Tarty Ponies S Deviantart Favourites Porn

Tarty Ponies S Deviantart Favourites Porn


Tarty Ponies S Deviantart Favourites Porn
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"Hey Annie! Are you ready? It's already been two hours."

Michelle asked her petite roommate, as she patiently waited for her to finish getting ready. Annie always took way too long when she had to dress up. Michele tried to be nice, but that girl was just a perfectionist in every way.

"Give me 2 more minutes, sorry."

Michelle heard Annie's voice through the door of her room. Michelle audibly sighed as her belly rumbled. They made plans to eat out at this new restaurant that had just opened. Apparently, the food was amazing, according to her friend Jenna. Jenna knew her food well, as she was well over 300 pounds of pure fat. Michelle, the 2
(NOTICE: Contains gay relationship, weight gain fetish )

Chase couldn’t keep his eyes off of him each time he saw him. Chase had worked with Cody for over 10 years off and on on special projects with the company and each time he would be day dreaming of Cody. Big arms, pecs and a perfect butt poured into tight fitting clothes. You could tell Cody was proud of his body and didn’t mind showing it off wearing the tight clothes.

But along with that perfect body came a cocky and agressive attitude. Cody never seemed to agree with anything Chase or in fact anything anyone suggested nor did he make being in a meeting easy. So so
This story contains weight gain and stuffing. Enjoy!

"A candy store? Are you sure there isn't anywhere else for us to work at?"

Sydney asked her friend.

"I mean, they do pay $15 an hour. Both of us really need the money. We also get all the free candy that we want! That's even more money that we save!"

Sydney sighed. Her friend/roommate was right. Sydney is currently a 19-year-old cheerleader for the university football team. It was her second semester at college, but she had run into a few big problems. Her mom and dad had decided to cut her off after she failed one of her classes last semester. She was simply too busy trying to make the
Libby sighed as she ate another chip to settle her growling stomach. She never really ate as much as she had been eating during the past month. The 22-year-old Puerto Rican hardly had problems throughout her life. She was born in South Carolina and had happily lived there for 22 fulfilling years. She always excelled in school, had great friends, and even had a positive relationship with her parents. She had been popular in high school and even in college. She had everything that most people would dream of, except money. Her parents were part of the lower middle class, so she never had a lavish lifestyle. She had worked throughout high sc
“I’ve got all the stuff for ya’ right here, honey~” Addie grinned sweetly as he brought over all the stuff for his darling’s “little” stuffing. He placed down the rather large jug of cake batter onto the table. Then, handed his boyfriend a funnel. He patted the boy on the shoulder in a very warmhearted manner, nudging against him a bit. “I even got some extra cream for my sweet prince if he’d like that as well…” He gave a mischievous little chuckle after that.

Starry was still admiring the jug of cake mix, seeming to be completely amazed by just how much there was of it. He re
The blinding rays of the red-hot sun hit our protagonist's pale face strongly. Stacy seemed like someone who had everything that she could possibly dream about. This was sadly not the case, even though she was tall, thin, and surprisingly intelligent. Her maturity and intelligence somewhat diminished her interest in boys, even though they simply couldn't keep their hands off of her seemingly perfect body. Stacy truthfully longed for some form of intelligent conversation with a male and not just compliments on her physique. At just 18 years old, Stacy stood at a tall 5'8 and weighed around 130 pounds. It wouldn't take a genius to understand wh
Read part 1 before this - The Candy Store 1 (Cheerleader Weight Gain Story)

This story contains weight gain and belly stuffing. Enjoy!

Another week flew by for Sydney and Gloria. Sydney was gaining weight at an alarming rate, especially when compared to Gloria. The blonde actually ate less food compared to her Hispanic friend during their shifts at the candy store and dinner. Her massive lunches with Sandra were the reason she was quickly piling on the pounds to her already round frame. She was simply stuffed to the max every day, as Sandra had her eating more and more. Still, Sydney was noticing that Sandra was starting to eat more than ju
Another long day of Katy's seemingly pointless life has ended. She was currently teaching English at a local high school. She taught the 12th grade seniors and, for the most part, liked her job. Still, she was longing for some love from her husband, Andrew, but there was one massive problem. Katy had been steadily gaining weight since she got married to Andrew. During their marriage, she weighed an extremely slim 125 pounds for her 5'5 frame. At this point, she was ideal for almost every straight and possibly even some gay males. Her perfectly coiffed blonde hair. She had perfect c-cups, a somewhat plump waist, and a perfect ass. She worked e
Fritz studied the small green chip within his hand. The metal glistened in the dim light of the flickering bulb. He placed it on his chubby thigh and pulled out another piece. “There you are,” he chuckled. He approached the company mascot, Freddy Fazbear and gave its face a tap. The animatronics eyes were unlit, dead.

Steadying his glasses, Fritz began to insert the chip into its neck. The wires gave a quick spark as the pieces were connected. He carefully sealed up his work and pulled up his falling pants. With a devious grin, he walked into the small room behind the stage. “We’ll see how Afton feels about me single
Click here to read part 1- www.deviantart.com/bobiscool18…

One week later,

It took a week to find a proper date. I should mention that Penelope ate all of the food that I had ordered. She was, of course, hypnotized, but it took her about four days of almost nonstop eating to consume that much food. I made a similar order for today, and I actually made her not eat anything the day before the real party. She looked famished, but she was already bigger. That almost astronomical amount of food had gone directly to her already massive double belly. Her thighs seemed bigger too. Not to mention, she was almost getting a triple chin. Now
Part 2~

A few days had passed, and Friday had rolled around pretty quickly. My first couple of days at school were going pretty well so far, I made friends with a few more students at school, including Sarah. Sarah and I had started talking more as the week went on really was starting to enjoy her company, she was all the things that I liked in a girl, she was funny, kind, and the most important thing of all, she was pretty damn cute, if I do say so myself. The only problem with this was that I doubted she liked me as much as I liked her, and by "liked" I meant in a way where there was a possibility that we could become more than just...frie
{Warning: Weight gain and Possible Force-Feeding, Graphic Depictions of Gore, Violence, Mild Language, Horror }

There was a bright white light, that was all. Accompanied by the feeling of an eerie stillness. It was almost as though he was trapped within an area of nothingness. A universe composed of entire white noise, a static universe if you will. However, there suddenly came a noise through the stillness, a voice. A voice that was just so familiar, bringing back memories from what must’ve many decades ago.

“Welcome to the Fazbear Entertainment Quality Assurance team,” it spoke in a monotone manner. The robotic voice s
A black robe shifted through the palace's massive halls, obscuring the feet of it's owner as it trailed behind slightly. The one in the robe seemed all but exhausted, sweat-coated palms and pale fingers tightly gripping their tool of choice. One of these overworked hands reach up to the head and pulled hood off. With that gone, frizzy, wild dark hair sprang free. A tired, dull looking face, with an expression that only seemed to show undying boredoms and frustrations. For Death, it was another rough day of bringing souls to their everlasting place.

Death's hand reached for the door and opened it- the inside of his shared abode being as elabo
Chapter 1

“Gee, Mike, you really like ice cream don’t you?” Circus Baby exclaimed as she made yet another cone. Michael cleaned the crannies of his last one. He licked the sticky, pink ice cream from his fingers and relaxed himself against his office chair. “Mmmm, Strawberry Supreme,” he moaned.

“What else do you have in mind, Sis?” Michael called. He kept his eyes closed as he rested himself, his hands gently placed against his plump belly. Baby approached him with another ice cream. “Okay, Piggy, time for you try Homemade, Butter-Whipped Vanilla!” She announced, displaying the next
[Kapitel 2: https://www.deviantart.com/woasned/art/Antarktis-Kapitel-2-875035553 ] Es sind etwa drei Monate vergangen seit Emma aus der Antarktis zurückgekehrt ist. Nachdem sie der Jojo-Effekt eingeholt hatte und ihr Gewicht nach ihrer Rückkehr wieder auf knappe 85kg gestiegen war, sagte sie ihrem Übergewicht den Kampf an und schloss einen Vertrag im örtlichen Fitnessstudio ab. Den Großteil ihrer Zeit verbrachte sie damit Bewerbungen zu schreiben und regelmäßig Sport zu treiben. Sie war gerade auf 76kg herunter, als sie zu einem Bewerbungsgespräch in einem renommierten Umweltschutz-Unternehmen eingeladen wurde. Um einen guten Eindruck zu machen, wollte sie eine hübsche Bluse und einen knielangen Rock tragen. Da ihr jedoch trotz des Gewichtsverlustes der letzten Wochen, nichts ihrer alten Kleidung aus Studiums-Zeiten passte, musste sie shoppen gehen. „Entschuldigung, wo finde ich denn Business Mode?“, fragt Emma die Dame am Infoschalter des Modegeschäfts. „Zweiter Stock, nach der
It was quite late out, and it would be quiet too were it not for the clang of pots and pans that rang from the kitchen. The source was a short, rotund, redheaded boy who was getting ready to cook at this late hour. Why? because he had an idea for a recipe, and he wanted to start with it as soon as he could. As soon as he could, of course, turned out to be now, that's just how Biscuit goes about his days. Having ideas for recipes and testing them at ungodly hours.
Sugar, eggs, chocolate, butter, those and more were thrown into the mixing bowl. Though Biscuit was simply following the recipe for now, he intended to add a twist of his own to the
Ellie: Hey, Amelia! Can you stop lazing around and help me close up the shop? Amelia: Sorry, one second. Amelia tries to tuck in her over-sized shirt into her pants so it would stop getting in her way. Amelia: It really sucks that they didn’t have any small uniforms. Ellie: Well, maybe they’ll give you one if you stay long enough. Amelia: Really? Ellie: Nah, I’m joking. I don’t think they’ve ever had one in stock and ever will. Amelia: Catering to the bigger people, am I right? Ellie stands up straight, resting her chubby arm on the broom. Ellie: You sure do talk a lot for a newbie. It’s actually surprising how you were hired since Mia usually doesn’t like skinny people. Amelia: Maybe it’s because of good personality? She smiled while Ellie rolled her eyes, going right back into sweeping the floor. Ellie: This is your only pass, since you’re new. I’ll finish up, just tell Mia you’re heading out. Amelia: Alright, thanks a lot! Amelia rushed into the backroom where she saw Mia
Lifetime of Ice Cream Alan loved ice cream. One fateful day, he announced to his friends that he had won a lifetime promotion from FryScoop Ice Cream. The news gave him a party in FryScoop which had him pump 2 gallons of ice cream into his gullet for the entire day. The next morning, he began to plan for a hoverchair to bring him to this same restaurant every day, for the rest of his life. A few weeks later, the restaurant gifted him a tank of ice cream daily, filling him with melted ice cream as his weight climbs further and further higher… ----- The Fatsons Family Snippet The Fatsons Family had rose to fame after being the first household to reach 2500 lbs in total weight. Being one of the poorer families in Haventown, the younger son, Edward Roy Fatsons became the fattest teenage boy in the world, weighing in at 950lbs at the age of 18. He was idolized all over the United States, making his family loads of money and fame. Eventually, the family had rose to a wealthy status
It was a nice and sunny day outside. Syn was in the living room as he sat on the couch. He was tracing a finger on a page to feel the braille so he could read a book. While he reads he would hear a knock at the front door. He would place a pencil in the book for a bookmark before he carefully heads over to the door and he opens it up.

“Well hello there, Syn.” Syn would smile when he heard the voice of Cassie. “Yay Cassie! Are you here to visit?” Syn would ask her. “Yes I am, Syn. I wanted to see my favorite elf.” Cassie smiles and giggles and she gently roughs up, Syn’s hair.

“Well come on ins
The quarter ton of reality had suddenly hit James, as he woke up to another day, ruined by looking at his phone's lock screen which marked the day as a Monday. Still tired from the midnight snack, he pulled himself up to begin another routine, which had been getting very difficult as he'd push his body's limits in terms of weight. James wasn't always this fat, but being born into a negligent family that had pretty much made him live alone along with a couple hundred bucks every day, he'd been used to the house being empty hours before he'd wake up, even at a time of 8 am. As soon as he'd push himself off his bed, his legs had already began to strain, his cottage cheese thighs wobbling as his enormous belly forces his pajamas out, revealing both new and red stretch marks and the older, more brown ones. Taking off his overtaxed shirt revealed large DD cups with large nipples to compliment them, and his tight pants had revealed his wide hips, which were equally riddled with stretch
[Kapitel 1: https://www.deviantart.com/woasned/art/Antarktis-Kapitel-1-874733422 ] Es sind bereits einige Monate vergangen, seit Emma ihren Job in der Forschungsstation ExplorerOne angetreten hat. Die abwechslungsreiche, spannende Arbeit macht ihr unglaublich Spaß, sie hat tolle Kollegen und genießt jede Minute in vollen Zügen. Seit etwa zwei Monaten ist auch der Italiener Alfonso Teil des Teams. Er hat Holger, der sich nun mit 63 Jahren in den Ruhestand verabschiedet hat, als Koch der Forschungsbasis abgelöst und verzaubert die hart arbeitende Crew nun regelmäßig mit reichhaltiger, italienischer Küche. „Weißt du, Holger war super. Seine Eintöpfe waren ausgezeichnet und auch die Pfannkuchen montags haben mir jede Woche versüßt. Aber… ich liebe ja die italienische Küche! Und was Alfonso uns hier immer wieder zubereitet, ich kann einfach nicht genug davon bekommen! Das hier ist schon mein dritter Teller Spaghetti.“, plaudert Emma mit ihrer Tischnachbarin, als plötzlich ein großer
Absentmindedly. Ample. Appetite. Ballooning. Belly. Blimp. Bloated. Bouncing. Bubbled. Bulging. Busted. Chubby. Cleavage. Contained. Curvy. Devouring Double. Drooling. Engorged. Enjoyed. Enormous. Expanding. Exposed. Gaining. Growing. Gulp. Guzzling down. Happily. Jiggling. Luscious. Massive. Mindlessly. Overflowing. Patting. Pigging out. Piled. Plump. Pokeing. Pop. Popping. Porking out. Pudgy. Relentlessly. Rip. Roll. Rounded out. Rumbling. Snacking. Snug. Softer. Squeezed. Struggled. Suffering. Swelling. Tearing. Thick. Thicker. Uncontrollably. Unzip. Vigorously. Waddling. Wider. Wobbling.

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