Targeted Individual Update

Targeted Individual Update


Here is the prior post and the main post.

Looks like they are back to using helicopters to harassment on me. Today, August 4, 2020 slightly before 8:57 AM, a huge green tandem rotor helicopter flew over my house at a low altitude. It was loud and flying northeast. My grandpa heard it. I ran inside to check and nothing showed up even remotely close to that area. That means it must have been a military helicopter.

It looked like this:

This is a Chinook and the one I saw was probably also a Chinook helicopter.

In Lewisville, back when the energy weapons there started in 2019, I got a lot of small helicopters flying over and very close to my house. Even my dad when he was over one day said, "What the hell is that?" as one flew over our house making a lot of noise. Unfortunately, I didn't know about back then. They appeared to be mostly hospital, local news, and other private helicopters. They shouldn't have been flying that low nor did they do that before over my grandpa's house.

As I said before in my main post, I also had what appeared to be a black national guard helicopter following me in Arizona. This included doing tight circles over my apartment at what appeared to be only about 10 to 20 feet above me (I was in the top apartment).

Finally, when I was going back to Williamson County, my family stopped in Fredericksburg, TX for the fun of it. While there, a formation of military helicopters flew right at me and changed direction once getting to me.

They flew something like this pattern

But they look more like this when coming at you

When I started to get hit with energy weapons from my neighbors in Lewisville, I felt it coming on really strong (a vibration sensation aimed at my heart) from a different direction. I went outside to try to find the source and I could barely see a white tandem rotor helicopter up in the sky between the branches of my oak tree. It's like it was trying to use my oak tree to hide itself (I only happen to have looked up because a commercial airplane flew above me).

It looked something like this Boeing Sea Knight. It was WAY up there though.

It went away (and the vibration went away) but it later followed me when I was walking with my grandfather in the neighborhood. My grandpa saw it after I pointed it out to him and he also noted how high up in the sky it was. This time it felt like it was forcing my blood down to my feet. I could barely keep up with my grandfather while walking.

That's my history with helicopters.

This recent flyby seems to have been ultimately because of a FOIA request I filed. I believe I finally have good identifying information on one of my gangstalkers and they probably don't like that.

Pretty soon after that the Lewisville police SUVs kept popping up around me like they were following my GPS and trying to intimidate me. I later filed another FOIA request to get their license plate numbers and officer names.

Then it seems like this military helicopter flyby was in response to that FOIA request. I guess I can't really file a FOIA request on that helicopter. Or can I?

Also, the night before, as I got lightly hit with DEWs by my neighbor like I always do, I also got hit big time by something above me. This vibration was aim at my head and caused a lot of pain. It somehow felt different from all the other attacks from before. Today, I feel somewhat disoriented. I wonder if it is another military helicopter pointing a DEW at me once again.

That's all I have for now.

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