) for more.
How to Kiss a Taurus man : Loves subtlety, hates the direct approach. He’ll respond to a gentle touch of your hand or the gift of a soft, pink cashmere sweater—then wrap your arms around him as if to say, “I’m a gift, too.”
How to Kiss a Taurus woman : Finds fine dining, a sexy car or, of course, a good piece of jewelry a big turn-on. Say it with taste and a spare-no-expense attitude and she will find your advances are worthy of her.
Taurus Ideal Kissing Partners : Libra, Cancer and Virgo.
Egyptian Horoscope ☥ — one of the oldest calendars that have come down to us. It is based on the mythology of the gods of ancient Egypt and is built according to the date of birth of man. Egyptian horoscope consists of 12 signs, each of which personifies its deity. The characteristics of the deity not only predetermined the life of man, but also gave him features of his character, and also bestowed secret knowledge.

How To Kiss Each Zodiac Sign So You'll Be Their Last First Kiss, Per Astrology
By Camila Isopo Novi — Written on Apr 30, 2021
You may not be someone's first kiss, but if you really love someone you want to be their last first kiss. 
Kissing can be a nerve-wracking experience for a lot of people. The first kiss in your life is the most important, and the following first kisses with each new partner need to be even better than the last. How can you be their best kiss ever ? 
Every zodiac sign has their own unique way of kissing, from soft pecks to an open French kiss . Some signs are passionate, while others approach intimacy in a methodical or mechanical way.
A few zodiac signs like kisses that are wet (that's you, Water signs ) and others, like Earth signs , prefer a dry peck. Some want to hear words while being kissed, like Gemini, while others like to be playful, like Aries.
Every zodiac sign in astrology has their idea of a perfect kiss. And knowing what drives them wild comes in handy when you want to master their unique kissing style.
We've ranked the zodiac signs who love to be kissed most, to those who may be more shy kissers.
Scroll down to find out how each zodiac sign likes to be kissed, and how you should kiss the one you want, depending on Sun sign compatibility, using astrology. 
How could the most sexual/sensual sign of the zodiac not top this list? Scorpios are full of passion and sexual energy. Scorpios, being the most venomous and sexual sign of the zodiac, are penetrators.
How to kiss a Scorpio : If they can't do it with their stingers or their... other stingers, they'll just use their tongues. Literally, they will penetrate your throat with their tongue. Make sure not to bite down on their tongues when it happens. 
How can the Zodiac’s “eternal” virgins come right after the sex gods/goddesses? It's a bit shocking, of course, but with good reason.
Simply put, their precision and extensive practice on pillows in their more innocent years help them land this spot.
How to kiss a Virgo : Virgo's preferred kissing style is a sweet kiss on the hand when you're driving or watching a movie.
The kings and queens of the Zodiac are probably not happy to be third on this list after the sex goddess/gods, especially after the prudish Virgo. Unfortunately, Leo's passion doesn’t compete with Virgo’s technique and precision.
How to kiss a Leo : Leos are passionate kissers who will make sure to brush your hair away and look into your eyes first. Otherwise, they'll wrap their arm around your neck and pull you in to give you a good kiss on your cheekbone. You can make it enjoyable for them if you have an expensive scent in your hair or neck.
This sign being in the top five best kissers isn’t so surprising. Taurus is a sensual sign, but in a different way than Scorpio.
Scorpio is driven by a desire to fulfill their physical and emotional needs; Taureans are driven precisely by the need to use senses. To feel their partner’s plump lips (if they are plump), smell their enticing scent, touch their soft skin and take you in.
How to kiss a Taurus : They have to go for the neck to get the feel of your skin and scent at the same time.
Gemini takes the fifth spot of the top five best kissers.
How to kiss a Gemini : Gemini, being a cerebral sign, will go for the forehead. It's a great way to feel connected between the two of you. Plus, getting to look closely into expressive eyes after the kiss is a bonus. It makes you come alive. 
Aries bring the fire into your kisses. You’re probably always trying to be a better kisser with each new set of lips to beat out Scorpios, and it works... sometimes.
How to kiss an Aries : Quite the physical person, they make kissing a full-body experience. They might start pressing both of your lips, add in a little tongue, and finish with a bite. Feel free to be a little aggressive yourself.
With kissing, Sagittarius definitely doesn’t hold horses. They bring the fiery physical aspect of kissing to another level. 
How to kiss a Sagittarius : This is all fun and games. It’s not about soul-sucking through someone’s throat. They like to use their lips to trace your skin and they'll go beyond your mouth, too.
With Cancer, people can feel this sign's emotions through them, which isn’t always the case with the more sensuous or fiery signs.
How to kiss a Cancer : Cancers won’t kiss wildly. They’re tender-hearted kissers who build tension up slowly. If Cancer is a little more daring, they might work themselves up to holding you against something, like an elevator wall.
Pisces kiss in an extremely gentle way. Unafraid to sink into their emotions, they get lost in them.
How to kiss a Pisces : At first, their go-to move might be a single lip kiss that leaves you feeling connected and wanting for more. But their kisses are a refreshing experience for both partners.
Despite their reputation for being highly erotic, Libras are shy kissers. They like to go for the butterfly kisses where your eyelashes touch together.
How to kiss a Libra : Libra kisses soft and light. They give the kind of kisses that leave you feeling fuzzy afterward. 
Capricorns are a little more classy in their kissing. Yet, they're also go-getters.
How to kiss a Capricorn : They may just bite you like an Aries, but they do it more softly. They'll try not to kiss you where it might be uncomfortable for you, as long as you let them know.
Aquarius may not be happy to come in last on this list. But these visionaries have a very unique kissing style.
How to kiss an Aquarius : They show their mental connection by kissing you on the eyelid. This is more common with spouses, or with parents and their children. Still, it shows a strong mental connection.
Camila Isopo Novi is a fiction writer/journalist who loves small humans, validation through the form of likes or comments on her writing, and biting remarks.
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If you’re dating a Taurus guy, then you probably want to know how to kiss a Taurus man to make him fall madly in love with you.
How can you give him the best kiss he has ever had?
A person’s kissing style is as unique as their personality and can be predicted based on their astrological sign.
Some signs like slow, tender kisses while others prefer wild, passionate smooches.
The more you know about his zodiac sign’s personality traits and psychological characteristics, the better you will be able to kiss your Taurus man and make him fall in love with you.
If you are dating or have a crush on a Taurus guy and he hasn’t kissed you yet, don’t assume that it means he’s not into you.
Taurus men are notoriously slow-moving in relationships, but it’s not because they are afraid of commitment.
They take love and relationships seriously, which makes Taurus men slow to admit their feelings. He won’t kiss you until he is absolutely certain of his emotions for you.
If you want to give your Taurus man the kind of kiss that makes him fall in love, then you’re going to have to be patient.
Take your time and let him get comfortable with you before making a move on him, or wait until he’s ready to make a move on you.
Taurus men are perfectly capable of having meaningless flings because they are great at separating love from lust.
But if you want to give your Taurus guy the kiss of his dreams and make him love you, you should strive to create a mental or emotional connection with him before kissing him.
If your Taurus man is affectionate towards you and finds excuses to be close to you, it means he already feels a spark between you and is ready to make a move.
But if your Taurus man doesn’t initiate contact and pulls away when you try to touch him, it could be a sign that he’s not into you or he needs more time to get to know you before kissing.
For a Taurus man, eye contact is a great way to establish a connection and start to break down his walls.
He is a straightforward and direct type of guy, so making a conscious effort to hold eye contact with him shows him he can trust you.
Once you’ve established eye contact with him, smile and get him talking about subjects that interest him. When you’ve made a connection with your Taurus guy that goes beyond lust, your kiss will be more meaningful to him.
Some signs are more impulsive than others and can’t help but kiss someone passionately the second they get the urge to do so.
But a Taurus man is very patient and practical, and he is guided by logic more than instincts.
A Taurus man loves a long, slow buildup before a kiss, especially if it’s the first kiss with a new partner.
But even if he has been with someone for a while, he likes to practice self-control and use flirting as a form of foreplay, even before kissing.
Some signs might take waiting to kiss as a clue that their partner isn’t interested in them, but a Taurus man knows that it’s part of a romantic game.
If you want to know how to get a Taurus man to chase you , you’ve got to tease him and build up the sexual tension before you kiss him.
Let him know how attracted you are to him and how much you want to kiss him, but don’t act on it right away.
If you’re out in public at a bar or with friends, text or whisper to him how badly you want to kiss him, but that you want to wait until you’re alone with him.
The longer you tease him and make him imagine what it will be like to kiss you, the more explosive and exciting your kiss will eventually be.
Although they are practical and logical, Taureans are also surprisingly sweet and romantic.
This is probably due to the influence of Venus, Taurus’s guiding planet. Venus is the planet of love and beauty, so Venus is what makes Taurus men so passionate and loving.
A Taurus guy doesn’t waste his romantic efforts on just anyone, though. When he curates romantic experiences for you, it’s one of the signs Taurus man is in love with you.
You can make a Taurus man fall in love with your kiss by waiting for the perfect romantic setting for your smooch. Better yet, you can create the ideal romantic environment instead of waiting for it to appear.
Take your Taurus man on a romantic sunset stroll and give him a kiss when the sky is bursting with color.
If a love song starts playing on the radio when you’re with your Taurus guy, use the opportunity to kiss him.
There are plenty of opportunities for romance if you look for them or create them, so use them to your advantage by kissing your Taurus man to make him fall in love with you.
Taureans are highly sensual, so a Taurus man experiences your kiss with all of his senses.
If a Taurus man likes you, he will notice sensual things about you, including your scent. When he compliments you on how great you smell, it’s one of the subtle signs a Taurus man has a crush on you .
If you want to make your Taurus guy fall madly in love with you from your kiss, then you need to look, feel, taste, and smell wonderful.
Don’t kiss your Taurus guy right after you’ve eaten a ton of garlic or gone on a long run without showering. Instead, wait until you are fresh, clean, and well-groomed to seduce him with your kisses.
Taureans are highly affectionate when they like someone and they crave the touch of the ones they love.
When a Taurus man touches you and finds excuses to be close to you, it’s a sure sign that he likes you as more than a friend.
If you want your Taurus man to fall in love with you, make sure you use kissing to show how you feel about him.
Greet him with a kiss anytime he walks through the door, or lean over to kiss him in the car when you’re stopped at traffic lights.
Kiss his cheek when he compliments you in front of his friends, or give him a kiss to say thank you when he presents you with a gift.
What a Taurus man wants in a woman is someone who is as romantic and sensual as he is.
He is very tactile, so make sure you make physical contact with more than just his lips when you kiss.
Rub your hands up and down his back when you kiss him or run your fingers through his hair. Hold his hand when you’re making out or take his face in your hands.
The more sensual and romantic you are, the more addicted to your kisses a Taurus man will become.
Every zodiac sign correlates with a set of body parts that are significant to that sign. The body parts affiliated with Taurus are the neck, throat, ears, and shoulders.
This means that you should pay special attention to your Taurus man’s neck and shoulders when you’re kissing him.
Trail teasing kisses along his neck or sneak up from behind him to surprise him with a sweet kiss on his shoulder. You could also try gently nibbling his throat or ear when you’re making out with him.
When you put a little effort into stimulating his zodiac sign’s affiliated body parts, it makes a Taurus man go wild for your kiss.
Since one of a Taurus man’s correlated body parts is his ears, you can not only turn him on by kissing his ears, but also by whispering into them.
What a Taurus man wants to hear is that he’s the best lover you’ve ever had and that you are completely devoted to him.
If you whisper this to him in moments of passion, you are sure to make him fall in love with you.
You should also shower him with compliments and praise. When you lean in to quietly tell him how sexy and special he is, your Taurus man won’t be able to help but fall for your kisses.
Some signs like rough, animalistic kisses, but Taurus prefers smooches that are gentle and sweet.
Don’t be too aggressive with him, even if you’re feeling passionate. Instead, channel your feelings into being tender and sensual.
When you’re lying with your Taurus man in bed , reach over and give him a good night kiss before falling asleep.
A cute, simple kiss like this will go a lot further towards making your Taurus guy love you than grabbing him possessively to plant one on him in public.
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tysm!!! im gonna watch a movie with him!!

How Does Each Sign Kiss? 12 Types for 12 Horoscopes | .

How Does Each Sign Kiss? 12 Types for 12 Horoscopes

Discover how passionate the kisses of each zodiac sign are according to astrology

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