Targeted Individual Update

Targeted Individual Update


Here is the prior post and the main post.

I want to talk about my prior post. I saw a similar device on the other side of Lewisville Lake. About a week ago, my uncle took us kind of joy riding because of the virus. I think it was at the Colony that I saw a power coming off a power line to a grey box and antenna similar to the photos I saw off of Google maps.

While the device was in a commercial area, I assume it has something to do with the lake.

This post is about my phone. I got an EMF reader and my phone only uses up to 4G. Usually, when I lock my phone, it'll give off a little bit of radiation for about a minute and then go to about 0.005 - 0.000 mW/m². The 0.005 is probably from other signals in the area.

After riding around with my Uncle, I noticed Lewisville cops parked or driving in front of us like they knew where we were. Not just our GPS, but like where we were going, like they were listening to our conversation. If you read my main post, you'll know a TON of people seem to know my private conversations in my house. Like I said in it, it is either my phone, my grandpa's phone, or a neighbor with a listening device.

Once I got home I test my grandpa's phone after locking it. Nothing.

Then I tested my phone after locking it. It was going crazy, like the mic was hot.

Keep in mind the following:

  • My WiFi is off
  • Just got a system update that morning
  • No app updates were going on, I checked
  • No other apps were on, I cleaned them out

While I know there could be a background app running at the root/hidden level, I found it too much of a coincidence.

This is the one phone that didn't appear to be hacked for the longest time. I bought it in Vegas with my other phone in my hotel room, paid in cash, and only gave my first name (no address given). It wasn't until I called my father that they, whoever they are, started to give many clues that my conversations and phone Internet history were known to them. Once I got that new phone, it seems like those energy weapons stopped being used on me for a few days until I got a hotel room with my credit card (can't get a hotel room without a credit card, unfortunately).

That means my friend's and family's phones are probably also being listened to (per Edward Snowden this is protocol for anyone that is deemed a domestic terrorist) and once the weapon stopped with my new phone number, it probably confused them that I could be someone else so they didn't want to aim weapons at me until they were for sure. Thus, these satellites and/or military aircraft are using our phone's GPS to find us and then probably a more advanced camera/radar to aim these weapons (like I said before, they are super accurate and can be aimed at specific body parts).

Back to Lewisville, TX...

These two cops are probably the same ones gangstalking me at my grandpa's when I first moved there. The first one, a young, skinny Hispanic fellow who always wears sunglasses would find excuses to park his car in front of my house with his police lights on.

About a year later, two Lewisville police vans would park all the time on our street, down it a little where I would seem them from my kitchen. I assume it was the Hispanic fellow and one of his friends. It stopped once my grandpa noticed their unusual behavior and they saw the confused look on his face (he was in my passenger seat at the time and I don't think they expecting him there).

Back to the recent event, two Lewisville cop vans were parked in a commercial parking lot as we were turning on to the street to Grandy's (what we talked about going to about 15 minutes before and it is off the highway, so there was really only one exit/entrance to get there from our direction). As we start to leave Grandy's one of those police vans drove right in front of us.

It fits their MO. They always park or drive in such a way that not only are they following me but they want me to know and be scared or something.

It seems like they always keep their distance now so I can't see their license plate, face, or police number on their van.

Speaking of which, when I first saw that structure by the lake in Lewisville I talked about in the previous post, I saw that weird Marine guy out on his lawn. When he saw me he went back in his house. While I driving away a Lewisville van drove past me and to his house. Suspicious. I looked back and got his number:

Lewisville Van #: 4130

Day: Thursday

Date: 4/9/2020

Time: 10:40 AM

I would love to get the van numbers of those two Lewisville cops so I can get their names. That's probably why they follow me from such a far distance using my GPS.

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