Targeted Individual Update

Targeted Individual Update


See my prior posts here, here, and here.

I know I said I wouldn't mention names here, but there has been a few more people who seem to be listening to private conversations that I haven't submit to the FBI. I didn't think the FBI was involved, but since I've submitted my evidence to them my research has led me to believe there is at least a part of the FBI are covering things up, so I figure I'm probably better off making some names public. And submitting it here will save me from having to submit it/rewrite about it for the FBI.

By law, every month my grandpa has to visit his pain doctor. We usually go around the 13th as his drugs are supposed to be available by the 15th.

The doctor he sees is Dr. John Broadnax in the Advanced Pain Institute of Texas at Medical City Lewisville, TX. The front office woman (Hispanic woman probably in her 30s or 40s, has tattoos on her back; she was the only one there at first, but now she has one or two younger Hispanic woman working with her) always seemed to know our private conversations. For example, I would talk to my grandpa about wanting to run away from it all the day before and the next day she would joke to us about running away from it all. She did this at least three times refering to various conversations my grandfather and I had in private.

I would dread having to see her to make our appointment time knowing she would make some type of comment like that and I couldn't call her out on it without sounding crazy. However, she did stop in the last few months.

It seems like no one else in the office knew our conversations or, at least, didn't bother playing head games like that, except for Dr. Broadnax. I remember telling my grandpa that I liked him (before I knew he was listening to our private conversations, of course) and I liked it how that one time he crossed his hands to shake ours. When we went to go see him for that month, he crossed his arms to shake our hands. That stuck out in my mind, but I knew it could be just a coincidence.

When my dad took us to see the Dr. Broadnax (my dad just happen to shown up to visit us) in January 2020, Dr. Broadnax first talked about and after meeting my dad if we were "living the dream or dreaming to live." He said it like he was somewhat hesitant to say it. It was weird, but my dad is notorious for saying "I'm living the dream" in a sarcastic tone when talking to his coworkers, so much so I've heard them make fun of him for it.

(I should note when on the phone with my father and mother, there can be a weird echo sometimes. One time we've heard someone say what we said back to us in a taunting voice.)

For our February 2020 appointment, Dr. Broadnax first started talking about if we were all about "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." I feel like that was a stab at me and my libertarian views.

There is another person who seems to be listening in to our private conversations. Our new case manager form Humana. I've never gotten her last name, but her first name is Ena. She too would drop hints that she had been listening to our private conversations. She was a lot more sublet about it than my grandfather's prior nurses and physical therapists, but she has done it enough that I'm certain. Our prior case manager from Humana did the same thing. I submitted the prior case manager's name to he FBI back in January 2019.

I did want to add that I find it odd that the worst of the worst are usually motorcyclist/gang people. The first man who used the energy weapons on me appeared to be in a motorcycle gang (at least he rode those bikes all the time and would rev his engine in the neighborhood like an idiot). My neighbor in Lewisville who first started to use energy weapons on me there rides a motorcycle all the time. It's like all these motorcyclists are turning to energy weapons and making friends in the police to make sure everyone is scared of them. It's a shame that the FBI have essentially "partnered" with these gang members.

Finally, this article about the NRO dated August 2019, talked about how the NRO is being forced to slowly reveal roughly 200 NEA locations (hidden satellites). It notes that many NRO officers in various DoD locations seem to be very nervous about it. Regardless, hidden satellites seem to be the perfect way to discretely microwave innocent citizens from above.

Per my paperwork, it was January 21, 2019 at Camelback Kia (1450 E. Camelback Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85014) when I was getting hit in the privates from above. It either had to be a helicopter or a satellite, as I don't believe a plane or jet would be able to focus like that or, at least, I should be to feel the beam move somewhat over time, which it didn't. Per the paperwork, it has a time of 12:25 PM on so it was probably a little bit before that as I remember it happening as I was in the lobby waiting to sign the paperwork.

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