Targeted Individual Update

Targeted Individual Update


Here is the prior post and the main post.

I read about another Targeted Individual saying how his Internet ads were aimed at him in a very disturbing way. I had the same experience and planned on putting that evidence in this post. However, while I did document and take screenshots, it still looks like weak evidence on my part. I think a Supreme Court justice said that when it came to passive aggressive behavior (which is a similar strategy to what is being done here: discrete harassment of others), "It's hard to describe but you know it when you see it." If it was happening to you, you would know right away what they were doing, but it would be hard to convince others. I don't want to sound crazy, so I probably won't ever post that evidence here. (I did have some very good/believable situations in the past, but I didn't think to take screenshots back then.)

So, instead, I thought I would post some other evidence that is more undeniable. Here are some things that were sent to my phone. Clearly they were messing with me.

After getting a new number and phone (an iPhone before I got my current phone), I started to get weird text from someone while at my grandpa's from a 830-480-08_ _:

I don't want to publish the phone number as someone else might own it now. When the guy finally sends his face, he looks to be about fifty four years olds would be my guess.

Despite ignoring him, he kept sending me text and photos:

Not the guy.

Towards the end of 2018, I moved back to my parents because of the fight I had with my grandpa. When my cyber gangstalking started around 2017, I stopped watching all porn. They always knew what I was looking at despite what device I was using and would rub it in my face. I didn't have an actual computer (only a Chromebook and a phone) so I couldn't install more advanced software to guarantee my privacy (or at least for it to feel private enough for me), so I had stopped looking at porn altogether.

Back at my parents I finally got bored and watched some softcore porn on Amazon Prime on the smart TV in my bedroom. While watching a documentary about Brazilian prostitutes (I was bored), I started to get these sent to me:

That's the guy.

No coincidence. They were clearly listening to me.

"They" obviously includes some of the Williamson County sheriff deputies, but who else? Why do these thugs also appear to know what I'm doing in the privacy of my own home?

My guess is that it involves the CIA. If you look at their history (Charles Manson, The Finders, MK Ultra, drug runs into Mena, Arkansas/possibly murdering little kids to hide it, hacking US Congress members, etc.) it fits their modus operandi. They see themselves as above the law and involve other criminals in their operations.

I'm also certain it involves the DoD as veterans and active military seem to hate me wherever I go and will use energy weapons on me all the time. From my understanding (my father goes to a lot of military bases as a civilian), each commander does as he pleases. Thus he's the real boss which make each base basically it's own country. So, yes, there is a lot of conflict between the CIA and DoD, but there is also a lot of teamwork as well depending on what commander is involved. Since my propaganda film exposed them both as being evil, I'm sure they didn't mind teaming up against me.

(The NSA is the cyber intelligence arm of the DoD. So when I mentioned the DoD I also mean the NSA. That would probably explain why when I get a new phone and phone number with new online accounts and protection software, it almost instantly gets hacked. I don't think any other hacking group could pull that off. From understanding the FBI does less bad stuff, but they either cover it up for or won't confront the CIA/DoD.)

It seems like the overall message to me is to "shut up and be a worker drone."

I have some evidence to support this. Before I left my grandpa's for the first time, I built a garden area for him. We wrote this text on a stone:

While at my parents, that ex-sheriff deputy neighbor started to use that vibration gun on me and kept increasing the power until I couldn't take it anymore. So I moved to my grandpa's. That's when that ex-military neighbor started to microwave me from his house.

I saw that stone again and the word "work" was perfectly rubbed off. I think it was their way of telling me to get a job and it'll stop. It's all about control with these freaks. I told my mother about the stone while on the phone with her. I didn't think to take a picture of it and later the stone had other parts rubbed out. I guess they heard me and were trying to cover their tracks. (It was probably my Uncle as he doesn't have to worry about getting caught trespassing at my grandpa's and is ex-military. I'm certain that he listens to my private phone calls. Though, I doubt he knows about the energy weapons. He was probably just "following orders" as they would say it.)

I put like 10 clear coast on that sucker. There is no way the word would get rubbed off like that. I took off as your instinct isn't to go get a job while you are getting cooked alive in the privacy of your own home.

Here is the stone as of today:

It was just the word "work" before they rubbed off a little bit everywhere else to make it look like natural wear and tear.

I don't really care to work for a society/government where I will be tortured for not doing so. Like I said before, I'm a law abiding citizen who minds his own business and pays his bills and taxes. (I might not have a full time job or make much, but I always find a way to pay them.) What major war are we fighting that I need to be working to pay more taxes to the government? The answer is none and there won't be one. All that the people of this earth really want is peace.

So please give me mine and leave me alone.

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