Prolapse Toys

Prolapse Toys


Prolapse Toys

15 Things That Can Make Your Prolapse Worse
15 Things That Can Make Your Prolapse Worse
13. Intense core and abdominal workouts

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Many women experience some degree of Pelvic Organ Prolapse(POP) in their lives, whether mild or severe.
In most cases, the prolapse is mild and doesn’t require surgery and can be treated with pelvic floor strengthening exercises. However, the prolapse can get worse if you are not careful and you may end up need more than just Kegels .
Here’s a list of 15 things that can make your prolapse worse:
Over time, your entire body becomes weaker and your muscles and bones degenerate. This is not unique to the pelvic floor, but it is a factor that can make your prolapse worse.
Studies have shown that 37% of women who suffer from pelvic floor related disorders are between the ages of 60 and 79. Nearly 50% of these women are over 80.
Smoking doesn’t only lead to lung cancer and gum disease. It can also initiate Pelvic Organ Prolapse or cause it to worsen significantly.
This happens largely because of “smoker’s cough” which puts way more pressure on the pelvic floor than a regular cough. Smoker’s cough is the body’s way of removing the chemicals and toxins in cigarettes from the body. When one smokes heavily, the tiny hair-like structure in the lungs that are responsible for removing these toxins become weaker. The body’s response is to cough more violently and increase phlegm production.
Smoking can also weaken body tissue when nicotine gets absorbed into the bloodstream since it has been found to cause cell damage. It also slows down healing process after surgery since it lowers blood oxygen levels, meaning enough oxygen won’t get to your tissues.
Being overweight doesn’t just put you at risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Having a lot of abdominal fat increases intra-abdominal pressure on the pelvic floor and can cause pelvic floor dysfunction.
Obesity has been directly linked to pelvic organ prolapse and can cause symptoms to worsen over time if the weight is not reduced.
While having an hourglass figure is desired in many cultures, history has proven this obsession to be fatal with the corset leading to lung infections, muscle atrophy, back pain, fractured ribs, crushed organs, and sometimes even death.
Corsets made a sort of a comeback with waist trainers but that doesn’t mean they are safe. Wearing a waist trainer causes upward pressure on the diaphragm and stomach, and downward pressure on the pelvic floor and abdomen.
Prolonged downward pressure on the pelvic floor causes strain and this is worsened when the waist trainer is used during exercise.
So do yourself a favor, leave waist training to the celebrities and put in the hard work yourself to trim down your waist, the safe way.
Remember that thing called Gravity? Well, it does play a role in your prolapse. Here’s how:
Gravity pulls everything towards the center of the earth and keeps us from floating off into space. When standing upright, gravity kind of pushes us down to the ground, gently of course. This means that everything inside your body is being pushed down as well, including your pelvic organs. This causes daily strain, and when you stand for extended periods the strain increases, worsening your prolapse.
In addition to standing for a long time, walking for a long time can cause the symptoms of prolapse to worsen.
When you walk, you engage muscles in the legs, glutes, abdomen, arms, and core. By default, the pelvic floor gets some of the action. When you walk long distances, you may feel immediate pain or soreness for some time after.
This is an indication that you are overworking the pelvic floor and that you should walk for a shorter duration and/or distance.
Chronic constipation can cause prolapse or can be a symptom of prolapse. It is described as the inability to pass stool frequently or as difficulty in passing stool.
As it relates to worsening prolapse, constipation causes you to strain your pelvic floor muscles to find relief. This can cause them to loosen or tighten.
This can be a result of insufficient fiber and water in the diet which causes stool to harden. Constipation can also be caused by stress, resisting the urge to defecate, pregnancy and colon cancer.
A chronic cough is a cough that lasts more than 2 months. This can be caused by a myriad of conditions such as asthma, acid reflux, chronic bronchitis, lung infections, lung cancer, and certain medications.
When this happens, there is a persistent pressure placed on the pelvic floor from all the organs above it. This will cause it to strain unless the cough is suppressed or unless the pelvic floor is braced for the impact (i.e by contracting and holding it)
High impact activities such as jumping, skipping, running and certain dances that involve having one or both of the feet off the ground at any given time can worsen prolapse.
This happens because these place repeated downward pressure on the pelvic floor, especially when done for an extended period, for instance when running track, in intense workout videos and routines, during high-energy dance routine practices.
While it is always a good idea to strengthen muscles and tone the body, certain weight lifting practices can have a negative impact on the pelvic floor.
This all has to do with placing excessive pressure on the pelvic floor. This happens during leg exercises such as leg presses, deep squats, burpees, and deep weighted lunges, and back exercises such as chin-ups, deadlifts, and kettlebell swings. Certain upper body exercises such as push-ups and lateral pull downs can also put pressure on the pelvic floor.
This can also happen during vaginal weight lifting when proper precautions aren’t taken or when weights are simply too heavy for the pelvic floor muscles.
You can probably understand how being pregnant can put a strain on your pelvic floor muscles. Women who have moderate to severe prolapse are not encouraged to get pregnant since it can make the situation worse.
Not giving yourself enough time for your pelvic floor to recover between pregnancies is a bad idea. Your doctor will tell you that. Your pelvic floor muscles are not given enough time to heal properly and over time they will stretch, weaken and cause or worsen prolapse.
If you suffered from mild prolapse, your uterus and/or other pelvic organs can drop further into the vagina during and/or after childbirth . This is a pretty common experience among women who have had prolonged labor or operative vaginal deliveries, delivered big, heavy babies or even had a c-section
A pelvic organ tumor can affect any pelvic organ. These include the bladder, uterus, ovaries, anus, and testicles in men. While many are non-cancerous, they can cause pain, nausea, bloating, swelling, incontinence and several other uncomfortable symptoms and side effects.
If left untreated for an extended period, pelvic organ tumors can worsen Pelvic Organ Prolapse by continuously bearing down on the pelvic organ or pelvic floor.
Core and abdominal workouts are done to reduce body fat around the abdomen and to improve balance and stability. But while you may be getting your body bikini ready and Instagram worthy, you can also be worsening your pelvic floor.
Well, how can this be if you’re toning these muscles? Well, that’s where you’re wrong.
Toning pelvic muscles does not require the same approach as getting a six-pack. In fact, the intensity of many core and abdominal workouts overworks the pelvic floor muscles and causes them to strain.
So while you may be flatter in the tummy, you open up yourself to a world of pain, discomfort and even embarrassment with these workouts.
While having gynecological cancer and prolapse at the same time is rare, it is not impossible, as seen in the case of this 80-year-old woman
Another way cancer can cause prolapse to occur or worsen is after a hysterectomy . In this procedure, the uterus is removed to stop the cancer from spreading. This is a win, however, removing the uterus requires cutting certain ligaments and tissues that hold it in place that can cause damage to the nerves and blood vessels that support the pelvic floor and keep it healthy.
Over time you may find that even though the cancer is gone, something still doesn’t feel right down there. This is because the pelvic floor has weakened.
If you have mild prolapse then there’s no need to worry about surgery. There are different nonsurgical treatments you can try such as electrical stimulation , tibial nerve stimulation, and biofeedback to get your pelvic floor strong again. Simple at-home Kegels can even do the trick.
But, if you neglect your condition and do nothing to help it, it will catch up to you. Pelvic Organ Prolapse isn’t like a cold or flu. It won’t fix itself and it certainly won’t just go away.
Doing nothing will cause your prolapse to worsen. Additionally, doing the same things that caused your prolapse will cause it to worsen.
While Pelvic Organ Prolapse is not the end of the world and can be treated, it can get worse if you aren’t careful.
Be sure to open a dialogue with your doctor about what you can do to help manage your prolapse and more importantly, what you shouldn’t do that can make it worse.
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All things considered, why not stop-motion puppets?
15 jokes so funny they've been outlawed in certain countries.
You can rent Jessica Fletcher's house.
Sex should above all be a fun experience. If you're not having fun, you may be having sex with Kanye West or a bit of wood. Or an old cigar shop wooden Indian, carved into the likeness of Kanye West in a curiously bi-racially racist tableau of insensitivity and artisanal excellence. So keeping it light and breezy is important, and that means a little laughter and a little silliness is A-OK. A good way to keep sexy times fun is with the addition of props. You dress up like the Hamburglar, call yourself the Clamburglar, and "robble robble" your special lady's nether vortex. Fun for all!
Somewhere along the line, the idea of making sex fun went off the rails in a way similar to how haunted house attractions were designed to be fun until they made the ones where you have to sign a waiver, and when you go in, strangers put a sack over your head, tie you up, and make you watch hyper-realistic acts of sadism before waterboarding you just a little bit. Instead of normal fun, we have the Joker's idea of fun. Instead of "kind of sexy," we have a cartoon from the mind of Walt Disney's parasitic twin who never grew arms long enough with which to masturbate. Instead of regular sex toys, we have the deranged leftovers from a Wile E. Coyote catalog.
Here's a riddle for you: How does a busy penetration-enthusiast-about-town get their daily chores done while out and about in a bustling metropolis, while at the same time stuffing their holes like an insatiable hump-turkey? Were you going to say, "By jamming a whisk in their pants"? Ha ha ha! You should write comedy!
The answer to the age-old dilemma about porking yourself while at the same time spending a massive sum of money on a method of decorative locomotion has finally been answered by the Joy Ride Fucking Machine. It's a device straight out of a Pepe LePew cartoon, meant to transport early '20s French socialites away from horny skunks as they engage in interspecies romance with a lead-paint-infused cat.
Or possibly inspired by Mr. Garrison's It Bike.
There are two separate yet equally important aspects of the Joy Ride which you need to know to fully appreciate how ludicrous it is, and neither of them are dildos. I never thought I'd say that. But enough wistful lamentation. Take a good look at the design of the Joy Ride, and you'll notice something right off the bat: This scooter does not move. It's stationary. It's a stationary pork scooter. Generally speaking, the definitive characteristic of a scooter, that thing which cuts to the essence of a scooter, is its ability to scoot. This doesn't. It just fucks you. It's not a scooter. It's a fucker.
The second thing worth noting about the scoot humper is not visible. It's the less tangible bit of awesomeness that's attached to it, which is the price. This thing costs about $3000. That's pretty much the price of an actual scooter. One that takes you places apart from Pleasuretown.
On the next tier of things to consider about the Joy Ride is its very physical reality. If you own a sex toy right now -- be it a vibrator, a Fleshlight, or a set of ever-widening butt plugs -- you probably keep them tucked away in a drawer or a closet. Where do you park a hump scooter? This thing is furniture. Your best bet for discretion is parking it in the garage with some upturned coffee cups over the dongs.
Straight out of a Road Runner cartoon comes this egress to depravity that straddles the line between hilarious and depressingly creative. Remember when Wile E. Coyote would paint a tunnel entrance on the side of a cliff, and then the Road Runner would just run right through it as though it were real? Imagine that, only now the Road Runner is only putting his dick in the hole. And on the other side is you. Or maybe a whole party full of people eager to jiggle around some anonymous pecker. You make up your own rules.
This toy / piece of home decor exists for people who want to be smutty, but just can't commit to the level of home redesign necessary to own an actual glory hole. Sure, you enjoy random penises coming at you from other rooms, but what if it's Thanksgiving and you have the family over? How do you account for the penis-sized hole at penis level in the door? Is it for passing toothbrushes into the bathroom? Of course not; it's for dicks. Even grandma is going to figure that one out. You need a temp hole, and here it is. Ingenious.
Remember in the movie Step Brothers , the scene at the (fuckin') Catalina Wine Mixer in which Dale's dad explains to both the boys that he wanted to be a T. Rex when he was a kid, and his father ruined the dream for him? And for a brief moment he acts like a dinosaur? Imagine him, imagine the actor Richard Jenkins, stomping around a yard, and on his feet, to complete the dinosaur fantasy, is the Heeldo. Because that's all I can picture when I see this thing.
The Heeldo is a heel-mounted dildo, for those of you who need to make love to someone crawling away from behind you. Or for when you're in prayer and someone still wants to bang your foot. Or, and I can't stress this enough, for when you want to play dinosaur, but don't want to use sharp claws that can hurt people.
Realistically, we can assume this exists because the dildorati of the world demand dildos that can be mounted on anything that exists, just in case. Hence we have forehead dildos, chin dildos, knee dildos, back dildos, and now the majestic heel dildo. If you mount everything with care, you could conceivably make love to an entire basketball team without ever using your own genitals.
Are any two words in the English language more indicative a good time than "prolapsed anus?" Go ahead, try to think of anything more fulfilling on a deep, soul-enriching level. "Melting testicles?" "Transient tongue-bath?" "Urethra sriracha?" No, nothing really has the same ring to it.
In honor of the never-ending party that is a prolapsed anus -- that condition wherein your insides have been so roughly jostled and jerked about that they become curious about what lays beyond the O-ring, and head on out the back door into the world of light and panicky gasps -- someone made the Rosebud masturbator. They call a prolapsed anus a "rosebud" because if you squint and bleach your brain a little bit, it looks kind of like a rose. A rose that smells vaguely of feces, because it's actually just a length of exposed colon that popped out in a jump scare worthy of the Insidious franchise.
Medically speaking, and I say this not as a doctor but as someone who has frequently played doctor, a prolapse is literally the most Looney Tunes thing that can happen to the human ass. Beyond sticking fingers in the barrel of guns and having your own face blown off or being lit on fire in such a way that only your blinking eyes remain, nothing is quite as cartoony as the ass flower.
As sex toys go, this is definitely one you might want to double bag in the sock drawer, just so no one stumbles onto it by mistake. Because while everyone is entitled to their legal fetish of choice, it doesn't make it easy to explain things when you get off on outside insides.
I wish I could just show a picture and the name of this product and then let you bask in the sensation I felt when I first read/saw it, but human empathy hasn't evolved that far yet. So in lieu of a psychic appreciation we can all share, let me ask you a question: Do you remember Duck Dodgers In The 24 1/2th Century ? And, more specifically, Duck Dodger's ray gun? Because I think Daffy may have used this Buttzooka on Marvin the Martian, but I could be wrong.
Does the Buttzooka's trigger do anything? I don't think so. Does it need to? Not when you have a rubber grapefruit up your ass. The trigger of life has already been pulled, and you got caught in the crosshairs.
I think this toy is meant to appeal to that very small demographic of gaping ass gun enthusiasts. The Gaper NRA, if you will. And you will, because you have no choice when something this big is in your heiny. I mean, really, what are you going to do? Run away? I dare you to try. I dare you to try to do anything but waddle like a tragic, ass-blasted duck.
This is a gag shaped like a dog bone with an inexplicable hollow tongue coming out the center of it. I suppose it's not impossible for a dog to hollow out the center of its bone, then curl its tongue into a Fruit Roll-Up and stick it through the hole, so the design isn't too fantastical in that regard. For reasons I can't explain, it reminds me of the shitty dog from the Duck Hunt games who would mock your terrible marksmanship and then bound off before you were able to find a way to use your gun to give him the Old Yeller treatment.
If that sounds harsh, then please forgive me and instead focus your attention on how the website that sells this gag recommends that you use the hole in the gag for three things. Can you guess what they are? It's not what you think; it's piss, spit, or a cigar. Please never give any of those to your actual dog. Only give them to your fake dog if you're sure he or she is into it. But really, you should probably avoid the cigar, just for health reasons. Maybe you could try vaping. Doggy gag vaping. That could be a thing. I assume Rob Delaney would be into it.
I almost didn't include this thing because I didn't get it at first. It looked like a malformed dildo, and while that's novel, it's hardly noteworthy in a world full of LaBeoufs and Randy Quaids. And then I read the description, and my soul went and got itself a sweater. They call this thing "Stumpy" not because it's kind of like a tree stump, but because it's kind of like an amputee stump. Or exactly like one. It's a stump leg you're supposed to put inside you.
How do you get violated in such an unwholesome way by a stump, anyway? Who's into this sort of thing, and what manner of amputee is willing to stump you? I don't have those answers, but I am reminded of this for some reason:
As a horror movie aficionado, I'm aware that there's a curiously thin line between body horror and sexual fetish, and it seems like the two turn off the lights and dance sometimes. So this toy may be perfectly awesome and normal to a handful of people who have willingly rewatched the Human Centipede films. To the rest of us it's a Hump Stump. And man, that's just weird, isn't it? Like, for real.
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