Targeted Individual in Williamson County - Part 2

Targeted Individual in Williamson County - Part 2


Return to Part 1 of the story


In late spring/early summer of 2018, I stayed at my grandfather's (on my Dad's side) in the Dallas area (Lewisville, TX). He offered for me to stay there as he needed help with his medical stuff. Seeing it has an opportunity to get away from the gangstalking and all my dad's electronics (computers with built-in web cams, Alexa devices, several phones, Apple watches, etc.), I accepted. Unfortunately, it seemed like the gangstalking and electronic surveillance followed me there.

One Lewisville cop in particular (a little, skinny Hispanic guy who always wears sunglasses) will follow me in my neighborhood. I used to live in this same neighborhood while going to high school and I never saw a cop there, not even once, and now I'm seeing this guy all the time. When I get on my bike and do a sharp turn around, he'll be right behind me and quickly turns away to hide. He'll pull over cars to ticket them right in front of my grandpa's house. He'll park at the gas station near by and stare at me while my uncle is driving me around. Finally, his cop van and another cop van will park down the street from our house where we can see them. This didn't stop until a year later (when I had my own car) and I was driving my grandpa back from vacation. That's when those cop vans popped out of nowhere driving towards me. I felt very creepy and I don't think they knew my grandpa was in the car with me and probably noticed the concerned look on his face. It seemed to have stopped after that. If they have still been following me with GPS since, they've been so discrete about it that I can't tell for sure.

Now back to when I first moved to Lewisville...

While in Lewisville, I told my Aunt on my Dad's side about all the odd things that had been happening, especially in regards to my phone getting hacked and everyone seemingly knowing what I talked about in private. She freaked out. She said she was very concerned because she knew I wasn't crazy. She told me to document everything and that she was going to talk to her husband about it. Her husband, my uncle, had served in the US Military. After talking to him, her attitude towards me changed. When I brought up the subject again, she told me, "Don't tell me anything about it! I want nothing to do with it!" This shocked me as she was always extra kind to me growing up to the point I think I was her favorite nephew. Something concerned her enough that she didn't want to help me at all. She knew something for sure about my situation. What did her husband tell her?

After that several people in the area started to know the private conversations going on in my grandfather's house. This included:

1.) 3 physical therapists who would visit my grandfather's house

2.) 1 nurse who would visit his house

3.) 2 insurance case managers/nurses who would visit his house

4.) 4 family members who would visit his house

5.) 1 family friend/former employee who would visit his house

6.) 1 catholic priest at the wedding of a friend of the family

7.) 1 baptist pastor giving a sermon

(Note: I don't plan on revealing names here, but I have given them to the FBI.)

They would make it clear that they were listening by repeating verbatim what we said in private a few hours earlier. This behavior mostly stopped about a year later when I reported them to the FBI on my hacked phone. (It was the only device I had at the time and I thought my life was going to be ended soon when I became a Targeted Individual. More on this later.)

It was a similar pattern when I was in Georgetown, TX/Williamson County. The catholic priest there would repeat the same bible quotes I had just saved to my Google account the night before and repeat verbatim things I said in the privacy of my home. And one of my family members there seemed to know the exact words I was typing into my Google search.

It got so bad that even my grandfather, who was 88 at the time and is a easygoing country boy who knows nothing about eletronics, figured it out. While he joked about it to others (e.g. "You aren't listening to us on our cell phones, are you?"), he never talked directed to me about it as it would sound crazy.

Of course, not everyone did this. But the people who did seemed to be listening to our private conversations had at least one of the following in common: ex-police, relative of a police officer, ex-military, relative of a veteran or active duty military, or spent a lot of time on the dark web (just one family member falls into that last category). Seems like a lot of people are abusing their positions of authority and giving info and listening devices to their friends and family or even uploading it to the dark web for the fun of it.

Since my grandpa doesn't really have any electronic devices in his house, just an internet router, I suspect it is either my cell phone, his cell phone, and/or a distance microphone device being used on us by one of our neighbors. (I think I know which one after becoming a Targeted Individual as he appears to be using targeted energy weapons on me and advanced surveillance devices. More on that later.) However, I can't get rid of my grandpa's phone as his sons rely on it too much to reach him so I can't really experiment to see how they are listening to our conversations.

While in Lewisville, my mail was delivered open once and it had private financial information on it. It seems like he did this after I started filing FIOA requests through the mail. (A few months later our mailman stared me down with an angry face while wearing his army hat.) That's when I started to get the feeling some type of federal agency was involve as I doubt a mailman/veteran would risk committing a crime like that unless he had immunity. Other odd things happened like when I filed those FOIA requests for video footage that would have exposed some gangstalkers following me, the government agency claims that the mail took extra long for them to get it and that it was over their 14 day retention policy (though all government agencies I know have at least a 30 days retention policy if not more). When I filed more FOIA requests in the mail that would expose things, my aunt, on my dad's side who I told about my gangstalking experience and who is married a military man, threw my mail away while I was gone. She claimed it was an accident even though this was coming from a government agency and she gave me my other mail that came with it that was just junk mail... (I filed my FOIAs through the mail because everything appeared to be hacked, even the new computers I would use. I now do all of mine online.) Things just didn't add up. 

Becoming a Targeted Individual

Around August 2018, I moved back to my parents because I got into an argument with one of my grandfather's friends/neighbors and my grandfather wouldn't do anything about it. When I got to my parent's, my dad told me he threw away the old cameras/evidence I had. I was really upset with him.

Around November 2018 while going through our Christmas decorations, I saw a red light bulb and joked about replacing our neighbor's lights across the street. They had one green bulb on one side and one blue bulb on the other of their garage door. It was weird and I hated it. My mom said: "You shouldn't joke like that. He's an ex-sheriff deputy." I didn't know. I made the joke in the privacy of my own home, but my Dad's new security cameras were up (which he refused to take down). 

The following day I would wake up to my kidneys hurting. The next day, it felt like vibrations on my back. "Was someone drilling and causing the ground to shake?" I thought. But every day it would get stronger and stronger. And it moved from just the morning to during the entire day. Finally, it got so strong I could feel where it was coming from by putting my hand up to block it. It was clearly coming from my neighbor across the street, the the former sheriff deputy.

I remember this neighbor would always have this weird looking guy at his house. This guy looked like an ex-felon. What would an ex-sheriff deputy be doing with an ex-felon??? About a year or two prior, this guy, the one who looked like an ex-felon, acted like he was going to hit me with his van one day while I was walking the neighborhood. While these vibrations were going on, this ex-felon looking guy parked in the ex-sheriff deputy's drive way. But he wouldn't get out of the van while I was looking at him. About 15 minutes passed. Finally, when I left to do something and came back, he had gone inside the house while I wasn't there. Why didn't he want me to see his face?

The vibrations would get stronger and stronger and were being focused on my heart now. One night it felt so strong it was like my whole body was being violently vibrated by a extremely strong man. I moved to another bedroom. I heard something like a war turret moving itself and then vibrations would start again. It would follow me wherever I went inside my house, nothing seemed to block it. Even if they were using my dad's security cameras, there is no way it should be this accurate. It was always aimed right at my heart. It's like they must have some type of camera that can see through walls.

The only thing that seemed to block it somewhat was my foam bed mattress. This suggested to me it was some type of sound weapon. The other evidence of a sonic weapon are the spider webs in my backyard. They were all like tumbleweeds, completely random. They only really showed up well for the camera after it rained. Here are the pictures:

The only other time I saw a spider web like that was when it near and under where commercial airplanes took off. Apparently, low bass sounds/vibrations are made by airplanes when taking off. I guess this throws off the spider's sense of balance. I also noticed that when wasps would fly near me during these sonic weapon attacks they would go head first into the concrete ground and couldn't get back up.

My finally attempt to get away from it while there was to sleep in my parent's bedroom floor which was on the other side of the house and try to position their bed mattress and my parents (mean, but hopefully they too would finally feel it cause they thought I was crazy and didn't believe me) between me and the neighbor's weapon. But then I woke up feeling it coming from behind our house across the lake. This time it was aimed at my privates.

See this map for details on the sonic weapons and where it appeared to be coming from:

One or more of the three houses across the lake. Unfortunately, those houses were too far and dense for me to know for sure where it was coming from.

At this point, I couldn't take it anymore. It was a few days before New Year's Eve of 2018 going on to 2019. I begged my parents to take me to my grandfather's house. When I got to my grandfather's house, I could still feel a vibration on my calves while I laid in the den couch. Not only that, but it felt like it was coming from a certain neighbor. (This same neighbor gave me an angry "HEY BUDDY!!" a year ago while I was walking the neighborhood and appears to be ex-military.) It was so faint though, I dismissed it as an residual effect from before.

A week into January 2019, at night it felt like something was cooking my skin and it was being aimed at my privates. I kept turning my body to protect my privates so my rear kept getting burned. The microwaves would follow me no matter where I went in the house. (The microwave burns would leave my skin red in those places. The redness would temporarily become worse after taking a shower.) Again, they must have been using some type of through-the-wall camera to see me in his house and to be this accurate.

With all the big oak trees in this neighborhood, a satellite map isn't really helpful.

During the day, it felt like vibrations again, but this time I couldn't tell where it was coming from but if I walked it would negate the vibration so I kept walking inside the house like a crazy person. But while I was sitting in my grandpa's office desk working on my computer, it felt like those vibration were being aimed at my heart but from behind me. I know that neighbor and he wouldn't do such a thing. So I went outside to see where it was coming from. I saw a commercial plane pass by overhead (we're somewhat close to DFW Airport) so I looked up. Behind the plane was a white helicopter way up there, dual fans like it was a military helicopter. It looks like it was trying to hide behind my grandfather's oak tree. I guess I lucked out as I was able to see it perfectly through a small hole in the dense pattern of tree branches. When the helicopter left, the sensation went away. (This eerily reminds me of the white jet many claimed to have saw on 9/11 that conspiracy theorists say shot down one of the planes over a lake to hide evidence. Witnesses said it tried to hide itself in the sun when they saw it.) When I walked with my grandpa that day, I spotted the same helicopter again and showed it to my grandpa. We both talked about how far up in the sky it was, like it didn't want to get noticed. While it was there, it felt like the blood in my body was being forced down to my feet. I could barely keep up with my grandpa who was almost 90.

The next day, I saw two old men talking outside my grandpa's house. They looked like old war generals based off their army stuff they were wearing and were wearing sunglasses. One motioned his hand back and forth like he was talking about how I would walk back and forth in my house. They shook hands and parted. I was still getting burned at night with the microwaves. I said screw this. I reported all the people who I thought were involved to the FBI, turned off and covered my phone with aluminum foil, took the public bus, then the public train to Fort Worth, and got tickets for both Amtrak and the Greyhound using cash.

While waiting for the Greyhound, a soldier looking guy came into the waiting room. He had a duffel bag and I felt a slight vibration sensation coming from it. He talked to a lady about lazy punks who don't want to work for a living. When we looked at each other, he stared me down with an angry face before leaving with his bag.

The Greyhound bus to El Paso was great and no energy weapons were on me until... we got to El Paso and stopped at a light I felt microwaves on my rear. I looked around and noticed a white truck had stopped by the bus, but he left a big gap where he should have parked, which was right next to me. Its like he didn't want me to see his face. When the light turned green, the truck sped by us and had a US Marines decal on it.

When I was in El Paso downtown waiting for the Amtrak train, I could feel microwaves on my privates in certain parts of downtown. After a few hours of walking around, I thought I figured out more or less where it was coming from. It was across the tracks, so I stared looking for where it was coming from. Then an extremely overweight couple came out of their apartment on the top floor of a building across the tracks onto their balcony/stairs. They had military or camo clothing on and stared me down with an angry face. They even pointed a broom at me like it was a gun. I get the feeling they were behind the microwave weapon. It was still early January 2019 when this happened.

I'm pretty sure this was the place as I remember the metal staircase/balcony and it was one of the last buildings you could see before you had to walk under the bridge.

I waiting in the Amtrak station, even though I was still getting burned there, and boarded the train. It was night by now. I was on the top floor of the train and about an hour into it, I felt microwaves on my privates again. It was like a helicopter was following above the train and aiming microwaves at me (or maybe a satellite, but that just sounds crazy...). Even when I moved to different parts of the train, I would eventually get microwaves aimed at my privates again. I tried my best to block it, but nothing seemed to work.

By the time we got to Tuscan, AZ it was night so I got a hotel room. I stayed out at a bar late (probably to 2 AM). I went to sleep at the hotel. About an hour later I woke up to being microwaved. I saw large red spots on my butt in the mirror. (Couldn't take pictures has my phone was in foil) Soon, it felt like the vibration gun was being used on my whole hotel room. I had to get out. I went to the lobby and talked to the guy there. I would move outside, even though it was still night to get away from it. Eventually, the vibration would come back so I would move to somewhere else in the hotel. This kept on going till about 6 AM. Around that time, I went out the back way of the hotel, which looked like wasn't connected at all to the hotel. I saw a white van with a curtain over its back window and a blonde haired kid (probably in his early 20s) in it at the stop light. He saw me and got this shocked look on his face. When he left, the vibrations were gone.

I left around 7 AM to get to the Greyhound. I got lost (no phone map to use) and walked around the good/new part of Tuscan, AZ. Once I got good directions from a local. I started to walk towards the Greyhound station. Once I got to the bad part of town, as most Greyhound stations location in, I heard a helicopter. It was cloudy that day so I couldn't see it. Then I felt that vibrating gun on my heart again. But this time it felt like it was on kill mode. It was so strong, even walking wouldn't negate it. When I made it to the Greyhound, I had to wait an hour for the bus so I kept walking around the lobby like a crazy person. I lied saying that I wasn't feeling well and that walking helped. I really felt like I was going to be killed, especially if I stopped walking.

When I got on the bus, the vibration stopped only when they started the bus. About half an hour in I started to get my privates microwaved like I did on the train. There must be something above me doing this, like a jet, helicopter, or a satellite I guess. My ticket was to Las Vegas, but I didn't think I could last that long getting microwaved. I got off in Phoenix and took a taxi to the FBI divisional headquarters there. I told the FBI security gate officer I needed to report US military corruption. But they told me to call the FBI phone number and setup an appointment. I begged them to talk to an FBI agent, but they wouldn't budge. However, I had already called that number a month before and they acted like I was crazy. I saw this was a dead end.

That night I stayed in an expensive hotel in far north Phoenix that had cameras EVERYWHERE, even several pointing at the parking lot. No microwaves from the parking lot that night. :) I did hear helicopters hovering above my hotel room (I was on the top floor) which was odd since we were kind of out in an almost rural area being so far north.

The next day I paid a taxi $500 to take me to Vegas as I didn't think I could survive 12 hours in the Greyhound with my privates being microwaved. I think the taxi was about a 4 hour drive and, hopefully, this would give them the slip. That's also why I wanted to go to Vegas, those big towers you can walk under might allow me to hide from the microwaves/radar. While in the taxi about halfway there, it did seem like my privates got microwaved a bit. I did what I did on the train and moved around as much as I could in the backseat. Every time I would re-position, the microwaves would eventually get focused on my privates again. How the heck were they tracking me? (In hindsight, I only had two layers of aluminum foil over my phone. Apparently, you need 6-12 to completely block the signal and insulation between the phone and the foil for good measure. And that signal was probably easier to find once we got out into the flat desert.)

While in Vegas, it felt like I was getting hit with the vibration gun from a helicopter or something. I would try to get under the hotel rooms for cover, but they would still get to me even there. This plan wasn't working. I found an extremely cheap bus to LA, like $16, from Vegas. It was a horribly broken down bus driven by an Asian man who could hardly speak English, but for the first time I felt like I gave them the slip. Whatever building that I was waiting in for the bus must have done a good job blocking the microwaves/the through-the-wall cameras, I had booked the ticket on my new phone with a new number and new Google account, and, if it was the government, they probably didn't have any insiders at this small Asian bus company. So no microwaves or vibrations while I was on that nasty bus. :) It was the worst and BEST bus ride I've ever taken.

Unfortunately, in Los Angeles, I had to get a hotel room, which meant using my credit. (I did stay up all night once before in downtown LA as long time ago, but I just couldn't do it again. I needed sleep after that nasty bus.) I got it in the middle of the night. In the morning, the vibrations from the parking lot started again. When I took the bus to do some shopping, I could feel microwaves on my privates again. (I guess the hotel room wasn't worth it after all.) I finally took a bus to the Santa Monica pier. A helicopter kept flying by very close to me and the beach, like about 30 ft away. Some of the beach goers started to get freaked out.

I really considered walking the California coast as a homeless person. I'm pretty sure they would leave me alone then as they probably wanted me to be homeless, committed to a hospital, or jailed so I couldn't ever make that movie (more on this next), but I couldn't see myself doing that as I would probably end up starving to death.

The Decision

I felt like my best bet was that FBI Headquarters in Phoenix. It looked so new and advanced and I had lived in Phoenix for about 10 years so I knew the area well. While the FBI would probably never see me if I asked directly, I knew that if I could file and get approved a motion with the DOJ then the FBI would be required to take my case. (Also, a Lewisville neighbor hinted that if I got a job, this would all go away. That my large amount of unpaid student loans were part of the reason I was getting targeted. So I figured that I could get a high paying job in my degree (accounting) in Phoenix as that's where I worked before in my industry and I had work contacts there.)

At this point in time I still didn't know what gangstalking or being a Targeted Individual was. On my Google account I had made a script for an animated propaganda film about the US military and the Federal government. Not only did I point government out as being inherently evil, but I talked about very specific steps every US citizen could take to make it all come to an end. I figured this is what it was all about and that I was uniquely targeted and alone in my situation.

(As of writing this, I've realized I am but one of many. However, there is one certain technique they've used on me that I haven't heard anyone else talk about. No it isn't V2K. All I will say is that it was very risky of them to do it, but sounds absolutely crazy on my end if I were to explain, even to other gangstalking victims, so I won't talk about it in detail here. However, if exposed, no one would ever trust this industry again. Anyway...)

So I was going to fight it. I took a bus back to Phoenix. I finally called my dad on my new phone to help me get an apartment.

(I should note that ALL my phones have been hacked, except for that one for a short bit which I got in Vegas. When I got it in Vegas, I left my other phone in my hotel room, paid in cash, only gave my first name, no address, and I created entirely new accounts for that phone. It wasn't hacked until... I called my dad on it. So, not only do they seem to have the power to hack any phone at will (my guess is the NSA or CIA), but they probably hacked and were listening to my parent's phones and other friends and family phones to track me down. This aligns very well to the testimony of Edward Snowden of doing surveillance on friends and family of targets, and the testimony of Targeted Individuals connected to the intelligence community like NSA whistle blower Karen Steward and Dr. Katherine Horton. Dr. Horton was also microwaved by helicopters as I'm about to be further in this story.)

I eventually got an apartment in Phoenix. I made sure to get one on the corner of two intersecting highways and, of course, had a gated entrance. I figured this way it would limit their ability to microwave me from random parked cars. Little did I think it would come from apartment neighbors and their cars. Besides sleeping on the floor, the first few days were fine, no microwaves. But then I started to get microwaved. As always, they would point it at my privates. I could feel it coming from the parking lot. I was on the top floor. Even though my apartment was next to the parking lot it was coming from, I was so high up I couldn't tell for sure which car it was coming from. I'm pretty certain it was from a black car with a yellow New York license plate. I gave the number of the license plate to the FBI. (After my first failed attempt visiting the FBI division headquarters in Phoenix, I tried calling the Phoenix police. The Phoenix police tried to get me to call the insane asylum, so I never bothered calling or reporting anything to them again about it.)

When I was in the apartment shared office or at the pool, I could feel microwaves coming from a certain apartment being aimed at my privates. I did notice, that I didn't feel it in the public bathroom despite his apartment being on the other side of the wall.

That's when I started to learn a few things about microwaves. Stone does a good job blocking it (basically anything that blocks your WiFi signal also blocks microwaves as WiFi is a microwave frequency). There were stone tiles covering the public bathroom walls. Metal and water also blocks it, which are also found in bathrooms.

I also started to get vibrations in my room again. I think that might have been from being so close to the Phoenix Airport. When planes take off or land, they produce infrasound. Infrasound is bass sound you can't hear but can feeling in your body. So that was probably an infrasound weapon they were using on me in Williamson County and on that Tuscan and Lewisville helicopter. Unfortunately, you need 12 feet of rock wool insulation to block all infrasound, which is completely impractical. (This would explain why my foam mattress, which is essentially 6 feet of foam between me and them if positioned right, helped to block the vibrations a little bit.) A vibrating plate bass trap can work and is a lot thinner, but it really only works for and must be tuned for certain frequencies. Blocking microwaves isn't that hard, might be a little expensive and cumbersome, but it isn't hard if you get the right and enough material. However, from what I read if you block microwaves, they'll just switch to infrasound which is VERY hard to block.

Anyway, back to my story.

When shopping for groceries, I would get followed by a Phoenix cop car. Once I pulled out of the parking lot, he would follow me. If I took main roads or lesser used streets, he would still follow me. Not until he was about to park behind at a red light (where I would get a clear look at his license plate) did he turn away. They're making it clear I'm being followed by my phone's GPS, but I almost certainly need a phone to make it in society.

While I was in the apartment, I would sometimes see young black kids in their military uniforms. They would laugh at me when they saw me. The man living in the apartment that was microwaving me looked like an old Native America man. He would wear a US Marines baseball cap and his apartment had a US Marines welcome mat. I tried waving and being friendly with him. He eventually waved back and seemed to take a liking to me over time, but that didn't seem to reduce the microwaves coming from his apartment at all. I get the feeling that most of these perps, as they are called in the gangstalking community, just put the hardware in their dwelling and have someone remotely SSH tunnel into and control it as most of these perps appear to be extremely computer illiterate.

Besides researching this and calling the FBI again, I was looking for a job to pay for my apartment and my new car (my grandpa paid me a lot for fixing up his house and our new friendly neighbor in Williamson County paid me good money for painting and staining his house and fence, still I was going broke). While driving home on the 101 Highway in Scottsdale after a job interview, I saw a black helicopter hovering above the highway while facing me. When I got to him, he flew off in the direction of the Arizona National Guard base north of Papago Park. I had felt heat coming from the helicopter before he left. When I lifted up my shirt, my skin was all red. This happened again on the 101, no microwaves this time, but in north Phoenix. A helicopter was hovering above the highway facing me. Once I got to it, it took off in the direction of the same Arizona National Guard base.

My apartment had a ton of vehicles with the "Semper Fi" decal on it. Apparently, it means always faithful and it is a US Marine motto. But the license plates on these vehicles were always out of state and were often RVs parked close to my apartment. I noticed items getting move around in my apartment or even getting replaced. I reported it to the office, but they were certain none of their staff would do such a thing. I put up a fake security camera to scare them (all I could really afford) and they messed with it like they knew it was fake. I also noticed things in my car getting moved around, even a random piece of mail being put in my car of a north Phoenix address and the letter later got removed. (I didn't want to touch or move it as I didn't want someone claiming I was stealing mail.) The security camera system in that apartment were pretty crappy and some appeared to be broken/missing. The back security gate to the apartment was often left open.

Every time I walked outside my apartment for food or groceries (I didn't like taking my car as it seemed like I was followed everywhere I went in it and walking calmed my anxieties), it felt like something was microwaving me. But it was aimed this time broadly over my whole body. When I got home my skin would be red. I would always look in the sky for helicopters and planes when it happened, but usually I wouldn't see anything. Either they are way up there or maybe it is satellites.

After not having any success getting a good paying job in Phoenix and realizing I'm going to get microwaved no matter where I go, I decided to move back to my parent's house in Williamson County. I know it sounds crazy, but I thought about all the money my neighbor gave me for power washing and staining his fence. There were a lot of fences that needed that in the neighborhood. At least now I had a car now, and hopefully I could save up and move to somewhere safer later, and as long as I had my parents there, I would be protected to a certain degree.

My parents flew in to Phoenix to help me drive my car to Texas. We got dinner the day before leaving. We used outside sitting at a restaurant. That's when I felt the back of my head/brain getting microwaved. I think it was a final "F you" from the military/national guard in Arizona before I left.

I believe it was March or April 2019 when I got to my parent's house, and I was no longer getting hit with those sonic weapons from my neighbors but with microwaves. Again they pointed them at my privates. Not only that, but there appears to be one more house doing it now.

(One of the boys who lives in one of those houses that appear to be microwaving me from across the lake always gets a scared look on his face when he sees me. He'll even yell, "DAD!" and run away when he sees me. I have no idea what his father has told me about me. I've never talked to or even met that family.)

While I was doing yard work for my dad, the ex-sheriff neighbor across the street (who is also ex-military by the way) put his trash cans out a day early. The following day, he left his garage door up. There were no cars in the garage but there was a bed sheet hung from ceiling to floor hiding something in the corner of his garage. It seems like they really wanted to give me the impression that no one was home. I even heard a little girl in the distance say, "No one is home!" I can only assume they wanted me to trespass so his deputy friends could arrest me. I just went back inside my house instead.

When I'm out walking the neighborhood with my parents, I can feel it coming from those houses mentioned above, but also when we were way out in the middle of nowhere, where there aren't really any houses, I swear I felt it coming from the cell phone towers. Again, I know it sounds crazy but that is what i felt.

I stayed there for a month or two, but I couldn't get too many clients for staining their fences. Even when I was working on someone's house they would microwave my privates. These psychopaths truly hated me. At this point it felt like my testicles gave out. Suddenly, they didn't (and still don't) feel like they used to and my facial hair stopped growing in as fast or as thick. My sex drive is now probably about 10-15% of what it used to be. My testicles have noticeably shrunken in size.

About early summer 2019, I move back to my grandpa's house in Lewisville. I only felt the vibration coming from that one house (possibly two) and it feels like they turned down the power (especially compared to Williamson County). I get the feeling they felt bad for my grandpa when I ran off that one time (I didn't tell him because that would have tipped off my gangstalkers, but I did leave him a note). My parents told me he was upset and those gangstalkers were probably still listening to his house for clues about my location. They still point it at my privates at night, but it is easy to block by turning my body and letting it hit my butt and legs. It doesn't seem to do any damage to them. As long as they aren't microwaves, I'm willing to put up with it. Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night, it feels like they turned it off. They'll turn it back before I normally wake in the morning.

(While staying at my sister's apartment one day in Dallas, I got microwaved really badly again and some weird military guy was kind of following me around. Seems like my grandpa's place is my best bet to get the least amount of directed energy weapons on me. But now I'm afraid if I ever get an apartment or a house of my own I'll get hit harder and be stuck with a lease. (The apartment on Phoenix, luckily, let me break the lease for just one month's payment. I don't think I'll be as lucky again.) This has completely destroyed my life.)

But it did feel like I was microwaved to my face one night in Lewisville. My eyes ached the next morning and I got red marks below them similar, but not as intense, to this fellow female TI (Targeted Individual) named Midge who got confirmation from a doctor that it was radiation burns.

(I am still hoping to return to a normal life, perhaps with a salary job, that's why I'm blacking out the eyes.)

Mine might have come from just working outside on my grandpa's yard. I don't know.

Most of my burns to my rear have faded. I texted the images to my parents back then in Phoenix, but I don't know if they kept them. (I did another phone reset since then trying to get my privacy back and the pictures went with it as I had forgotten about the photos.) I still have some burn marks around my legs and butt that show up when I take a shower. Here they are as of writing this on March 2, 2020.

(Sorry for the mild nudity, but I'm pretty sure only an adult would have read this far.)

I've never had, nor does my family have a history of, skin disease. These are microwave burns done with a weapon that can travel through walls.

The worse redness while in my Phoenix apartment was between my cheek and under my cheeks as they were always trying to aim it at my privates. Those appear to have mostly faded by now or are simply too hard to me to see in the mirror. Since the weapon is used through walls, I don't always expect their aim to be super accurate, that's why these red patches are more or less around the general area they were aiming for.

If you notice on my burns, my left leg has a mark on the front and on the back. This suggests that it could have been a radiation beam that traveled through my leg that caused the burns. (My left leg appears to be my right because I took the photo in front of a mirror.)

Finally, my grandfather had radiation to treat his lung cancer. After some time, his back skin started to turn brown. It didn't look like typical tanning from the sun, but it was turning brown. The radiation doctor said that normally happens with radiation treatments as the skin is trying to protect itself. I noticed a few months ago that my privates were very brown in certain lighting, but my thighs were still pale white. No, I'm not going to post a picture here, but I think that is proof I was/am getting hit in the privates with radiation.

That's pretty much my story.

I think the only thing I forgot to mention was the low flying helicopters going over my grandpa's house (not anymore) and my apartment. When I told my parents in my Phoenix apartment I thought I was getting microwaved, that black helicopter I saw on the highway was doing tight circles above my apartment making it shake. When I stood out on my balcony I could see him doing it. He took off once he noticed me. No time to take a photo.

Now, as of writing this, I'm still in Lewisville taking care of my grandpa. I almost got a job working at UNT (worked in the cafeteria for a day but they were screwing me over on wages and parking). I applied to my old high school for a tech job, but they never got back to me. I've been studying for a computer certificate, but I haven't taken the test as I'm afraid I'll be stuck in Dallas with a "real" job once I get it.

I don't know, part of me wants to run away, not because I'm a Targeted Individual but to live a freer life. That's why I was staying at my parent's before all this happened without a job. I was sort of putting together a master plan of my ultimate life traveling the world and having fun while earning money online. Sounds silly, I know, but I had put so much time and effort into it. It was all on my Google account and after being hacked and partly castrated, things are different now. I'm hoping my sex drive will come back, but it probably won't. I'm also concerned about having children in the future. Even if I can, I'm worried about giving them some genetic defect.

So now I'm kind of in limbo, not sure what my next move is. Part of me doesn't even care about government corruption or the Targeted Individual program anymore just as long as I can be left alone. Another part of me wants to fight it and seek justice for what those monsters did to me and others.

All I've really been doing with my life as of late, besides taking care of my grandfather, is posting to the subreddit forums (r/gangstalking, r/targetedenergyweapons, etc.) with my research to help others. I take other conspiracy theories much more seriously now.

I've filed a few new FOIAs and Privacy Acts with different government agencies, but I'm not sure much will come of it. I do find it interesting that the Williamson County Sheriff Department is fighting me tooth and nail over some simple requests that clearly fall under the definition of public information. They're certainly hiding something. I feel like it might have something to do with the following:

Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory - Everything seems to point to it being in Fort Hood in Killeen, TX which is just a stone's throw away from Williamson County. All the deputies I see in Williamson County appear to be ex-military, and they/most seem to really enjoy torturing the innocent. There has to be some type of connection there. Why else run off someone (me) who comes off as a boy scout to others?

Sheriff Cody's lottery win - Jeffery Epstein's company got two lottery wins, which is very suspicious given the circumstances. It's almost as if it was rigged for his company to win. Many believe this is how the intelligence community launders money to those who do them favors. In Cody's bio, he seems to have a strong connection to the intelligence community.

Sheriff Commander Steve Deaton's social media account - Some really sick and twisted posts were liked by him. Like Pizzgate, it feels like there is more to it than what meets the eye.

Sheriff Deputy Jack Danford Jr. assault of a child - Nothing to cover up, but it just goes to their character. He repeatedly punched a little girl in the head for petting his dog. It was at a private party that the deputy wasn't even supposed to be at. This same man also shot and killed someone who was trying to get away from him. I don't know the exact facts of the case (hard to find news articles as the little girl story dominates Internet searches for his name) but it was suspicious enough for the Texas Rangers to investigate. Scum of the earth.

Try googling the above. It'll tell you something isn't right here.

Anyway, for the most part I'm trying to move on with my life.

It sucks cause I still have surveillance on me. People will once in a while pull the "let me say the sentence verbatim that you just told to your grandpa in private" thing to remind me that I'm being listened to. Lewisville and Highland Village cops will creepy follow me sometimes when it looks like I'm about to run away. Perhaps they think it'll nudge me to do so.

In a way I have my life back and in a way I don't.

I feel like the overall message sent to me was to "shut up and fall in line." They've hinted at me that if I get a job, a "real" job where I can pay off all my student loan debt and pay a good amount of taxes, then this will all stop. But from the things I've learned online, the world is in way worse shape than we think. You can't just bully people into working and think that'll prevent a collapse. And it's not just an economic collapse I'm talking about here. It's only a matter of time before some really bad stuff starts to happen in the world. While I can't let myself do nothing about it, I'm not sure what the right move is at the moment. For now all I can do is to tell my story and see how things unfold.

Keep in mind, I've always been a law abiding citizen. I don't do drugs and rarely go out at night. I kept to myself, but not in a weird way. While I did produce a propaganda film talking about the evils of government, my solution to the problem was a peaceful one (I would have never produced that propaganda film anyway as it would have been way to expensive). While I did occasionally look at weird pornography online out of boredom (as I was trapped in my own house because of the Sheriff Deputies' aggressive and dangerous behavior), I never looked at anything illegal (as far as I know) and I never visited the Dark Web/Tor. I have never hurt or abused any woman, nor would I ever do such a thing. Many female friends who know me would describe me as a nice, innocent guy, if anything they would accuse me of being too nice and friendly. I did/do not deserve to be castrated, partially or fully.

So unless you want to get castrated I would stay away from Williamson County and the Austin, TX area.

If this can happen to me, it can happen to you.

The government, at least the United States federal and local government, is clearly a silent mafia and a secret empire that is only really concerned about its own existence. To its own ends, government wants you to remain ignorant to its true nature. But, ultimately, it is a parasite that will end up killing its host if it isn't stopped. Once the public wakes up to this fact, only then we can find a solution and put an end to the evils of gangstalking and electronic torture. The first step of sobriety is to honest about what the true problem is. And that problem is government.

There is a better way, there is always a better way, but we have to work on it together to get it done. Perhaps you're the one to start the revolution.

I hope you learned something useful from my story.

All the best,

Thomas D. Collinsworth

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