Targeted Individual Update

Targeted Individual Update


Here is the prior post and the main post.

While I'm updating stuff here, I thought I would add some things I've been thinking about.

First, I do believe in Lewisville that there is another house with energy weapons being pointed at me. It's been pointed at me for some time. It's hard to say when, but it does appear to have started after the house on Oakridge (which is probably the 160 Oakridge house if I had to guess) started attacking me with energy weapons.

This house appears to be on Marcus Drive. I think it is 631 Marcus Drive. It has a lifted white F-350 that has a ton of decals on it. He often has that black and white American flag with the blue strip in the middle. In my experience, those are the worst civilians and are more than willing to be the police's patsy.

Anyway, I first thought this when I would sleep as that is when the energy weapons are always used on me (mostly the vibrating one). I sleep on my left side so that my back is facing the energy weapons from the Oakridge house. When I want to sleep on my right side, I have to move my head to where my feet are to keep my back to the Oakridge house. But when I do that, it feels like energy weapons are now coming from that Marcus house. They like to aim it at my calves and my privates. But I have my legs pulled in so I don't think the Oakridge house can get to me at that angle without vibrating other parts of my body when my head is at the foot of my bed.

(It is rather automated when I get in my bed, too fast for a person to be controlling it manually. I'm guessing someone with remote SSH access to the weapons has a computer program to sense when I'm in my bed. Sounds like science fiction, but with simple AI built into cameras nowadays, it would be rather easy to program. Heck, I could do it with some Python programming language, if I had the right hardware which obviously I don't, and I'm pretty bad at programming.)

When I wash my car, where I'm near the water hose in my backyard, I REALLY get burned there. It's a place that the 631 Marcus house (with through-the-wall energy weapons as there are some outside objects still in the way) has a straight shot at me and the 160 Oakridge house has nothing but glass windows between us. I guess I'm getting cross beamed (that's kind of how your microwave oven cooks food).

Good angle to my backyard and my room which is in the northwest corner of my house. It could also be my 641 Marcus neighbor as we've had our spats before.

Certain objects can make a big difference. I'm pretty safe in my office if I'm at my desk as there is a chimney (brick, concrete, and a metal fireplace) protecting me. I'm also pretty safe on the treadmill in our sun room as we have a brick wall and metal piping in the bathroom next to me. Just google, "materials that block WiFi" and you'll see how some objects are good at blocking microwaves.

Anyway, between my bed and my car washing, I was pretty certain it was coming from that direction.

But I think I finally confirmed this with my kitchen sink...

Stainless steel kitchen sinks can act as a magnifying glass with microwaves. I noticed this effect at my Phoenix apartment as I would get burned the most when my kitchen sink was between me and the parking lot my microwaves were coming from. (I also noticed that my metal doorknob was always electrically charged when I went to open it to get in. None of my neighbor apartments gave me a shock when touching theirs with my key. Metal interacts with microwaves more so than any other material.)

Recently in Lewisville, I was really getting my privates burned at my kitchen sink, but the Oakridge house was behind me. Something had to be aiming at me from the front, but these attacks still felt like it was coming from the western direction.

With that experience, I'm certain there is a house over there attacking me.

Next, I just wanted to say I don't think we'll ever get justice with this program unless it is somehow connected to another conspiracy theory people are obsession with (like Pizzagate).

I never believed in conspiracy theories besides the JFK one. There was clearly a shooter in front the President. And everything points to the CIA being somehow involved.

But everything else I thought, "Nah, that's for crazy people."

I like to research things well, but what can I say? I fell for all the debunking of the other conspiracy theories. Until I look further into it all (as a byproduct of researching my targeting) and realized that many of them are true. You're just not going to find a YouTube entertainer who is going to do a good researching it unless the facts supports their bias opinion or the popular opinion out there (they don't want to look like a crazy conspiracy theorist after all unless that's their shtick).

I'm come to realize:

Satanic ritual abuse is real. Pizzagate is real. 9/11 was an inside job.

I laughed at these people in the past, but once you start to really look at things, there is no denying it. But even many of these conspiracy people still don't realize it is all connected.

The children of the high satanic priests that tried to tell the world what they went through often get gangstalked or targeted with energy weapons.

Like I said, the CIA seems to be connected to the JFK assassination. The CIA (and the DoD) appear to head the targeted energy weapon program. The CIA is also behind a pedophile blackmail program and satanic practices.

The Rothschilds appear to also be behind the JFK killing and at least had foreknowledge of the 9/11 attack. The Rothschilds are also connected to Pizzagate. Rothschilds are connected to satanic ritual abuse.

Rothschilds are also behind the ownership of the Federal Reserve (for all you libertarians out there).

And we keep finding these NWO occult and pedophilia symbolism all over Hollywood, different foundations, and even video games. They weren't in vogue back then as no one knew about them unless you were involved in the practice. Why are they in these products? Why is incest pushed so hard on porn sites? Are these really the most popular videos or are these fake stats pushed by the website owner? What is the agenda here? It's like it is all organized by one group who is really in control to warp and destroy of mind of the average person.

Like I said, it's all connected.

Unfortunately, I don't believe the Targeted Individual community has what it takes to stop this. There are all-stars for sure in this community, but too many people in this community are extremely dysfunctional. As such, they can't get much done by themselves and don't work well with others. That's part of the reason they ended up in the program. Go after a decent person and you'll have a good reputation, friends, and money that could potentially be used to expose the program. Like most bullies, the CIA goes after easy targets. And I put myself in a really bad position in life while I was trying to get everything together—didn't count on anyone attacking me while I was like this as I was always in a good neighborhood and I minded my own business.

Anyway, it sucks that I'm now part of this community. If I had just gotten a job sooner or had left the toxic greater Austin area, everything would have been fine. Don't get me wrong, this whole program is wrong and needs to get exposed, but there isn't much I can do here to expose it on my own and, like I said, these people are too dysfunctional to work with. My family doesn't believe me and that's really the only resource I have to fight this.

If I do anything, I'll probably try my best to expose Pizzagate with some good people. Eventually, I might tell them that I'm a Targeted Individual and what that means. Perhaps then we can work together to end the program.

Until then, I'm all alone.

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